Page 2 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. l1ntrr-QIoUrgiatl' Nrlllll "Copy 19~8," a book of four complete playa from the work of students in the "WlJat of the Strikes! N- and play writing courses at the Columbia B- affnir'l Did they stage a grand University, is off the press and avail- bust up this summed How about P- Official newspaper of Western Maryland Collego, published on Thursday during able for sale. These plays were select- fessors have a queer little way of ask- the s cadcmic year by tIle students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, and J-' I haven'f seen them to- of by Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Poatoffiee. ed playwrights, a committee comprise, six prominent their ing swer, que-stions this that was are just difiie\llt keeping to an- up and in and one Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year opinion, the best work done at Col- that well-established reputation. Por that customarily umbia during the ycar. D. Appleton who can ten what this new style (if it arise wllcnever a group of girls (or per- MANAGING STAFF and Co. arc publishers of the book. may boo ca.llod stylo at all) is' haps boys) happen to be grouped round Moat of the girls seem to have eon- about on tho campus or in a dormitory. Editor-in-Chief. . Casper P. Hart, '29 traetod the summer thc disease Just what such remarks may mean, is Managing Editor .. .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 Princoton University men are the best of the outstanding left to the intelligence of anyone who the Asst. Managing Editor. .. Edwin Warfield, '29 dressers to a of recent collegiate world accord may be he concerned. it is However evident this that can TIle average survey.' said, ing snf~ly Business Manager ... .Paul Bates, '31 wardrobe of each student is 5 suits and they don't last (the They are Asst. Business Manager. .. ,J. Ilemmett Simms, '29 !d o;;~:::~t;rs~~d~~: ~e::d:l;~ ::t~:::: som('what similar to these summer flirta· even Advertising Manager .. . .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 age of $126 for clothing. very many nrc seriously considering a tions thn t we read about or exceptions ex- there Still perience. IHe the Circulation Manager ... ... Hoy L. Robertson, '29 musieal career or something of the sort. and that is wllllt proves the rule. It May the art be epnred! isn't at all diffieult to recover from the James A. Stach, '30 first attack or even the second. .Ask 'l'hc which Asst. Circulation Managers. . .. { Thomas Braun, '30 included Carnegie achievement 3800 tests questions with If you the have a big hcurt, sympatllizo has those who have. And to those who have whose hair approximately poor creature Leslie Grover, '30 and whieh 66 Lebanon Valiey seniors reached tlia.t terrible intermediate been so fortunato or unfortunate, as the Art Editor .. . .... "Pete" Gomsak, 'SO took last have been marked aud rase may be, not to have had such an experience, tr~' Sports Editor .. .L. G. Ekaitis, '31 the scores. The ranked according tests to their depends on how it. you It's take fine. it. But it all tlie have results of REPORTORIAL STAFF May I Ask Yon- L Wh~' the Freshmen get homeaiek I News Editors pared with the scores of other We never did. AIm! W. G. Eaton Margaret fir artignoni, '29 and universities. At the present some we know insist it is net known how each institution upon the God ever made. Associa.te Editors ranks with the other in the state. 3. Why the good looking Freshman Educational Mary Walzl Curvin U. Seitz, '29 at Reading leaders of the state met be ''bob'' it again! men keep (Jut of sight. Edith Kinkead, '29 Hoy C. Chambers, '29 and Pittsburgh last spring "There is a brand llCW day thnt ain't 4.. "\Vhy we have tllO "point system." had day Evangeline Lathem, '29 Oscar I.1. Morr-is after tIle the tests revisions been to given made. and dis- It never been teehed." of life Before has the touched has it Many cases of nerves are known to cussed be spice the ended was planned to eliminate all questions in n number of ptaeea. All days have have resulted. Reporters which were generally unanswered and humorous incidents if only we have open 5. Why "Love sends a littlo gift of VirgiI).ia Merrill, '30 Roy T. Edwm-ds SUbstitute ones of more practical value. eyes and a roses." Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '2[1 them. Even a 6. Why the library is a favorite ren Helen G. Dennis C. E. Funk, '29 Shore to Western is not so devons. Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson w. Day According to estimates of tllC Federal bcresome when is met with 7. Why the girl~ are lctting their Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 Bureau of Education, there are more a light hrart and 0. cheerful disposi· hair grow. Elizabeth Clough, '30 N. A. Pcnnewell, '31 college students in the United States tiou. It really does hfkc a good nature 8. Why some people act so young Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 than in all the other eountries COill- to aeeept with a Smile SOllle of t11C Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 bined. The American total is things people say. when ought to be grown -up. Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 the 'Phis started thc day. Janet was wait· 9. Why You people Met change their minds. Tell Can ing at a little eountry town hotel for the bus to take her to the boat. She Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news, ahs('ntmindedly left ller pocket book ClLI.NGE OF HEART on the bench while she walked In a survey of the participation of sludents in forty··four extra_curricular up the to see if the bus was You sal'.~ me little songs 0' loye, IE.-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI activities, conducted the Fordham And I listell('d to for laugh awhile; when you said You use-d Rflm, it was foulld pcr cent took no part in those activitics alld the re- to reprimand her. "Hello," I thiuk of .\ud now you never smile. The Gold Bug takes tllis opportunity ganizing the literary societies, hiking maiuing 61 per cent were members of to extend its welcome to the class of elubs, athletic teams, school papers and from 1 to 7 campus organizations. nrOlln
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