Page 11 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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GOt FOOTBALL SOCCER Varsity vs. W. & J. Varsity vs. Penn State BALTO. STADIUM STATE COLLEGE SATURDAY SATURDAY Vol. 9, No 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlN!,\TER,MD Oct. 15, 1931 INfRA·MURAL SPORTS W. A. A. Will Sponsor CADET OFFICERS IN Pra_cticeTeaching Beqins RECORD ATTENDANCE [I PROGRAM FOR MEN IS Hike for Frosh Girls R.O.T.C. ARE ANNOUNCED In County SchOOlS INDICATED FOR WASH.. The W. A. A. will sponsor a Slipper ANNOUNCEDFOR '31.'32 hike iu loouor of the Freshmen girls, BY THE MILITARY DEPT. ,/::::~;;; ~~~'";;:o:t~t::;t~:,~,:t"r~~; JEFFERSON CONTEST 'Thursday (H"~ning,October ]5, at Ccl- their prneticc teaching. Pour are at Eight Units Will Compose New lege Farm. This entertatument to in· J. H. Dixon, '32, Will Head Lisbon High Sehool and three at West Benefit Game Wilt be Center Athletic League troduee tile ineomiug eluss to the nth- Battalion for 1931.32 Ftleudehip arc High School. AU of the of Of Attraction Saturday group lotio nssocin ticu is a new roatnre at under lllC- observation In order to meet II long-fe·lt need of 'Western "Maryland ana will be one of T..ieutenunt-Cclouel Jehu H. Dixon 1\[iss Smith, xnes R(!hl), nuss Mudge, Advauee reports presage one of the mere opportunities fur partiCipation ill will eonuuu nd the R. O. T. C. battalion and :lliss Wingate. Formerly the ten biggest crowds ill Western Mneyland nthletlea by the. men's student-body, the the UlHny new ideas to he em-ried out at West('rn Mllr.ylnml College this year. hOllrs of obeervnt.ion and the ten hours football history wh('n the gates of Bal- DC'partmeut of Physical Education :Iud during tIm coming year. Programs of This wae the announcement made by ef prnetiee teaching l,nye been complet- tilnQre Stadium swing open to welcome the Men's Student Goverumeut an- this sort h(l\"~ been 8nggo~ted before, the head of tim .Militar~- .nepartmcut ed wil.hin cue week, but this year rue the benefit game between the Grt'cn nounee plans for all Intea-murnl but have not been put into effect. until early Cadet Dixon was eucsen time has been extended to II week-and- 'r{'.·rol·~ ana '~'a~l,ingt()n and Jefferson r..cnguc whifll will give every mau at this year. This should help to further only after dchberntlcn nud we.igh- u-hulf. Tho$e in tlle group were: Cnllegc 011Snturday at 2,30 P. lIL Western JUarylullti a cneuec to tukl'. llltcrt'st cud ll1Rke £nr atl-round better ing of jhe records of several Lisbon High School As previously announced, the pro- ]lllrtiu some sport. spirit in ~l;I~Sand intra-l\\Ul"al sports. of the SeIlior men who were given emu- EI.·fltriee Crowther-History and Eug eel..'"(}sfrOIl! the contt'st will forlll tho Present l)lans call for eight units of The Association membors "'ill lIl(l.l)"t missions. lish. nllcl~U9 of a fund ">hich will he u~ed to appro:Umnt.ely Lwcnly-lh-e lllemhers the Fresllmen on tl,,~ Girls' Athletic The ImttQlion this rear will bo com- Kathleen Bowdle-French nnd Englisl'. erect n baaly nceded lIew g)'IIIIHtsiuIII each. Field at 4:30, and from thero tlley ,,-ill posed of. tl'r(la eomjl:l.lIics, tl'e forma- Mildrcd Jollns(\n-llistory alld English. 