Page 22 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ANNOUNCEMENT W. A. A. MAKES CHANGES as Washington or any ot.her town could QUassts. (!Hubs aub IN SYSTEM OF AWARDS ALUMNI CHATTER ever provide. We're for you, Baltimore, Editor: and you're for W. M. C. ,For years we jlntidtts Will you kindly publish this good news (Continued from Page I-Col. 1) looked upon that town as a place you in your college paper. The editors of O. K. Baltimore! The Washington bad to pass through to get to Westmin- " Americana.' feel keenly the need of At the end of the year the association alumni are pretty proud .of the fact that ster, now we know better. O. K. Balti- IRVING-WEBSTER young blood in the hardening arteries of will hold a dinner in honor of the var- they haven't missed a Friday luncheon more! our great republic. sity teams, when the names of all mem- for exactly thirteen years this week. And Versat.ility was the characteristic of The ' ,Americana' , magazine offers bers shall be reannounced. we sorta had a notion that most cities CALEB 0 'CONNOR, '98. the program given in the Society Hall, $1,000.00 for the best satiric contribu- Other minor changes in the constitu- were forgetting their pride in their Alma Monday evening, November 7. Features tion, literary or artistic. tion were the elimination of required at- Mater and passing up the opportunity to ADVERTISE IN GOLD BUG ranged from current events to a discus- This contest is exclusively limited to tendance at all the meetings and the re- indicate their fidelity to her. We had sion of American music. The following undergraduates of American universities duction of the yearly dues. heard that even W. M. C. lunches in COME TO program was presented: and closes officially on March 10, 1933. The remainder of the meeting con- Baltimore were a hit and miss proposi- Current, Events Sterling The judges are Gilbert Seldes, Hendrik sisted of pep talks by the hockey man- tion. "MOTHER'S" Humorous Recitation Herbert Stevens Willem Van Loon and George Grosz. ager, Dorothy Hull and by the hiking American Music Sprague Literary contributions are not to exceed supervisor, Elsie Bowen. A summary So the other Friday we forsook om CANDY, SOFT DRINKS AND Lord Byron's Destruction of Senmocherib 1,000 words. Non prize winning material of the' merit of the blazer award was own crowd and went rummaging about SANDWICHES -Holder of merit will be purchased at regular given by Miss Parker, and a short talk the Monumental City to see where W. M. Excerpts from An Indiam, Lodge and To rates. on the association and its plans for the C.ites assembled, if at all. And did we a Wild Rose-Sprague Address manuscripts and pictures to year was made by the president, Mary find them f I'll say we did, with pep to It was decided in ,the business meeting , ,Americana' " 1280 Lexington Avenue, Ellen Senat. the portholes, seated gayly a~ the most DeSoto Plymouth that followed, that, the books from the N. Y. C., N. Y. Self addressed envelope The new members of the association prominent table in the best hotel in town, Literary Guild be in charge or a custo- obligatory. are as follows: Baer, Bennett, Bishop, and it was near like a visit to College dian. Mr. Sliker was appointed to that ALEXANDER KING, Editor. Burtner, Byrd, Carrarra, Dawson, Eby, Hill to chum with them again. GAS AND OIL position. Several men were proposed for Hales, Herwiek, Hill, Houck, Hoshall, The absence of Gill, Dexter, Webster, ACCESSORIES membership. Hall, Irwin, Jacobson, Landis, Lansdale, Pollitt, and the rest of the oetagenerians EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Leigh, McKenzie, Perry, Riley, M. H. was hardly noticeable; for Jack Clayton, HOME ECONOMICS Riley, Ringler, Roberts, Snider, Turner, Hughie Weyls, Dick Roop, Bill Weech, Donald 1. Woolley OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP Walston, Waltz, Kalb. Weinrauch, Buson, MacLea, and our lit- A group of senior Home Economics students is now living in the Home Eco- tle party of Washington visitors made as 151 West Main Street nomics practice house on the second floor Announcement has recently been made CADET OFFICERS TO happy a crowd of Georgetown trouncers of College Inn. The four young women by the Overseas