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Poge Four The Gold Bur, W8Itern Maryland Oollege, W.. tmimter, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings SENIORS! SUBSORIBE TO THE Alumni NtW6 "GOLD BUG" BEFORE YOU LEAVE Y,W.O,A, PHI ALPHA MU EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Seniors, your remaining college Motber's Day was commemorated in The Phi Alpha Mu officers for the first dnya are limited to a few short "Billy" Bevard, e1>-'28visited eotne Eleanor Spitler, ex·'28, vtetted many the last of the Y. W. C. A. meetings. semester of nest year are as follows: weeks! In a very short time you will of her furmer classmates this last week, of her old friends fur the week-end. At the opening of the meeting each girl President, Margaret Martignoni; viee- be leaving your Alma.Mater, perhaps was given white sweet peas and fern. president, Alma Taylor; secretary, Edna forever. What better way could you hlu. R. Hammond, (nee) Mildred Mr. James Stranghn, nn alumnus of Eleanor Noble had charge ef the very Nordwnll j treasurer, Lillian Maddux; find of expressing your loyalty to your Daub, ex·'29; visited a number uf her W, M. O. and uf the Westminster 'I'hecl- interesting program, Katharine l1eLane alumni secretary, Ruth Glelehman ; sun' school and at the aame time keeping class over the week-end. ogieal Seminary, attended the eommenee- sang "The Songs My Mother Used Tu shine committee, Clara. Qlnllway and yonrself in touch with the campus Mary E. Spicer, ex·'29, visited Helen ment exercises at the Seminary. Sing," and Roberta Rowe and Sarah Prances Raughley; sergeeut-at-arme, news than by subscribing to the eot- Wheeler during tho past week, and was Freeman sang a duet entitled ".Mother Helen Dennis j ehnplain, AI).ll Raughley j lege paper before you leave' The untertatned by many or"her old friends, :Many of the Delta Sigma Kappa My Own." l£i!lS Bcblnson gave an In- inter-club council representatives, M!U'- "Gold Bug" will mean a great deal alumni ha'l'e been seen on the Hill reeeut- spiring talk on "Wpm!lJl-hlothcr." garet Martdgnoni, Alma Taylor, Ruth to you during your first years of life Others who have been on the "Hill" Iy. Among then, were: "Jack" Mes- Sartorius, out in the world. Subscribe now, recently are: Wade Insley, ex·'28; W. sick, '26; Mary Page Turner, '26; while you are still one of the stu- Woodward, '27, and "Chief" Bender, Louise Hughlett, '27; Irma Lawyer, '26 GAMMA BETA OHI dents, and insure the strength of the '26. and "Dee" Benehley, '26. PHILO tdea that will bind you to Western Officers were elected at the regular Maryland College in future years I WORLD NEWS meeting on Tuesday for the coming year. Philo te SOphOU10reSpresented It very A LESSON The results of the elections are as ful- uniqne program nt the last meeting uf lows: thesoeiety. Th(lmpson gave delightful A LETTER FROM JOE MILLS :Muther'sDay wns flrat cbeerved In 300 August, aud sultry and calm Tillie II- President, Jus, L. Mathias, Jr. reading eutitlcd "At the Photograph- W'ith t.he morning's came II. letter B. C. in Greece. It was not instituted in Lies the long, dul1 dlly before him. this country until 1913. v-ee President, Paul Howard ers." from a friend and former student of the Bitter in mood, and angry Secretary, Kenneth Brown "La Boutique de Parfum," proved to Oollegewho is now convalescing at Ma:ry· ']'he I"oroign Secretary o:f Brazil has He sulks through the forest cool, Vice Secretary J. Hammett Simms be the title of a charming little play in land General Hospital. I am sure we anuounced that Brnzil will not accept the KicksasideilloEPearlatlcaves, Treasurer Howard E, Koontz, Jr. which various girls, nttractively dres~ed, all thank "Joe" }'[ills for his thoughts invita\ion to. return to thel,engue. Bra· Crunches \luder foot the brittle twigs. Vice Trea~urer Andrew Ora\'etz nplleared befure the audjeneo represent of us snd tIle best wishes he sends for zil IlIIve.,nol.lcoof her withdrawal after Iu\Varilly a cOn,tlietrages. Chaplain James Evans ing many well known perfumes, Softly a. pleassnt vacation, the cusbownry two year period when Ger- His spirit mutinous, defiaut, Selgeant·a~-Arms, George B. Hutting played ums.ic created II. \'ery effective Dea.rWestern Maryland: many wns gil'en a permanent seat Oll,the Is seeking :for outward ()xpression. Stopping at the edge uf a strcum background for this play, It's been a mighty long time now since Council. He moodily watches tbewaters. I "dropped out" of college and perhaps BROWNING some of you tlnnk I've forgotten the lifc Softly they gurgle and sing, Y. M. C. A. CONDUOTS INTEREST- up there un the hill. I ha\'cn't forgot· CoL Lindbergh's famous plane, the Oblidoullof storm and stress. The Freshmen had charge of the pro· ING MEETING teu any of you and I nm rooting just as "Spirit uf St. Louis," has been placed Sweetly they gu un their way, gram for Browning's meeting on Mon hard for W. M. C. tU if I we.reright there in the Smithsonian Institute at Washing Softly gliding, and gliding, and gliding, day night, Margaret Hamilton presided (Continued from Pnge One) with you. I know that you have nut for· ton, The plnne was aeparatcd intu twu A enbnn8ss of the stream imbued as master uf ceremonies. Martha Fogle gotten me either, tor aearcely a week parts in order to get it in the building. Creeps quietly over his spirit -played a I"ery lavely piano 80lu and Cath- se(lured a position as secretary of the passes that some of you don't write or It will be re-assembled and swung high And sUlls the biUer de.fillnee. erine Hebby aang four sclos, accompauy- Y. },[, C, A" and left Cbina, with two I appreoiate it all very iu the most conspicnQUSplaee in the big Stmtched uut on the bank in comfort, ing herself on the ukelelc. Vil"a Reed hunderd dollars, for Fraace, While come to see lUe. building. He gazes nt the laughing waten, much. gave a. most entertaining reading entitl- in Europe lle visited England, Ger Perhaps when yO:l aro enjoying your· And ponders this business of Life. flow on like the strettms. "Lin's ed "The Seeret Helpers." mallY, Italy, and other smaller coun- sel"cs this summer you might send me a After the appeal of the Chinese Na- tries. Finally he decided to eome to tionalislB to the Lengue of Nations One is calm, and unruffled, and !!weet, "The gathering of the Nuts," was a America. card and tell me what you are duing, 3gainst tIle JaplUlese aetivities at Shan- Like the pools that are- safely sheltered. piny directed by Isabel Douglass, The When Mr. C1Hl.ngarrived New It wo.uld be appreciated very much. I tung, tho Japanese authorities arc con- Another rushes madly on, cast was chosen at random from the in know that as vacation nllproaciles you sidering prcscnting the Sha.utung affair Tumbles o'er stoncs in impatience, audicnce and was as folluws: York City he was praetJcally iguoraut nro all antieipating a jolly time. I hupe Hurlsnttbeob&tnel~O.llths, of the language, and had some difficulty to the LMgue thclllHe!\·es. Japan has in The Dainty Tiny Heroine Ruth Roop in a restaurant trying to decide wl,eth' everyone of you has a happy vacation. vited t.he Chinese to take over the ad· Hut rushes on still untutored, The Big Pootba1llIero, Catherine Hobby or to ask for soup or soap. Other such Sincer.cly, millistmtion of Tsinan, the capital of Siill ignorant of Life's greet lessons, The Bent Old Father Ruth Hobbs experiences occured during hia .first JOSEPH )fILLS. Shantullg, This one bnmps against the self·saml' The Beaming Oountenance, years herB. WhilB he was attending stones, Arargaret Hamilton Asbury College, he Jllet Dr. H, L. EI- WE'RE IN THE MOVIES NOW Tho uumber uf delegates Bent to the Fall~ back in surprise, laughe mcrrily, Then slips around the jngged edge-- Browning plans tu .have a Weenie derdice, and upon gratluation decided to Democratic Cunl'ention in June instruct· Plows joyously ou, undismayed. Toast on Monday, May 21. All members etudy at the Westminster Thcological On :Monday and Tuesday, May 7 und cd to vote for Smith for Presidcnt is And 11 Yes, I anl the untutored, are urged to come out for a jolly good Seminary. He lIas finisbcd his tbeoreti· 8, motion pictures were made of 'l'adous 425; those uninstructed number 187, no But now Illlwe lcnrned Illy lesson. uutdoor time is to be the last Browning eal work for the degree of Doetor of phase!!of the life of the College and the other caudid~te lms more than 50 in· Dear Stream, may I go on joyuusly, lllooting for the yesT, Sacred Theology, and expeets to reo Seminary. Pictures of the several build· structed delegates. 