Page 19 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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GOt FOOTBALL MUSIC RECITAL Varsity vs. Boston College Curtis Institute Baltimore Stadium Alumni Hall SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. FRIDAY 8:00 P. M. Vol. 9, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 5,1931 Plans are Nearing Completion for the "THINGS THAT COUNT" Summer Session of College Courses will Liberal Arts College Movement Broadcast WILL BE PRESENTED BY be lnstituted at W.M. C. Next Year THE COLLEGE PLAYERS NATIONAL HOOK-UP WILL Brother of Sgt. Lavin TWO TERMS WILL CONSTI· COMPRISE FORTY.EIGHT Mrs. E. J. Ruff Speaks TUTE ARRANGEMENT STATIONS is Killed in Accident Prof. Esther Smith Will Direct at Joint "Y" Meeting OF COURSES Production of Play Plans for the nntion-wide rnd!o Stall' Bergeunt Phil Lav.iu, ~'oungcst ]1[1'. E.• J. RuH, Educafionnl Director Beginning in the summer ses- :i932, brO(1(1castin behalf of tile Liberal Arts brother of Sergeant 'rhoIlllJs J. Lavin, 011 'rh:'lnksgivillg night at cight o~- of the Baltimore Y. l\f. C. A., discussed sion will become an intngral part of the College Movement on November 1± are who is uttached to the ",Vesteru Mnry- clock the Colloga Players, under the di- "'fIle' Sigllificallce of Contemporary college year. The six-week term, Juue rapidly llcnring' completion. Completely redion of l\[is~ Esther Smith, will pre- Events." at a joint "Y" meeting held 14 to ,July 23, and the five-week term, covering the United Slates over fifty· ;::1:1~1~~I~~g:n~~\~F~~tC8i~~~~~r:'·;a~.W:~ eent "Phc l'hing~ Thnt Count," by Lnw- in l.he Y. W. C. A. room on Wednesday J'ulv ~5 to Angust 27, taken togcther eight etattone, this will be the largest Ialnnds, 011"Monday. renee Eyre. (!'·euing, November 4. will conatttutc t.wc thirds of a semester. hock-up ever arranged for any unt.ional 'This dclig+rtIu! play was successfully Mr-.Hutt eltcd the present illatl~l]u:'lte Students may register for either or for interest, presented in Ncll' York by William A. fluuucinl orguntzaticu, the high divorce both terms. Mntrfculn.tton, admisaiona, Brady, w-ith Allee Brad,", Changes Announced :r~~~~:~~:?sW&l1~~1:~1~1~~:t~~§~:::~~!~who has just lllldsuicideratl",llUdLhoIlldillnrevolt nnd credits will be ndmlniatered aa dur- Bmee the preliminary nnnouucomcut word here by 10111;distanco telephone caused so utueh favcrnble eriticislll by led by Gandhi all. in(Ucatiolls of great ing the regular. eesalon. CstllTilgued of tile broadcast waa announced, a few 0)1 Tuesday, reporting the ensllnlty, hor work in Eugnne O'Neifl's new pby, undercurrents, which t end toward a coursea will be given, tnught, as far as changes luwe heon made in l,he y..r?' which Wll~the result or an aceitlent, the "M.ourllillg Becomes Electra," starring lHo"eaullellll\l8piritunl world of lhe I'u- possible by the regular col1l;ge f5cull~·. gram. The fcaturo wi!1 be on t.ho au nntufo of which Iluthoritics herc 1Ia,'o inil. tun!. He remarkod that GI(lnn Frank'$ Thi~ places the clUphosia upou tleadomic the N(~\\" from 9:00 to 9:30 P. M., Eastern Stand- not yot been able to detc"fmino. '''l'he Aftc\' 'l'hi.ngs 'fliat York produet.ion of prollhec.'· of a 1)~il09{)phic;'l1raviv:d, ruther tllfin professional courses. 'rile Count," eOlllffient nrd Time, instead of 8:30 to 9:00 aa pre· 'I'hi~ death mlll'ks tho third supreme Tilll freely in tj'e plillers and tllclllTicnl sccmcdtobll()llthcvergeQfrulfilimllnt summer session will 'lthieve certain viously scheduled. sacriiiee w1,ich the Lal'in brothers havo and urged ~·oung people to ritle this definite objectiv()s. Joining President Herbert Hoo,'er, made to thei,. eoullt,.y. Two ot.hcrs were nll)gll~ines. FrOlu tho New York Sun tide to huppiness. 