Page 10 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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l'AGE FOTTR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Survey Shows Instruction in Colleges for \ INTERCOLLEGIATE NEWS J._(IP)_Princl'ton N. Princeton, Future Business Executives is Inadequate A Iu m n i New s Gold Bug Buzzings this fall ",ill dedtcn te Il new scientific building erected ill memory of Doan Less than one per cent o.f all instruc- A1)CT(lgeNo. ofi1tlltruciors Captain E. l!'. Dukes, '14, U. S. Oav- DESIRE Honry Burchard Fine, former Prince- tion giyen by American colleges and uni- RlIgi$tra.tion Full Ti111B Port Time alry, aud Mrs. Dukes, with their two sons ton rnnthcmnticiau. One of the features verairtcs is devoted, to subjects designed 500 lind under 1.3 .. .5 are visiting relatives and friends i.n West· By ROIU:atTB. HOloUt& of the etruetu re is the mnthemntace l to prepare the rutura business executive 501-1000 2.0 minster prior to leaving for the Philip' The silken touch of desire equaticna and geomet tle figurll'S which to deal with problems of marketing and 1001-~000 2.8 .6 pine Ialnnds wbera Capt. Dukes is to be Has stamped my lIOu1 uppoar in the staiucd-qlasa windows. adverfising, aeeording to a. survey just 2001-5000 3.7 1.8 stationed. It has rushed rampant o'er my henrt completed by the Bureau of Research and Over 5000 7.0 3.6 And ha.s swerved me from my goal. Education of the Advertising Federation Even the "Big Ten" colleges, as rated Wooster, O.-(IP)-A Sigma Pi pin, of America aud made public by Alfred T. aeeordlng to their leadership in regis Raymond Beaueharup, '30, is leaching I I'ik.'eone w~o has found new nnd beaut! lost recently bv };[rs. Krauss, wife of Falk, Director of the Bureau. tratfon totals, do not g.ivtlthe curriculum French and History and coaching soccer ful trails. to trace, Dr. W. E. Ernuss, dairy specialist at On the whole, tIle student's alma mater time to dist ribut.lon topics that they lit Greensboro High. DIscovering quaintness and joy in every the Experiment statlou here, was found does a good job in general business train- might be expected to give, acec.rdiug to place, ing but fulls short of Bufficient the survey. These tcn largest instdtu- • • • I traverse the new-found wny, in the atnmnch of a cow butchered at instruetion in the fundamental subjects tiona, together with l.heir rcgtstratdous On September 26 Geneva,Burkleo, ex. Dreamlng, perhaps, of tomorrow me eteueu. in modern commodity distribution and and percentage o.f instruction time given '32 and J. Irving Moss o.f San Angelo, But living-just for today! sales. Only thirty-seven collegiate in to the six marketing fundamentals are Texas were married at Gwynnbrook, IF! atituttons in the United States adequately shown in the survey report as follows: Md. Pauline Phillips '33 lind Mary cover these subjects. I'Il·stit1d;.an RcgiJtrati(Jft Percentugt: Elizabeth F'rtcude were the attendants By RODER'!'B. HOLDER The fundamental subjecta, according Columbia University 36,991 .47 II we could, like the rivers to the survey report, are advertdsing, New York Ua.ivefllil.y 33,101 2.74 Letuur past roll by in haste, marketing, salesrntmehlp, ret.ailing Rnd University cf Oaliiornin 16,689 .70 Mr. and Mrs. James BillnlJ'er of New We should never bcheart·brokeJI. wholesaling, foreign trade and transpor- College o.f the City York recently \'isited relatives in Union And there'd be no time to wade! ~ tation. These are cited in the {-eport ns of New York 18,662 .38 Bridge prio.r to sailing f{)r South Arner II FRI. SAT., OCTOBER 9-10 being neeessary in the training of the BOostonUniversity 15,445 .8.5 ioa. Mr. 13i1Jmyeris a graduate of W. SLAVER.Y business leader (If tOoday,because of the University o.f Dlinois H,594 1.38 )L C. elass of '17. Since his graduation By ROBER'!'B. HOloDER HOOT GIBSON in swing of exeeuli\"e problems away from Ohio 8tnleUniversity 14.,495 1.02 he lws been employed /IS a cnrtoonist This slavery of sense is what we ha\'e to. CLEARING THE RANGE productiOouto the field of marketing. Univ. of Pittsburgh 13,675 .40 aud has alsOoillus!ttaled stories for Col· pay, Cartoon-News-Comedy E\"ell the "Big Ten" of American col· Uni,'. of Minnesota 13,419 1.15 lier's. Ria lat.est work is that of illm;.· Who dwell in cities, whoso very compact Matinee Every Sat. 2.30 P. M. leges-those with the grcatest student University (If Cltieago 12,961 .39 trnling "The GoWen Image" by Norma ness regial.ralion-fail to give commodity dis- "These colleges" states the rcportt Pattersou. 1fakcs us labor night and day, MON.