Page 12 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt 'r'ncec girls who take their student gov- ,1__ V__A__R_I_E_T_Y_-----,_BO_O_K_:_, he Wl.'llt to Arizona where he was kill- the Campus' Around _:~_~_~_~w_,AND_O_F_LI_F_E_j "LARRY" emment rules that rule is in some measure c(lmpensated. fo1' by tho sincerely puzzled. i.ll entire seriousness ar(l Because a boy with the soul of a poet ed. Deplorable as was his early death,it Can Junior girls may hike on Sunday after· aud a facile pen gave expreeeicna to the the -influenee whieh his letters and diary Offieiul newspaper of Western Morylulld College, published on Thursday during noon on dates in groups of four, imply ideals and purposes that every worth- (which ,may never have been printed the neademie year by the students of Westen! Maryland College, Westminster, that one Junior girl may eupertntend while college student holds deep ill hill hnd hc lived) have exerted. that boy painted sa henr], and because Maryland. Entered as aeeond-elasa matter at tho Westminster Poatcfflee. the Sabbath rnmhlings of three boys' eollege life as it really the BubseriptionPl'iee, $2.00 a. Year Rather an hnpoaiticn, we'd call it. is, book "Larry" lias impressed its mea- Another item in the rules is reported eage on millions of readers. John Hm~Ty.--by Roark Bradford. EDITORIAL STAFF to have caused much exultation at the Larrimore Foster was a student at Jolin Hcury is the screeuc» of the Lit Editodn-Ghief '. C. W. KOOCKOGEY, '32 freedom allowed to modem youth. Como Lafayette College in Pennsylvania. He crary Guild fm September, Written in on, girls I We're (Iff for a Saturday was excited over football gamcs wilh Ruark Bradford's favorite style, it is an- ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mary Lee Shipley. '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 ma.tinoo at the Slate with the boys! Wasllington. nnd Jefferson, debated with o-ther story (If the Southern negro. The and the "Pl(l~tie read Age" Urainue, NEWS EDITORS The class in institutional mauugemeut liked it-did all the things we do. But scene is laid on the ·Uississippi delta, M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 has been. fnvcred recently with various ill his letters and themes there is so much where John Henry ("I comes f'm de Black River eountl')' whlll' hit's night all COpy EDITORS suggestions on stimulating tho appetite. :food for thought, so much thut is renl de time-c-mnh feet dou't tetch de groun' Louise B. Crozier, '32 William G. Pyles, '33 We might wam tIle men. not to be too- and true, t11ut the book" Larry" should nn' I'm ailllin' to gat 'rouud "') Iived. if an earnest Hcmc-Eeoncmics startled SPORTS EDITORS sl.udcnt gets her hints mixed and ap- prove sn iuspiratiOIl to every college etu- The story is simple. Jolm Henry lives A. Beatrice Crowther, '32 Benjamin O. Boyd, '34 dent. a boisterous, happy life until a "little plies the most uneonventicnal one to some It was a great disappo-intment to Larry hardy !lthlele whn is tllinking of any· mite of a colored weman ' ruins his life MAKE.UP STAFF that he was unable to mako a "-arsity and finally causes him to "lay tiling but being a perfoot wil!) and do-wn his Managing Ed'ito)" Thomas W. Otto, '32 mother. ed bnt instead of sull\ing, he pitch· wcury burden and go to lteabl'll." Hav- the many extra·eurriculnr aetiv· Asst. Mamaging Ed#o,. ..... William H. Sparrow, '33 ing little or no description, the story is At auy rl.lte, tllerc'lI be no exeuse for ilies that require not s.o much physic.'ll presented through eonl'craat.ion and the BUSINESS STAFF picking the wrong eddcnCe when it eo-mes ns mcntal prowess. Nor wns lie ashamed, naive boastings of big Jollll Henry. We in the as mauy of us are, to take part to Pro£es~or Shaffer's. handy memory and B-1I,,sinessMal1ager .... Roger TI. CisseD, '32 for the so·called Q·B·A·P-G·K-'M types work of organizations that did not rate know nothing of J olm Henry except of his physic!ll prowess and \"Uri!