Page 8 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]!Jnril'1y \lei J'unlura interested in story·telling, ll. ]!JOlt ~nllql1t5 By. W. G. EATO!'i,'SO. AT RANDOM October 4, HISl. in our Education Alfred Lunt and branch not taught Of course you knOIV partment, may obtain private inatructlcn de- Editor, THE GOLD BUG, Lynn Pontanne, t.he ineomparablcs of the from Jane Wine. Her course includes Ednn l!'erber lias stated that the philo- Theatre Guild. And you remember the Official uewapnper of Western Marylnnd Col!ege, puhliahed on 'I'huraday during ligilting effects and rerreshmente, so sophy and outlook of Ameriean youth misgivings you felt when YOIl rcad that t.ho acndemie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, come early und avoid the rush. arc expressed ill the. "ague statement, they had gone "Hollywood." But have Marylfwd. Entered as eeccnd-etaes matter at tile Westminster Poatclfice, "Oh yeah," aud that college students are Y(ll! read the euthuainstic notices that Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year What, oh, what, is thls generation incapable of diseussing anything mere their first picture is bringing forth from coming to, when a serloua Senior takes serious than football eeeres and college Child Care and Training just for some- yells. We think she's wrong-but we'll hardened metropolitan erirtcs l Mor- EDITORIAL STAFF duant Hall of the TillJC8 writes: "It is Editor-in-Cldef . C. W. KOOCKOGEY, '32 thing to fill out her achedule I have to 811owher. a top-notch talking picture that 1I:letro' Incidents of the poor freslnueuts gul. Probably the little signs placed at in Goldwyn·:'J.ayer }ms iallhiuned from ASSOCIATE EDITORS libity arc always abunda nt. But we t('l'I'als on the campus nrc Ii suggesbiou Ference Molnar's "GuardsmIJ.n", and Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 to walk on the walks and not on the this :film is to be further congratulated didn't think freshmen actually thought NEWS Borroas they could reeugnlze a Bupbomore by the grass. we-re not preaehing-just hint- 011 lla\ing engaged Lynn Fontnnne and 111. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 c\'il glint in her eye, as 0110 uew arrival ing. Alfred Luns to act !l'e lending roles... COpy EOITORS said. Observer-'S4. Tbe work of 'Miss Pontnnne and Mr. Lunt. Louise B. Crozier, '32 William G. Pyles, '33 The usual freeumeu trouble including is deserving of the highest praise, for SPORTS EOiTORS horueelckness, seems to be in evidence. uothing quite like it has been scen on the A. Beatrice Crowther, '32 Benjamin O. Boyd, '34 It might he a good idea. to file fl}! rejer- IMPRESSIONS SHeen." Robert E. Sherwood, writing MAKE·UP STAFF euee tho newest cure for the blues. An in the Bnlrimore SUI!. doubts the great- neSt! of the Molnar eomedy itself bllt Managing Edit01' 'l'homas W. Otto, '32 alcohol rub. And they say it worked I OF GERMANY "of the triu.mph of Lynn Fontanne aud Asst. MUllaging Editor William H. Sparrow, '33 Alfred Lunt there is no doubt pos.~ible We see where one free\nuan role is cut BUSINESS STAFF out for her already. There was alice a An illt6TVi.q!l! lvitll Dvctor Lloy.iJ. M. whate,·er. Their bewildering brilliance Blwin(JSS Managel' .Roger H. CisseU, '32 student whose /\ppeara.nce merited the ]],;I'/lIOI{, v:11O the past year in reo is u1Hlimmedin its passage throngh eant· Adv(J1'iising Mallagel·. . David 'l'l'Undle, '33 nickn/\me of Dolores Del Rio, mueh to scarch 1vork at Univcrsit~1/ af MImic/I. era /J.udmicrophone. "-And 1l0Wwe un- Ass't. AdverNsing Manager Milt.on A. Katz, '34 , her di$gust, but wh(l eould kick at beiug The rep(lrts concerning the finaneial derstand that aforemeutioned LillIts ara Circm.lation Mallager Wayne Moore, '32 cOl1lpare(l to Marlene Dietrich' conniti(}n of the Germau Republic, which soon due in New York t{) begin rehe.:lrsals led to the now fnmous IIoOVllt Mora- for the Guild's "Reunion at Vienna," ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGERS 'Ve're as tued as you are of wise ones torium, [lre not exaggerated, in tIle opin' by Shcrwood, and with sueh principals it Gladyse L. Somers, '33 Maurice C. Fleming, '34 nbout Ihe unemployed and their apples, ion of Dr. L. M. Bertholf, Hlilld of the promis~s to be a glorious affair. Zelma B. Calvert, '34 A.rtllUl" J. Downey, '34 but reflect: it might be possible that the depnrtment of Biology at Western Lora II'I. Outten, '34 in!ligent are gath~ri"g supply, hom Marylnnd College, who spent his sabbnti. the numbcr of npple·gatherers we've no· cal leave in tlmt country. Exnetly who is thillMrs. Wilson-Greene Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ticed, str(llling in from the hills nnd Eu(}rmous taxes plaCe a heavy strain whose booking for Baltimere's muaical waysides. upon tile people. Income taxes run ns seaS(l11at tile Lyrio are always such a Another burden for the already troub· high as forty pcr cent, and, unlike our delight to. music lo.era in tilese parts' IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI led freshman mind is, whose turn will own, nre so adjusted thnt they touell And l·r\13 to forll),the~Vilson·Greel1enn· come next to be left (lnt of ~hapel' Wha~ practically the entire population, instead noul1llementsfor the season arens breath- taking as ever. First, Iher!'