-TUES_, OCT 12-13 tribution the c.urricnlum attention it dl3'- "afo all favorahly known as being well To CIIClipethe resnlts of its exacmess. CONFESSIONS of a CO-ED Sen"e5. Of the total of 25,460,000 ~tu equipped to provide business education. dent·semester-Itoursof instructiollgiveu Tot the pereentages vary greatly el'cn in Doris Hoffmlln, '29, II. resident of A Real College Highlife in 633 i.llstitutio.n9 of higher learning tho CIlllCS of schools which are assumed Pcipiug, China, is acting ns secretary y. w. c. A. Picture covered in tho survey, leSlithan one per to IHl.V1ltlu! same general aims." to Roy ChllplUallAndrews. News-Comedy cent ef the is given to- commodity Induded in the survey report is a eern 'rho opening meeting of the Y. W. C. A. distribution prohlem study. This total plete directory o.f all collegc.sand univer· wns held \Vednesday night. Ser- WED._ THUR., OCT. 14·15 eompnres with less than five per cent 001' sities in the Uuitcrl States, with an Oout Paul Bat61l, '31, is going around the vice in Prnise of Friendsllip," "A \\·as the THE GREAT LOVER total curriculum time givell. to busine~s line of tile marketing and world on a Do.llnr liner. training generally. instruction offered by each. title of tha program., Wlliehincluded per· I : Adolphe and Menjou ~ sOllll1C1!timatesof the value of friend· I ~ In all, 343 of the 1333 colleges and ship by se,-ernl members of tlte group and Dunne universities give instruction in one or Y. M. C. A. BEGINS ITS Esther Hollliu; and iUary 11oore, menlo Ulusicrelated to. the tl,eme of friendship. 'oI'.YrIY'............................................ .., more Oofthe fundamental marketing sub- bers of tho class of '30, hal'e rctnrned jects. Surve.y percentages show that FINANGIAL CAMPAIGN hom n pleasant trip to Mexico and the West. "Ell" is going to teach iu Florida. IIchnols with regi.stration under 500 and The Y. hl. C. A. is planning to begin, this yenr while Mary plans ro teach at lUore than 5,000 devote the largest rela· on 12, its finaneial campaign, GarrisOonForest School for girls. tive 8hare of their total instruetio.n time which is to be in tl1e form of personlll to commodity distrihution. solicitatiOons Oofthe m~n students and The Women Students and Teachers of Western Aeeounting for the institution accord- the men members of the Faculty. This Lucille Charles and Virginia Scrh'ener, ing tOothe geographlcal in whieh campaign will be the only soliciting of also of thec\ass of '30, vacationed in tile Maryland College are cordially they are locnted, tho surl'ey reveals thllt fUllds during tho school year. Tlto Y. West. colleges in the Northeastern aren-Cc.n· M. C. A. is entirely supported by the invited to attend neeticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, student and Faeulty contributions, no :Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New halp wha.te\'er being reeeived from the Maury :McMains, ex· '29, is coaching Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, general Activity Fund. at Drexel. A Modeled Showing Pennsylvania, Rhode Islllnd and Vermont Tho budget for tho year 1931·1932 is --de>·ot.e on an averago ] .01 per cent of as follow13: Harry Lawreuee, '31, is coaching the ......OF . their instruction time to diatr_ihutiou sub Y. M. C. A. Room Furnishings ... $10 BlIltimore Firemen. jects. Schools in the W>?!Iternand Cen· Publicity 5 Fall Fashions tral regilms of the United States devOote Aloha Fee . . 15 .!!7 per celtt o.f their curriculum time to Speakors ....... 25 .Ruth Ellen Wooleott, '31, is studying those topics. In the SoutJl,.the figure is Social ............ 15 nt the LoudOonScbool of JOournalism. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12th .79 per cent. Registration for "Y" Conferences 25 7,30 to 9,00 P. M. Of the 633 collegea studied in the Sllr· Aid in sending Bancroft to India.. 15 vey, advertisiugcourses are-taught in 197 Literature. . . 25 Stanford Hoff, ex· '32, is attending the Th. Store Open •• t 7,00 P. M. institutiOollS,markcting in 253, salesman- Postage, stationery 5 Uni,-ersit;y of lIfaryl:l1l(l Law scl.oo1. ship in 149, retailing and wholesaling Natio!l!ll Counell . . ..... 25 Nusbaum & Jordan in eighlY'Sl'\'en, foreign trade in 118, lliscellanecus ... 10 J. Hammett Simms, '29, hilS been transportation in 180. Thirty·sel'en col. awarded a fonr-year scholarship to Co Westminster's Best Store leges teach courses in all six of these 'rotal Endgct . . .... $175 lumbia University wheTe he will stndy fundamental commodity subjects, while Many of thes6 items are self·explana Inll'. He is expected to heginhis studies Eleven East Main Street 307 illStilutiOonsgil'e no insUuetio.ns in tory, but some need explanation. MI. this fall. any of U,ese ~ubjeets, which arc regarded Bancroft is II. Prineeton grad nate who all essential to modern business exeentive is now working with students of India. trnining. The Christian Assoeintions of the colleges Tea~hing stnfIs in the courses covered in the 1'IljddleAtlantic arca nrc support- by the Sliney sholl' !I. t.endency toward ing him ns a MiSl;ion'~lJ'enterprise lUld the inereased use of I)art·time instrnc· Westeru Mnryllllld is helping to mnke tor~, the sun"cr revealed. The uverage the undertllking possible. Under litera· IIlImber of instrudors employed in ture, is included !J.ooke,perio(liCllls,und schools of \· registration totum pHlllplJ!ets,purel!llsed for student usc in were found to bens follows: tbe "Y" room. Jt also includes the) "lnterCl)llcgians" whicll wcre giren to the }'rnshmcn. The National COouncil, ALUMNAE OF W. M. C. MEET the student division of the g~neral Y. IN BALTIMORE )t. c. A., hflJ?s the local ~"o('iations throJgh tllB work of its.,o,fJiee n11(1its il:lcetillg for the third time since the traveling secrelllrics. ' innugurntion of tLe-ir helV program, the I ":::::::::::::::::::~ alwilnae of \\'cst(,rn Maryland College r held a hilicheon at llnt7.!er's Tea Room, iu Baltimore, 011 October 5U,. Mr. Mur· Extra Specials! ray B01l8011, tht) newly elected J,>r(;~i-
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