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~~W~(~ , - Beat The Maryland Big Game Vol. 10, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 30, 1932 Far West and South are Visited by ANNOUNCEMENT Twenty- Third Clash Between Terrors Dr. and Mrs. Ward on Five- Week Trip in the section with the student body, if and Terrapins will Decide Free State and alumni are requested to sit Friends possible, so as to form a solid cheering Economic, Political, and Educational section, at the Maryland vs. 'Western Championship for the 1932 Season Activities Observed Maryland game Saturday. All are asked Passing in Review to learn the yells and co-operate with the TRIP MADE FOR PLEASURE By F. P. MITCHELL cheer-leader. H. C. JAQUITH ADDRESSES U. of Md. Has Won Twelve of the A new yell is presented below for fans Twenty-two Games Played After an extensive five-week tour of to learn: STUDENTS ON "YOUTH in the Series Which the far West and the South, President "Beer Before Christmas" (Spell) Started in 1893 and Mrs. A_ Norman Ward returned to has been the slogan of the W-E-S-T-E-R-N M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D OF THE NEAR EAST" its since Democratic party the hill on Friday, November 18_ The sweeping victory in the elec- (Fast) 1931-U. OF MD., 41; W. MD., 6 trip, which was Dr. Ward's twentieth Hullabaloo-Rah-Rah America Has Had a Large Part in across the continent, was made purely tion last November. I am Hullabaloo-Rah-Rah Educating These Young The Terrapins of the University of for pleasure purposes. not so sure that they are go- (Drag) Maryland and the Terrors of Western ing to get it, however. This People In brief, the itinerary of the jo-urney F_P- Mitchell next session of Congress will Hoorah-Hoorah Maryland will meet Saturday to deter- was as follows: Seattle, San Francisco decide tbat question. Somehow, I do not Western Maryland Mr. A. H. Jaquith, of the Neal' East mine the Free State championship for the via the Redwood Empire trip, Los An- believe that those dry Democrats and Re- (Rising inflection-roll) Foundation, addressed the college stu- fourth successive year. Both teams, al- geles, Phoenix, Bow in via the Apache publicans in the two branches of the (Snap) dent body Wednesday morning at 10.00 though beaten outside the state, remain Trail, Alexandria, South Carolina, North government will chan~e their feeling so Fight-Team-Fight. in Alumni Hall. His talks, which were undefeated within, University of Mary- Carolina and horne. land has disposed of St. John's, Wash- quickly. Whether the dry Democrats both interesting and humorous, aut- Dr. Ward was especially pleased with will change because of the avowed wet- lined briefly past and present conditions ington College, and Johns Hopkins, Seattle which he described to the Gold ness of the Democratic pla tf orm is a ma t- W. M. DELEGATES ATTEND in Neal' East, and the work the Foun- while the Terrors have turned back Loy- Bug represeutat.ivc as' the most natur- tel' of conjecture. I feel certain that dation has accomplished there. ola and Mt. St. Mary's. ally beautifnl city on the continent, President Hoover would not veto the bill EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE The speaker pointed out that this The two teams have been meeting in- chiefly because of its open streets and if it ever came into his hands, because he tendaney, which for centuries has lain termittently since 1893', and thus furnish lovely boulevards. The scenic back- would see the futility of it. dormant, is quickly adjusting itself to one of the oldest football feuds in the ground of the city with the Cascades More and more it is becoming evident Dean S. B. Schofield, Dean and Mrs. the times. Much credit for this, he state. But bringing the series up to date, on the east, the Olympics on tbe north what a mess the World War was. The Isanogle, and Miss Evelyn Mudge were said, could be attributed to America, this game Saturday will mark the rubber and the Puget Sound harbors on the war debt is still causing statesmen of the delegates of Western Maryland College which has, since the World War, taken game of the series begun between Dick annual west, where the largest vessels in the world to have splitting headaches. Re- to the forty-sixth Association convention of an active part in guiding and co-operat- Harlow and Curly Byrd. So far each the Middle of Colleges State world may anchor at the wharves, forms cently President Hoover and President- ing with these less fortunate peoples. team has won twice, but Byrd's Old a beautiful setting for such a city. He elect Roosevelt met in Washington for a and Secondary Schools, held in Atlantic The Neal' East Foundation has been Liners have scored the most decisive vic- preached to his old congregation of discussion of this pressing problem. It City, Friday and Saturday, November 25 €·stablishing its personnel crews of doc- tory, trimming the 'I'errors in last year's and 26. 