Page 3 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS I FOOTBALL NOTES I SPORTS I VARSITY NEWS FOOTBALL DOPE THE HOME GAMES SOCCER OUTLOOK Lafayette-c-at Easton, PEl. Nov. 21 Haverford-at Haverford Nov. 22 Usher in, "The Great Game" Along with "Hurry Up" Yost of For several years Western Maryland Football! Our own little has Michigan, we have "On the Hop" Har- Lest we forget. There are two has been represented with a soccer team Pending Dee. 1 been practising since September when low, of western Maryland. games at home this year. The first which has always made a very credit- Lafayette-eat home Dec. 7 the football camp opened. Thus game of the season will be played on able showing. This r=:» prospects th(l coaches have met with New famous saying: Klcpac's "Yezz Hoffa ficld on October 6. The students look much hrighter and Barney Speir, good weather and have been Dick." will be granted the privilege of seeing Capt. Beauchamp, and Mgr. Hovermill GIRL'S ATHLETICS the team's first action. We must also hard to round out the squadv which "Warhorse" is going to borrow some remember that the student body has a are very muon encouraged over the show_ the loss of some of last of Barney Googlets horse feathers to ing made after the firat week's practise. Miss Millard plans to start this fall present. Among the put on his knees, 00 he can tackle his lot to do with the aucceee of our foot- The team is very fortunate in having with the girls' annual field ball games year's chin when he runs. ball team and let's all start planning so many of last year's varsity back. for inter-class championship which was Nate Buddy can still kiek on Monday, Wed now to show the team that we are all be- The backfield has lost Bulhvan, a very won last year by the class of '31. The The first game hILSa moral hind them. ncsday and Friday. strong and faithful half-back; and Reid various classes are urged to ·organize effect on the rest of the year and if we Terror line for two years. Then there Perhaps some of the spectators last can start the team off with the impres· a streng fullback. The forward line their teams and to start practise at once arc Buck Chambers, ::Uc1[ains, Tozzi, Prtday wondered at the appearance of :~or:t;~~t'~~I;~~el:i~;frOe:U~~ wi~ci:n:l~ was fortunate in having all the old men so that the games will be made interest- Cecil, Goodhand nnd Bay; nil letter men. some of the players. Sh-h-h. They return. Among the letter men who reo ing by Bornereal competition. A great deal of good material from got their pictures "tookl" the games. • turned nrc Capt. Beauchamp, Willis, the Freshmen team of last year did not Alex. Rtgdqn still confuses the stiff Holland, Benson, Trice, Smith, Hart and return. Atwood, arm charge with a &\raight left or right. Then there is also the game with Mt. Howard. BliSh, Boroski, and Evans and The "Charley Horse" St. Mary's on November 10. There is also a large freshmen repre- so Dan Cook's last year's varsity reo ing it's toll of the fellows. has been tak- Come on, students. The old W. M. sentation 01\ the field. Among these who Western Maryland Some day are showing up well are N. Woolley of It was at first thought that in a small much to the C. baeklng ! Westminster High, C. Noble of Caroline High, Trunda and Keller of Franklin squad this loss would be irreparable. squad. High, and Hastings of Pocomoke City. Seal Merchandise But the general spirit and the cnthus of the fellows are sporting a FRESHMAN NEWS iasm of the squad as n whole seems -I'he freshmen who do not make the car- than erer before. And every real of tan, after a couple of the sity will likely compose a freshman one trying to make the loss lighter. hot days. About twenty candidates reported for squad as there have already been some Bob Gill has been an interested spec the Fresh football team, which has one offers for games for a freshman team BOOK ENDS tater the last two Saturdays. of the hardest schedules in the East. from several schools. CALENDAR PADS Opening with the Navy Plebes on Octo- After a hard week's drilling the team ber 6, then continuing with University is beginning to shape into a Soccer BRACELETS of Maryland Frosh, Shippensburg Nor- machine which will make an excellent PINS mal, Georgetown Frosh and Gettysburg record on the soccer field this fall. They RINGS Frosh. This is a schedule that would are somewhat handicapped due to the The schedule this year is regarded as test the worth of any team. injuries sustained by Willis, Holland ASH TRAYS much more difficult than last falL 'rem- The squad contains a number of phy and Trunda, but these milll are expected KNIVES plc, one of the newcomers, had what was sienlly larger men, and proportionately to be back in the line up when the soa· COMPACTS considered as one of the best teams in slower, than last rear's Freshman squad. son opens with Normal at Towson on the East lust for the varsity positions. At Tn many eases the candidates are very October 5. will be supported by Till- green lind it will take much work on the Tlie squad meeh some of the best man and Usinger. Havens should part of the coaches to round the team teams in the east this season. Among COLLEGE SEAL IS STAMPED rank as o·lleof the leading centers of the into shape. which nrc Army, Navy, Lafayette and ON EACH ARTICLE year. Among the candidates who have r..· Ha,-erford. The schedule is as follows: The running back positions will be Towson Normal-at Towson Oct. 5 cared for thc rncomparabte ported are: Benson and Hamill, ends j Franklin High-Reisterstown Oct. 15 of the great backs; Miller, Pincura, G. Lamb, rind Barnett, taek- Franklin & Marshall-at home Oct. 27 renee, Long and Deblavcns. les; McClellan and E. Lamb, Bonsack's ty of stiff opposition. The interior positions will be sel- Normal No;'. 2 On the squad, the end positions seem ected from Gomsak, Chnmbers, Kosch- Navy-In Baltimore Stadium Nov. 10 well fixed with an open fight between inski, Klepar, Ekaitis and Stack. and Burns, backa. Army-at West Point No\·. 14 THE COI.JLEGE SHOP I Hand Painted Pins Films Special $1.00 Expert Developing 24 Hour Service CHOCOLATE SUNDAE Topped with Whipped Cream JOe Griffin's Goodie Shoppe SODA CANDY TOBACCO HOT TOASTED SANDWICHES COLLEGE SPECIAL A Delicious Fruit and Nut Sundae J5e PIPES Good Assortment Cigarettes 25c to $5.00 2 for 25c
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