Educational Institute CONDUCT MOOT TRIAL who are there at the present time are of Hanover, N. H., of twenty-five full the Misses Brown, Daskam, Matthews and scholarships that it is offering to deserv- (Continued from Page I-Col. 4) THANKSGIVING CARDS Wicks. They will remain there for six ing students for study in France, Ger- Court are Major George E. Hunter, weeks' residence in the Inn, under the many, and Switzerland. Capt. Harold D. Kopp, Capt. Victor R. the entire management of the home with A new development in modern educa- Martin, Sgt. ClyiIleL. Bryan. Sgt. John THANKSGIVING TALLI ES AND PLACE CARDS its vital problems of planning, purchas- tional organization is revealed in the J. O'Leair, Sgt. William H. Sparrow. DECORATED NAPKINS AND CREPE PAPER ing and cooking. Each young woman is program of the Institute, a school which, Private Chandler will be prosecuted CANDLES required to serve in her turn as cook, in addition to preparing for junior col- by Captain Charles R. Herbert, Trial waitress, hostess, and guest. lege and college entrance requirements, Judge Advocate and Lt. Julian T. Mur- P. G. Coffman Co. After Christmas, two more shifts of presents the opportunity of travel and as- chison, Assistant Trial Judge Advocate. senior students will take their turn at six sociation with European universities and The accused will be defended by Cap- TIMES BUILDING week' residence in the Inn, under the the cultural advantages to be derived tain Milton L. Borchers and Lt. Wen- supervision of Miss Florence Love, of therefrom. dell S. Junkin. the Home Economics Department. The Institute provides its entire year's Something of a humorous nature is • r. a _._.._.._. • _.__.• ._. ~.~ •••• II ..ra r .-••••••••••••• • ............... __.~ ._ •• , •••••• program of travel and study abroad at a expected when Guiseppe Mageluseo, I~ :~ JUNIOR CLASS cost approximating an average year at alias "Joe, the Wop", takes the stand ::- h ' I'll you ,:- :~ ~ IF t ere s a smart new stye, a preparatory school or college, and to testify in behalf of the accused. This ,:- (. d . The election of the junior class officers through the mediuin of an experienced part will be taken by Lieutenant Mar- nn It at . . . . . ::- I~ was held Saturday, November 5, with faculty, offers a high standard of schol- vin B. Sterling, O. R. C. I~ : the following results: arship. The majority. of the time abroad A much general court-martial is an ~~ out with .~ President, Frank Mitchell; viee-presi- is spent between the study; centers of annual occurrence in the senior military :. NUSBAUM & JORDAN'S :~ :~ dent, Margaret Yocum ; treasurer, Es· Grenoble, France, and Bonn, Germany, course and is always carried .~ telle Williarrns; secretary, Elme!r Ma· and the remainder of the' time in exeur- much enthusiasm on the part of the ca- :~ honey; historian, Mary Parks. sion and residence in other important det officers. This year the entire trial .~ While down town be sure to stop in :~ Plans are being made for the Junior- centers. at Eleven East Main Street, Freshman party and the Junior Prom, A complete social program is spon- will be dealt with at one session of the court. which promise to surpass previous years' sored hy the Institute, as well as a recre- For clever puff sleeve affairs. ational requirement. In addition. Gren- oble, in the French Alps, is near some of "John" Everhart PLAID SILK BLOUSES W. M. TIES BOSTON EAGLES the great winter sports results of Europe. $1.95 EACH Further information pertaining to the THE COLLEGE BARBER Continued from Page I-Col. 5) Institute may be procured at the per- AND BOBBER gain but 6 yards. Frietas punted co sonnel bureau of this school. Requests AT THE FORKS And warm, rough crepe Dunn who fumbled and ,Taylor recovered for information pertaining to the schol- line. On the second play, Chesuulevitch arships should be addressed to the Schol- WOOLEN SKIRTS for the Eagles on the Terrors' 27·yd. arship Department, Overseas Educational $1.95 $2.95 went off his right guard and with splen- Institute, Hanover, N. H. did interference made the third touch- If your size js between 14 and 20 we'll fit you perfectly down for the Eagles. He also made good STATE NORMAL BOOTERS the extra point by placement. Chesnule· WIN