}Usw(lmen. Adve'rtiS2~ng .Jlla?lager. . .David Trundle, '33 (If stars. If Y(lu're really interested ill so highly. Illdeed, the most impressive His character, his appearance and (llhcr .l1S8't. Advertising .I1Ialllager. .Milton A. Katz, '34 usironom)', lhe phrase to- remember is porUOll (If Larry's philosophy is hja ti· details arc com'cyed simply through the Oil'culaHan .I1Ia1wger . . ..... Wayne Moore, '32 "Oh be a fine girl-kiss me." radeagarnstEOlll'ention. ,'h'id impression. that the book, as. an en- " the renl enemy of tiret.y, gives us. Granting that it is writ. We owe lIliss Ebaugh n l"oteof thanks AsS'l.'. CIRCULATION MANAGERS for fit lenst one smile this Yi"eek. It yOlltl1. Not the e.onvllution that prompta ten in au amusing manner, il\ Ull unusual Gladyse L. Somers, '33 Maurice C. Fleming, '34 isn't. so mueh that she said, ".AntI two one to use the sumo fork that the hos· aml e\'en clever style, nnd with toss is wielding with such charming in- Zelma B. Calvert, '34 .A.1"thnr .T. Downey, '34 boys aetunlly lighted up cigarettea ,rith effeetuality . the e011l-ention(If which kindliness the negro charaeteristiea,-wc still ClUlnOtsee why it was. selected by Lora M. Outten, '34 me on the campus," as that shawas so we should ba nfrnid is the insidious the Literary Guild. It is not eomparnble morbidly Bure that she woullt have to something Ihat causes the endless whis" GhiUun by the face the stutemo.nt agaiu in Ule GOLD t(l 016 Man Adal'l to Englana from Aus· the Baltimore staditlm this Saturday, more tban foUl' would they, ?lfiss Robb' ou~ fear of ridicule. If only overy col trAlia and marries the beautiful daugh· hundred students and three thousand alumui ,I'ill have t.heir part lego student would read and profit by ter of his neighbor. Their happiness is in starting 'Western Uaryland on it.s first lap towards the erection of a We notieea that Dr. Vttle is keeping tho clwpter on convention in Larry's complete uIllii their seeond child is born. new gymnasiulll. Everyone knows that this build'ing i" the most cry- right up witJ.l Western lIIaryland cam- philosophy! TIe is a dW/l.rf,exqllisitely formed, beau· ing need of the College rigbt now, as far as physical equipment goes, pus eveuts, for llis description of "lights So much truer is I~arry's definiti(ln of tiiullyendowed, but s.tilI-a dwarf. and, to date. tIle co-operation and enthusiasm shown has heen more plaTing on the rocks" WIlS rem.i.llhccnt college life limn Ihe flamiug youth idea Alethea, the mother, fsils to undershl.lla tIl all gratifying. of the new Western }.Jarylana cllstom. so prev!llent t!lday. the bitter hatred nnd repulsion that It goes withont saying tllat every sing1e student'and facnlty mem- And by the way, \\'e IU'!lr that the "This dear old eampus ... so green, Nicholas feels toward his sati, UlLtilshe ber will" be thcre-not mcrely bcc!u,lsC it ,dll be a good foothall gnlllc crack by the freshman performer down. so be(lutifully planted wiUt every kind di.scov~i'Sthat Nicholas' mother, too, is and we're backing our team, but beeansc, in a largE'r sense. we will be lit tlle Bon1iro, ab(lut the tl.ashlight be- of tree, so stunning in sllItlight, so sil· deformed-warped in mind (IS well .as helping to bring a litUe nearer to completion the project of !l Greatcr ing lllissillg, was entirely unfounded. A "ery white in the moonlight, with the body. Becaull.ll of Nicholas' abllormal Western :Mal'yland. certain