01.1the Westerll ).:[ur.1'hLUd ellmpuS. In Tholllns Otto-Mnthclllilties. tioll of COIlIjlilny 0 being lll'ct'saary duo These ,,-ill probably consisl of three go to Oollege Farm, where tl,ey will on- to tIle unusually large enrollment. West Friendship Higb Sollo01 1m clfert to mal,c tloi$ fuud as I~ e' dormitory orgal,iz,ltiolls, the four frn' joy tho picnic supper provi(le(l. The Rnd .Eng lIS p08sibl~., the three thOUBalla alulllni The R. O. T. C. rost'!r tcrnities and tJ,e day studcuh, thus OfliC~TS and managers will Sjlt'ak to the ing Yl'ar is 118 1'o11l)11"s: for the follow- Cat.horiuo Bitchell&----lliatOTy of the college h,wQ orga.uized them- lish. agen- prolllotioil eovering the un!.ire llIen's studeut body. Freshmon in flU uttempt to prc.pnrc Battalion Staff j\l.ltry MeComas-TTistof.\" and Enj!lish. selvr8 as II st:tte-wioe lrJ,,-n 011tho Eas- Every city cy. amI 100% Participation them for participation in t.he inter-chUB ]_jieutellnat·ColoIH1.1-JoI1llU. Dixou. Thelllli' Snader-Chemistry ~1I,1 Hatlle tom Sl101'olind in the remainder 0:1' thu Since tho. nim of the plan is ~]lorta. ,\!"njor :md ~Ilel in Command-J.Jucl\l'ig lIlaticfl. statt' lills herll eO\'Cl"cd, indicating thill, Ol,e hundred per cent partieipation, U. PilICUl·(I.. tl,e llirgest attcndnnce of :Mar}'lnnd those sports II"lIic.h prove Illost [lOVIIJa\" ClIjltllin alld A(ljul:tIlt--Norml\lI P. foutball fans 10 el-er wilu('u n singlo uess Country, soecor, 1111,1 EXTENSIONCOURSESBEGIN will be ~ponsored. Suggested types pB"";":: omw- '"' L•. st"". D. 1932 ALOHA STAFF IS gllllle will be 011 hund Saturday. are; tennis, speed-ball .for fnll; hasketball, boxing, AT COLLEGEAND CENTERSs::;,/ APPOINTED BY EDITOR farCJ~:ll:~"l~I~I~::::dS show, rifle, and volleyball for tho wiutcr Supply offiecr-lst Lt. l'loyd N. Dough- -- As monll,s; and baseball, tTllek, golf, ten- ty. I Wa~liillgh"l and .Jdl'cr$Oll is on!! of the 1.11"0telllllS ,,'hich the Groen '.rorrorR nis lIl1d llorseshoes for ~l?rillg. Enrollment is Larger Than in Company "A" "Greater Western Maryland" Will hnve cncoulltere(l hut have uevcr 1)oen Be Theme Units to Elect Previous Years Cuptain-Gordoll D. Lnml). -- able to vanquish, ill rc.eent years. III 1st Lieut; and 2,,(1 in Com.-Dunelln C. In order to gct the pIau ill O{lerntion Extension courses luno been eonduet ~rllr(·l';son. \Vith the staff organization now COli', ]927, \\'estcrn Mnrylana Jlla.\·~d the as soon as possiblo, cach unit is nal,ed ed by Western Maryland College for 1st Plat.-1st Lil'ut. Willard N. \Vnl- pletad, it is e:svected tlmt work on the Presidents in an unu3ually hard·fought to ele~>ta repre.iontati\·c by next Thurs- tlH:! }Jast twulve yell-rs ill Westlllinst()r, lace. 1032 orJitioll of WIO "Aloha", the year· galll~. With only ten minutes to go, day to ~YO on the control e()llUnitt~ ITagt'rstOIl>n, Cumllerhn(1, IUld Prost 2nd Plat.-lst Lieut. Bradley L. Bow· book of Western Maryland College, the score WUlI tied at 6-6. Wash.