! is the reo The Pre·School Abont three yetll'S ago we were among eight Or tell a fate, to linger in the darkness and cold of only t1m.,ewith the higher incomes, es ritnt to be given by Lily Pons, the new' in Americ..1. Issue grn.dulltes of a boarding 8(;11001 who were ready to cut('l' of a Sunday night, when one hundred The German people are !lOW very est· s(.'nsntion o.f the :MetropolitalL Opera. college. As September l'ollec1I11'ouIHl, eneil of us began fort.y or so of your elassmates arc privi .''.nr(lne hC/lring Iter Mnd Scene in "Lu· to think about the collegc of whicll he would SOOIl be a pul"l. wondcl'hlg legod to 5quee~e inside. fricndly to the Ma,cDoua,ld G()\'~rnment cia." last IIpring would sc..ucely rfulsido to Ger· Iustcau, lhe butler'S philosophy nnd too, for Elmer is not yct deranged, but "~hat othe1' journalistic e-xpcrience ha\'(~ you hncH merely lh'ed there with l,is uncle, who i.B mil!!)", however. Slums aro non·cxistent. point of view were S(l deeply impressad Practieally upon the alldicnec \llnt a symplllhy with tho entire popnlution is na· employed at the institution. til·e·horll and tnkCl!grent pride ill owniug the 1'001 of jlw p!Il.Yl"rswas lacking. The Do yOll expect to take the COUl'se in jOl1!'llalislll at \Yestcrn }.[ary- Flven theeity af seems 10 a home. No "shacks" fire to be seen, well-known Fny Bniuter null Sydney land? . hal'e be!'n ill:I co·oprroth·e fr/lme of :11lhouses are of permanent stone eon Greenstreet were 1lll'mlJera of the cast, whi~h, aI' the whole, j::a\"can ttdeq1)ale, struction. Of course, in the rural dis· mind iH rcgnrd to dreS1iillg thillgs up for ArIel' in the above blanks, writc an Rrticle, in yom idf'n of Uw <>penil'gof c(lllego. lIfain street h:la tricts each of theso ~turdy, permaaent but by no means, mcmorable, perform- best newspaper st~r]e, using the disaJ"l'lHlged of in[oml!ltioll givell been rt'slIrfaeed from one end to the dwellings must bave its stllble attaehed, anee. belo\\'. 'l'he items fire not listed in the order of their importance, so other, a Ilew public plnyground !Iud ath- n fact wllicll tends tIl makll tho latter The play, l)y the way, is oue of Geo~ge eY:lluatc eneh cllrcfulJ.\' l)efol'c st:lrting. TllCOl'pomte all the facts ae- lctir. field has b*H completed just off eklln-or the former dirtier, ilopendiug C. Tyler'~ nn!luill re\'i\,als, which llul'e eura.tely ill your article. Do not elm\\' upon your imnginntion, and Willis street-thellrst flood·lighted lIeld Oil the poiat oi "jew. illdnded in other years sueh notllble limi l yonrself to 200 words. (An interview win, Dr. Berthllli' in pla)'S as "The School for SCIlndal," in this part of tlu: statc. Nusbaum & ,Tordan, in keeping abreast of the time-s r~gard t(> his (lbscn'ntions of that coun· 1f)26-21, nnd Pinero's "'l'rslnwney of tIle are sporting 11 modernistic "front"- try'sedncntional system will appc~r in an Wells," 1927·28, whicll markod John A few paintings hanging in the lobby wcre da1llagetl hy the fire. and "'ork is ~tiU in the process of being earl~ issue of TJ:ill COLD BUG.) Drew's ln~t appeal'l)nee in Bsltimprc. ~'be origin of tlle TIre is os yet uniletermined ~IHrted on the ncw Post Office buildillg. The 10WN floor of Spanld'jng Hall. teachCl's' dOl'mitOJ'~' Ht Pl'l'ptOI! . College, WMi tlle scelle of the conflagration. : # o~ : 'Except for the loss of personal equipment, the ellllJlllge was {'Ol·. : ereel hv insurauce. PROFESSOR TAGGART'S FATHER i Stationery Special i Tn making his niglltly l'ounds, the wn.tclunaTI eliscoyered the fil'c III DIES AT POST OF DUTY IN 3 :00 A. 111.on Octobcr 5th. BRITISH HOl'ol-nUltAS i 'l'lle building was ('lea~'ed of its oecupants in time to suye thai!' TO ; 1jve.~. but not their belongings. «'QlItinucd frolll Pnge I-Col. 3) i Western Maryland ; Dashiug on the scene twelve Il1jnutc~ alter the fire bl'ol;e out, the whieh institlltionlle was l!lueh inti'r- Pire Department soon Ilad the bJ;)ze under eontrol. ('sled. He },nd nut hod a day's "aca· ·i Students and Faculty :1 Ot.her faculty members and students were awakened, and bec~IIl1f' lion in four yoars ill hi.!!efforts to gci * 50c BOX EATON, CRANE and PIKE • He (lid 1Ii.~ i interested spectators. the nlnchinery of t.he Belize office as i One of t11e firemen was fatany injm'ed as fl hurning tim her fell smooth runnillg as possible. INITIAL WRITING PAPER llml struck him on lhe llCac1. tlut)' us a man and a represeututive of I Nearhy bllildings were Dot endangered. Ilia gOyernnlcnt. 39c per Box i with f Coffman's Stationery I The fireman "']10 was kil1ed was llamed ,Villard j(elly. and lived There is a mOYf'lIlent on foot by He at Worthington. State Department and the people of Belize to houor Consul Taggart !J . Clip this out and pill it to a sepnrate sheet on which you have mcmerial tablet in the Department of . TIMES BUILDING : : written your article. Drop in The Gold Bug contribution box before Btnte for his years of loyal rerviee til next Thursday. the United States. 0 _ ,- .
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