Page 39 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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r BASKETBALL BOXING Terrors vs, Gallaudet Terrors vs. U. of M. Washington, February 11 At Maryland, February 18 Vol. 10, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 9, 1933 TALKING PICTURE OF ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Carroll County Alumni Chapter is STORY OF CHOCOLATE Passing in Review ON PASSION PLAY TO BE Organized at Banquet Held Feb. 3 By BRADY O. BRYSON WILL BE SHOWN HERE Hitler, Ohancellor of Germany GIVEN BY P.M. ETCHISON CHARLES WHITTINGTON Members of Graduating Class Were Picture Is Both Instructive and En- "For Hindenburg and Speaker is Well Known Religious AND ANTHONY DIKSA Guests of Alumni tertammg. Musical Scores Hitler! ' , Un del' this and Y. M. C. A. Worker Played by Vincent Lopez matchless slogan, pudgy, of Washington J. F. REESE, TOASTMASTER stoop-shouldered, too t h- WILL HEAD 1934 ALOHA brush-moustached Adolf A banquet for the purpose of organiz- The Gift of Montezuma or The Story Hitler last week attained Page McKendree Etchison, Religious of Chocolate, a talking picture in color, one of the' goals of his Work Director of the Young Men's Newly Elected Officers Will ing a Carroll County chapter of the Association Alumni was held in the col- will be given in Alumni Hall, Tuesday B. O. Bryson colorful, thirteen-year ca- Christian Association of Washington, D. Work in Conjunction With night, February 14, 1933. This story is reer in German politics, the German C., will deliver his illustrated lecture, 1933 Staff lege Dining Hall, Friday, February 3, at not only instructive and of educational chancellorship. By the sheer power of "The Passion Play of Oberammergau" 6.30. value but it also contains in it a story personal magnetism and persuasive ora- at the Sunday evening Alumni Hall chap- Charles Whittington was A large representation of alumni from which is due to entertain. tory, he has risen to such eminence since el service, February 19. Mr. Etchison elected as the Editor-in- all parts of Carroll county and the mem- The story of chocolate is a talking mo- he first plunged into Munich politics was scheduled to deliver this lecture sev- Chief OI the 1934 Aloha, bers of the graduating class completely tion picture and was two years in the back in 1920. cral weeks ago, but illness hindered his and Anthony Diksa was filled the dining room. President A. making. It begins with the growing and The story of his, career has been one doing so. elected as Business Mana- Norman Ward welcomed the old gradu- harvesting of the cocoa bean in the trop- of an admirable though radical novus The lecture is illustrated with seventy gel', at the junior class ates back to the "Hill" and the pro- ics and its transportation to this country, homo. He became an orphan in his early beautifully colored slides made during meetmg, Friday, January gram for the evening was presented by showing from start to finish the subse- teens and with but four dollars in his the summer of 1930 when Mr. Etchison C. Whittington ~3, 1933. the toastmaster, J. by Francis J. Reese. A made resolution Oberammergau visited the and witnessed Mrs. Pearre quent manufacturing process necessary pocket, he emigrated to Munich from The Aloha, Western Maryland's year "Tantz to form an association ot alumni to make cocoa and chocolate products in Austria all by himself. There he eased famous play. While in Oberammergau book, is published annually by the senior from Carroll County was adopted. Mr. the plant of the Hershey Chocolate Cor- himself into political circles and on the he had the pleasure of meeting Anton class. The publication contains the poration at Hershey, Pa. The various memorable night of November 8, 1923, Lang, Alois Lang, Annie Rutz, Hans names of all students as well as the ae- Reese suggested the probability of the associations steps of manufacture are explained by a he climaxed the first step of his career Lang, and others having important roles tivities with which they are associated. formation of similar state. in oth- in the great er counties of the drama. voice reproduced from the sound tract of by leaping upon a table and spell-bind- It gives gl'OUp pictures of the various the film and the action of the machinery ing his beer-soused Bavarian comrades Besides being prominent in Y. M. C. teams and organizations as well as the The musical program which followed is syncronized to music. An interesting into joining him in what he called a Na- A. work, Mr. Etchison is president of the history of each class and their accom- featured such famous Western Maryland story has been woven mto the picture, tionalist Revolution. He was promptly Organized Bible Class Association of plishment since their entrance to West- singers as Charlotte Zepp, Earl Lippy, making it entertaining as well as instruc- jailed for a few months. Washington. This association holds its ern Maryland. and Elwood Hawkins. An octet consist- tive. When he was once more freed, he annual convention here at Western The first half of its content is devoted ing of Edwin Gehr, Leslie Wener, Pro- Maryland College each summer. Mr. Et- Another feature of this picture is that slowly and deliberately started over. chison also conducts tourist parties in to the present senior class and the West- fessor Theodore Whitfield, J. Pearre J. Sr., the music is furnished by Vincent Lopez, This time he organized the fantastic Europe during the summer months. It ern Maryland faculty. The picture of Wantz, and Albert Pea rre Wantz, Jr., Earl sang Lippy some of Mitten whose