Page 13 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 13
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE WASHINGTON-JEFFERSON GAME \SPORTS I BALTIMORE STADIUM-SATURDAY-2,30 P. M. \SPORTSj "THE BIGGER THE GATE. THE. BIGGERTHE GYM" Green Terrors' Attack Shows GREEN TERROR ROOTERS Polish as St. John's College OPEN SEASON WITH WIN IDROPS FROM THE WATER-BUCKET Goes Down in Defeat 59·0 The GreCH 'I'error bootcre opened their 1031 soneon by easily defeating l'ifty·nine points scored without the Ito give anybody a rub in the later part of ''po,,·son State NOl'mal, 5·1, in a fast usn of a forward pass, looks like tho old the season. '.Phey better aa tho sea- Pitifully outclassing the Orange and low the Western Maryland offense to contest played here all October Hth. ruslling game was elicldng. Incidently, sou progresses Western Mnryland Black gridiron warriors from St. John's, suffer any let- down and continued the A1i.hough the studcut-eonehed wee- this puts Western Mnryhllid in second 11111~'silWlU the last gnmc. the Green Terrors of Western Maryland orgy. The;r swept up and down the field terH 1.Ial·ylaud squad showed SOllie place in tho team scoriHg in Maryland. swept up and down the Stadium fie1<1 in what had come to' be the approved rough spots, the gene-at showing was Loyola one of our future opponents is Saturday literally at will. !:;coring in Terror fashion nud pushed over the last good nud gu vc promise of a Iah-lv sue- scored 77 marker!! to Carl Jones uud Al Badusky who have every period tile Green and Gold players two touehdowus that were gathered by eessful season ill fulfi11illg tho Illost our 66. However isn't tho number of been snffering from injuries received in rolled np a total of 59 points whila with the Westminster elnn that day. Every difficnlt aehedule which the soccer team scored that's counted at the end the Georgetown fracas will probably be apparently 110vigorous effort pl'c\-en1ed one OIL tho Harlow squad who was in has ever arranged. the season, it i,,- the number of games "hie to get into action against Wash- the Jnhnuies from tallying. The differ- uniform and waa nct suflcrfng from some Western Marvlaud line-up: thilt nave been pnt a\\'ay in the old bee- ington and Jefferson when Iho Presi- euee between tIle calibre of football put injnry wna injected into tile melee. Go:ll Routson kct. dents nre met this Saturday in the Sta· up by thc two teams is shown nppecc- J'clm o 'Lear who played a tnckle post Fullback. . George dium. inbly well by the score and the story is in the place of Al Sadusky who is injur- Fullback. .... Dress told completely by the fact St. John's eel showell up very well as did all the J~eiteh Yale's defcat by Georgia W(lS the first New made four first downs to IVestern Mary- other members of the line, espeaiahy Center Halfback Martin lime in the history of the Havon Speaking of thia W. & J. game, it's has h:l.p that land's staggering total of twent.y·nine. Lamh who played a bang-up game at Left Halfback Ranuall Uuil'ersity's football Three a team el'er outsi(]e ,just lIhollt j'l the tlte biggest of thing that lI1arylall(l pened way Big j]IO $o.ealled of beat "-'estern had A erowd of approximat.ely 3,000 sat cellter. Outsidt1 Right Capt. H("rnick en tlle Bulldogs three times running. football in some years. We've got the through the spectado and probnbly left Insido Right 'fuckennan Line·up and smnllwry: Primetoll was ddcatcd for tlle third sue. gnme, we're got the team, imd no\\' we with the feeling Ulnt they llad been wit· Center. Etzler I:casi\'c time by Brown and so it remains wnnt n bigger crowd tilan has p.\'er wit· nesses to Il track meet between Southern Western 1JllryJnnd St. J'ohn's Insill\l Left. . .... Jaeger up to Harl'ard to uphold th0 I,onor of llessed the Green terrors in action. 50, CaliforlliaflU(1 Vassar. Hammill t. e. Zeigler Outsido Lcft Woolley the triull\virnto that at OIlC time ruJed enrybody ont and circulate the old bally· 'rhe team from "\Ve.~tmiIister had no Piuc,ura I. t. Ward S\'oring: ,Tilegrr 1, 1'uetWl'lmlll 1, eastern il1tercoll('ginte football. hOll because it's going to be n game worth trouble gelling slarted aud immediately Barnett I. g. Bean Townsheud 1 (pcn(llty kick), Etzler ~. seeing. f(}llowing the op(n~ing kkk·off which was Lamb Juml v Here's the III~t wet:k's scores.of some rcc!'il'cd by the Terrors they started to M. E. SENAT, '33, PLAYS IN Wall"eo r. g. Morris Just anothcr thougllt-Marylall(l sbow- of our future opponents: tear tho A,llllapolitaJ\s' li>leto shreds and OPENING HOCKEY GAME 'Washington &;Jefferson Jll-Marshall 0 O'L~m' ~.'" a ~eore of 8·~. :Many All iron fnns to attell{l, tickets will be on spo.llsible for the Tnrors' defeat fOllr splendid blocking of Bolton and the suo H~Nally (2), Brown (2); points after Amerienn .and l_\II·E:!ltimore Jlla~'ers sale throughout the 8t~te. Beside the t"ke plll't in tllese elnb prftetiec-s. i\[iss ,,'cars ago. At that time he was se- perb funetioning of the whole Terror touchdowns, Pineura (4), Bolton (all Western Maryln.nd Alulllni organi:lwdo bolh of his tries perfect. to cross the Crabtowners' already well- Stovens, Knight for IGlntore; Referee, Demas r. g. Barnett, 51 first Western ),__[arylalHl football team His ouly f'-:
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