1. It will unable students to conti.nue President A. N. Ward, and .a. group of killea in lino of duty ill Ihe World War, ,,·e re:'ld, "'Tho Thinga ~'hat Count' "People I1re no\\' lookiug for renlity," th~ir study durillg thi) summer and otl,er prOlninent Amel'icfl!lS, will be while n fourth w,\s s()riollsl~' woumled, tounted so lUueh with tIl(! andicnco la~t stnted ,\Ir. Rutt, "l"o,-~, right null jus. graduate in three yean, i. e., by CharlC!3R.1.fallll, Director of tho Amor· and is 110'"classed as being in total dis- night-hdng t],e right pla~' in the right el.iminating t.he long summer vtlca, plnc"":It just Ih~ right time~-that, it roo iean Council on J.o.dueation. ?orr.Mann ubility l)y the "'Val' DejJartlllunt. c'C'in'd one of the lieurtiest lind most ~;t~';':l:lte~~,11;fi~~a~:~_ tions, students may seeure tho eight will speak on the program in place of Despite these flltef'll set·bucks, thn ing plnce. Th{) !letivity of the United semest~I'a of colic-gowork uSlwlly rc· ],{u. 'I'homas J. Preston, Jr., formerly Lavin brottlcrs lmve ua1TiodOil, serving g~nerous weleomc~ of aur play this St.lltes in the ]\[uucllUrinn crisis, thc quired for graduutioll in Ulree years. Mrs. Grover Cleveland, who will not bo A11l~rien ill the most hazardous duty yrar." CTlticnl acrlltiny given the toriff by our 'fl'ey mar theu secure positious or able to appear. whieh sho offers. Sergeant 'rilOHlI1.f1La- Burll$ )lanti(', I) famous figure in tho industrial londers, and Englund's shol"· c-outilllle for the fourth yellr iu ad· Concerted Effort ,-in, who joilll'd the ",Vester.n l\[aryhUl(l ~:~~;~~~:,i~ll~;:!~Cl~~.i~'~~~d,\\~i~'j;S~:!:r~~~:~~; ing of free Lrade, of the \'1\11cedstudy at the college. Tbis National broadcast is a eoneert· facult.y this full, hal> b{.l'n 111the nrmy Quoting from tho New York World, lllore fundulllental ehnllgos that wHl 2. It will ellllbleour stlldeuta, transfe1"S cd effort to inV·rpr(!t tho nceds, UlC Binee the ileginllil:g of the World War. ''Nothillg short of n lire panic elluld eventllallyoccur, !llld ('OtherS,to adjust their credits aims, and the aehievcmel,ts of the huvo illrlutetl tile uudionce to lL'1tve :'IJld s~ellTe regular standing in the college. Ameriean Liberal Arts Oollege, to thrir ~eats." Ihe JiberaJ DEBATING COUNCILPLANS strengthen the appreeiation of lhe pub· "It is n simple nlld hlgrntiating tonder COL. R. H. LEAVITT WILL 3. It will enable teaehcrs and other~ to play, lic for the con\.ributions aud ils welcome emotion and work for a(hUHCement during the arts eollllge lIas mnde nnd is making to scntilll~wt nfforded II lloedod relief from nlf.ntioJl periud. Pursuant of this American civili1.ution, ond to enlist the SCHEDULEFOR THE YEAR tlHlt atll1ospht're of moral horror which INSPECT R. O.T. C, UNIT objective, there I\ill be offered dur, sympathetic cooperation and support of has pervaded too many plays of the ing the second or five·weck term en- riched courses in religious cduMtion the people iu the en.hunecment of tIle r~~~!'nt gca~Ol1," says ClaytOll IIa.nlil· with lC(lding mOll ill that field ill- 8(lrvices that colleges nrC'rcudoring. ·Lo· 'I'ho first l1leetiu~ of Ih~ meu's debat· Ou Monday, November 23, tJJe nn- ctrueting. cal progrnms, immediatoly preCClling or ing Ol'gallization wns held ",Vednesda?" Rehearilllls will hegin thi~ week and \lua! fall inspection of tho Wcstern following the National half-hour, will the lle:>.1;issue of 'fHE GOLD BUGwill con- Marylund Collego R. O. T. C. unit will ConHceted by good roads with Balti· preal.'ntthe local institutions to their g~~~~~~,28p;~si~'e~btste~fR~~;~],~~~~~rl~~ tain the ea~t for "The 'fhings Tilat lle held. The inspecting otlieer this yenr more, Washington, aud otllCr points of immod.iate pnhlie. COUllCil,cxplttinc(i pbllli for the. coming Connt." will be l"ieutenant Colonel Ralph