Page 97 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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COl ,TmSIS THE MAY-DAY FESTIVAL LAST ISSUE OF THE THURSDAY, GOLDBtrG MAY 17 Vol. 5, No. 25 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 17,1928 May-Day Festival To Be Most HONORARY FRATERNITY FOR SCIENCE CLUB VISITS PHILOMATHEAN WINS WESTERN MARYLAND Colorful Event of The Year A.n honorary fraternity BALTO. COPPER WORKS ANNUALSOCIETY DEBATE for men, Ilm- ited to seven members, has been ap- 'I'huredny evening, May 17, is the oc- Anna Ely, Irene Mart.iuo, Virginia Mer proved by the Administratio11. TIle BUS CONVEYS STUDENTS CURRICULUM IS THEME caalou of the annual May Day Festival r il, Margaret Barnhart, Lucile Pros- purposes of the fraternity arc to hring at Western Maryland Ocllege. This eus- key, Eleanor Noble. together cutstandmg mert reprcecnta- A bus lelld of Cbemiatry students tom was started last year and bids fair II. Summer-Solo dancer, Ma:rgaret •tdve of the various phases of college left the Hill last Wednesday, May 2, Philo enrried of!' this year's honors in to become one of tho most attractive Willinger; Elizabeth Howard, Sara life in order to promote eo-opcra.tdon to visit the copper works in Baltimore. the annual debate between the two wo- traditions of the college. The May Freeman, Dorothy Hooper, Luelle and understanding and to serve, by its Since there were too many people to go men's literary eceiettes, which was held Queen and her attendants hold court Oharlea, Alma Tnylor, Ruth Gleiehmnu, Jligh etnudarda of membership as au in- through the plant in a body, they in Smitb Hall on the evening of May on the greea, while dances and other Maude Lesher, Doris Hofflllllll, Vie.lori:!. cent.ive to greater nchlevemeuf on the divided into groups of six when they third. The chairman of. the dehate was forms 0.1' entertainment arc prcacuted Smith, Edith Kinkead, Rnth Davis. p:~rt of all men 011the campus. reached Baltimore. Each group had a Mr. Hubert Johnson. The Philomntllean before them. This year the tbcme is to III. l"nll-Solo dancer, Mary Walzl; 'l'bc idea. of such a. fratornity was special guide who took his party dubntera, who upheld the affirmative, be the Pageant, of the Seasons. Dances Mabel .numca, Katherine Cockburn, conceived by Coach R. O. "Dick" Hur- through the works. were tho Misses MlIrgll.ret Voorhis, Vic- tllJseriptive of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Helen Dennis, Elizabeth Love, Eliza- 10"', WllOhas iuveetlgatcd tuc workings toria Smith, and Mary WarAcld, with 'l'he copper whicll this company uses Winter will be performed by solo daue- beth 1Ifitellell, Rosotda Todd, Hilda of honorary fratcrnit.ies in otucr eel- comes frem all over the world. In its };riss Dorothy Roberts a~ alternate. ~ The era and choruses. Young, Anne Raughley, Clara Oouo- leges. He, along with several other Browning debaters, upholding the negn Heralds announce tho coming of the "way, Evelyn Pusey, ·Lillian Maddox, memhera of the faculty, selected six il1ljlUre state it contains gold, silver, fire, were the MiBses Viva Reed, Alma ladics and gentlemen of the court, the Aliee Perry. men to be eharter membors. They are platinulll, and nickel. In order to find Ely, and Virginia Holland, with Min players, and the dances. This cavalcade ''linter-Solo dancer, Charlotte Messrs. Barnes, Johnson, Lam1;Jertllon, ont the snbtsances eontained ill this Dorothy Grimm as alternate. raw copper, holes ara bored at regnlar advances down the hill and arranges ',",lluoler; Helen Harry, :Mary Moore, nlld H:n·ulls. 'I'he other member interl'nls in the slabs as they como to Thl! question for debate was: Re- it.self about the throne. Another .fan Ruth Caple, Jane Stayton, Elizabeth will elected by the men tllemselvs. solved, thnt legislative control of specifiC fare of bugles warns t.ho onlookers of Cnin, Kntherine Grnmbine. - the plant aad thc pieces takon out are tile approach of the Qneen, duchesses, Margaret Martignoni is the author tested in· j,he chemistry labomtory. eontent of cnrricula is contrary to pub· and attendants. The Qneen is escorted of tIle pluy whiell I~ill be given, a phan- DR. H. L. ELDERDICE GIVES When tLe substallCeS are determined, lic welfare. The main contentions of the to llCr tl!rone in state and aftcr proper tasy ealled "The Comiug of May." The tI,e lllister uopper is !Jeate(l ill a fur· offirmati\'e were: (1) LegisJatnres are ceremonies everything is in readiness scene is ilia garden spot of the world, Ilacu.