Page 15 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 15
E.XTRA! PRICE. 5c GOt SPECIAL EDITION COMPLETE REPORT of the GOLD BUG of Tonight's Direct Returns From Game with Duquesne Pittsburgh University Vol. 9, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 23, 1931 GREEN TERRORS, 0; DUQUESNE U., 0 President Ward Will Join U. S. Chief E. C. PARLIN TALKS TO Green Terrors Struggle with Dukes in Executive in Nation-Wide Broadcast STUDENTSAND"Y"GROUPS Closely Contested Game in Pittsburgh ------1 - Sec. of Student Volunteer Move- Will Speak on Liberal Arts College "Richard III" to be Read M. L. Nelson, '32, Takes I Dukes are Held to Second Scoreless Movement ment Visits Campus by Prof. H. L. Southwick Part in Radio Audition Tie in a_,_M_.n_yWeeks Presldent A. Norman Wurd will join :Mr. 1';1w,'-" C. Parlin, of Now York, -- I. Vol- a group ot unticnnl'ly known indlvid- 1I"nr.l' Llll\"rCllee Southwick will giv~ eundidn te secr-etarj- of tho Studeut earupua B~ C. R~lssel~ Herbst visited mils, headed b~' tho President of tho an interprcte ticn 01' Shakespeuru'a unteer Movement, Wednesday our Xliss M:Hg'II'et Lee Nelson, ;\ student SpccrJlIl Wtf8 seresoe Dlrecl to GQl.D BUG. Lailed Btatea, ill a nut lou-wide radio "Hicillll'd LlI" in AtullIni Hnn, Fr-iday, 011 'l'ucsilny lind oj' this of \\'esterll )1ar."lalld College, repre- Penu., hook-up which will btl btuadeast b,v t.he October 30, t." '"'' HEA!) DEBATING COUNCIL Pin(·"~'1 ki{-i<",l off f,,~ P'e rp<'rrQI"l< t<) eitain of fifty-eight slat.iolls located in llloslly ronimNI to CllllW DeLuca who- retnrnod the ball to his own c\'ery stat.o in the UJliOll, from Wasil' ")Jr. Parlin :Ittended the lilt. licrlllou D(ll"id Trulldlc- was ('Jeetel\ p,'esi(lenL 40-ylmllille. Failing to eoutplete a pass ing-toll to }'loridu, and froUl Maine to "H(!ligi()ns idea~ Me elulllging," Dr_ So:;.hool where the Stude1lt Voluntoer of the Debnting COJ.:licil of Wostern on the first play, the Dukes punted. Dunn California. This h(tlI·honl' porio(\ will Lawreul'.o C_ Littlc, Denn of the School off tao:;.lde for rightynrds, :l.lld thellDunn\"enJel1t began in 1886. lio re"eiverl 1.IIru-,dand College nt a IJlIslucss moeting bcgiu nt 8:30 (E. S_ 'r.), or one hour of Ih>ligious Educatio'l, snid in Ills ser- tbrew It 3S-yard pUlIS to :hleNally who was his B. S. degree with Phi Beta Kuppa of the cOUllcil Oll Thursaa.y evening, Oe- ellrlier Ceulral Til1)e, tWO hours by llIon SlInda~' night, Odober 18, in Ba- llilllor~ from Wesleyan University in. tober 15, ~\t Ulis mcllti..lIg plans for tho downed Oil the l~-yard line. DUlln went Roek)" 'f;!I1IJ, and three lJy ker Chnpel. "Soma p~f>ple think that 19l1 nnd his ?fastcr's degree in 191:!. debating schedule wer<'" U.1IUU\lncl.'d nnd off In.cklo for 6 yards, 1IfcNally lost 5 Pneilie Time. religion should be diso.;nr(led because of 'l'hc. 8U1I111Ier of 1914 h~ spent in study- tilo following officers I.'lcctnd: yards on a lateral, !lnd then Do-ugllty Nino regional directors havo bOO11 ap- tl,e lnek of attendance at churcll, and ing nt· Mnrburg University, Germnny_ President.--Davhl'l'l"llll(lle plungNI through to the 5·yard line-_ pointed !o devolop and illleuaHy inter- indifference to the teuchings of t],e He sailed for Ch.illaiI1191i" and WlIS or- SeCl'etary-Prcntis~ EVllns With tho goal !iue staring them in the est in each section of Ule eOUIlt.ry und Churc.h. daiIled on the ADlOY field ill 19~0. He Meu'li Studellt !I1gr.-Wm. J. Wright lace, the Tertora lost the ball on downs !o decentralize the administration anu SCiell{'e !Ins mnde it llecessnry to studied at the BostOn University School Womell's 8tudcnt l\[gr_-~Iary Lee liS Doughty WIlS pushed eut of bounds ou aid ill Illllkillg arrangements for en- ehlilngc the foundation {,f the principles of Thcologr during his furlough of Shipl!,y the 3-yllrd line as he swept right end. listing tho eo-opcrlltion of laenl ageu· of theclllll"llh_ l'ear 1'0 longer has a 1!l~~-1!J23, Returning to ChIna, he II'ns The eoulldl plans to hal'o ft)ul" mell's Tllo Dukes punterl and the Terrors cies. in the ijcheme, but, fenr e~il(Jd fr01ll his Hold iu 1927 lIud clime 8t~gcd a march t!'lwn the neld. The warch SI) that women's The t-"ponsor~ of tile broadcast llnve given nway a lcs~ compelling in" buck 10 AlIleri~a iu 1929. He spent the teams llIay and hal'e