Page 30 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, MAJOR HOISINGTON HEAD OF :-: :-: lIutrr-C!Lollegiate HOPKINS R. O. T. O. IMPRESSED EFFICIENCY WITH OF Omeial newspaper of Western Marylnnd College, pubfisbed on Tuesday during NelUn WESTERN MARYLAND the academic year by the etndenta of Western Maryland Coll'igo, ·Westminster, TROOPS Maryland. Entered as aeeond-clase matter at the Westminster Postoffi(le. HERE AND THERE WITH THE The cash value o.f a college eduea- Majar Hoialngton, commander of the Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year. tion has been estimated a.t $70,000 by BUGS Hopkins R. O. T. C. unit, visited the a statistician who baaed hill ealculn- Western ?f3l'yland College bataUion MANAGING STAFF ucoe on the earning capaeiuies of a last Saturday a. week, and was much Editor-in-Chief .. . .George S. Baker, '27 lie: "Your teeth are like pearls." number of university graduates. impressed with the progress that the Managing Editor .. .Carroll A. Royer, '27 Dora: "Who's Pearn" unit has made. The Hopkina officer Business Manager. . .... Ar-thur B. Cecil, '28 The mayor and more than two hun- W!U the guest of Captain H. D. Woolley, WIll. E. Hahn, '28 dred influential c;iti",ens of Philadelph- who is in $arge of the military depart- Asst. Business Managers .. i3, nre cooperating in the effol't to ment Eere. . { - .AlvinAlbright, '28 raise for the development $20,000,000 the "I stated Circula.tion Manager .. ... W. Edwin Warfield, '29 of Temple University, founded by the Major, was impressed," of effieieney the state "\\,ith II. V. Scott, '30 late RUBBellR. Conwell. Asst. Circulation Managers. that the unit there has obtained in .... { '~~ B. S~.:ldel's,~r~,'~O ilrill. 'I'he two companies that th-ey Art Editor .. . . . . . .. Pete Gomsak, 30 Inter-class Icotbnll is abolished at bave nre muehbetter drilled than the REPORTORIAL STAPF men at Hopklne.v" News Editors This is due, he st.ated, to the entirely L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 diffeeent system that Western Mary- land has. Drills are held three ttmes Associate Editors ~ week, and all mall must attend. There hlarran Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 is no dividing into aeestons as ie the Virginia Wrigllt, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 custom at Hopkins. Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 and X-ray photographs Tn theoretical work, Hopkins far out of all atudcnts entering REPORTERS undQr n new system of ·physi· ranks Captain Woolley's men, said Miram Royer, '27 Hubert Johnson, '28 cal exnminution. The purpose of this Major Hoisington. "They have only the Dorothy 1\[ellott, '28 J. n. Simms, '29 type of examination is to find out more tWQ nfflcees and thus cannot etress Katherine Johnston, '28 Roy L. Robertson, '29 weaken eccner or later." about the lungs and heart-s of the stu- theoretica l of ;the course as mueh Margaret Martignom, '29 Ruth French, '28 dents so that the eorreet form of exer as is neeeaaary. Sara Freeman, '29 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 else may be given raem. The Bllhouet- "MiJitliry training at Western Mary- was it that "How .King Old Lady; Gilmore Lippy, '27 Mercia Ray·me, '27 old Santa did not bring you tes will show nny defllct in posture. land is compulsory. Not only is there this \lUferenee, but th-e aeademie faenl- Charles Summers, '2~{orteJJSePettitt~~f;'in lIf. Seitz, '29 this ChristllHlsf" ty there h:ll~more to (10 with the unit Little Girl; "Cliuseltrumped Dad's The Frosh,SO'J!h debate at Hopkins than here. Unexcused absences there FREsHMAN GIRL WINS STATE nee in tlll:l bridge gillue Christmas \\'ill be held on December 2. The ques- are puuished by guard t.ours," continu- E. D ITO R I A L HONORS INCONTEST E,·('." tion for debate will be, "Resolved: ed the MAjor, "something t.hat is en· 'l'hat the non·athletic aetivi.ties of the tirely unheard of at Hopkins." Ameriean College eonstit\\te$ 11\\ nnwise WATER BAGGING !lli$s Yirgini.'l C. 1I1errillof the fresh· Gett.ysburg Plnyer: Say Bud(ly, man ClllBSwns rc("cntly pl'onounccd the \\'hoe's fhc.showers around here' use of thll sl.udeuts' time." The tellUlS \VhclI nll aet is committed which puts wimwr of the HI2-!! Nntionl11 Good Codngton: Sorry r can't tell you. for the respective classes will be Ilhosen BOOKS RECENTLY PLACED IN THE AT the "i,·tim in sud, n prec, 1" ,"h ,t"d".[ wi~,,;"g_" n~WSpnpC.l·o~ Western ~rflr.)'lal1d Col· bonor3, will be 5pnt to Miss .Merrill held 111 Bncknell Uuiversity 011 Novem- Russia. . lege has ,:,arned an 1111 ngltatlOll f{)r W(I- somc time during tile fall. Denn; "Your son must .be the idol ber 5 and ii. It was one' of the most (Bounl'! .Tournai!!, complete for 1925) r )flen'~ dchating. Se.eral yeaTSagn thi~ of the family." ontstaniling e.\'ents of the school year. Englisb Journal. . lIb>iiatiOHr~sultell in th~ illauguratiou 1"'rOlu1Fot.her: "Yes, he's been idle Among 4he men of n1llioll1l.1promill Blement1lr~' School Journal. of lIunual int-er·so1~1U~' mort;..stu(lcn\s would ~ome out 3. Taps sounded while batallion ].13, the .roeolld ·!It 9.28, and the third F'ischer-'J'he Grounds. of Theistic and for trnek at. WesJcrn :Mllrr1nurlif there at parade rest is sorfy thnt I kept you wniting so long, whieh was the most seVilre at ~.lO. It Christian Bclief. I lI'a9 ail dressing n. (bored) meeting." were 11 sport hcrl" worthy of the nalllll. -I. Silent pnlrer for two minntes. D.1Y,softly: "I'll bet it was." is said the final quake lasted for a Benr'd--'l'he Beginnen' ·Worker (lnd 'rhc sp[Jrt ('aIled "trn~kJ' nt. ·Western fl. Attention. period of :four houTs. Work. MUl'.rlnnd eonsi8t~ of n. few Siudents Ii. Preseut. nrms. Longdale-Citizenship nnd Reform. rirl'ling thc I.'int!er path on Boffa Field i. Salute of ~l. guns to be fired. ma JACET A snggestion that has m ..t with n Baeon-History of Amerieall Christian- to get in tnulling for one or two meets 8. Order arms. grent deal 01: favor amm'g llarvard ity. lL year, in whicll other ·Western Milr.y· fl. BHt:
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