1905-1910 in a church that he built was necessary for Roosevelt to get a bet- game, 41-6_ Of the team which gave in various during his former ministry in that city. ter understunding of the situation before Among those addressing the convention tors and they educators for five years localities, Western Maryland such a trouncing, how- and then stay where His travels brought him through gor- he goes into office. No definite plans were Carl A. Jessen, specialist in Second- move on to another district. Out of ever, Byrd has only three left who will geous Santa Clara valley, the richest were reached, mainly because they were ary Education, Department of the In- this system many schools have grown, endeavor to do the same this year. They one in the world, and across 150 miles futile. Whatever the President may want terior, Dr. Mary O. Woolley, president of the largest being Athens College, in are Poppleman, one of the best backs in of rugged mountain, cactus country, to to do, he can not buck the opinion of Mt. Holyoke College and United States Greece. the whole south, Woods, who rates highly Conference to the Disarmament delegate the Roosevelt Dam. Going further Congress, and at the present moment that at Geneva, and David Lawrence, editor of Mr. Jaquith has the reputation of be- as a blocker and a fullback on par with south, he stopped at San Antonio, the body of august men is set decidedly ing foremost amoug the American a.nd the best, and in the line, Keenen, a tack- scene of that bitter struggle at the Ala- against the cancellation of the war debts. United States Dairy, Washington, D. C. welfare workers in Turkey and Greece. le who rated All-State on some teams last mo between Texans and' Mexicans in a I sincerely bope that they keep their The keynote of all the addresses made He is the president of the Neal' East year. Around these three, Byrd has built fight for independence. The modern opinion unchanged. Why should we be to the convention appeared to be "edu- Foundanion and a Fellow of the Royal a team composed practically of sopho- canals and transit equipment here im- deprived of such a large sum of rnoney i cation for citizenship." This theme was Geographic Society. He is also a foun- mores, which will find opposing them a pressed him with the extreme progress- It seems that the foreign countries do not portrayed most vividly by David Law- der of Athens College, Greece, and has Western Maryland team made up also of iveness of this fast-growing city. consider the fact that this country needs rance. Mr. Lawrance pointed out that in contributed largely toward its growth men who are playing their first year of After a visit to Hollywood, the city the money as badly as they do. I do not our present democratie government, we and fame. varsity football. of moving pictures, he visited William know what would happen if the foreign are represcn ted by a minority group quite Mr. Jaquith's talk was not a plea for Those men who played against Mary- interests. in undemocrn tic H. Thomas, class of 1899 of Western nations refused to pay their debts. What leaders arc mostly their ignorant and These contributions to the Foundation but land last year and will be in there again their Mary land, formerly of Buckeystown" could be done :1bout it except a lot of movements are not based on sound eco- only a means of presenting before the attempting to revenge last year's licking BOW residing in Pasadena. fussing and fuming, which would not public a picture of conditions in the will be Captain Kopp, Sadusky, and amoun t to a hill of beans ~ May be I am nomic principles, iustead of their being Hunter, around whom as stated above, He stayed a day or two in San Fran- intellig"ent