Page 5 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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M. Vol. 6, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 4, 1928 HARRY CLARY JONES DR. WARD HOLDS HELPFUL CON· COLLEGE CALENDAR FACULTY ADVISERS APPOINTED ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN FOR LITERARY SOCIETIES CLASSES WITH FERENCES SCHOLARSHIPS ANNOUNCED AND STUDENT ORGANIZA- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4- In order to restore tbeliterary eocie. OF 1925 COMPLETED TIONS Poets' Club; Illustrated lecture in ties to their former state of thriving Awards to be made in Chemistry and For the past few days President McDaniel H.111 parlor by Mr. Gee. prosperity, the ndmiuistrntion has deem- Final Check Received from Rockefeller Physics Departments Ward has been holding nppnlntmente Mather of Weatminater. ed it advisable to appoint a committee Foundation with the various atudenf orgllnizations .PlHDAY, OC'.rOBEH 5- of facnlty advisers to investigate the On Tuesday, September 25, an an upon the Rill. His purpcee is to explain Soccer at Maryland State present conditions and give such counsel President A. N. Ward announced Fri nouneement was made in morning chapel clearly the position of the faculty in reo Towson. bring about the needed chang dny morning in chapel, tho close. of an eoneerning the general features and lation to the new standards of the 6;30 .M., P ep )'feetillg, Smith ea. committee consists of Miss Hart, extensive financial campaign, which has award of the Harry Clary Jones schol- school and the ncceaalty of meeting the Hall. Mrs. Carpenter, Professor Schofield, and been staged by the college for the pur· arships in the departments of Chemiatry requirements of the graduate schools of Soeinl Tlours 6:30-9;00. Professor Schaeffer. For the first meet pose of building a "Greater Western and Phyaics. A certain amount of the country. The first nppointment s ings of the year the committee divided, Mnryland? ' upon College Hill. money has been left "to the college and were with the freshman·sophomore SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6- one member attending each of the ao- With a flourish Dr. Ward displayed the interest accumulating from this fund groups as a body where the importance Ynr sit y football. Dickinson at halls. In future they will tra,;el in the final check received from the Rocke is given to certain seniors who meet the of the building of II. solid foundation for Westminster, HofIa Field,2:30 to each of the societies in turn. feller Foundation. The ;President stat- requirements in order to assist in grad. futu_re collegiate work wns strongly em- P.11. which will be given to the ed the campaign was completed only uate work. The technical features of phasized. For some yeara college fac Preshmnn football at Naval Aead rather than in public by his giving his personal note for the seholaI1lhip are as follow: ulties have realized that the complete emy, Annapolis. is to be presented from $7,3~0.60 due to a deficit in the pay- The income from The Harry Clary ne!is of the work done in the required .MONDAY, OCTOBER 8- the point of of the college and not ment ofJ?ledgca. This deficit-a breach Jones Sehol!mrhip Fund shall be divid courses of its first two college years !~ Women's Literary Societies 6:30 from that of an indi,·idual or any one in the campaign's walls will be cover- ed into two parts and offered as schol- all important in academic work. So P. M. The advice docs not have to be ed by this personal note until some few arships fflT Seniors in the Departments much has this conception gained ground 11co's Literary Societies 7;00 persons, who have not as yet paid their of Chemistry and Physics, one in the that some or the leading colleges in the P. M. of the committee has been pledged dues, can supply the necessary Chemistry department and one in the country have artificially divided the four '.rL;ESDAY, OCTOBER 9- first daits to the socie- Physics department. Candidates for year course in two sections and given Social Clubs 7;30 P. u. tics, but the resulh of the discussion funds to recover this financial deficteney. The note, which is the basis of the these scholarships must mect certain the lower groups the best of instrue WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10- have not been made public. reinforcement is written in the amount standards set by the departments con' tion and selection of courses. Every Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. 6;31) of cerued, and the scholarships are only to (Continued on Page Four) P. M. 1928. Itis und tomes due December 8, by the president that be given to students who reach these Shakespeare Club .McDaniel Hall DEANS HEAD COLLEGES OF LIB- by this time pledges will be paid standards. If in one of these depart 8;00 P. U. ERAL ARTS AND EDUCATION in full. ments no outstanding candidate appears F:£!.ESHMEN INAUGURATED INTO The campaign, which hAS just been COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIP in any year, two eeholarslilpe may be Several new dean appointmcnts were completed, has been in progress for given in the other department, provided "Ra,t" Rules Published four years, and totals a sum of $625,000 there should be found two candidates THE CHURCH IS THEME made this year at Western Maryland -$125,000 of which has been given by in that department who meet the re At 10.30 on the night of September Professor Samuel Biggs Scho the State of Maryland, $125,00 of which was appointed Dean of the College quirements set for the bestowal of the 21 a slow and solemn parade filcdaround OF DR. WARD'S SERMON of I_iberal Arts . .Mrs. Fannie Mae Sto has been given by the Rockefeller foun eeholarship. If no eandldate in either Ward Hall and made its way to the vor is now the Dean of Women, and dation, ana the remaining $375,000 has of theae departments meets the require- front of the m:tin building. It was the President Ward selected SS' the text }jiss Thelma Shreiner is assistant to the been pledged by Western Maryland ment" for this honor, then no scholar- pajama parade of the class of 1932, led for his sermon Sundar in Ba· Dean of Women. 'l>hey are Illl gratlu· Alumni and friends. ship shall be awarded in that year, and by Abe Halperin, who in turn was eon ker Mnttbcw evening Illes of this institution. Last yeaT Pro Imtnedlatcly upon the closing of tbe 16:18,-"Upon the taecme from the Investment for that ducted by "
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