-Jeff. which will dCc1(ie on the sperts to bc burg. These classes aN offered for the will progress rapidly. For the first rallica, scor~d fj tonch(lowll, nnd, pro- engaged iu, draw up cligibility rules, benefit of those who wisll to take spe- Company "B" time in the past several :renrS, nt least, p~'J1cd by the educated toe of Capt. and nrrll.llge schedules. cific work. The mat~ll;al t!Jat is of- Ca.ptain-Neil O. Wooley. the '1~t:I:'] staff orl!ani2~tion will 1.,..:1 ".Bill" AlIIOS, the pi~ilkin soarea be- Lur:mgcr:wnts n~o being made to SI}- f{)r~,l in th('~o ~\:l~lleSi~ idpnliclll with :"!u,]in C'll!ll.--l!i:. L; ut. Shllrp~ D. ('fir '~"!'''~t"~,, from wJ'llt hal< h(lell ,l"np in t\1'",t''' the- uJwighb 10 rrgister both thr curo n trollhy which \I ill be awarded that of the eo,.responding course at tho por. Il,e ]last iu thnt tho ataff will lIot be try·for-point and, later, a field goal for to the. nnit alllassing the greatest collegc itself. It is inter<.)stiuQ 10 note 1st Plat.-1st Lieut. enrl S. Jones. limited to the Senior Cla~s. F()r tho tl,e "Presidt'nts, setting the final scorc number of poiuts dUl"ing the llutire that the enrollment in the several tIns· ::!nd Plat.-1st Lieu!. George H. CapiCl. pnrpos~ of (l wider range of :It 16·6. yenr, In order to placo au omphasis ses is senitl\dHl.t l:lrgar this year tlmu Company "C" talent and, ineidentaliy, in order to gamc will Ulurk the first upon complete lmrticipatioll, fi,c points it has beeu ill IJreviolili years. Captl1in-lloward C. RIllllmill. pl"(IIlIotetile interest of. the under·class- ti\lle tile twu institntions h:lI'c will be credited to oadl unit ",II(}enters The Wt's\nunster ela~lIe~,h(·l(l ill the ~nd in Com.-1st Lieu!. Eugene A. men ill tile "Aloha" Uwre will be O,re6 "llished since tllat memQrable contest. II. team in finy given sport, II-it!lten Science 1Ia1\ at \Yestern Mar.vland Col- Lamb. Jlll1iorEditon {In the staff. Tickets on Sale points for the ()rganizatioll Irhogains lege el-ery Monday are as folloll"s: 1st PJut.-]st Lied b.1' the Ba1ti'I,orc Oil Oetollcr the 18th. 'l'he Edmo'Hlson, L. G.; COl"por!lls: A. A. BOM'd of Tr11stees .llld announce.d by 1I\1Iullers snug by the cOlltesll~nts will S:J.(llisky, W. J. 'Wrighf, A. J. 1)ow11ey, !l,c administrlltion of the eolleglt a II!! 1..IrGlHleHstthrough s!ation WPER at J. n. WhitUlor(', .\. D. Bellne, Jo:. J. Ma- shMt lime ngo :Iud which is llOIl'beillg three o'elodl. Radio lisiellers ana a hOlley. lI"orJ,cd onto jUl'.I' of nillsicni experts will join in se- CompnllY "B" Tb~ eo,n[)lcte staff will be us follows: l\lj\L Borchers; Sgt., lition of a eOlll}llllsor,vchapel service joint vote of the radio listeners and must adventll1"e ill tl,e field of Chris- cd. },fen arc ilt work lutting down a Leslie R W~l"IIcr; Corporals: G. S. ou thrne mornings dnring tlla week. At- pr()fessional judges. tianity. We must bring into onr lin's new floor [lilel r('paintillg ti,'.' walls. BrQII"ll,C. L. Bussard, R E. SlikN. LeudanM at chapel, l,owe\'er, is still re· Miss Nelson WOII til\'" Eastern Shoro the dements of ~~ienee, ana apply tbem The .floor will be suitable for
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