Page 17 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryl~nd College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE jSPORTSj FOOTBALL SOCCER jSPORTSi Green Terrors Gridders Lose to Wash.- Jeff. by One Point in DROPS FROM THE WATER-BUCKET Most Spectacular Game of Season ThOBe little things called extra points 1,oyol]1 seems to be looking lip this In a tilt. crowded "'ith na much epee fl touchback by the referee as he ruled seem pretty insignifieaut until we are year, nud has shown by Satnrday's vic- tncular football as has been seen in the that the Terror full-back had fumbled in It tight place and then they seem just tory over Mt. St. Mary's that they will Baltimore Stadium in Ulany a day, the before t.he secr-ing stripe. as difficult to collect as tbe touchdown 1Ial'0 to be given every eonaiderntion as tllnt preceded. It's a safe bet however, Washington and .Jefferson Presidents W. M. 12; W. & J. 13 that after Saturday's game the rules eked out a hard-earned vietory over the committee Green Terrors of Western Maryland The oval was brought out to the 20· cou](l have on intercollegiate football Mllryl!wd showed a lot of fight uJld College ily a score of 13 to 12. ynrd liue where after several futile at- gotten at least five hundred stllmina to bold 11 larger Kentucky team tempts at the Western Maryland nne, ruore supporters for the abolishment (Jof to IJ 6 to 6 draw last Saturday. By the 97 Yard Rill the poillt-after·tollclldown. the Presidents puuted. TheWestminster way tbat's probably where part of Sat· As stated above, there were thrills a elan OVOIIip the face of this disappoint- urdey ta crowd W'IS that was supposed to plenty, with a 97 yard return of a kick- ment still h'ad no mind to accept. defeat be at the ·W. nnd J. game. If reports of! by Bob Dcnele of fuc Presidents eu- and continued to fight for another touch- Maybe it was a lucky thiug for Wash- arc correct they had 2,000 more Bpecta· muxiug II series of events tlmt left tile down. Just as rue third period was ington aud Jefferson that 'ViJBOU was tos at College Park than were at the erowd speechless and reaehiug frantic- nbouL to end, the W. and J. safety mao injured or there might have beeu no 97 Stndhuu. ally for the proverbial smelling salts. fumbled a Terror punt which was reo ynrtl run lind DO Iouchduwu and ecnee- A crowd of about 8,000 braved the covered by Hammill, giving the Green quently no victory for the Presidents. ehilly annoapnere to eee the two aggre- aud Gold the break they had been wail' Incidently, for the fans who muat bave gations in action. ing for. The ol'al lny on the visitors' their football and arc uot able to go 37-yard marker and from that point, the This Friday it's Duquesne at Pitts to Pittsburgh next week-end, the St. Dmm Intercepts went J'chus, Johns Hopkins gam!! on Saturday Harlowmen iuto action. burgh, under the artificinl lights. Du- Washingt(Jol\ and .Jefferson received the quesue is coached by Elmer Laydeu of in Baltimore shapes up 118 something Western Maryland swept to the nine opening boot and illllllcdintely cleared 11'(Jorlh seeing. We'll be IIble to get a yard line before being held up by fI tern "Four Ronewen" fame and just last decks for action. A series of wide end line on napkins' eomparative strength porary stand by the W. and.J. defeJllle. wel'k 1,0M Georgetown to a 0 to 0 tie. sweeps behind extremely good interfer' anyway. However, ufter the defending backfield enee, intermingled wilh spasm()dic buck lmd been drnwn in by tllree crucks at ing Ilnd a lateral pasg, pushed the oval tIle interior liue, McNally took the ball Joe Kleinman was the only casualty deep into tbe tnrritory of the Gr(l('n Ter· on a lateral and, sweeping wido around for the Terrors ill lhe Sfadium joust. For your information: 0 rors. Here. the Hnrlowmcn brn~ed how the l1ed and BllI!:k's right fi~nk, cross· "AIr' DE LUOA Joe hurt his knee which had becu knock· . Duquesue O--Georgetewn e"er, and took the ball when a W. and ed the last Jine for the six-pointer. The eil nhout a bit before, and it is 1I0t Loyola 13-"?