Page 41 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THRI% SPORTS Intra-Murals - Basketball - SPORTS Terrors Hold Loyola Cagers 16-16 BOXING SCHEDULE at End of First Halt- Lose 42 -28 FAN FODDER Feb. 17-University of W. Va .... Away Away Feb. University of Maryland. 18- Feb. 22-Loyola College Away Murr~y's Shooting Wins the First BASKETBALL SCHEDULE By ttpat" Mahoney Mar, ll-Penn State College Home League Game Over Hopkins Feb. ll-Gallaudet College Away TERROR MITTMEN BOW TO Loyola came to Westminster Tuesday Feb. 14-J ohn Hopkins Univ Home Terrors Fail to Mar Navy's Home ·Record night, February 7, and played the Green Feb. 18-University of Md _Away NAVY IN FIRST BOXING Terrors in their second basketball game Feb. 25-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Away Western Maryland's ring aggregation shot a broad- Navy's unblemished side at the protective armor shielding of the current season. The first game Feb. 28-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Home home record, but the destructive efforts of the Terrors were MEET OF 1933 SEASON had been won by the Greyhounds on Mar. 5-Penn Military College ... Away not pot.ent enough to break down the barrier. The Terrors their floor and they were schednled to Western Maryland's ring representa- triumph again by a comfortable margin. were forced to content themselves with a few dents in this tives made a valiant attempt to put IJ escutcheon which covers a record of never having been de- But the Terror artists had improved 12 points. He also did some fine guard- feated in the home ring since Spike Webb took up his black mark on Navy's spotless. home rec- greatly since their first encounter and ing and floor-work. Mergo tallied six "Pat" coaching reign at the Naval Academy some twelve or thir- ord, but their efforts were without re- Mahoney until the second half looked as though points and Murray as stated above, real- teen years ago. ward as the Tars forced them to take a they were going to knock the dope buck- ly performed some wonderful shooting. place alongside of the other teams who et for a loop. They grabbed a lead at For Hopkins, Don Kelly and Caleb While the 5%-2% score might indicate that Navy's ringmen were have been attempting that sort of thing the opening whistle and maintained it Relly scored nine points each. on the whole vastly superior, the truth of the matter is that they were for the past several years. extended in almost every case before the bouts were terminated. When until a minute or two before the first one considers that of the eight Terror fighters participating in the Mathias gave the Terror followers a half ended. Beltz and Carlin, visiting ray of hope for a Middie scalp when he forwards, sank some long shots and at NAVY, 45; W. M., 18 match, three were entering the ring for the first time and that the total took a hair-line decision from Dolan in four of the remaining five did not exceed six ring en- experience of the intermission the score stood 16-all. The Terrors traveled to Annapolis on counters, the showing made by the Green and Gold mitmen was any- the second bout of the evening after The second half was the same old Wednesday, February 1, where they met thing but displeasing. Western Maryland's 115 lb. representa- story. Gone was the Terror teamwork ; the Navy and came back on the short end Although the style of fighting employed by the two teams varied' tive had gone down under Wright's Loyola took command and although the of a 45-18 score. The Tars were the markedly with the individual performers, there was an element of knockout blows. Their aspirations were Terrors fought hard individually, the overwhelming favorites and were so con- sameness in almost all of the methods employed by the representatives short-Jived, however, as the Terrors Greyhounds couldn't be stopped. Beltz fident that they started their second of both schools in the respective weight classes. Cautiousness was the dropped the next two bouts by the and Carlin started dropping them in team. The Terrors quickly took advant- keynote of the attitude shown by the Navy standard bearers in the knockout route. The final 5% -2~~ score from the outside and while the Terrors age of this fact and ran up a 6-2 lead early part of the fight, contenting themselves with sizing up their oppo- gave the Middies a three-point margin were adding 12 points to their first pe- before the first Navy five took the floor. nents. In the second and third rounds they "would invariably attempt of victory. The defeat suffered by the riod score, the Greyhounds were adding Even this didn't daunt the hard -fighting to become the aggressors and take advantage of the weaknesses dis- Terrors was not without its soothing 26 markers. The final score was Loyola, Stahley men, and they battled the regu- covered' in the first period. ,"f{ estern Maryland's men employed, for ointment as the match revealed a clever 42; W. M., 28. lar five to a standstill. Three minutes the most part, a counter-fighting style and were at their best when fighter in the person of Andy Gorski, Carlin and Beltz led their team in before