Page 37 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SPORTS Intra-Murals - Basketball - Boxing iSPORTSI Western Maryland Cagers Force BOXING SCHEDULE Washington College Contest Into FAN,.. F 0 D D E R Feb. 4-Navy Away Extra Period, But Lose 34 -31 Feb. 17-University of W. Va Away By "Pat" Mahoney Feb. 18-University of Maryland.Away Was Second Defeat By Shoemen BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Feb. 22-Loyola College Away Within A Week Indoor Ice Hockey Gains Popularity Mar. ll-Penn State College Home Fpb. I-Navy ., " Away VICTORY OVER BUCKNELL Feb. 2-J ohns Hopkins Uuiv . Away The rapidity with which indoor ice hockey· has come outdoor version of hockey had' always been popular the un- BACHELOR'S AND DELTA Feb. 7-Loyola College '" .Home to the fore in the last several years is surprising. While the Western Maryland traveled to Chester- Feb. 11-Gallaudet College , .Away town, Maryland, Saturday night, Janu- Feb. 14-John Hopkins Univ Home. certainty of weather conditions made anything but intra- PI'S WIN GAMES IN INTRA- ary 21, where they repaid the visit of Feb. 18-University of Md Away community competition impossible. Then modern inven- Washington College and met them in Feb. 25-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Away tion conceived the idea of constructing ice rinks indoors; MURAL BASKETBALL their second basketball' game of the Feb. 28-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Home "Pat" it was then that ice hockey began to mount the heights of week, Washington College having played Mar. 5-Penn Military College ... Away Mahoney popularity. OUi' Northern brethren are, no doubt, familiar in Westminster on Tuesday night, on with the game and its development, but for the benefit of those who On Tuesday 24, the Delta Pi Alpha the Terrors' home court. The Shoremen reside below the Mason-Dixon line we 'will attempt to describe indoor cohorts defeated the Black and White had licked the Green and Gold by a 35-27 covered themselves on the short end of ice hockey and its characteristics. basketeers 11-10. score and naturally expected to beat the score, after they had tackled the Ice hockey, as it is now played, ranks with baseball, football and With the score tide at 9·9 in the clos- them on their own home floor by a com- Green and Gold, but Penn State, coach boxing as a major form of entertainment. It combines speed, skill, ing minutes of the game, Strassbaugh, fortable margin. Stahley's Alma Mater, found the Terrors stamina, team play, d'isregard of personal injury, contempt for the Delt forward, sank a beautiful shot to This expectation was rudely shocked easy pickings and licked them by an ov- other fellow's feelings, and a great deal of roughness. It is needless to give his team a two-point lead. Then a~ when the Terrors grabbed a 5·point lead erwhelming score. point out that any sport 'which contains all of the aforementioned ele- the final whistle sounded, Boyd scorer'. and enjoyed a 2-point margin at the co n- The Bucknell encounter found the Ter- ments has a decided appeal in drawing the cash customers through the on a foul shot for the last point his elusion of the first half. rors displaying real pass work and click- turnstiles. Evidence of this is apparent in the continued growth of team made. During the second half each team con- ing, but when they hit Penn State, every- hockey gate receipts despite the present depression, which has a tinued to play fine ball, and the regular thing seemed to go amiss. Their' passing strangle hold on the pocket-book of the average sport devotee. Black and Wh~te D'eUa Pi Alpha game ended in a 27-27 tie. To start the was erratic, their' guarding very bad and The origin of the game is still a matter of conjecture, but the better J. Randall R.F. Jaeger extra period, Hodgson sank a goal for in their general all-around play nothing players are Canadian born and trained. While in reality it is the na- Martin L.F. Strassbaugh the Shorcmen, then Shepherd retaliated seemed to go right. Especially was this ticnal game of the Dominion it is well supported' ill our Northern states Delaney C. Wright for the Tenors. Again Hodgson came noticeable during the second half "hen and is fast gaining popularity along the Atlantic seaboard. Read R.G. Hissey through with a basket, giving Washing- Penn State shot baskets at will. Ice hockey does not have as many fatalities as our intercollegiate Boyd L.G. Kesmodel ton a two-point lead. During the reo At Bucknell the Terrors got off to an football ranks, but it is not the fault of tbe contestants. They smash The Juniors whose place in the Intra- mainder of the time, five! fouls "ere earlj: lead, which Bucknell overcame and into one another with reckless abandon and flying sticks have little re- called, Washington making three out of maintained until a few moments after gard for the heads upon which they descend. With such treatment, mural League has been taken by a team three and the Tenors two, the final score the start of the second half, when the naturally, veteran players carry around scars and lumps as mute testi- from the Seminary, nosed out the Frosh being 34-31 in the Shore men 's favor. Terrors hit their stride, did some excello mony of physical damage sustained; but few ever complain. It is ali 12-10 in a close game. This game was a sizzling encounter ent passing, cutting, and wound up with part of the game; all of the players wear protective armour. If the;}) It was the first win for the Juniors, from beg:lllling to end. Every basket a victory by a 32-19 score. didn't there would not be enough of them left to finish out a campaign who came from behind in the last quar- was earned and close guarding by both Hurley and Ferguson were the high The standard' equipment used by the hockeyists includes shoulder har- .ter to annex the win. teams was a feature. For the second point men, but the other boys sent into ness, elbow pads, shin guards, upholstered shoes, long stockings, jer- Frosh Semimary time this year the Terrors appeared to the fray did some good floorwork and de- seys, short trunks, and suspenders instead of belts. The goal-keepers be working as a unit. Coach Stahley serve credit and a share in the victory. seek safety behind barriers of padded leather as protection against the Markline R.F. Moore seems to be getting a combination to- At Penn State the game was a nip swiftly flying puck, which at times travels with force sufficient to Riley L.F. Robins gether tha.t will work smoothly. If this and tuck affair until the second half break bones or inflict deep gashes. Daneker C. Jones . game means anything, future opponents when Penn State went wild and the Tel" Wynne R. G. Flater will have to step to trim the Terrors. rors had nothing with which to stop A team is composed of six players, but because of the immense Campofreida L.G. Littlecott Mergo and Mahoney led the Terrors in them. The score at intermission was amount of energy a contestant is forced to use up, substitutions are un- On Tuesday, January 17, a smooth scoring while Proudfoot led the Shore- 16-8 in favor of Penn State. The final limited and frequent. It is physically impossible to maintain the dis- working Gamma. Beta Chi quint took the men: tally was Penn State, 43; Western Mary- play of speed' and stamina the game requires for a straight stretch of Delta Pi Alpha basketeers into camp, The line-up and summary: land, 15. time. The purpose of the game is to hit a rubber disc into a cage six feet by four feet, guarded by the goalie. However, once the skirmish 16-14. WASHINGTON has commenced anything is liable to happen. Sometimes the proceed- A t the half the Gamma Bet's led G. F. T. MISS GODWIN OF MD. P. ings take on the form of modified mayhem, but it all comes under the 10-8, but in the second half the defense Giraitis, f............ 2 0-0 4 head of "good clean fun" and both the performers and the patrons of both teams tightened up very notic- Proudfoot, f.......... 4 1-1 9 A. L.TALKS TO W. A.A. ON seem to enjoy it immensely. ably and the scoring was held to a mini- Skipp, c.............. 0 0-0 o NEW BASKETBALL RULES Do You Know: mum. Ward, g............. 3 1-2 7 Huey, g............. 2 3-3 7 That Navy's fast-moving basketball team has averaged close to 50 Gamma Beta Chi Delta Pi Alpha Hodgson, g.......... 2 1-1 5 The Women's Athletic Associa tion points per game this season. D. Moore R.F. Jaeger Johnson, g........... 0 2-2 2 held its regular monthly meeting on Jan- That the University of Maryland's boxing team got off to an aus- Holmes L.F. Randle uary 16, in the Y. W. C. A. Room. The picious start by soundly trouncing the cadets of Virginia Polytechnic Murray O. Wright Totals 13 8-9 34 outstanding number on the program was Institute by a 6-2 margin. Tyson R. G. Kesmodel a talk on the women's revised basketball WESTERN MARYLAND That Buzz Borries, Navy's stellar court performer, has totaled 95 Speicher L.G. Hissey rules and Maryland State basketball G. F. T. news by Miss Hope Godwin of the Play- points in six gams to lead the Free State basketeers in scoring. Last Tuesday the Sophomore five, led Mergo, f............. 4 2-3 10 ground Athletic League of Maryland. That Loyola's ring squad includes two mitmen who have gained by Wyand and Romito, defeated the Ferguson, f.......... 1 1-1 3 Miss Godwin discussed the major recognition