music is known to all. Parts of party which stands for so many things was on such a tour in 1930 that he pro- each senior member of the class appears the more familiar songs. Phillip Royer golf matches are seen in the pictures and that practically, it stands for nothing, cured his material for the lecture which on a separate page together with his of the Music Department played several to all a real evening of entertainment is and which he called the National Social- has been given many times and which academic and social accomplishments. guaranteed. ist, Nazi Fascist. The part promises has always been enthusiastically receiv- The first part, as well, embodies pho- Dolin selections. The Hershey Company furnishes all whatever the bulk of the German people ed. tos of the officers and faculty of the col- The most startling part of the enter- apparatus which is to be used. They seem to want and makes an emotional lege together with the sponsor of the tainment was the performance on Scot- by one of the alumni. tish bag-pipes have new and up-to-date apparatus, in- appeal to nearly all of the popular Ger- publication, the names of the entire cluding the latest sound projector. man prejudices, such as the expulsion of R. W. KEIFER, '34, IS Aloha staff, also a dedicatory page. Pi DR. E. 1. YOCUM Will The picture has been received by vari- the Jews. Whittington, who is a member of the ous schools with great enthusiasm. In Nevertheless, the Nazi party today ELECTED PRESIDENT OF present class of '34, and the Delta an edition of the Copy, a paper printed numbers among its adherents many of NEWLY ORGANIZED CLUB Alpha Fraternity, has been active in ex- BE SPEAKER AT TRI BETA by the Advertising Club of Baltimore an the prominent figures in Germany. Its tra-curricular activi+ics since his en- explanation of the plan and nature of leader is chancellor and it controls many trance to Western Maryland. During his the picture is given. more Reichstag seats than its nearest An International Rela- freshman year he was an active member Dr. L. Edwin Yocum, associate pro- This is the first time tha t Alumni Hall rival political machine. tions Club was organized of the Webster Literary Society. Last fessor of botany at George Washington has been used in the showing of a motion Hitler is a man of unexpected things; by a group of Western year he was a member of the Western University, will be the guest speaker of picture, educational or otherwise. It will his striking personality, his earrat ic Maryland students meet- Maryland debating team and was elected Tri Beta on F'eiruary 21, at 7.15 P. M., aid as a sort of experiment in which the ideas, and his genius for politics coupled ing in the Y. W. C. A. to the Men's Student Council. This year in Room 22, Science Hall. sound possibilities of Alumni Hall will with his all-consuming desire for power, rooi on January 30, 1933. he is manager of the debating team and Dr. Yocum has done a great deal of be found. With the best sound and pic- mark him as a coming Mussoliui of Ger- Richard Kiefer, as tern- a member of the present Gold Bug staff. research along the line of plant physio- ture apparatus eye'rything should work many. He has gone far on his journey R. W. Kiefer porary chairman, spoke The 1934 Aloha staff will be an- logy, receiving his Ph.D. degree from out well. and perhaps some day "Spellbinder" briefly on the purpose of the proposed so- nounced in the first issue of the Gold Iowa State College. He will speak to us Hitler, der Osaf, will realize his ambition ciety. Such organizations are sponsored Bug published in October. Whittington on "Plant Nutr-ition;" which is a sub- to be an autocrat. by the Camegie Foundation and have as (Continued on Page 2-Col. 3) ject of vital interest to him. DR. SPICER RECOVERING Burns, the Chain-gang Fugitive their purpose the maintenance of peace has traYE'led a great deal and has taught A natiye of Pennsylyania, Dr. Yocum If Elliot kno,,-s IN ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL what's :.\11'. good Robert hinl (apd Burns he' smely by proIllotil1g the understanding of inter- ISTUDENTS OF MUSIC at colleges and universitics all over the nationa 1 problems. for does) he will steer clear of the sUllny Charles Wllittington then recounted I WILL GIVE RECITAL country. meeting on February 21 will be The Dr. Clyde A. Spicer, professor of land of GeOJ;gia. He has stirred up more the visit which he, with Richard Kiefer open to any and all who may be inter- Mathematics at Western Maryland Col- bitterness and hatred against him in one and ViTilliam Jones, made to an interna- I A music recital will be given in Smith ested. Dr. Yocum is a very interesting conference tional relations held recently lege, is rapidly recovering from a serious state, than is normally healthy for any at Bucknell University. Hall Friday, F'ebruary 10, at 8 P. M. speaker and it is quite evident that the thyroid operation at the St. Luke Hos- man to have against him in an entire The following program will be pre- meeting will be "ery instructive as well club \Vhitfield then the gave pital in Richmond, Virginia. He sat up universe. Last week in [1n expression of few Dr. comments on the sort of activities a sen ted: as interesting. Plans are being made by for the first time this week and his wife extreme rancor and much-desired venge- which it will probably undertake. Polonaise in C sharp mill or, Chopin- which we may all get acquainted with writes that "he looks like a different ance, the State House of Representatives In thc election which fol101yed the fol- Eleanor Kimmey; Enfantines, Bloch; Dr. Yocum