H. interest, the Summer Session offers At Western Maryland a speeial pro- Lem-itl, C(lm,wmder of the 'I'li'i:rd Corps neademie uml l'rof~ssiollal I1dvnncement grlllll is being 1!rranged to euablo all ~~~Z~~:~~f:'~~;~l~'~';, ~';;~1(~~~~~3~s:,'e~; Aren H. O. '1'. o. as well as eultlll'ul pastime and recrea- tion. TopVing ono of the foothills of studouts to listen In. As n complement a system of eCOI;omie org:l.llizatioll is Curtis Institute ·Will tilePicdmont, W,'sternMarylund is an to the actual brondeRst, local speakers unsGUll11in principle"; and "Resojyerl, lar'I'~'I~il\~I~)~c~;~~s~~1I~~~~~~~sa~~r~g~; idoal place for slimmer ,,·ork and play. will address the ll.S8.cmbly. That the best hlterC'sts of the United Give Recital in Music thc b3sic and nd\·nnc·ed courses will bo States dell1aJldthat definite stepa bo tao required to demonstrat.e _their knowl- PROF. BRUMBAUGH IS ken ll'lOking lo a dec.e-llhali~arion of Iust.ituto of Music of l'lliladelphia will edge and proficielley in military all-ienee. tirill witl 1Jo held in order to show the "SUPERIORITY COMPLEX" A ree-itnl b.y students of the Curtis In addition 10 military chases, a formal ,.,,,,,,, ,""",ay." LEADER AT CONFERENCE lh~~;:::':'~;h:'~':"';~":;:;:'h:~:;:d be i!iq~l\ in Alumni nail ou Pridny, No· officers tho }Jrogress llequired CHAPEL SERMON THEME Hmber 6. nt eight o'clock. This is 11I.e thll~ far in the year's work. _I>..moss,Theodore LandIS, hlmer Hassol, ",Yilliam Sparrow, William ""!'right, first of thlJ two eoneerts Wl.tiCllmmu- 'Ihere are two iU9peetions held anllu -- Mnnriee Pleming, Rpbcrt llolder and eiall;; fr(llll tIris s~hool wil! give at all.\', a fall inspection nuil II more rigid :!Hd detftil(l(l OIlCin the spring. The Dean of the l\[l.l1'yland College during Dr. Lllwrence O. Little, Prof. Brumbnugll of Wcstern ~fl1ry- T,eslie Werner. )Jr. Holder '''us choseu "-estern 'I'he reritals of the Curtis lnsti- tho spri.llg inspection will determille 'the School of Religious Education, pointed yt'llr. ~!~'~~~~:;~sl~atd~r ~~l~~~~~~I~etl~(lfd~~~r~:: I ~~Iec~~:~tf~~t~~~1Is~~1:~i~uS~~~1~~lt'th~: tute tire all\":l.~'Swell received blleause TIlting rllceived by the individual col- ont some of thr things thnt are pnwent- ball AS80el1lilons held :1t lhod College were six candidnte>l, William K()8modcl, ~::;;;I~~08~I:::rt;.sts';/h~nu~~:i/:::l1t ,~~~ ~~f~:s.1Ind univursities in thoir Oorps ing the progress ef Ohristi(tnity, at Ba- ker Chnpel Servicc, SUllday, November from Oetob.or 30 to Novembcr 1. Othcr Cameron }Jurchin80n, Ch(lries Whit. representatives from Western 1'I(ary· tingtOIl, P,·clltiss EV:tllS, Robert Loss ~~U;:~:~I~::;sub~~:1,,\~~r~f 1~3w~~d],i~~ lfi;~~: ;:~t;~li~I:lel~!I(\i:s.rfl~:e~sc~~:;~~~~; 1. land werc Eathleell Moore, Howard nn(l Dnvid Trundle. l\:Jr. 'VhittilllIton III honor (If ller. father, .Cyrus CurtIS. and a l)antl. TliE-Teis every reason to Ameriea is sufl'ering from a superior· Amo$s, l1JldElmer Hassell. wns eilos('ll tu collect materiR.t on this .Tosef'.llo!mnnl\ If! IIOWdlreetor of the hope tllut the btltta1iou this year wjJl ::g~~O~l:IP~C:,;ri~l~'I:~n~;~rt:\::rda:~:=~~~ Delegates from the followlllg tlJirtllcn sul)j~et. lllcnts. Our material progre~s hns tllrn~d our heads, Ilnd ~~~:I!:;t~! ~'~~~IlIS~~~~~::t~:I~t~:~~~I~~I~l~:I ~l~Z:: l~l~de~~~I~fl~t,;I~~;~~g ~!~,;~~~~~~ wehnv,) become intoler· tiJ~i~~~!i~:ldofun~~~~~I~:ld~';~'~~'IR~f:;n!f nr~r,~d~~~~s":~~~'~:~~:e(j;U~~~I,~~O:~~~C~~~·~ t'iglo standard of efficiency in military 'lilt :Iud proud. ",Ve have lost some of shIps. T"~"ll1gexpenses and lllstruments Dolawure: J~hns Hop~illS .Universit.y, in Cllllp"1 eonee.rllillj:!'(lnothcr mecting arr, Jlro,·u!cd for those who need tllat ~eiene~ tl1l' truv ~Jlirit of Christianity. G(lOfJ;!"1l\",ash'llgtoll Ulll~'erS!ty, Towson 1111dfurther orgullillatiou of thc council nHsi~tl111CC.'I'hc studcnh study uudcr . There is!