Page 4 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A OATALOGUE OF WAR LIES Ollann. ~ortdy moingn members of the British Ministry three Arthur Ponsonby, one of the (Burns, Trevellyan and Ponsonby) who resigned when England declared war on Germany, and since then a member of Mrs. J. Hubert Black (nee Tommy Leota Kclb, '28, is teaching English FIULO ELECTIONS W. W. CLlJ'E the McDonald Ministry and a member of Massey) '25, is living at Woodbine, and French at West Friendship, Md. Parliament, has compiled in a volume Philo Literary Society elected its Qffi· The W. W. Club entertained the be' of 200 pages all the. lies invented duro Maryland. Sam Bryant, '28, is enrolled as a atu- eera for the coming term at a business ult, at tea in honor of Mra. Stover ca ing the World War agaillllt the Central "AI" Albright, '28, is employed by dent at the University of Maryland meeting held on Wednesday evening, Friday, September 21, in. McDaniel Hal! Powers. He shows how they originated, the Bethlehem Steel Company at Spar· School. of Denti.stry. September 19. 'The results were as rol- Parlor. germinated and were perpetuated-and rows Point, Md. Rubert Johnson, '28, is in the employ lows: $till survive-s-even in the face of positive of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Com- President :Mary L. Darby GAMMA BETA CHI official denials. TIle authur ts purpose, Dr. James Straughn, a well-known al- pany. He is attending evening ses- Vice President Julia Willillm~ as expressed in tile preface, is to see the umn,us of W. M. C., spoke at the M. P. sions at the University of Maryland Treasurer Elizabeth Scott Gamma Beta. Chi unnouneee the fol boo.k eirculated; hence the London pub- church this last Snnday. Law School. Recording Secretary Virginia Merrill lowing dances which will be held in the lisher is selling it at a triJiing cost. It Those seen on the Hill this last week Cor. Secretary Mildred Ranm club-room in the- Davis Building: is addressed especially to those who lost Ruth French, '28, is attending classes Saturday, October 6, (Dickinson Home their mental balance during the war and at Columbia University. Her address arc Irma Lawyer '26, Esther Lawder '27, Game) attached full faith to the stories, but is 411 W. 116th St., New York City. Helen Baker '28, "Bill" Bay '28, "Al'l Y.W. C. A. Saturday, November 10, (Mt. St. Mary's have since recovered their senses or are Albright '28, Jimmy Lusby '28, Mildrod Home Game.) on the way to doing so. ''Bess'' Haymon, '27, and "Pros" Carnes '28, Mary Warfield '25, Leota The Y. W. C. A. welcomed the old and Fridal', November 30, (Thanksgiving: Ponsonby is to be commended for com- Grace, '26, were married on the Eastern Kolb '28, Ruth French '28, Mr. and new girls on College Hill at the :first Dnnee). piling this catalogue of war lies, which Shore during the luttcr part of the sum· Mrs. Joshua Niles of the classes '18nna meeting of the year last Wednesday Friday, December 21, (Holiday Dance.) can be easily carried in the pocket as n mer. They will luako their home in the '19, Miss Kirk '19, and Audrey Ryan night. Eleanor Noble had charge of handbook to show to people who .nill be- Phillipines, where "Prca" ia. stationed ex-'29, Mrs. E. Zachary (neo Jesse Fink· the program. The main reatueea of the llevc the famous old legends concerning as a U. S. army officer. bine) '26, visited the "Onions!' evening were a 8010 by .s.manda Bell, a WEBSTER tender- baby hands chopped off, nuns speech on the meaning of the "Y," by violated, poisoned candy dropped from EVERHART the new president, Dot Roberts, an,d a The first meeting of Webster Literary enemy aeroplanes, etc., what a reputable D. S. GEHR wolcomo speech, by Frances Raughley. Soeiety for the DBW term was held in Englishman has undertaken to do in pre- BARBER and BOBBER The meeting showed a fine start for the Webster Hall, Monda.y night. The new senting offieial. disproof of these malign- (Established 1866) new ye~r in "Y" work. president, Mr. Howard, presided. Tbe ant distortions of the truth. It was, of At 'I'he Forks m.eeting was opened by the chaplain. course, natur-al. that with the exceptions Wholesale and Retail A ahort address of welcome was given of sundry periodicals, the Eng- FIULO MEETING by Mr. Eaton. A special wolcomo was lish language should fail to take HARDWARE "Dad" SM ELSER offered the visiting men, who turned notice of the The author in the ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, At Philo's fint meeting of the year, out in large numbers. Mr. Newcomer preface makes some interesting com- Phone 318 COLD DRINKS presided over by the new president, read several modern poems. The pro- ments. He says that if no lies were Westminster, Md. Mary L. Darby, a ,ery in.teresting and gram was enlivened by ar bit of humor told there would be no war. To what· Open every night until 11 :30 p. m. unique program was. presented. A play offe:r:Mby Mr. W. Warren. The two. ever exteut this c(mclusion is contradict· entitled "The Perfume Shop" was faculty advisers, Professor Schofield ed the conditions surrounding past King's Pharmacy wars were conducted in T. W. Mather & Sons given by the Junior girls of the society. and Schaeffer were present and both war!!, is fairly certain that in "the Matilda Thompson read a very humor· made interesting> talks on future plans good old times" THE REXALL STOR.E (lUS and entertajning story called "At and prospects for the Literary Societie~ a more honest fashion than the Allies 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. the Photographer's." .A.8 a musieal on the Hill. The first meeting of the conducted the ""orld War. Ponsonby number, Sarn Freeman and R
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