Page 99 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 99
The Gold Bug, Wutern Maryland Oollege, Westmimter, Md. Page Thre~ I SPORTS I BASE BALL iSPORTSI TERRORS DEFEATED BY G-BURG VARSITY TENNIS TEAM WINS WESTERN MARYLAND WINS LEBANON VALLEY SCORES VIC- BATTING AVERAGES FROM U. OF BALTIMORE TORY OVER TERRORS Gettysburg invaded Westminster Sat FROM BLUE RIDGE, 9 • 8 G. Ab. R. H. O.P. urtlay afternoon :lllly 5, and took back The Western M.uyland College tennis western Maryland lost its third Keene 8 27 6 9 .333 with them a 5-1 victtUeddown No.3 Singles.........shriver 6 6 walked, Liclllilet flied ont, but Brom hnlf. Bendigo was safe when Cook was played lllan)" times unilnlwnys Reed and funned Bau,;her. In the sixth, E. L. Henry ley singled. Dan Cook was taken out dropped his fly, Piela singled and both was equal to the task. sevent.ll and eighth innings the G·burg No. 4. Singles-J. F. Diehl 6 6 lit this point, Kecu went in the box, rUllllers "d,'anced us Weisbeek threw ians we,re relired in order. "Chief Pon Broll 4. 1 Ellis to seeond base, Cook to right field, out Jaeks fanned but Ne1l1 Woodward fought esp~cial· tiac" Kinhort pilclle(l the hut inning No.5 Singles-Woodward 6 6 and H. Smith to short stop. C. Engle dropper Snyder1s fly whiel! pormitted Iy in the second set, but superior und fanned two men. The Tcrrors were Wyatt 0 0 W"~ out, Clark to Usinger. H. Smith Bendigo and Piela to seore. placing of his opponent tired him. retired in artier in fifth, sixth and threw wildly to fint on Praley's grouu- In the fifth the Terrors were again BroIl, hn.ndicapped a sore finger, Be,'enlh innings. Ellis l)roke the spell in der and "\Veddleand Bromley registered. retired in or(]er. Lebanon Valley dupli- used purely ilefensive but used the eighth with a single, bnt tllia was MARINES SWAMP W. M. The Terrors got another brace of mar- cated their visitor'a half. them so well that he enEJiJyvanquishetl w(lsled. kers in the sevenlb. Usinger wns safe Keen got the first loenl hit to open Rines 6·1, (i·0. Hise(mtrol an(I eOnsis· The lone 1'error run appeared in the The Quantico ).farine$ overwhelmed when Lich1iler dropped R throw, Neal the sixth. A. Smith fanned, and Keell tency forced his opponent into wilil re· ninth. Usinge.r, first np, was ~afll on the Weste.rn Marylanil baseball tcalll Sat· singled, B. Smith WIIS out both run- went to se.coud on a passed ball. Cook lurns. Challenger's error. Neal lind Al Smith urdar nfternoon by the \'ery one-sided ners advancing. A.n orror by O. Engle singled to left, but Sllyder, Lehnuou's The scoro is given below: score of 26·2. It was the Devil Dog's help aronnd to third on ants and Joe fourteenth straight dctory. IJermitted Usinger to score and Brom· left fielder, let the ball get away from No.1 Singles-Ilgenfritz G 6 Keen sent George o,'er with a hit be ley's miscue paved the way for Keen Ioim and Keen scored the onl~' W.).l. Bryant :! 4. The llla.rines scored in every inning ex twcenthirdandsllort. cept the se~olld lind ninlh. They tallied to score the seventh W. AI. run. The The fefdures of the gamE' were the four in the first, one in t.he Ihird, Beven Terrors "put tlle gnme on ice" in the After that Piela tightened np and No.2 Singlcs-Reeil 9 pitelling of Joncs who allowed the. Ter· 8th with two out. Clark singled, Us- Neal was only mall to get on base. Bobbitt 6 7 rors bnt four hits and a leuping cnleh by in the fonrth, one in the fifth, eight in inger got anothor life when Liehliler This was b~' n walk in the eighth. Leb- No. 3 Singles-l'~.elly 6 6 Greasy, whi(·}jrobbed Gulian cf n home the sixth, ouc in i.he seventh, and four in ilro]lJled another throw. Nenl singled the eighth. The fl()liIiersof the s!'u hit (won V~l1ey was also held in check. A Shri"cr 3 4. the ofl'~rings of Kainh~rt aud Cook for Aud Whil!'y and George seanHlered sillg1e by in the sixth, an error by The seore: twenly·two hits which went for a total 110mewith the bacon. Clnrk, gave Albtigllt a life in seventh No. 4. Singles-Brill! 6 6 of thirty·three bases. The New \Vimlsorians tried to re- and a triple hy Pi('la in the eighth wora Hines 1 0 W.M. trieve their fallen fortunes in the Captain Freeny I<,dthe 11arine attack the only signs of life in the Lebanon ~o. 5 Siugles-Slusser G 8 6 Ab. R. H. O. A. E. with II home run, a double and tllrl'e ninth. C. Engle singled, and Fraley t('am durillg the last thrce innings. Woodward 110 1 Neal,ef. 4 0 0 2 0 0 singl<,sout of six tim~s nt the batj Lev· tlonbled to the inning. Shuff flietl The seore; their to Oreasy. Botll held runncr 01 0 0 1 0 0 cy, with two singles and a screaming No.1 Doubles-Bryant A. Smith, rf. triple out
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