fonr both men's te:lIll~, wonlen'lI was broken "P on an interCBpted llass. they ,md arranged the l)rogrnm in two parts in fluenco, aC:ldi.llllic year of 1929·1930 at the Ren· toams to ilebnto the afiinuatil"e ana DuquesnC' novcr threnlclled the Terror's order tll~t tile full benefit !IIay l'e en- Todll}" we Illust ask ourselves if there nedy School of l\fiMirllls e~pecting to n~g"ti\"e shlrs of the two questions se- 30-ynr(1 slripe during the nrst p~riod. ,ioyeil ill different sections of Llie couu is a rational basis for 110ldillg onlo 011r return to China but a radical change in Second Quarter lry. III nd(liUou to thlt nMioHal hook- re1igiou~ buliefa_ We must decide the policies of his bo:trd c:lllcclled the l~eted liP, It local progralll til a lillif-hour 01" wheilier or llOt s6ence and religiOTll101l- approbation for his field tlllcl because longer, to be> presented ilUOiouiat.ely be- fiict. '\'e lllustdetero:,illO whetl.ter or of insurulOuuiable dialect barriers left fore or :lfter the 11:ltion·wide program, not the inflll~lleo of religion in our lives him withont un appointmont, The Stu- lIns been suggested. 'lho lutt(.'r is be- is a force that clri\'es u~ to ac.hieve the dent Volunteer Movemcnt was in need iug left to tile iultiatiyo of the college bottrr things in life_ And 1\,ell, we of a 1lI1lIl of Mr, PnrLin'a qualifieation'S, preside-nls ill "aclo cOllllllunity uuder tho must dc-eide what sort of n religioll to and were yel'y fortunate ill ob- lende)'1;hip of tho regiOllul directors. follow_ taining to fill the vuoaney. lie Imd of Are any of the objections to religion the COlllbinflt.ion enthusiasm training, whieh experiQuce, i.~ essen" (md SOPHOMORESWILL GIVE wcighty al'e ill theUlsell'{lsf ehllrch '1'lIose mombers who position, lind whleb makes usually ~ri!icizc him he 1931 HALLOWE'EN PARTY UI<.'llIsel\"es, bur to who should Indifference in a of position a "ery interesting $il"aker. His givcs opportunity a uwque him llosition criticize. hetter certainly does II'lt. mean that there is to understand the needs of our diller- ti(lllillg better limn nt an)' oth().I' timn aml ur- mission Original Talent is Discovered in no ,-nluo ill religiou. Tho large lllass eut portunities now fields avnilable (-he for specifio op- wllich GO\-. ,\lbert It is C_ :Ritchie i~ au <.:01· this aea~on, forced them to punt ngllin_ dl.'11t Q~llOlicut, tlwt I,.::liel-e(] Christian Clas9 of '35 of peoVI~ sho\\' no in!uresL whatever ill servkes abroad, l!'ges of J.l"al'yland ",m l,w mort! iULOT- Dmlll alH1 Jones makiug vicious stabs art, lllusie, litcn,tur{', lind 0111,,1' trc-ae- at the \)'{'nk loft gide nf the Dukes' line (Contioued on Pnge -J, Col, 1) m:uh1 their way t.o center wllere Koppe, (Contillued 011 Pllgo 4, Col. 1) Ghosts, goblins, :uul ~l)ooks will Taid coming i". on a Bubstitution, place- College Rill tllis yeflf when the Sopho- LATE NEWS FLASHES kicked o"or the Duguesns goal liue. mores hold tlJc-ir an!lual lialloll'e'Cll College Inn Reopens Modern Poetry Will be Zauinclli got off n 61-yaT(1 punt which part~- on SllturdflY e"euiug, Octobl!r 31, gn\'c the Terrors the l):l;ll on tlleir OWII at 7:30 o'clock. Muell new t[I]"nt Jm~ Under H. E.Department As far as~~:,;~~sB~:I~I:d been able Subject of Poets' Club 15-ya,'u liM, \.Iecn discovered iu tll~ FreshmHll clasS, to :lscertain at 9 :55 p, M., the rumor DUlin return(.'(l wit]l 3 54-yard kick, :l1ld it will lend cOllsiderablo aid in Tho formal of the Collage concerning all a.uto accidellt nt Littlrs.- Tllo Poets' Club of \Vcstel"ll _'\I:nyland !lud DeLuca mnde 15 yards off right mak.illg 1he program intcrc$tiug anu un- Jilil uuder the lIl~nagome.nt of the tOI)"", PlI., ill which Western Murylnnd College i~ ready for p yellr of inter" tackl('. DeLuca the], passed ~5 yards lUlDal_ ITollle Economics department wus held students lI'ere reporte.d to hanl figured, Hloeting.'!. A study of modern Lo Murpll), in a clellr .field, but ti,e poetry "'ill be lhe suh.ifct for the com- 'l'he uew Hoor in tile girl'>I gymnasium Oil Monday, October 19th. Visitors were WilS false, h~- the mem- pass was fUllibled. DeLuca tben ill no,," being finished, and from a re- received during the afternoou from Men in question Iiot Set'll b~- llerbat ing year. Poetry writteu passed ]5 Yllf
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