and representative citizens. Neal' East and the worth of the Foun-: cisco, a week at Long Beach, Los An- wrong. I hope that I am. dation's work there. will be sophomores. On November 16, Oklahoma celebrated These conditions have resulted from According to comparative records, tbe geles, and then came home by the way the twenty-fifth anniversary of its ad- the indifference of our people, which is a of Louisiana, a country of beautiful mittance into the union as a state. On result of their ignorance of our civic Terrors are entering the game as favor- oaks, cotton, and sugar cane, A brief that date in 1907, President Theodore problems; consequently, our sy tem of MEMBER OF I. P. A. ites. They have played seven games, win- stop was made at New Orleans and in government is unsteady and on trial. This ning four, tying two, and losing one to the Carolinas. Roosevelt formally signed the proclama- SPEAKS TO STUDENTS Bucknell University by a one-point mar- tion which put Indian Territory and Ok- situation can be overcome only by the gin, 13-14. On the other hand, the Terra- The president was very much im- lahoma Territory together and admitted school, by stressing economic and social ten games, pressed by the growth of such cities them as the forty-sixth state. Just twen- studies as much as any scientific subject Education, not propaganda, in the fun- pins have played But as far winning five and losing five. as. the game as Takoma, Seattle, San Francisco ty years ago, too, Arizona and New Mex- and with similar motivation. It will be damental principles underlying tbe evils is concerned, Western Maryland is both- Portland, Los Angeles, San Diego and ico were admitted as part of the Union. necessary to develop leading as well as of alcohol, is the only solution to the ered more with adverse psychology than (Continued on Page 4-Col. 1) This last week I have found out, model citizens; in short, it is the job of present situation, stated Mr. Frederick any other factor. What has happened co though in a much smaller way, of course, the educators to fulfill and guide repre- W. Adams, of the Intercollegiate Prohi- favorites this year is history, and that just how President Hoover felt during his sentative government. bition Association, when he addressed Continued from Page I-Col. 5) "NARROW LIFE" IS THEME term. i feel more sorry for him than The association, of which Maryland is Monday, members of the student body on some N ovem bel' 21. is one of a number of section- a member, OF FINE CHAPEL SERMON ever. And if everything does not turn al organizations, including both public During the past two years, the secre- SPEECH DEPT. WILL it be a great out well for Roosevelt, won't opportunity for all the Hoover men to and private secondary schools, colleges, taries of the ascociation have appeared say, "I told you so! ,,~ and universities. The organization holds before 700 colleges carrying on a cam- Eventual breadth and liberty through a paign in the attempt to give sound, un- PRESENT XMAS PROGRAM narrow life was the keynote of the sermon its convention once a year for the ex- prejudiced information to the students, delivered by Dean Lawrence Little in "39 EAST" WILL BE REPEATED change of practices and ideas in educa- and the association has set up libraries on They That Sit in Darkness, by Dorothy Alumni Hall, Sunday evening, October IN BALTIMORE tion, to produce and uphold certain stand- temperance enlisting students and facul- Clarke Wilson, will be given on December 27. The sermon was one of the finest, in ards and to in terconnect the various ties in cooperation with the work. Plans 11 in Alumni Hall by members of the thought and delivery, that it has been the Definite arrangements have been types of institutions. are now being formulated for the provis- Speech Department, as a part of the privilege of Western Maryland students made to take the comedy "39 East" to Several members of the adjoining asso- ion of field secretaries in four states. Christmas Chapel program. to hear during the year. St. John's Methodist Protestant Church ciations were present, among them Mr. Mr. Adams believes that we are facing in Baltimore on Tuesday evening, De- Malcolm of Tennessee, from the Southern The action of the play takes place "Breadth is the keynote of the age," a terrible situation in our