>lt. St. :hlRry's:3 .J. fonnl1'd "'flS iutercept~d by Jimmy try.for·point 1\'a~ wide lind the glllllCSOOIl Devinney-to-De Luca New known ho,,' long it will be berore h(l will Boston C(Joliege 6-Villauova.12 Dunn. Th~ hopes of the Westmin~ter Scoring Recipe Used Jolins Hopkins 24---Swnrihmore 7 closed with the Terrors ou the short end be able to get baek ill uniform. )Jarylnlld 6-Keutncky 6 elall for getting out of a light spot were By Layden's Men of the score. short·lhed, however, when tile visitors took advantage of a brenk in the form Liue-up and summary: PI'T'T'SBURGH-Al De Luca. a. BABY TERRORS SHOW wbo of a GreCD aud Gold fumble and rc· \Y. aud J. West. Md. sophomore. plea.eaDt is one dreams. halfback to Head PROMISE IN DEFEATING g1vel< covered tile loose oval au the Western McNeil, (Capt.) 1. e. Hammill Coacb Elmer Layden of Duquesne COLLEGE JEWELRY 1I1arylsuds 16 yard marker. R1\Odes l. t. (Capt.) Pincura University and nightmares can to OP- GEORGE WASH., 31.12 of DISTINCTION mentors. For }'roUl tbis point thoy marched to the J. Fift l. g. Barnett llOs1ng wltli a football. Al His rUDS go The oldest and largest col· placC$ lhrae yard line where a goal line stand Rigney Lamb were a feature of the Duquesne- Coming up from behind to ehalk up lege jewelry house presents by the Terrors which threw back tho Demas 1'. g. Wallace West Virginia University game; thirty·one points befo~e the end of the even better values for the com· I'isitor~ a yard nt ~ time .for three downs \ l[elenyzer ,. t. Sadusky his the to98ing and and Blue's receiving ehlet M threaL passes game, the Western :Uaryland freslmillu ing year. Red was rendered negligible when the Prell' Headley Burley DeLuea, a Blairsville. Pa .. boy. is football ,team defeatcd the George Official Western Maryland Wents scored on their last try via the Shaffer q. b. Jones the balfback member of the Dew 'Vasliington U. freshmen, ill a hard College rings from $15 up. iimehouored Statue of LIberty play. The Kiser I.h. DUDn forward passing combination at fought eoute~t in GI'iffith Stadium, Duquesne. try-for-poiut which was later to be the Zagray r.h. Brown n.ey Is the rest CharlC$ (Bud) DeVin- Washington, D. C., on October 17th. of tt. deciding factor ;u the score was su~~esg Deacle f.b. Koppe In f1l1.13t sec.sons. Elmer Layden ,\r tIle .end "r the first half, the L. G. Balfour Co. ful. had the great duet or Ganzy Bene~ Presidents were Ic.ndiug 12-6, but the Attleboro. Mass. Score by periods: diet. halrback. to Sammy Pratt. end. Ahno~t immediately after recei1'ing the Baby Terrors rfdlied in the third and kick·off one of the Terror punts was W. and J. 7 6 0 0--13 BenedlOt-to-Pratt a scoring was a torte phrase so for~ so fonrth quarters, to completely OUtelfiSS C. W, KOOCKOGEY, and common blocked and recovered by a Wasbington Western Maryland 0 6 0 6-12 mldable that sporta writers called the-ir oppouents. Campus Representative and Jcffcraou plny('.r who, after consider· Touehdowns-Zagray, Bolton, Deaele, tbem "Elmer Lnyd!!n's 'Merrlwell This hero able struggling and stumbling, earried McNally. Tries for point--Sllaffer, lout Boys' boy ". fiction reference because to the ot their was of the pigskin over the goal line for fin ap· last_mlnule reversnls of fortune In TERROR BOOTERS BOW TO of 2, hy plaeckic.k: Pineura, 0 out of 2, parent score. The Green and Gold sup no IelSI' thaD five games during the NAVY AND PENN STATE by plMekick. Substitutions: Westeru ]!I)rtcrs henl"ed a sigh of relief however, 1929 seaaOll with forward passes. Maryland-Kleinman for Hurley, Bolton Now that Bud DeVinney. dwa.rf~ when the referee ruled that Ihe player The Western M:.w-ylnnd soeeer team, for Koppe, Dougllly for Dun.n, Willey like Quarterback. Is tossing tbem to had scored ufter the whistle