Page 14 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 14
"AGE FOlTR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. DR. BERTHOLF SPEAKS ON NINE CO-EDS ARE INDUCTED "THE NINETY AND NINE" INTO J. G. C. Alumni News (fllU£llif£l, (flluhli, nub ~ortftif£l o» 'Vl"dnesdlly, October 14, Dr. Berth olf spoke on "The Ninety nud Nine." :hliduight, ~'ridny, October ~, marked The world is divided into two parte, the the finn1 initiation of nine girls into Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. O. A. BROWNING AND PHILO nincty-nlne and the one. Both have eer J. G. C. 'I'he ecremcn.ies begun ou Wed· Ur. and Mrs. Fred V. Shelton llave announced the mnninge of Uleir duugh- llcsd:ly night with much rnc:.ket from ter Edna, to William C. Feddeman, son The Y. ?o.L C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. A joint business meeting was held by bnnging paddles. 'I'hursdny morning of ~!I. aud Mrs. Richard Feddeman of ure uniting their efforts to put on a the Browning and Philomntbean Literary the initiates were bellhops ready for aer- :\lillington. The ceremony per- WIIS financial drive for membership. Societies for tho purpose of dtscusatng vice with suitcases in hnnd. 'I'heir ecs- formed in Wf1shington September 12. form of cooperation, while new in the the future of ure four societies. Since They also delight in tume wns fill apprcprtate dark blue out- The bridegroom is a graduate of West· hi~tory of the assocfutrcos, is thought to the women's society rooms are needed for using e\'cry new slang exprl!ssion. I1\ fit with large- red buttons and c-utelittle ern Maryland College, Class of "W. be wise aincc much of tllis year' pro- the cnlarging of the library, some other order to jnstify themselves they always caps. 'Friday morning, the "bell hops" gruura will be Conducted jointly by the :ll'rangelllcnt must be made for a meeting blame the other fellow. They are selfish, appeared ns Chinese coolies in coolie Assoelntioua. pllice. Nothing was definitely decided ihey believe in "putting your best foot coats with parasols, loug queues, Rn(I Roger Cnller, 'Z.J., has just been ap- The cabinets and the Faculty adeiaera upon, but the Philouiathean Soeiety seem- forward." There is nothing wrong in lamp-shade hats. During both days, pointed by the SI. Ma ry ts County Board of the two Associations are making plans cd to rever keeping tho sceicttes as they this, but it is so very common. Then their slim diet' was eaten with sharp of Education as a lllcmbbr of the fnculty to e"l)nnd their program. There will bo nre and using the new quartcrs alternate' the ninet-y·nine are wanting pnper kni\'es. of River Springs High School, River dul'iug the yenr a series of joint lectures Iy. On the other hand the Browning something for nothing. desire J. G. C. is pleased to wa1c01lleas mem Springs, Md. He will teach Bngli~h r~putation, money and rcligitfn withont nnd discnssion meetings on current issues.I L.iter:l~y Society cyldClltly preferred the lind Mathelllntica. having to work. The llillcty·nino are bers, Elsio Bowen, llildn Cohen, Troy :~~:o:~ieVos~~~:~'.d~;:::!~cn'~it~lldn:!i~ ~;~~~'~:~~!l~f.t~eot!lrg~nei:at~:: o;·o::::~ also llroud. always like to brag, liambseh, Ann JohllBon, EliznlJeUI Me· ability in thesl) fields hare been engaged. Llt~rary. Society f~r those per~ons cs,· .to tell inferiors "goad" they arc. Bride, :!I[arictta. Mi.lls, Sally :Mills, Doro Elizabeth }fellor, ex·'34, is attending Tbe Associa.tions expect to hnve more in. pecmlls mterested In literary work. A Th"~' apI)ellr to be pntriotic, but are nl· tllyRankin andAlln Wolverton. thehlarylanglnstitute. tercolleginte relations as well as to sup. cOlllnlittee is to be appointed to disenss wa~'s relilctant to give sen·ice. These I)Olt definite missionary acti\'ities. the question and their cecisiOll will be people are-also gullible; they 1Illthiuking. I'otcd upon lit the next meeting. ly nceept nil statements. Lovo of cx' To begin the financial campaign the aggeration, espceinlly if it invokes sur· NINE NEW PIANOS ARE Kitty Tull was a visitor on the Hill Associations uro seliding n latter to all prise, delights them. They love to the first part of this week. the students and }"nculty. Personal in· bully inferiors, nnd cannot get along ADDED TO MUSIC DEPT. terviews will foll-ow for the purpose of SUNDAY SOHOOL without n I·acatiou. God they regard all securing membership. This will be the The C:>llcge Sunday School \\let in n nurse·mnid, "II very -present help ill 'l'he Department of :Musie baa recent· only fiuancial drivc of the yeaI' and t.his Bnker Chapel Sunday morning, Oetobe.r trouble." Religion to them is imperson had added to its equipment ninc new is the only means of support that the lJaI.9:15a'eloek. aI, nnd they deny that hU11I,'1n natnre call ,I,mong these nre n Steinway 'iiiiiil Associnlions ]1:1\'(1. Let el'~rybody join be changed. For Ulisreasoll they are op graud, a Knabe grand filld seven Clar· one of these democratic orgnnil.ations. ThO wersllip programme was as fol· to reformers. Jo'innlly, they nrc rndon uprjghts. lows: of Qther rlU!es,r~g:lrdiJlg their The Steillwny is il). Slllitli Hall and pm ALPHA MU Pradule . . i\fiss Dryden Oll'n race, religion, and opinions liS SUo will bl:' used only by the ad"nnced stn Call to "'Y0rsllip Sup't, Schaeffer perior. All others n.rellecessarily inferior. dents of IIlllsie. An oldcr instrument is WE~?~-T:a~~~' ~OC:~R~;-15 Pili Alpha ~lu t:lkos great pleasnre in ilrmn, COlll!)Thon Almiglity King Cmtainly we sllould ma]
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