informer rl2'p(lrts tbe remark, mist ereeping up from the city and the sensiti\"cucss about him, the child poisons Since it will be a benefit game, naturally no "comps" witi be ex- "Oh, is iLf Wcll, I have it right with little lights twinkling from tho dorms, Ule 111~IJpiue5Sof both his parents. The pected or asked for. Every dollar counts on t.his onc. Get your fricnds me." ana a bunch of men singing somewhere boo-kis concerned witl! Alethea's attempt to come and bring their i-dends-the trigger lhe gate, tbe better the It wouldn't be a bad idea to hare a -oh it's College Life I Not the wild to bring NirllwlUllto.'l. more rational point gym! purties that 50 mauy think represeat the of view, uod, if llossible, to Imake llim few girl cheer leaders for Western Mary- 'life' of a cflllege, but the spirit of men, Im'e the adorable llans. Miss Olivier lrmd's llc-xt big game. We hato to think the old traditions that mak!) Y(ln remeln· handles this difficult theme beautifully. of all the euthllsinslH of Hie CQel\Cy-Cohen ber th(lt fifty and sixty yeaTS ago stu She continues to make the reader lo\'~ An Honorary It is ratber int.eresting to note that in all its ;;eurs of ex· team being wasted au the llufortunate dents were walkiIlg the sume paths, sing· both (he father nlld the son, in spite of Society isteJlcc \Vestern 1\:Taryland has not yet evOlycd 1m 11011- fans in front. ing tho same SO-11gB, and lodng the sallle Ihe father's loathing. DWlllf'8 Blood orury stlulent 01·gflllization. SUilla Cum Laud'e lUay 'I.'he !lId saying that the Webster Die' old 'college on the Hill'." is both human ami beantifnl, :!Ild well sonnd all right to its recipients Oll Commcnceme.llt (lay, hut it is a tiona1')' is seol"ned ill Irving Liternry At the end of Larry's Sopllomore year worth small reward for four long years of consistent cifort in tIle classroom. Sodol.\' reminds us that Run'ard, by Honorary organizations have a tendenc? not only to sen'C as a speeial urrnngement with Ule manufac· worthy goal to be attl1ined, but. to banil together tllI)se of sliperior luers, is now being furnished with Yule ability ou II campus. In mallY respects, such Illell and women naturally lach n(lt stamped with the word Looking at Other. Campuses have common tastes and ideals. An organization composed of snell "Yale." studcnts would ser,e a definite function ill efimpl1::1 life. \Yhat to do about it? The first slep seems to he to (>stahlish fl loc111 A glanll{)out UI~baM WillaOWSof ::\Ie· At Inst I think I have soh'ed the prob- they give to the new class. Swarthmore honorary society, ,,·hose standards should be bigh enough to make Dnnicl Hall Mouday revealed a group of lem of how to make eolloge stndents has ruled out most nil of the disugreo· membership in it tIle biggest tIring a stude.nt could ha"o to stri\"c fot'. llnturp·lo\"c:rs wandering among the flow- study. Deans all(l professoi'S have grown ablc.clf.'llIentin hazing. It's even on tile As the ol'ganizntion becamc l'icller iJ.l sbmdards alld tradition, it could, ers. They were three little known a.nd gray over this I)roblelll. :Many n. collegil dceline (It W . .hl. C., cspceiully 3mong noticed mell UpOl1the Hill, namely if it liked, petition one of the nntiona1s, such as Phi BCUl Kappa. But little president has gone to lIis grave wilh tllis tho girls. Dirk, Charley anil Skip. the real want could be fillccll'igh1 now i.J~' a 10("111soci!'iy, plilllned by problem wlsolved. The idea is this: Clevernes.s i5ilw. ke)"no-tein initiations \Vestern Maryland students to fit \Yostcrll )Iar,rland Heeds. Discu~sion of the furure of the liternry 'Tnr)' the tuition charges nccording 10 now. l',ineel(Jn has a sJslelll that is :1 now about it? 8(lei!)tks