Page 7 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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COl FOOTBALL SOCCER VARSITY VS. ST. JOHN'S VARSITY VS. TOWSON STADIUM HOME SATURDAY FRIDAY, 3:30 P. M. Vol. 9, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. Oct. 8, 1931 MEMBERS OF FACULTY Baker Chapel S. S. PROF. TAGGART'S FATHER Girls'Inter-Club Council II PHYSICAL ED. DEPT. IS .__ REPORT HAVING SPENT Holds First Meeting DIES AT POST OF DUTY Publishes Its Rules ENLARGED TO INCLUDE ENJOYABLE VACATIONS fi'~";'::'t;::;P~~~~::'J'~;':f~::~dC::~IN BRITISH HONDURAS \V;:,~:'::;;:t::'~h;':'~:~:::l::tt::p~;: MENIN METHOD COURSES L. Schaeffer will again 1)6 euperintcud- years, the following regulations ate MANY PROFESSORS ATTEND- ent, and Miss Eva Dryden, crgaulat. CONSUL G. R. TAGGART KILL. published for the benefit of incoming MR. H. B. SPEIR WILL HEAD ED VARIOUS SUMMER Doctor Lawrence a. r.nne, Dean of ED IN HURRICANE WHICH co-eds. Phi Alphll ?ltu, W. W., and NEW DEPARTMENT FOR SCHOOLS the School of neligious Education, will DESTROYED BELIZE Delta Sigma Kappa are the three OT- MEN givc n course, successful eompletion of gnuiza.tlons to which these rules apply. The women of the f!leulty report en· which wili entitle those attending hi~ ']'() the honor roll of Foreign Service No G'irl shall be ednritted to nil? 'rho department of Phyaieal Edne:!- joyable vneatlous spent in vnrtoue ctaes creait toward a Standard Lender- oftkers who 1,,,1'6 snerffieed tlu)lIlselv:~~ elub until she has resided at Western tien Ilt Western Maryland has been ways. Summer school s claimed many. ship Training diploma. under trllgie alHl heroic ciruumatnncee Ma rvlaud College for one year. greatl~' enlarged this year so that nil Professor Margaret Sunder studied at Professor Sehaeff"r'-'i class ,\"ill study must be added the name of Consul G. Th3' "rushing" season shall extend .TUliiorand Senio'r methods couraca, ex- Columb!a, while usststant dean 'I'belma the International Sunday Sehool lea- R Tuggn rt, Sr., who diod I!.t hi~ post of from approximately November first of eopr COIl!lhing and Tumbling, ar-e open Shreiner attended New York Univer- soua. Miss 1'h61111O.R. Shreiner and Dr. duty nt Bullae, British Honduras, as a oue yen.r until November first of the to 1I1euns well ae women. Heretofore, sity. Professor Sara Smith SPC11t len Ol.,·de Bpfcer will l(lad diseusslen ro:,osultof injuries nud -exposure during next year. This "rushing" season shill! only one course in Physical Eduent.ion weeks nt the University of Chicago. classes for young women and men rO) the recent hurricall{l there. The 00lls111 consist of two social functions during wns offered for men, ilut due to the Profesor Pn uline \Vymall took a course spcctively. WIIS fhe father of Professor G_ R. Tag- the Ii.rat ycar'a residrnce lit college, OUI} grO'll.t success of thl,l women's depart- ill ehemiatry of the blDod lit tilO Uni· 'J'lte time for bl'ginning Sunday gllrt, Jr., Df Western ~-.rnr)'land Co11ege. S(leilll fUJlction during the enrly part of ment nil but a few courses have bel''' versity of Colorado, varying hor study Sthoolhns been made lllter, this yellr It Professor 'Taggart, WIIOwaS at WasIl' the second ~'enr's re~ioenee, and aile opellc{l to lIleli ao that tlH~y, too, mil.'" with mountain climbing ana horsecaek will begin:lt 9:10, A. 1\[. iUgtOll, D. C., at tht' limo of his fllth- ridi1lg. Aft~t a trip thr01lgh Nortll Last spring tlJl} folll)wing officers er's deMli, hu receutly reeeivcd aome ~\~;'~ei:lu~l~ aecond YCllr opell to aU n;~.i~r·; ~~'i~p:~:~:.