\ uigotry" in religions groups nnd ~rostburg State Norm~1 Schools, 'lI,d will dis(lu!:lslJriefi.1' SCH.lIeporlin<:llt /lnrl i".~teorl of Ir" ullited figllt ag::1'the faculty whieh has i)ecllllllHent in tim l)ast. DoglHlI.ti~minsteut1 of tolemneo directs eil of Y: w. C. A.'8, :'Ind Mr. Lauder of n!ld co~neil that Lhose )nture~ted will (}III~\il~a~n:~:~;:~~I~~ll!~sU~~' Interpreted in the light of the prCll· (>ur li'-es. 'I'hero is an unnec-essnry eon- the U. of Md, Those grollps, using Dr. II<:1t hCijltat? to I'ome to llleetlllgs and Kriusk_,. WaS:l winller of tlie Nntional ellt season, tlH' cffeet oE this decision is 'frue-blood's talks as lends went on :for lll'eome aehve lllClJIUersfor tIle preseut }'ednr:ltiOll of MIl~iC Clul,s Contest thnt We~tern Maryland students will bo j)iet between science 'Illd religion. We 1I:l\·e failed til r('!ld.iu~t our lJeliofs in themselves secking llC\~ jdens !Uld aml futuro se.ho!:'lstic years. tim.'!) .\'~arB ago. Rhe l,ns neted as nc- admittea fret! tQ ~ll til" rC·"':lining foot· the light, of science, Of to rCllIcmber lh~ truths. eompnlllst.for sneh artists llS Enkn Mo- bal! gmllos, with the !'xceptiou of tU!' infinite 110wcrs of Ood. 'fhe scientist '1'110maill iSSU~5seemed to eenlor on rille and Ranri TClllianling during th(' COllling Cllrdl! of /l(llllia.~ion to tho various unable to dispense the information Undrrthcsepro\'isiollll,l!ollidswi1l apoeeh and lllusic recitals, lectures, contained in the diroct-wire West, "RICHARD III" IS GIVEN be distributed until Tlmnksgi,hlg BROTHER OF PROFESSOR and similar entertainmellh to be ern Union retnrns from the Du· Day. 1'his IUNInS II1:tt un]' member ~ivcu Oll "the llill" during the elllll- quesne game nt Pittsburgh. BY PROF. H. L.·SOUTHWICK of aH~' fraternity w\,O might Te\'clll S. E. SMITH IS INJURED yellr will tomHlunic1ite with Since the telegrum~ emn~ under the outcome of allY ballot to 01\0 of the Denn of the Collegcimmediately. tlle customary rules of theo",Vestern lIenrv Lawrenel! So\lthwick ga"(). a.n tIle above mOll would llot only be E. Le.Roy Smith, brolher of Prof. Sa.ra In IIddition to the usual recitals Union company, information con- interprctaUon of Shnkrspenre's "Rieh· \iol~ting his word to Ilis fellows, Smitl!, recently sufl'ered aD Ullfortunate offered each yeo-r, this season's pro· tained in them was' naturally treat- ard 111" in Alumni 11all, Friday, Octo- but would be infringing upon the accitl.(,lIt. While repairing the roof of gram I\ill include several informal ed as eoniidential. bcr SO,ut eight o'clock. Mr. Southwick privilege whiell tIll! ('xtended Illedg- a bUllding, l'e fell from it roceiving a stud(lnt·reeitab, to be held in the Tn the future, when THE GoLD is the President of the Emerson College ing period has been de~igned to crushed I'ertebra and fractured wrist. newly furnished McDaniel Hall BUG arranges BUcha feature of in. of Oratory in Boston. He has made sev· gh"e to freshmen. However, co·op· He is now in a Balt.imore hospital grsd lounge. Only those who demonstrate suf- terest to the entire community, eral pre,·ions 3ppeara.lleeS at Western eratiOl1 to date has beell gratify- nally improving. Six months will he ficient interest to respond to this steps will be taken to guard Maryland College, readi.llg Shakespear· ing, and no such cireulllstanees aTe reqnired for Mr. Smith's eomplete reo aga.inst a reeurrence of tbis phase. eall plays, It is in thislille that he has allticipatcd. covery, tInee months of wJJich he must call will receive card'i of adrnis!rion won distinction. As a Sllake~perean lie flat on his back_ He. i$ reported as totlleevents. reader'he is said tC'be withont a peer. doing vcry nicely
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