734 votes are neecs· From now, li,'e on Undismayed." ceive this llonor in a few years. ings were made. Thc members of the snry in the Democratic Con\'eution t.o Swiftly he rose to his feet, were filmed faculty and ndministrntion Ilaminate the presidential candidate. W~lat be has dono, Mr. Ollang says, FIling back hie shoulders squarely, Houver hUij 27-l delegstC'tliMtrueted to Boys, Here's a New One nny man cau do if he lIas within him at their duties er as eutering or leaving vote for nOminntion; Louden, )53. Smiled, .lindstrode 011 gllily. the buildings, The student body was hilll She: "'''hat are you stopping for!" faith in God and in himself and the pictured 33 it swaggered and strolled 408 delegntes lire uninstructed. At the Thus, with the stream still Jauglling, He: "I've lost my bearings." urgB-to go ahead. througll LIle"arllh" and to the ubserl"er Republican eonvention the nominAtion lle left behiud him the forest, She: "That's refreshing nuyway, Mr. Chang :further expressed his ap· llU\ny new dresses seemed to be in Ilvi- will be won only by It majority Of 54i3 Anotller who learned uf Nature. Most uf tlJem say they've run out of preciation of the Ilbnosphore of hospi· dence, votca. -Elsie Held. gas." talit,y, friendliness and bl'othcrly spirit Each of the various phnses of student -The Gettysburgian. which he has fouud on "The Hill.» activitywae filmed, the clubs; the foot- bnll team in action j the R. O. T. 0. unit Westminster Savings Bank at "work" on tile field, and several T. W. MATHER & SONS LOY.aLA DEFEATS W, M. IN TUNEFUL KNOCKERS ARE PART uther interesting groups were made. ELEVENTH INNING OF RECIPE FOR GREAT MUSIC These pictures were made to be shown Westminster's Leading Store Capital $50,000.00 at the Methodist Protll!ltant Young Peo- Surplus "Enrued" 300,000.00 l\fUn01Uln'Sdouble with Lanton on sec- A suggestion that door·knuckers might ple's Oom'eutiun hold in Baltimorc last ond in the eleventh inning enabled Loy· be made more musieal ill' not nltogether week. They were shown along with sim- F, THOS. BABYJDN, President. ula college, Baltimore, to nose out Was fantastic. Sober history has it thnt a ilar pictures of the ether denominationnl MIL'l'ON P. MYERS, Vice Pres, tern Marylllnd by oscureuf 7 to 60nthe door·knoeker, well-toned ur otherw.ise, in· schools, snch us Adrian, High Point and ARMY SHOES Westmill$ter Colleg~s, to give the dele· old athletic field Tuesdny nfteruoou. spired one of the grelltest of musieal gates an idea (If tlle far·reaching inllu JAOOB H. HANDLEY, TrenBurer. The visitors seored first, two s-inglesand eompositiolls-BeetllO\'en's Violin Con- ences of the lIetllodist Protestant Col· The alloes Ilutllorized tor the R. O. T. C. ccrtoin D. three errors netting j-hree rUllS. Wes· lege~. SeaurHy SlIvings Seli'ice tern Marylsnd cnme back in their hnJf of Lying awake UIlOnight, shaping the The pielures were taken by R.c\', A. R. the slileondtying the seoro on a walk, a projected concerto in his mind, Beethoven Corn, Ph, n., S. T. n., of Adrian, :Mich" was disturbed by a belated neighbor triple and a siugle, The local nine as knoeking up his family for admittance-- who grailuated from tIle Seminary here D. S. GEHR sumed the lend in the sixth ou three suc· four slow, delibcrateknoeksat a time, re in 19J2. Koontz Confectaurant cessive ainglos. The last twu Terror rons peatcd again and again. The repotition Wholesale and Retail Hardware, were added in the s<;lventhIDning on two brl?ught a flash uf inspiration, and those HUMOR singles, two e.rrota lind a !ieldet's cJJOice. fuur knocks suund all tluough the open· Building Materials, Outlery, Loyola scored their fourth marker un ing movement of the eoneerta. l'ro (to tr()sll entering elllss lute): Ammunition, Paiuts, Oils, three errors in the eighth. 'rhe tyiug As Sit George Grot'e s-aid, "those four "'Vlleu werB you born'" StOVBS,Ranges, Furnaces, runs Wel'eregistered on a walk, u. triple knceks WeTeto Beethovcn wbat the hulk }'r()sb: "April second." Iron and Steel Products CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, and 3. sacrifice fiy. of thl! old Temeraire wa~ to Turuer or Pro; "Late again." the daffodils to Wordswurili--Mmmon- -The Ram. (Eetablished 1866) Monahan, the visiting centerfielder was place in themselves but transmuted by SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES tIle leading Illall at the bat, getting three the fire of gcr.ills into an imperiehab1e ")'Iy dentist was a fine fellow. Eaell Westmiuster, Md. hits uut of BU times np. Harry Smith, 1ll0nulIlent." lime he extrarted a tooth he gave llle a Terror shortstop with two hits Ullt uf -Manchester Guardian, glass of whiskey," four times at the b3t, led his team. "Dou't yuu go to him any more!" The Blue Ridge Transportation Company
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