the first half ended, the score was fighting themselves out of the corners or off the ropes. The styles of and a determined battler in Mathias in scoring. Mergo and Mahoney tallied the tied at 10-10. Then in rapid succession, fighting blended nicely to give the spectators lots of action, and there , the featherweight class. most for the Terrors. the Navy sank three field goals and ad- was not a dull spot on the entire program. Gorski, participating in his first inter- Saturday night the Terrors go to ded three fouls, which gave them the lead Andy Gorski, whose boxing career was launched some three weeks , eollegiate engagement, earned the plaud- Washington where they play Gallaudet at hal':' time, 19-10. ago, turned in a splendid performance in earning a draw with Herold, its OT-the crowd by getting a draw with CoIlege. Coach Stahley expects to bring The second half resembled a foot-race. in his first intercollegiate fight. Gorski was cool and unalarmed under his more experienced rival. Andy plod- this' one back in the bag. Gone was the unity, teamwork, and fine fire and displayed' unusual ring generalship in forcing his way inside ded after his taller opponent and landed passing of the Terrors. The fast break- his opponents guard to SCore telling blows on his taller adversary. If freely once inside the long range shelling Line-up for W. M.-Loyola game: ing Navy five, off times, found the Green Gorski's development is as marked during the remainder of the season of the Navy fighter. W. M. G. F. Total and Gold basket unguarded. While the as it has been these past few weeks, Coach Harlow can count on a sure Miller, Neuman and Archie Wright, Murray (F) 1 0- 0 2 Tars added 26 points to their total, the point-winner in future ring encounters. the Tar Captain, were the most impress- Ferguson (F) 0 2- 3 2 Terrors were able to add merely 9. Both ive of ~ ayy 's winners. All three turned coaches substituted entirely new men Bernie Kaplan Wins Handily in knockout victories over their Terror Mergo (F) 5 0- 1 10 during the last few minutes of play, adversaries. Miller, especially, showed a Sadausky (F) 0 0- 2 0 Coach Stahley because he wanted to save Bernie Kaplan turned in the most impressive victory of the -even- real wallop in winning his bout. Ryscavage (C) 2 3- 3 7 his men for a Maryland League game the ing, except for those bouts which were terminated by knockouts. Kap- Bernie Kaplan, who was the cleverest Hurley (G) 0 0- 0 0 following night. lan repeatedly maneuvered his opponent out of position to score many Terror to perform in the roped arena, of even the slightest opening in his oppo- points by taking advantage Lipsky (G) 0 0- 0 0 Although defeated, the Terrors were nent's defense. turned in a neat piece of work in check- Willis (G) 0 0- 0 0 the first team this year to push the Tars Except for the draw in the 165-lb. class the Keyser-Me Naughton ing Lambert in the light-hea.vyweight in did Kaplan Repeatedly class. weave Mahoney (G) 2 3- 3 7 to any great extent on their home floor. fight was the closest bout of the evening. The Midshipman had' trouble Johnny Wilson, the Navy coach, remark- getting inside of Keyser's left jab, but when he did get in, he usually to pile up points for the referee's de- ed that "This Western Maryland team cision, and at no time after the first few 10 8-12 28 scored freely with both hands. Keyser used his left jab to keep his ad-- had the best potential ability of any versary at bay; but once in trouble Keyser was always willing to ex- minutes was the ultimate outcome in Loyola G. F. Total Green Terror team that had ever come to change blows and several interludes during which the two fighters doubt. Mathias' victory Beltz (F) 5 4· 5 14 Annapolis!" He further added that stood toe to toe and slugged it out were interspersed during the bout. class was the result in the featherweight of a clever counter- Rehkopf (F) 0 0- 0 0 they would make somebody step before The Terror fighter finished strongly, but his efforts were not impressive attack brought into play when he was ended. schedule their enough to the referee to counteract Carlin (F) 5 2- 4 12 early rounds. the work of his adversary in the rushed by the Tar battler. Both fighters on their team Taneyhill (C) 1 1 1 3 best Navy had in the country. two of the Harrison performing for the first time in the 115-lb. class surprised employed toe to toe slugging methods In Lough- players Bender (G) 2 2- 2 6 lin, a guard, they had an all-American the audience by extending Archie Wright, the Navy. captain through- when in close quarters, and the 4000 spec- Carlin (G) 1 5- 5 7 man, who led them ill scoring with 14 out the first round. Skeets was the aggressor and kept after the Tar tritors were treated to a slug-fest for the points, while Berries, a forward, who is leader every second. Shortly after the commencement of the second- greater part of the engagement. Dolan aggressiveness shaded 14 14-17 42 the leading state scorer, followed him stanza he failed to cover up against Wright's hooks and a hard left by virtue of his in the first round, but the Terror fighter with 12 points. For