~:e;~~ the past two Carolina, Professor Lauria Brown were ('Iectcd: $II(\rtlll1ndnotes forwllrded from Belil'c 1'0 beeome 11 member, !l girl HlU$t sUlllmers hilS been st~dying at ColulIl' taught lit Coluillbin. Tho Inttor Ilnrt Rncordiug Secrctury-)[jSB Elsie EllS· whieh wero fonnd in lois futher's poel:· h:,,·e Il "C" lIyornge._. bia Unj,'ersitr, wi]] bn at the head of of tI'e sumHler MiM; Brown spont nt wort.h ets nffer he hud been knocked uncon- U~mbers of the IIltomlng frc-shman the men's dcpartmcnt. Mr_ Speir wi' I l,er home in Texas. Prof-essor D~])[1 COIT('sponding Seeretal')"-Miss Sarah acious b? fallillg timbers iu tile Con clH~~ana Irl1usfcr .~tudenh lire re'luest- teuch 11 course in "Maryland Stnte AtlJ. Avery studied nt Peunsylvunia Stute Fadely ~Hlatt·. They lire all intcresting de~· ed to rO'opernte with the Council il1 letics ill addition to Pllysieal Eduea. College, und later took It motor nip 'l'rCllsur(' 'l'hoouore Lundia cription of the first "1)proae1l Df lite lll:lking th()S~ r('gulatioll~ IIlUtunlly tioll ~3.44. The Coaching of High through New York state. Professor "R.eporter-Mr. Hownrd Amoss tempost, the. time Ulentioned in tll<,m sueeessful. S~hool Athletics. Rolen AtwQOIl studic(l ill Prance at l'cing about all hour before t.he full Tl'e deplU'tme.llta of Biology alld tho SorbOHlIe. Professor ROlie To(j.l force of tlil' hurriClllle ~truek Beli7.e and Homc Economics have cooperated with stayed hOll1e:l]) summer and statestllflt PRES. WARD DELIVERS do)molished thu city. Tl,o notcs :\ro SOPHS HOLD ANNUAL tile depn1'tlne.nt of Pllyaicnl E·duefl.tion she "turncd domestie". ProfC$sor MII- tl'IIlIijlnted as follows: 1)(!1 Harris 1I1so spent her vacation nt FIRST CHAPEL SERMON "Nortlte""; FROSH INITIATION and slllal Education nrc Biology j-2 an(l W, its brick foundations. The wind ruS(l 1·2, Rome Economies 11·12 Chemistry n{ln. Del'ln Fannie- May Ston'r rOAtCld rich yonng ruler to give away his mono hig]' carly in the tvening. The eo, gymnnsium. A persou (lan eertain!')" and 18 hours of Pllysiclll Education. iluri,lg most of the snmmer, taking Sr'V- ey. He is leachiug I,ion tI,e gr~at leo_ e(\[,llut tree ill front of the Commlnte lea.rn the pri"ate tllstE'S of II llIaii when Pral short trips through :Ma~ylalld, Vir· IS bent almost doulJle ond the elu~· he sees him in pajamas. \Vhat a \'[1- Of the girls majoring in Physi~21 gini,], and North Onrolinrr. son of uliselfisll s:lcriflcc. Jesus is try- ters of l)ig "nd little coeoanuts ridy! The roll was ca11ed and sev Education last year, Miss Dorothye Professor Estller Smith was dr~m' ing to demonstrate the 11l).rrier thc.t stud,; the d.~te cocoanut pallll I'lIty·five pnlcfllccd "Fros]," nn~wered a Todd, Miss Cutherino Cockilurn, alld atie (lQunselor at Laurel l~alls Camp in ri~hes throw up before spiritunJ prog- brandles P:lrt of the lin roo~ sholly "Here, Bir." 'rh('n the fun ilegall. :Miss Ruth Davis llal'8 distinguished Georgill. AnQther who summ-ered in ress. But Jeaus' tea~hillg foll UJlOll of tl, .. rector:y uext d(>or blow oII The fint laste Of 1110 gauntlet Earne as theillselvcs by being the first girls ill went dellt' ear$, and the young tile South wns Professor Marjorie Hir- sorrowfully away. mOil with n daHer. T:'6 1'3;11and wind tilOY ran out. of the "gym" door. the stllte of Marylallrl to be eertified ons wilo spcnt most of tho timc in Ai· iutcrfcrcd with the ebildren's pa- III C01l1'iet fashion, the l)roceuioll for Physieal Eduelltion. ~Iisa Cock· lanta. Sllfc~reOto st:l.\' nt. lIi~ tolHI~'"used the p~st !,lonemellt of "Pat" Murphy (Illd tIl!' Physical Educn- nil nnd eOllle out s'niling but with fl L'lc after f~lUe nnd wcalth we se~m to) deep resolv,· i.o go And do likewise 10 forgH thllt as we Cllm(!into this world :;~:~ ':::,::1 11;::;lIn~:::o~cOr~:.i~~s~;::~:~°i~; ~~,sI'";:,I;::~i~~';:d~fiPl~!:~nl;~II=~I;:\:iJt~~I ~:(;ld,teJ~~:I;er;'UC~~lil~.