for themselves in amateur circles before entering college. freshmen 26-12. Sadausky, c.......... 3 0-0 6 changes which went into effect this sea- That these scrappers plus last year's ring performers returning for Overcoming a four-point lead scored Hurley, g............ 0 2-3 2 son, namely, the new freedom in guard- action should make Loyola a formidable ring aggregation this winter. in the first few minutes of play by the Mahoney, g 3 1-1 7 ing rules, the enlarged center circle, and Willis, g............. 0 1-1 1 the two-point count for all goals scored, Fresh, the Second Year men opened up a Murray, g............ 0 0-0 0 regardless of the forward's method of brilliant attack that completely overcame Shepherd, g.......... 1 0-0 ." throwing the ball. The most interesting the Freshies. innovation in women is play is the center Sophomores Frosh Totals 12 7-9 31 throw plan, in place of the center jump. Wyand R.F. Wynne Score by halves : This plan affords equal opportunity at College Students!!! Romito L.F. Stevens to Washington 15 12-17 7-34 each team, as the throw is alternated Mark C. Daneker Western Md 17 10-27 4-31 the beginning of the play periods and Extra period of five minutes. Referee, after scoring. Dawson R. G. Paschal Holew. Times of halves, 20 minutes. Miss Gorlwin concluded her talk with Have You Entertained Yourself In Our New Room? Ranson L.G. Riley WASHINGTON, 37; W. MD., 2-1 the latest gossip of basketball play and On Thursday, January 12, the Bachel- teams in the State and various methods ors, led by Doughty and Stallings, de· The Western Maryland cagers made Have You Tasted Our feated a hard fighting Gamma Bet team, their debut on the home court last Tues- being tested for future use at Goucher 30-23. day night when they went down to de- College. the association meeting, the Following feat at the hands of Washington College. Delicious Sodas, The game was a battle that held the The visitors began scoring right off juniors and seniors gave a demonstration , few spectators on the edge of their seats the bat by sinking five counts to the lo- of the new rules in Yingling Gym, ref- until the last few minutes of play, when cals' none. Then the Terrors began to ereed and instructed hy Miss Godwin. Sundaes, Etc.? the Alpha Gamma Tau's clinched their catch up and were only three points be- victory with two goals. hind at half time. LOOKING AT Baohelors Gamm.a Beta Chi When the hostilities were resumed in . OTHER CAMPUSES the second half it became apparent that (Continued from Page Two) If not, you have missed a treat! Dunn R..F. Murray the Washington loopsters were out for Kimmey L.F: D. Moore blood. For several minutes the team were not indicative of true genius. They Stallings C. Holmcg battled on even terms until the Red did crib a little here and they did filch a I : Drop in and enjoy a Milk Shake and a Toastwich in a beautiful Doughty R. G. Tyson team began to increase its margin. bit there. Apparently the professors , I Jones L.G. Speicher Hodgson, inserted at left forward for were loath to disbelieve these noble i I and attractive atmosphere Immediately after the Bachelors' vic- the visitors, started another spurt al- young men, for the following semester I tory, the Sophs swamped the Seminites, though the home team fought back de- the students. in question were flunked I 35-7. terminedly. With three minutes of play- with neatness and dispatch. Under the management of a former Western Marylander, 'who ing time left Mahoney and Ferguson A professor at Marquette recently cor- I knows what Western Marylanders want and how they want it. The second yearm en, led by Burger staged a brilliant but futile rally which rected and returned a set of examination and Wyand, ran up a score of 12-5 in ended with the final whistle. papers. One of the class discovered a TRY IT! the first period and completely baffled blurred scribble at the top of his paper. the Ministers in the second half with PENN STATE, 43; W. MD., 15 their passwork and shooting. After a miscroscopie study the student BUCKNELL, 19; W. MD., 32 Koontz Confectaurant went up and asked the teacher what the Sophomores Seminary The Pennsylvania trip taken by Neil written gesture meant. To his surprise Burger R.F. Stahley and his court artists during the he was told it read "write more leg- Wyand L.F. Moore week-end of January 13 and 14 found ibly." The moral of this tory-" Peo- Two Doors from State Theatre Robins them returning home with one victory ple in tin houses should not throw can- Mark C. Jones and one defeat. Bucknell University dis- openers." Romito R. G. Flater Dawsoll J.,.·G! St{)!l~
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