BY SCORE OF 2-0 vitch kicked off to Koppe who caught the ball and was downed on his 50·yd. The aggressive State Normal Soccer line. Here the Terrors (pened an attack team invaded Western Maryland soccer which resulted in the score when Shep· stronghold and took the Terrors into herd faded back and flipped a pass to camp by a 2·0 margin. Speed and team- Out where the Dunn who raced 30 yards for a touch· work were the main planks in the victory down. Shepherd booted the extra point platform set up by the Towsonites. by placement. Koppe kicked off to Tosi Both goals kicked were the results of who was downed on his own 27-yd. lin~. free kicks from the penalty mark. The SIDEWALKS END After Frietas had punted Mergo circled first score came 45 seconds before the the Terrors' left end for 20 yards and a end of the first half. The last marker first down on the Eagles' 36·yd. line. was tallied in the 3rd period, when the I Killelea recovered a fumble to give the ,isitors were awarded a free kick after Eagles' the ball. Sadusky was substi· the ball struck the hand of a Western tuted for Lucas. The Eagles advanced Maryland player in the penalty area. to the Terrors' 30-yd. line as the period Leitch was the particular defensive ended with the score, Boston College, ~O; star of the Terrors. Tinle and time again Western Maryland, 13. he averted possible enemy scores by boot· Fourth Quarter ing the ball from in front of the goal The Eagles found the Terrors' for- into enemy territory. The Terrors were ward wall a stone one, and lost the ball considerably weakened after the second on downs. Gorski and Willis substi- quarter when Captain Martin was forced tuted for Schweiker and Shepherd. Wil· to leave the game because of an injury 'iill. got off a bad punt which went out of to his right ankle. OR walking, campus and country wear there's bounds on his own 35·yd. line. On the W. M. C. SPECIAL 10c F no shoe quite so satisfying and friendly to the first play, Blissman broke through and W. MD. CHOOSES HOOVER feet as several of the new Crosby Square Authen- spilt Chesnulevitch for a 14-yd. loss. The SODA CANDY tic Fashions. They are faithful reproductions of Eagles came back for a first down and Western ~raryland College's straw England's favorite walking shoes, built for heavy on the next play, Keyser intercepted a vote, like that of most of the colleges HOT going. Neither mud, damp, nor underbrush mean forward pass on his own 30·yd. marker, who took preferential votes, indicated a TOASTED SANDWICHES anything to you when your feet are comfortably and raced to the Eagles' 38-yd. line. trend of thought contrary to that of the protected by these sturdy shoes with their wide After Willis had carried the ball out of general electorate, for Hoo,er won out by flanged soles. They are made especially for walk- bounds he flipped a pass to Dunn who a considerable percentage. Out of the and ing. The last provides plenty of room across the raced the 38 yards for a. touchdown. Mer- total of 216 votes, Hoover received U3, Hot Plate Lunches. , .25c ball of the foot. Comfort in action. It's hard to go place-kicked the extra point to tie the Roosevelt, 79, Thomas, 2'3, and Upshaw, 11:30-2 believe, but the price of these Crosby Square Authentic Fashions for walking is very, very low. score 20·1l11. 1. Repeal won out with 77 votes, as LINE-UP compared with 69 for modification and W. M. C. B. 0. 70 for enforcement. Blissman L.E. Jundzil Two hundred ten students, or 44 per FILMS DEVELOPING Lucas L.T. Lausse cent of the student body, voted. Only ENLARGING Koppe L.G. Whalen six members of the faculty cast ballots, SPORT· WALKING Hunter C. Romano or 12.5 per cent. TOWN· DRESS Jones R.G. Slamin In a. table compiled from the moek O'Leair R.T. Cauhig election returns of forty·six colleges, pre- Diksa R.E. Tosi sented in the Carolinian, Hoover polled GRIFFIN'S Mergo Q_B. Frietas 28,000 votes, to Roosevelt's 18,000 and OF GOOD VALUES Dunn L.H. Chesnulevitch Thomas' 10,000. Roosevelt carried most Opposite State Theatre Schweiker R.H. Dougan of the southern colleges, while Columbia 93 . Main St. Westminster, Md. Shepherd F.B. Maloney gave the plurality vote to Thomas.
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