Page 98 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Palle Two The Gold Bug, WQtern Maryland College, Westmi.n.ter, Md, :-: :-: Offie-ial newspaper of weetem Maryland College, pvblished on Thursday during A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the academic yeu by the etudenta of Weatern Maryland College, Wettmintter, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered as second-clan matter at the Westminllter POltoffiee. The seniors of Gettysburg were given TEAS a general educational achievement test With what self-aatisfaetdon we read SUbscriPtion Price, ,2.00 a Year. on May 7 and 8. Such tests whieh are "Therc is a tea on hand thi9 after- Esther Forbes' nell' book, "A Mirror of directed by the Darnegie Foundation .for noon, and I just dread going to it. You Witches." It is quite pleasant to feel the Advancement of Teaching, are being know how these conventional enterbain- ourselves the meutnl, and possibly in our MANAGING STAl'1F given in all Pennsylvania Colleges and mente are. No one cats natural, ani! our estimation moral superiors of our de Witehcraft, .... .Casper P. Hart, '29 Ullil·crsities. The test is divided into O'l"crything is so stiff and formal. I noble Puritnn Fathers. imps, witches hold four equal parte, the time required to mons, hobgoblins, never did get llny pleasure out of them. Managing Editor _. . Joseph L. Mathies, Jr., '29 take it is twelve hours. The purpose of I eome home with a burnt no horrors for our advanced thil,kingmor- nliats. With wonderment, we read this Asst. Managing Editor .. .. Edwin Warfield, '29 the test' is to find out what the baehelor ta tongue, make me very nneomfort In- book, or aoy other tales of witches, and able for rhc rest of the nf'temoon. Business Manager .. . .Enrl B. Lippy, '29 degree really represents, and what high deed, if it were not a social obligation, fail to understand how nny rational, school and concgc edueatlou amounts to Asst. Business Manager. .J. Hammett Simms, '29 in terms of these two important factore ; I would never accept another in'l'itation thinking lnunnn-belng profeaeing some Advertising Manager . . .Marvin B. Sterling, '30 fu'st, elecr, avoidable, important idMs to one of these boring teas. You know, degree of eivilizaticn could believe the in- impossible stories of fright-demented Mrs. Bates, teas are just an inexpensive und, second, abiJity to diseriminate 8.'( Circulation Manager . . .Roy U. Robertson, '29 adl)' among ideas and to use them ne- way of repaying friends. The ntmca- dividuals and wild lispings of highly im- Yet seems to sueh James A. Stach, '30 eurately i~ think.illg. phero at a tea is not nearly as congenial aginative ehildren. things in the "good have been the usual Asst. Circulation Managers .. . 'l'homns Braun, '30 Besides tnking thc teats the seniors as it is at our 'l'hursd.ay afternoon Bridgc old days," when people were religious. { were also required to answer questions Club. It will be a glad dny for me Leslie Grover, '30 which dealt primarily with Ihe students' when aoeiety adopts another method of We reall with horror and disgust()f the Art Editor. .. ... "Pete" Gomsak, '30 purpose in attending college and the entertainment, ac that, people ean he Salem wholesale witch burning!!', and value of I'ariomt things learned whilc at sociable and not act as if tlllly wore shut Esther Forbes writes of what might quite Sports Editor .. .L. G. Ekaitis, '31 hO)n.fair exnmpleof a "witch's" tending the iustitution. up in a bani! hox." "Why, Mr!!'.Young, I don't feel that and eondemnation based upon such ItEPORTORIAL STAFF Two chieftains and their Chaplaill of way at all. A social ten, t,n me, has a ullstablo evidenee. In tae light of our .Ai q. t~ News Editors the Penohseot ludil)lls of Oldtown, Me., sort of eultnral and refined significance. more Rlh-aneed, present-day thinking, there was little or nothiug that, in the It teacllea people to be alert ~nd aecur· yisited Boston College last month alld ~a~. U81Iis, '29 Margaret lIIrH·tignoni, '29 prescntd Ii. eollection of llldian artcrnit. ate in their 1I1ll11neysnud eOllvers~tiona. da~'s of witchcraft, was interpreted a8 All the I'isitors ga\'e illtereffiing talks. It makes one earefnl of his choice of eaused by tllC malignance of some witch, Associate Editors Fnther L\!nt, t.he Chaplain, related the words and topies of conversation. Teas that could not have becll aB!jigned to natural causes. 