• liter being cooled, the other l10t qualified to control speei1le eontent for the entertainment. First there are between the last day of April and the. FOURTH TALK TOSENIORS minerals are separated from it by moans of confses; (2) Edueational d:isruption of electrolysis, in which the copper lhe dances of the seasons followed by a first of May. The costUIH!lSare in has followed eallCSwhere the leg:islntufes Illny and the :May Pole Dance. charge of Mae Mill1i. The charactcrs "INTLUENOE" IS THEME CllilgStO :t plate while theotller metals lla"e nttempted to control speci1lc cou· Tlle personnel of tho Court is as fol aTu all follows: drop to tbe bottom of a OOlltainer.Eac11 tent of. eonues; (3) Still .further evi.l~ lows: Qaee11, Betty Norman; Senior Allril-DOfothy !tellot; atiend:llltH, mouth about a millioll dollars wort.h of result from the interfereuce of legisla· Dr. H. deliver<.!d the Eldcrdiee L. Dn!lhess, Helen Butler; attulldant$, Ruth Arbutus, Katherine Bryan; Violet, Rob- fourth ~ermon of the. serics on "My gold, siil'cr, and plathlum are separated tUTIs in the field of educational experts. Schli11ke, Dorothy Gilligan; Jnnior erta Lcubnan. LH'e" in Bakcr Chapul on Sunday eye11 ill this manner from the copper. Somc The main contentious of the negative DuchlJsa, Mary Ruth Holt; attendants, :',I:ly-lh'angelinu Lathem; ottendants, ing, May 13. Life from the standpoiut of the pnrifiud copper is put through (1) Without legislative coutr(ll 1'011ctSand made into sileetcopper, while Virginia Rolland, Gladys Miles; Sopho- Daffodil, Leota Rolb; Rose, Maybelle of influence was discussed. Dr. Elder· there enn be no Irtnndardio:ation of )1101'0Duchess, "Ruth Staley; attendants, RhineJlart. dice OIJenedhis address by Teading this some i3 eOllted with nickel or tin, and subject mntter; (2) Legislatiye eon. Elizabeth Scott, Blanch Robinson; questiou and answer found ill tile four atill Illore is made into wir!l by being trol in the pnst hss 1I0tbeen eontrary to }"reshman Duchess, Dorothy Todd; at· Tlle May·pole dance will be partici· tec11thchapter of the Epistle of Jamea- psased tllr(Hlgh dyes of grnded sizes. publill welfare beenuse it has promoted tendants Blanclle ROpinSOll, Adelaide pated ill b;>' tIle followi11g girl~: "}'or What is YOllrlife' It is eyell It It is said that a mile of finc wire can lletter health, 1;Jettermorals, and belter :MullinealL'i, Caroline Tul!. Jesters, Pcarl Brittingltalll, Elle11Shauk, Nila \'apor which appcareth for a little tillio be made in about six millutes. Tl:e dtir.enship; (3) The legislature is the .F'rellch, Isaoel Dougla,sa~ )Jubel ·Wallace, Margaret Hamilton, .Mary All· -amI .!.bf;ill nl.llli:h,-,~k..l.o\",,~.," To ..:.any strength of finished copper l!re{lueta IS logicnl body to exercise this control. irun, LltUra liutehillll, BloomfinRI.Hilde· Wllrd. Heralds and Pages, Viva Reed, brand, Marg:nct Warner, Mary Cather· thj~ comparison further, it eall be ~aid ~:}~~:;~;!:~~::!J~~:~:l~:.a:-ybd'v..... ·Thl' jlld~C8 tila(lcliatc "ere: The of Helen Mye~a, Evelyn Smith, Louise ine St.reet, Victoria Benedick, Pauline tlmt both lifo and vaper IlInllt have Rr"crend Edwl'l.?{lHayes, Pastor of tbe BOllS. these two chn.raeteristies--Orevity and Westminster Methodist E p i sc 0 pal The dancers in tlle Pngeant of the Fisher, Louise Stanley, inde~trudiLilit,y. Since life is brief, Kylus-" [ kllOW that ~'ou nre lIO Church; l'rofes80r Seitz, Priucipal of lhe Senson's are Uil follows: With the conelusion of the ccreulon' one must bc sure that none of it is (lumll·bel1." Westminster High School, and lIr. I. Sprillg-Solo dancer, Margaret ies, the colorful procession will wend wastrd. Vapor and life both disappea.r, Vogtmau-"Why?" \\-'alsh, attorneyat·law. The decision Vuol'his; DoroUI)' 'Vheeler, Klltherine its way oack np the hm, alld May Day Lnt ncith(1l' is destroyed; each is lllere l\yllls-"You arc 1101 sUlallenough in was two hI olle ill flll'Of of the affirl\la· Hobby, Esther Hollins, Alice Frings, ·will oe a memory for a110thcr year. tile middle." -.New Studant. tire. l.r chnnge(l to another form. Life dis· a}Jpearsj but leaves behind its inJ\u· J. P. LAMBERTSON WINS DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC HOLDS c11ce,which molds and fasMons other :FRENCH CLUB PRESENTS TWO WOMEN'S STUDENT GOV'I. 