had blown AI DeLuca. the running tales after easily takillg the opener with for Wallaee, Koppe for BOltOll, Dunn for ot and the touchdmvn could not be allowed. other passers are recalled and Towson State Normal, dropped tI1Q next Doughty, Wallaeo for Willey, McNally eomparisons made. And even the for Brown, Callaghan for Hammill, Diska alumni agree that the present com- two contcsia to Navy nnd Peull State. Bolton Thrill.s for Kleinman, Bolton for Joues, 'Villey bination which Coach Layden has 'l'he game with tI,e midshipmell, The spectators from Westminster prob for Wallace, Doughty f(}r Koppe. Wasb evolved w\ll surpass aU others. plnye{l 011 Wednesday, was dOIle dllring reeei"od their greutest thrill when ington Rnd Jefferson-Hubenhcim for t.he. first Imlf, but a flood of Navy sub- midway through lhe second period Fife, M. Armstl'Ong for Zagray, C. Arm· stitutionS /lnd l)oor Terror scoring shots tho Presidents 011 the Terror's 40·yard strong for hlellenyzer, Johnson for Head· DUKES ARE PRE·TESTED BY gave the Tars a fi\'o point lIlargin to line attempted a forward pnss which was ley. Refcree--H. N. Merritt (Penll PSYCHOLOGIST win, 7·2. d(! when Gordon Lamb, Weslern Charter Sehool). Umpire---Charlcs E. In the ea.rlier glllnc ut Stat-c College, M~rJlllnd center, ilit the plJsser'a arm. Pennsyh'lIuia, tile 'l'crrors t.ool{ their Price (Swarthmore). Head linesmn.u Lou 'rile bull wobhled out into tile flat where ·WhentlleTerrorsretu.rntotheHilllo· fil'atdefcat of t.)lesenBoll "'hell a power· Young, (Punn Field Judge-Armstrong, lIe\(] I Bolton snatehed it alit of Ihe ozone and, morrow, they will be able to tell us just ful Blue und White orga.nization (Tufts). Time of quarters-15 minutea. after ouls[ffieding two of the W. nnd J. how it fceli! to have played against a the Westminster elan to n 5·1 seor-c. wnrriors, eroased the lino to register the psychologically tcst€d football team- H1lflowmen's first touchdown. Capt. TERRORS CROWD LOYOLA IN for thutis what the Dukes nre, according Por Anything Pincura attempted place kick wa9 block· LOST. -Brown valise containing ~d and the ~eore stood 7 to 6. MD. SCORING RACE tOoa statement issued to the GOLD BUG bathrohc, between WestmilUlter and From a Pill to Deacle I Tho spectators had hardly finished ap' before tOnight's gume. Dr. I. A. Hamel, R('istcrstown last Saturday. a Telegram A. WICKES, plauding Bolton's effort when the ~~:.!:;~ou 0 prOfeSlIOr of Psychology at Duquesne hus RTZPAII W. Md. College. Come to Presideuts' 200·pouud full-bac.k 20-Lehlgh.. 12 ~~:;r::~d .. l~ evolved a series of test.'> through which he Mackenzie's Pharmacy the have r,uyden !~r~~Y;;S~:~k!~a~~,~u:ft~re~;~!~li~~ l~l; ~-SW&rthDlOrO 1: ~=~~~:!r~::dre : :~ and Conch "Motor Ability" put tests entire squad. were tho center of Ihe gridi.ron, cut for the '7 66 given on the footficld field, in additiou to "John" Everhart side WICS,eluded the grasp of several Ig=~!~,i:;n~rBry: Terror tackles an<1 eoutinued up (he edge 12-Delaware.. 7 the elllss-room resenrehes which were de· THE COLLEGE BARBER of the playiug field for a touebtlown. 25 6 IIigued io "enable tl.1e eoaehes to know in AND BOBBER r The pointafter·touc.hdown was not ~ue· 59 ad\'~nee what desira.ble pla)ing qualities ces!ilul and the half endefl aoon after' O---L&f"yette each footblJll Cflndidat.e possesses, nnd AT THE FORKS wards. 87 to what degree he possCilses them." The We5tern Marylanders retUrned to 78 the fray at the beginuiug of the second liT. ST. !>[ARY'S half nnd took possession of ihe fracas. 72-G"lIaudet. "' 0 The Red and Black team received thl' 12~?"'~,fnc;ni·,8; lB-Ml.St.MJlr)'·ij 2 Best of ~ TOILET GOODS tl-GclIy,burg 6 kic.k off and after 110t being able to eon· 2-Loyola ... IS gain through the reju\'enated SUNDAES ~~::~f;;:~~~~s defense that t\le Terrors were throwing Newest Creation up, finally punted. The Harlowmen lS-Washingl
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