country today. around the well in Bethlehem_ The char- observed Dean Little, in opening this re- cember 13, and tentative plans are be- Association and Dr. Reed of Nebraska, Apparently public sentiment has changed acters are Biblical, the cast being as fol- markable sermon. This is true in morals, ing made for its presentation elsewhere. from tbe Northwestel'll Association, both and our program must be revised. A con- lows: Miriam, Mary Ellen Senat; Ruth, business, intellect, and religion. "39 East," presented Thanksgiving of wbom addressed the conHntion. ference of faculty and student represen- evening in Alumni Hall by the College Laurlene Straughn; J oash, Cornelius Gis- In the life of Jesus, breadth and nar- Players, was enthusiastically received tatives from various colleges will be held riel; Amon, Lora Outten; Rachel, Kath- rowness were not antagonistic. Jesus was Ly an audience of approximately 400 R. O. T. C. UNIT INSPECTED in Washington D. C., during January or erine Timmons; Rebecca, Anna Frances broad in purpose, and yet narrow in his people. The action of the play was cen- BY CAPTAIN E. E. BROWN February in au attempt to formulate an Seward; Sarah, Kathleen :Moore; Ramah, field of operation and the character of his tered around a New York boarding effective program for the I. P. A. The Mildred Fowble; shepherds:· Nathan, work. He did not approve of much of house and portrayed yividly several inter- association feels that the world that is Maurice Fleming; Homer, Robert Hold- the conduct of this day and denounced esting cross-sections of life in a big city. Captain E. E. Brown, attached to the now being developed is the world in er; J ona than, Frederick Malkus; Abel, evil in all form. Intelligence Section of the Third Corps which college students will have to live-- William Kesmodel; first king, Wendell The cast, under the direction of Miss Area, U. S. A., informally inspected the Dean Little cited many aspects of life Esther Smith, was: local R. O. T. C. unit on :-'fonday, No- the world in which their business inter- Junkin; second king, Leslie Werner; such as moral, physical, religious, and ar- Penelope Penn _ _Margaret Erb vember 28. ests must be carried on. Hence tbe mem- third king, Theodore Landis; voice, Wil- tistic in which breadth is achieved by nar- Napoleon Gibbs _.. "'en del Junkin Captain Brmyn represented Colonel R. bers of the I. P. A_ are endeavoring to liam Wright. row hving_ He pointed to Jesus and to :Madame de Mailly _.. _. Gladys Somers mske that ,,-orld a more livable one_ They Tha,t Sit in Darkness is a play Lincoln as men WllO had achieved breadth Miss MacMasters .... .. Elsie Bowen H_ Leavitt, who, because of illness, was In the open discussion that followed with deep personal appeal centering in this way. unable to fill his engagement. However, the talk, the following problems were around the familiar incidents of the Timothy O'Brien __ .. __ .Frank Mitchell C{)lonel Lea,itt will make the annual mentioned by the students: He urged the student body to play the Count Gionelli .. _... _Theodore Landis spring inspection on May 5, 1933_ Christmas narrative. 1. The the game and master the hardest of all arts, Dr. Hubbard_. _.. _. _.. _Leslie Werner CapOtin Brown formerly served with Amendment repeal its of realization Eighteenth Dorothy Clarke Wilson, although not and to pros- "the high art of living." Mrs. Smith. _.. _ _.Ann Johnson Colonel Robert Gill and Captain H. D. perity_ well-known, has produced several Christ- In a few remarks pr~ceding the sermon, Miss Sadie Clarence .. Cleona Brinsfield Woolley witb the Rainbow Division ;n 2. The poisonous effect of alcohol. mas plays which have universal charm. Dr. Ward suggested to the student body Miss Myrtle Clarence, Virginia Helmstetter France. During Captain Brown's ser,ice 3. The value of law and the realization A choir of twenty voices will sing that they read Dickens' "Christmas Ca- Evelina __ _.. Pauline Thomas in Hawaii after the World War, he was of its importance. Cantique de Noe~, by Adolph Adam, be- 1'01" before the Christmas season. Rosa, , . , - .. , Sara Louise Mills acquainted with Captain T. R. Holmes. (CoAti-nlleq 9n J'ilge 4-Col. 2) fore the play. Miss Ruth Sherman Jones will sing the solo part in this selection.
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