'fhis fact is dcmonstrated when lives. RECITAL IN SMITH HALL ORATORICAL CONTEST The stu!lents of tile Departll1~l1t of great men die, and their deuds and in PLAYS IN ALUMNI HALL ELECT NEW OFFICERS flnence live on as insJliratio11 to later Mu~ic heW a recital in Smith Rnll, generations. On Friday !lvening, :\rll~' 4, ''Le Cer· EIGHTEENTH VICTORY TOR W. M. WednC!llay afternoon, :May 9th at 4 Life and vapor may llave two othel ele Frallcais" I'rescuted two French VIRGINIA HOLLAND IS PRESIDENT P. M., which coneluded a seriea of sov· characteristics. They may be cit,her a comedies in Alumni Hull. The first The Thirteenth Annnal Stnte .Inter· eral recitals given throughout the year Lursc or a blessing. It is up to eacll Oll May S, a meeting of the Women's Collegiate Oratorical cont.est was held at one to choose which his life will be. was :l. one net IJlay, "Un Cerde de the 1Iaryland Univ~t!,it.)', College Park, llllder tho direction of the instructors False teachings, evil (leeds, or wrong Pemm('s," I)y J. Sigaux. Tho cast was Stndent Government .Association was of the Department. program was held fo~ the purpose of electing officers TIH) on Frida)' cvening, lIay 4, 1928. J. Paul 3S follows: influences may ao dominate It persou's 3S follows: fer the yellr 1928·'29. The following LambertS1. K. Brol'.-U brief review of llislifc. Mr. Chang told Prof. J. D.. Makosky, '25, who is now Loroley Seeling Josef (wIlet dll Commandant) , ... of hiB life in the old Chinese school, teaching in the English DepartmEnt of Nila Virginia Wallace )J. F. Meredith wheru a stlldunt works twelve honrs a The lUen's liturary sO!licties hanl an· Washington College WB.~present also. Etude in E Rnbenstein nonnced their eandi(Jates for the hon· Mme. Perrichon Mlle. E. Davis day, seven days a week, eleven months Mabel Stirling 'Vlsrde Henriette (safille) Mlle.B.Norruan of the year. While still a boy, he mau- NORMENT SPEECH CONTESTANTS ors .in the Annual SOlliaty Contest to L'Auoergj~te :Mllc. L. Hul'chens aged to perslla(le Ms parents to let him ANNOUNCED be huld during Commencoment 'Veek .1ell,Jllle(sen'ante des Perrichons) .. attend the mi~sion school, where clas- SEMINARY COMMENCEMENT ·this June. lIme.E. Nobto se~ lasted only oight hours, on 9ix daya, 'J'11C names of the contestautafor the HELD IN M. P. CHURCH, CITY Webater---J. 0, Newcomer, 'tV. G. Employe' (1e Chellli~de fer. and where thore was a yearly lloliilay of Normcat Speeell contest to be held duro Eaton. )r. n. BClluehnmp three months. ing Comme.ncemont week this Jnno lmve The COllllI\oncemcnt.(lXercises of the TIll Port,'nr . . ... "?o:L S. Snmmer~ Grndually he was bdl.ucnced to keep toon announced. The following stn- Westmiustor Theological Semiuary wore Irving-J. L. Mathias, Jr., A. M. up a regular attendance in order to dunts llave been selected from tbe fresll- held in thllMethodist ProtestalltcllUrch, Reed. Betwcen the two plays 1I01e.V. Reid seeu:re the pretty cards wbieh were giv- man and Bophomore classes: Sunday evcning, May 6. Mr. Benjamin 'l'iJe women's literary societies have gave a short reading. The comedica, en him each Sunday. By aid of thc Fresllmen-Willialll Rein, Hayes B. F. Ruley dclivered the cQlnmunccmeut sulected the following studc11ts to rep· which were direetud by Dr. BOllllOtUa.nd Mission fU11dshe finished high sehool. Callaha.n, Olarence Sullivan, Ruth Roop, addre$B, and several of thu stndents of resnt them ill the essay contest to bo 1IUle. Atwood were dccidedly a credit It cost him fifteon dollars a yuar, a Helen Eckard, Viva Reed. the Seminary rendered special music. held this spring. to the Ccrcle. It is hoped that the eluo sum which he seeu:red from American 80pbomore-----'Vilmer Bell, Olarence The college Btudenta weru given an op- Browning-Margaret Hamilton, Thel- will continuu to give plllys which are donations. During high school he felt De Haven, ].[arvin Sterling, Matil~ portunity to attend thia service, as the ma Reid. I:'tqnlllly u enjoyablu as those which the call to go ahead, to travel for elll· Thompson, Ase11eth Ba.y, Oatherine regular Sunday evening Bervice at Ba· Philomathian-Mildred R.aum, Vir- have bl'en presented in thu PlIst two ture, to make hia life worthwhile. He Rea.d. ker Chapel WII.R not held. gUria.Menil1. years. (Continued on Page Four)
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