Page 18 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 18
'PAGE· FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Trio 01 "Great Little Gen;rals" <, ANNUAL ENROLLMENT OF RED CROSSON ARMISTICE ffilUllllr.a, ffihtb.a, nUll ~ortdtr.a Are Grid Napoleons at Duquesne DAY WILL MARK FIF- TIETH ANNIVERSARY The aununl enrollment of members SUNDAY SCHOOL FRENCH CLUB which the Aruericau Red Cross will launch 011 Armistice Dar, November The College Sunday School held its The first regular meeting of the 11, this year signalizes the- fiftieth an- regular weekly meeting, Sunday morn- French Club was held on Tuesday, octo- niversary of lhO! founding of or- ing, October IS. :11iss Dryden began ber:!O at 7:Hi in the Y room. _A.f'tera fiauization. that the devotional son-ices with a prelude, few words of welcome by the president, which was followed by Ole siuging of a program was given. Margllret Lee Anniversaries, particularly fiftioth "Ye Bervanta of God the Master Pro- Nelson, aceompanted by Eva Dryden sang rumiveraaries, whether of individuals or two crgnulzattons, offer temptations. ("lnilll." The Seventh Psalm was then a selcettou entttled "CllOJlson de For- One is to look hack and tlio seecnd is read responaively. Mr. A]llosS offered tunic." Dr. Bonnette explained the to look forward. 'l'ho Red Cross, be- prayer. :lliss Knthleeu ::I{eo!esllllg "My practteal value of tue club nud expressed Ta~k." Super-intendent Sehueffer read the hope t!tnt the year's work would cut- ing at tue Im1f-wlIYronrk, SQ to speak, nnd elaborated upon tile 104tli Psalm. miunfe ill the preaentntien of xrouere-e fonud that its ranks ;ehange of punts, Tessie Cox, 'S3 that we shall allow the grcllt worl1d. Phone 318 Westminster, Md. To CONSIDER deep aalisfaction, ,~oulentmcnt, amI THE VALUE abiding 111IPljille~liin life. A life with· out religion is inCOlllplete lind frag- OF FRIENDLY ment:!.l. DAVID TRUNDLE. '33, WILL HEAD DEBATING COUNCIL (Cont.inuC(l from Page 1, Col. 4) eated in the r:leeentrnlil'latioll question than in tile centralization question, hence the efforts of theeouncil to de baf.e two questions instead of Ilne. Sineo thrro are to bl) eight teams this yell.!, the Debating (,'ouueit will wel- como all stllllellts intercsted ill debat- ing. In an effort 1.0 iln
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