1-[ost ele"erly is this sug- ~ Margaret Voorhis, '29 CUJ'vin III. Seitz, '29./ history of the tribe, its conversion and do !Jot lleeessarily have to be art.ificial gested in "A IIlirror for Witches." For Chief Dftylight explained the loyalty. _ Edith Kinkead, '29 Hoy C. Chambers, '29 - method of weaving basketaand the carv- hecBuffflthey are formal; nor do they although the story·teller is {)stensibly a _ Evangeline Lathem, '29 W. G. Eaton, '30 ing of war ~lnbs. Chief Great Friend need to he formal to maintain a note of believer in the de"ilish art, he giv€B in refinement. A formal occasion develOps the ast.hetic side of life, lending poise iliscredited tales poS'Siblehuman IJ).:plana· and gr3ee to one's character. The next tions for demon-accredited deeda. On - Vil'ginja Merrill, '30 time you attend a tea, Mrs. Young, see the whole the novel is fnscinuting, and, - Sara Freeman, '29 if ~·oudo not enjoy it more by thinking as we previously menti(Jned, has a b()l- _ Mary Walzl, '29 uf ita merits rather than its artifieiali· stering effect upon our self-conceit. _ Cn theriue Reed, '30 li~s." - Thelma Reid, '30 J. Stoner Geiman _ Elizabeth Clough, '30 "Noll' i!id you kick that posU" _ Dorothy Johnson, '29 Anyone has been on the Hill dur- RADIOLA, FRESHMAN, ZENITH, .....Grace .A,rmstrong, '30 .6"ND ROLSTER RADIOS Helen Wheeler, '29 ing promenading houl's need not be told that thnt reference is llladeto theteie· 77 W. St. phoue pole 011 Alunllli Hnll Corner. Thia WESTMINSTER, MD. venerable post stands as a trnsty senti· uel, limiting the distance that uuder- e.lassmen (or rather, ullder·elasswomen) EVERHART Fordham University 11'3;; the receiver of tell caS~$of geological specimens, as a wnlk unchaperoned, aud keeping E-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-L\ gift from 1Ir5. Marion Risse, of the watch that they ge no fnrther. The College Bronx. 'I'he), were colleeted by her h\Ul' like all good things, it is always BARBER and BOBBER band, Mr. Louis RiI!ll.B,deceased, first beillg kicked against. THE PRESENT PROBLEM' trol that the couneil would be jnstified CIlgineer of Bronx borough. The collec· Under.clHSlIOllln,if someone sho,uld a~k "Arouud th(l corner." in e"pelHng for the good CJf the others. tiOIl is llot a rare one, but a few stones you why ~'ou do this, what answer wonld The rece!Jt sophomore general exam- No Ollll wauts to $ee the honor !lYs arc of some value, notably a frngment you gil'e' That yOI\ must ha"'e some· ination!:! were no exception to the rule tem diaearded ut W-estern Mar.yland. As from the origillnl Temple of Bacchus nt thing to take your spite ont on' !tis Westminster Stalionery Store since it wns found that cllcating was pointed out by the faculty meeting Oll Pompeii. The worth of the collection is aggravating, i$n't it, Oila beHntifnl Sun- BILLY DI'l'l'llAN, Pro:'!. practiced to a large extent. If there was illonday, it would be a stigull. upon onr llotknoll'nat preseJlt. du), afternoon when you aee deligl1tfnl, any difference between the dishonesty in honor to admit that we are lneking in unexplored ronda and green hills rolling Greeting Cards for 'ill occasions them and that so common in the sellles self·control and that the precepts of The courscs in jO\lrllnlism at Bucknell away in the distance, suddenly to ruu Ul) ter examinatio!Js, it was largely a matter llonest lil'ing whioh we so fondly repent University, which have hitherto been two ngainst tbe hard post and be knoeked o.f quality. The cheat in the semestcr in our c!lt~ehisllls have 110 bearing what- hour eourses, will become three hour back to the ttL:md of Really-True." U Dr. A. J. Morrell examinatioM is usually an adept in the e'l'Hupou ourdnily conduct. courscs beginning next Ifl!mester. The J'ou are a good litLle girl, YOIl will gh'e trnde S'ince his dishonesty is not so Everyone is iU'I'o],·ed. No one ean editing course will be lengthened to two the nnrelenting bound.1ry a good kick, CHIROPRACTOR glaringly obvious as is tho case in the sit by and think that the situa· hours thus it possible for those and then wcrld YOnl' way baek to the areh. sophnmore tests of a few weeks ago. The tion uot apply to him or her. If "expecting to teach English and also ex- Of eourse, it ill the post'~ own fllult that 110 E. Main St. Phone 175 military papers were being marked wheu, Ihe etudents ill their answer to the fac· pecting to tllke eharge of high school pa· it is so unfortunat~ly located, eo it m\Ult to the surprise of the professors, it was ul!yon Wednesday agree to resume their pers and l)criodieals, to get additionnl tnkc the consequences. Therefore it just found that five student!!, who had never negleetei! dnties in relation to the ex· work. The added work lU all these grins in a hollow sort of W1I," and bears Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr taken the military course, had turned in aminations, they must forget the eriti· eonrses in journaliem will enable the stu· thedcnts. nearly perfeet papers. 'rbey had nel'er eiSlll of lJl€ir fellows and 110neStlyli..e dents to make I) more extensive study of Again, rlon't you usually kiek thellost The Newc$t and Best Clothing and oven taken thc second thought to 11ifl'er- nptotheirl'l'ordtOl'eportnllinfraetions llc\\'spapen, alld olher forms of literary just beenuse that is the thiug to do--one Fnrnishings cntiate their papers a trifle in order to of the llonor system. act.i"ity. of those little trllditions of Westerll Goods for young Ulel! allny suspieion Such a botchy job is The f~eulrJ has tal
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