after the meeting is over. person already." His nen-es are much resolved that Bums, chaiil rang fugitive lowing officers ,nre elected: Presiden:, Melody, Rainy Day, Lullaby-Laurlene Tri-Beta, the one honorary fraternity better and he is reported as "being very and publicist, had plotted and conspired Richard -Kiefer, '34; yice-president, Strauglm; "Deh Vieni, Non Tardar", at Western Maryland, receives as mem- happy" when he is permitted to sit in to "defame and bring reproach upon the Charles Whittington, '34; secretary- from The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart- bers biology students ,yho' have a certain the sun parlor at the hospital. name of a great people" with his exag- Anne Johnson; Dedication, Franz; Give number of hours of work in biology to gerated autobiographical book and treasurer, Susan Strow, '33. As soon as he is strong enough, he a Man a Horse He Can Ride, 0 'Hara- their credit, with high grades. movie. His claims al'e undo1:btedly highly The president then read to the club a will be taken to his wife's home in At- colored with melodramatic appeal to the few items from the League of Nations Paul Sch"'ieker; Sonata Op. 31, No.2, lee, Virginia, where he will receive a extent of injustice towards the Georgia Bulletin. These, it was indicated, are (first movement), BeethoYen-Dorothy complete rest before returning to take prison system. Ho" small but how to be kept on file by the secretary, along Hull; FoU.; Song, MacDowell; Midsum- DR. A. N. WARD DELIVERS up his work here in March or early beautiful New Jersey must seem to him with other material, including that re- meT Lullabye, MacDowell; The Sea, Mac- SUNDAY CHAPEL SERMON The Pines, Dowell-J ames Richards; April. The doctors say that it is only a now! ceived, from the Carnegie Foundation. Matthews; Etude in F Sharp, Arensky- matter of a few weeks before he will be The Insull Case These items suggested various topics to Mason Sprague; Aus dem Carnaval, in good physical condition again. ,yhich the whole of future meetings may Grieg-~Iartha Harrison; Psyche, Pala- Doctor Ward took the parable of the In these days of govemment and judi- be deyoted. It was suggested that vari- "Rich Man Who Set Up Greater Birthday, Woodman-Arlene ciary development, one would suppose ous members be assigned countries on dilhe; A Toccata and Fugue D minor, Barns" as the text for his sermon last Guyton; be PLANS FOR BANQUET that international Such justice not might' caoe. ,,-hose actiyities an international viewpoint. Bach-Tausig-James Bopst. Alumni Hall. Doctor cllapel serYice in it would be their at Sunday evening duty to the is easily secured. report from to Ward tried a scoundrel the making It was decided MADE BY BALTO. ALUMNI Samuel Insull is as crooked to([ay. His of a constitution for the time being. The C O-E D S W ILL DEB ATE point one's happiness on material of build- to postpone out the futility absolute exists in the ,yorld as there ing things. (Continued on Page 3-Co1._ 2) president ,yas empowered to appoint such ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE "Any life built upon earthly treasures The Baltimore chapter of the Western committees as he should need to provide and the philosophy, 'eat, drink and be Maryland Alumni Association plans at pi ograms for the club. Elizabethto,,-n College debaters will merry,' he said, "is eventually doomed present to have a dinner along the lines PROFESSORS IN MUSIC DEPT. The club ,ras organized in answer to ~ meet the women's debating team Fri- to destruction. Man must seek after of the mid-winter banquet on Saturday, WILL RENDER RECITAL distinct need for such an organization. A day eH'ning, February 17. God and spiritual things first, and th~n February 25. The plans are in a forma- large attendance at the first meeting Resolved: That all inter-governmental the necessities of life will be supplied tive state and are subject to change. The Sonatas from Beethoven, Shumann, and showed that there is much interest on World War Debts, inc~uding reparations, him." arrangements contemplate the attendance Brahms will be featured in a yiolin and the Hill with international problems. should be cancelled, is the question to be Dr. Ward drew a sharp parallel be- piano recital to be given by ~1iss Gesner The elub, through its connection with debated. The affirmati,-e team, Mildred tween the rich man of biblical times, of as many of the faculty and seniors and Professor Royer of the Department the Carnegie Endowment, will have ac- Burkins, Mary Parks, Katherine Tim- who cared for nothing but more as can arrange to be present. The price of Music on Thursday, February 16, at cess to a wealth of information and has mons, and June Cooling will debate in "things" and larger "barns" to hold will probably be less than half the usual 8 0 'dock in ~lcDaniel Hall Lounge. already received such pamphlets as the Smith Hall, while Mary Haig, IIelen them, and the world of today with its mid-winter banquet price. As soon as Those particularly interested in music Lytton Report. Whitcraft, Elinor Lines and Virginia people striving constantly after material definite arrangements are made, an- are invited to attend, but the program The organization of such a club was Roberts, of the negative, will be the wealth. The theme was simple but force- nouncement will oe made through the will be given especially for music stu- originally cuggested by Cornelius Gis- guests of the Elizabethtown affirmative ful, and as a i'esult has left a lasting in- press. dents. reil. team, fluence upon the student body.
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