was Cnlil'elled by Bobbie Da~k- S<.'1101~s\icrnting. Now isn't that II. grnlld ..redi! to UIC s~hool. 11 the domineoring :l!ll, I1'hos~ enlhw;iasm aixmt the boys' idea, but unfOl·tnnately 1, the writer of sophomores can 't !hin~ of aomething litrrnr.,· rooms provoked many cOlllmentE this, enn elnim no oJ"iginali\'y for my originnl, why !!lnke the rest of the stu- 011 sueh an nelive i.magi1.wliOll. Rnggcstio!l. .MilJ$llPSCOllege ill "hlissis- dent bod)' suller as well as Ihe Fresh· Traditions? The recent rcfusal of <1 nnmbcl' or Junior ana Sell.iOl' Wo wonilcr if those students ~ipJli aetually nscs thi~ plan. "A" stu women to go through tIle trl1ditional l'itcs of .J. G. C. who b~1ienl hnve "biggE'r and bet- rlent '8, so- the SW:lrtJlIl\ore Phoenix tells brings [oreibt.v to the attention of the campus tllat "'ester)) )[nrrland t~r" ideas tllo1n the last thirty eL18ses \J~, par $75 a .venr, wl!ercns the avt'rllge It is interesting 10 note the inter(lat tradHiolls are beillg too cnswllly swept a!:;iile. 'l'he J. G. C. cpisode is renll)' lw\'e the id('ns o-r ~Illy a bad c.:ue ~!U(kllt eoutribtltes $1~5 to tile college stndellt~ are tnking iu tlt(l drlUTIilnnll not the fil'st indication of this in the lilst veal'. ""\YhctlH!\' From lillliness of "~old fell!." c(lffers. good music. Collegiate publicntiollS lire 01' pure laek of I'e~pollsibility on the pa;·t of tho,;e in command, the (lo\'oting more and more space to re tradit.ional fl·esI1ll1/1.11rules hayc. IVcnken(ld so I'udically flince 1928, that, ITa,'e you he':lrd yet tho falllOus fable It S1!{'JUSn.< though college s\udenl.s views ant11'l'iticisnl. ?lanJ· studcnts rely it would seem that this important custom. is filst deteriorating. nark- about 1110 !!(]nirr(,j's tail' According to H('hlfillj" know what i$ going on in f!lass.~s ~olcJ)' on their publications announce- .ing baek to Jast semeste"L", we lim] that the annnal Prosh-Soph color th~ story, lwo Jllniol' girls having a. lately. Up (It Colnrnbin, COlllplllilllshavo ments u.s 10 the ml'ritll of eurrent druma. l'lIsh \\'ns c.ollspicl1ol1s by its Ilbspncc. and c,'en that reall_\' fine old ~ct·to with a campus. squirrel, bern lodged ngninst professors who nre It's ~ good chance for the literary eritic \Vestern ~[arylltnd tJ'l1dition of IWCI'Y stndent speaking to ('ycryone theDlsell'es unaccountably in pos.- murdering the King's English. Stu of tender yOlirSto get gorxl prncticl'. tllat 110 01' she meets on the campus is slackening somewhat. session of his caudill al)pendHge, which (}cnts accused a professor of using don't now adorns Ule wall of Ro(lUl 30, Me· for dOl'Sn't seYCllt~en times in one lee The callse for this tendency is rather lIard to trace, but its remedy tu~e. It's goiJ1.6to lie tough on the pro. 'J'hi~ is (he lruth: Har\'aru has order· is apparent. Unfortunately, 'Western :o-[arylnlld's buildings, yellerable Daniel. We c:m't decide whether it's a fessors. cd a number of Yllle locks to be used lIt as they may be, haye 110t acquired that dignit.'- which comes with moss ease for the S. P. C. A. or the Sykesville ,·ariou.'! pll!ees on the cnmpus. Good !'Ind iyy, but that need not prevent each of llS from associating and Patro-l Wag(ln. identifying olll'sehes witll the great and glO1'ious past wllieh lias been Spare safety pins will fied a. safe re- THAT'S EASY ad"ertisillg for Y!\le1 Not at aJI, Bar· \Vestern 1\IlIryi1111d.'S. Traditions are the most evident Wll~' in which fuge lllld hearty wel~bUle in (me Sunior A p8~'eholog~'professor at Oolgnto. re- "ilTd specilicl1lly sl)eeified that the name 1'nle should be conspieuous hy its ab that pnst has heen lumcled down to tlS. :111d in c
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