~'~;;:r~;oo~',n{:nl\~~~~ l the nett 1)ulleh of uuforinnales. Tt is wilh nothing', so must WI! in like man· l,is duties "I Belize. H~ wrot.e I,is SOli,I "'1'111'('1'BliJllI:llliec' '\'.19 ullusual. .There Girls' G~'JI' to diBCUSSund plan tl\l~ "I'f." d(\\lbtful if tiny r.-cs.lllllllnhas e\"I'r ncr depart from the eurth. Instead, 1'l'ofessor 'ragg,ort, not to visit hi]ll in followed II well·ncted slldch ~Y K:ldJ~' .vcar~' atlo1ctic nctivities. h('li{'''ed it, but it's truro In fact, nllll\\" tl,e.cfor~, of beiug coldly indifferent t'l ~:~J!:~:~IYw;:: r:~::~ls a~oti;:~ of the prt'SCllt sophomores had finn1.Y ~,"erYOlleels(.>,why n1t leIld a helping ~,~I~::II!h~::~,I;'~~~i:~~l~t~:~:'~d:: :~~i~ ~l1aijl'~:~I~geJO~'lIeT:,:,r~~~:/ror:,se{~II~~r::~"':tl:~I~' r~gol\"eo not to pcrsecuto the frl'shnH.'ll hlllld. Lot ench of us ask himseH tl10 him at WVStCl'11 Maryland College, in ~~,~~~~:~~'~i~r~Lt~~7.i~'.IlY'(\~~I~~::1°0';::~ ~)~:~:i:;~~i:;I'ljJ~:C~t~:u~esscooe~:~~~~ionTil:;_ "t.all, hut lilt' majority rulcd and "Ra~ (ju('stioIl: "Am Twilling 10 givo whllt (Continued all Page ~-CoJ. 3) ti,iuk') "Pawson" D:l\\"soll then eludl! the rlli~iJ\g of the number (of Rules" Ilrl' on. I lia"e 1.0aid people, !.Jotll as rC'gnl'd-,; 'l'hl' same old rules hll"o been relld Illy \\'calth lind Ill." per~ollality.'· Upon ~lal1lllled the fair coeds of {lear old W. points neeeSsa.r.,' for attaining the ".M" Ol"er agflin to 'l11other .Fresilman eln~9, the inrli"idunl rests 1he llllrrlen of reo BRING THIS TO THE PEP M'Th~' 11::~;' :;~,~'~ town \\';I~ hold, tIl\! ~,~~~dp~'~,~st!~rI:~;l;'I'~eq~i!~:d 5~\~i1111~:~ witll strict nrders to ~lIfor<;e UlCm. ~JlolI~ibility. ,',hat will he your deci- 'l'lois. year, SOllll't.hill~ 111'1"hilS he"" slont MEETING TONIGHT traditionul pra~'er for rain eudillg' lh·~ elilillged to (50, nnd 1,500 respecti,'cly. added. "Rat Rulcs" aro strictly mili- sho\\"_ lnstead of the 100 PGint requirem(.'llt tuy. All freshmen musl wnlk ill ~illg!e lnnd :dullln\ls who wrote the origi· for n{lmissiOIl into tile Aijsocinti'ln, fil~ 011tl,~ right side o~ the w~lks ani! Music.Speech Recital 11:11words to "Den. "e~l~rn _\[ary- Dr. Wills Is Elected Pres. Freshml!n who so desire will be flhle to j()in IIft(.>rnttailiLIg 5 miles hiking' ~:-:jer\\;~;;~~a~;t:t~!I:.orll~::k:'(;d I:::~k :,:~ Will Be Given Friday lllnd", IHl.sjusl f01l\'arded Tll$ Gold of Debating Council el'll(lih, or nfter playillg (on any class Bug n copy of a new vcrse. Rore place the traditiounl groeu bows. Their it is: team. "step" is II ~alute aceompanied by the A combined speech :wd mmic recibd Dr. Geilrge S. Wills, hel.ld of the D1> At.1 f-uture meeting of the W. A. ,\. information "I'm green, I'm oumh. I'm ",ill be g;l'en in Alullini lion on Frida)"-, Cheer Westen! Maryland of English:l\ Westeru MnJ'Y- Ih('s" tlonnge~ will be ,-oted on, n new ire8h, I'm sorry". October 9, at ('ight o'dock. Miss Esther Cheer, 1f'eslcTIi Mar,,7ulld, we're IIf!1'e wnseleetei! Prcsifleutofth(!Penn· \"olley hall mnnager elected, and tile All freshmen lIIuSt sign lip b!.'fore $uJitl" Professor of Speech, and Pro.l'a~- to Will. s~'lvaniJl Debating ('onueil nt ti,e Hle,·'- "!'plntement of the W. M. on the bl.'l.· hreakfast am] report on the hock.\' fie\(] ~(1r :I.["rjoric Hirons, of tho De]JaTtment SII01,!(irr 10 sll()lT, 1l'l)nI to the sport world of Western few weeks. 'rhe Dover Road. ... A. A. Milne (Cont.inucd 011Page 3-Col. 2) Maryland .
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