Western Maryland, ended the scrap. Ryscavage, who played a fine, all-around Calvert and Brown were opposed by experienced mitmen and the Marylander evened matters in the HOPKINS, 28; W. M., 31 game, was high point man with 5 points. handled themselves nicely until their final rounds. second stanza and went on to win in the The Terrors played their second game Mathias kindled a ray of hope in the hearts of the Terror followers final period. on Page 4--Col. 2) (Summary in two successive days against Johns by pounding out a close decision in the 125-lb. class. Both contestants Hopkins in Baltimore on Thursday PASSING IN REVIEW in this class packed lots of dynamite in both fists. Dolan was the ag- night, February 2. The previous night gressor most of the time and his " weaving in" tactics were the means the Terrors had been licked overwhelm- (Continued from Page One) of producing a nice counter-attack on the part of the Terror scrapper. Opera House ingly by a strong Navy team. As usual stupendous robberies have amounted to Frequently the Middies onslaught would force Mathias to the extremi- they were the underdogs. Hopkins ex- untold millions belonging once to mil- ties of the squared' arena, but he invariably showed to good advantage WESTMINSTER, MD. pected to take them in stride and push lions of people. His crime j" known and in fighting his way off the ropes or clear of the corners. The Mary- them deeper into the cellar position. But yet today he is a free man, happy and lander was always in position to cover up after exchanging blows with the Hopkins supporters were unduly unmolested in his native country. Things his adversary and picked up many points in this way. Mon., Tues., February 13-14 shocked when the Terrors displayed a have come to a deplorable state of affairs On the whole the fights were cleanly fought and productive of brand of ball, grim determination and " when such a condition exists! much action, which does much to warm the hearts of the spectators "WHISTLING IN THE spirit which wouldn't be downed. They His trial was a farce, comical in its toward the game. If the scrappers perform as commendably during DARK" fought hard, and aided by the remark- mere formality. A Greek citizen who had the rest of the season as they did in the opening match, more than one With a large cast able pinch shooting of Will Murray, beat no saving representing the hard work vi win should be marked up on the right side of the ledger .. Hopkins 31-28. This win brought Hop- a lifetime invested in Middle West Utili. Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 15-16 kins and Western Maryland in a tie for ties shouted, "Long Live Greek Jus- "CENTRAL PARK" the cellar position in the Maryland Inter- tice! " Five supposedly unprejudiced Collegiate Basketball League. justices of the COUTtliterally ignored the GRIFFIN'S With Joan Blondell-Wallace The game throughout was very close. mass of evidence piled up against In- Ford First one team, then the other, would sullos, and handed down the following Chocolate Sodas lOc with Whipped gain the lead. The score at half time verdict : "It does not becorr.e evident Fri. and Sat., Feb. 17-18 was tied at 13-13. When the second that Mr. Insullos committed the offenses and Ice Cream "THE STOKER" point lead which they retained until of which he is accused." With Monte Blue canto started, Hopkins gained a three- Evidently Insull had enough of his ill- CARAMEL SUNDAE _... . __ IOc about five minutes of the game remained. gotten gains to set Greek justice in mo- RUM SCOTCH SUNDAE .. _ _. _. . . IOc At this stage, Murray entered the game. tion in a manner favorable to him. Now BUTTER SCOTCH SUNDAE .. _ _ lOc Mon. and Tues., Feb. 20-21 The score stood Hopkins, 26; Western he is planning with Hellenic bankers to CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SUNDAE IOc "MISS PINKERTON" Maryland, 23. Murray immediately sank exploit railroads, electric concerns, and FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE .. 15c With Joan Blondell and a long one. Kelly of Hopkins came back draining projects in the true Insull man- HOT FUDGE SUNDAE .. _.... _. 15c George Brent with a basket. Hnrley got two fouls. ner. One would have supposed that such CHOCOLATE PECAN NUT SUNDAE _. 15c The score now was Hopkins, 28; West- gross criminal injustice was not possible HOME MADE ICE CREAM ern Maryland, 27. in this day and age. Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 22-23 HOT TOASTED SANDWICHES PLATE LUNCHES Murray saved the day by sinking. an- "ONE WAY PASSAGE" other long one and dropping in a foul CANDY-SODA With William Powell and shot. Ryscavage was fouled as the COME TO CIGARETTES Kay Francis whistle blew and he sank his shot for "MOTHER'S" good measure. Griffin's Goodie Shoppe This victory warmed the hearts of the CANDY, SOFT DRINKS AND Fri. and Sat., Feb. 24-25 Terror fans and they look forward to Opposite State Theatre "THIS SPORTING AGE" more victories in the league . SANDWICHES WE SELL AND DEVELOP FILMS With Jack Holt . Hurley led the Terrors in scoring with
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