Page 25 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOt SHaREMEN FALL MILITARY TERRORS PLAY INSPEOTION WEDNESDAY AT CHESTERTOWN AND THURSDAY SATURDAY Vol. 4, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 2, 1926 Gala Halloween Party THE WEEK'S EVENTS Irving and Webster to Clash ATHLETIO FEE MissEmmart Spends Summer Given in Gym by Sopbs 'I'uesdny, Ncvember il, Boc!nl Clubs on Capital Punishment Issue Abroad in Research Work meet at '1.S0P.},!. There is a feeling among the stu- dents that they do not receive full W"eclnesday,November 3, 1'. At C. Masks and Costumes Add A. and Y. W. C. A. meet n.t 6.30 P. Choice of Side to Be Made returns for the fee charged for Visits Laboratories of Naples Mystery and Color To ?If., Delta Pi Alphu meetR lit 9.30 Public Thursday. Athletics. The amount allotted to and Manocca. athlettes from the general activities The Event. P. ).1.; 11.20 A. M., Ad-dress by Col. fee is $10 for ennh male student and \\T. associate Miss Emily Deems; ..j. P. ).L, Schubert neen.o, webster Literary Society, which has $2.50 for each girl. This is one of professor of biology Emmart, W. M. C., "t The Sophomores gave the UUHuul 6.30 P. :U., Y. W. ReeognitioH Ber- suffered four ecueecuttve reverses at the smallest athletic fee at any spent the peat. summer in research work Halloween party Saturday night and vtec , 7.00 P. M., b'reucu Club, the hands of ita rival, Lrvlng, in the ~ol!pge ill the country. at the Plymouth LaboratQry, Engla.nrl. Setenee ccu the old "gym" was completely eumcn- Annunl Lnter-Bccicby Debate, last night Thi!\charge i~ mnde fcr the geuernl She spent prnctienltv the entire time tlnged j changed to a, wonderland of 'I'hursday, Nnvombee 4, Meeting nnuouueed the resolutioll for next support of all bmnehes of athlefics working on the gummur ua che\"fo\lxi, ecru shocks, pumpkin lnnterna, and bal- of t Iic College Players 7A5---10.00 month's elleounter,-"Resolved, Thnt oud not jnst the sale of a season which is an authrepcd found only in loons beneath a ennopy of bl:lc];; ,IUd P.1>1. ea pltal punlalunent, be retained as the tieket to the games. Tho athletic the marshes around Plymouth. Although oran.gesheamers. The class uumurala j)t'unlt.y for premedl tatcd nlUrdcr." department is willing to epcud 5 sho devoted her time exclusively to tbis in blue and gold held a prominent place _~~i;l;;:, ?JI. Track and nmong which were thos6 at Naples and nn entirely sill' of de"elopiug new nwidens, grande dllmeij, swoet little School 8045 A.. M., Ohurch 10.00 A. team. Baske_tbnll will be stnrted in a short .Mouoee~. An iJltere.sting bet about. girls, pierrettee, gypsies, fairies, Scotch 111., P(lrloT 1.00-3.00 r. M. De.pllta· Preliminary skinnisl,es havo dis- time. Ll,t's face the facts s{jll!nel'y the Ll1.boratory of Monoeea is that it la96ies, n. "spoony widow," old ladies, .M., l'nrlor L00--3.00 P. :.\f. covt'l"ed some unusually promising ma- inst.ead of sitting ill nn easy chair was founded by the Pri..nee of Monoeell. maiils, misscs, "Lon Cha.ney," torea· :Monday, November 8, The "\Vell with the money obtaiued from Monte dors, Spanish gentlemen, Bower y ster, hving, Browning, and Philo teriulinbothsoeieti?s,alldthisycar's and lwoekillg. C:nlo. Although both of these labora- debate bid.s fuir to equal, if uot surpass, "tou,ghs," :J. Dutch boy, the ghost of Literary Societios meet. the performanees of Jform<"r years. GRADUATE·:J\lANAGER. tories wcre "beautiful and spleudid," Pont.ius Pilate, and ]Un.oy,many others. Miss Emmart decided to do her reo Of course, there wern man.Y stndents se~rch work Of the Laboratory of Ply- who did not wear costumos. HONOR OOMMITTEE OONSIDERING mouth. The music, furnished by a small or· Southwick Gives Surpass- PROBLEM OF MONTHLY TESTS Details of Exclusive Schu- A table. of rese1lrch was extende(J to ehestra, was interrupted by Mr. Miss Emma.rt at Ulis laboratory by Dr. "Hoot" Chambers wl,o illformed the ing Portrayal of "Lear" In accordance with the provisions of bert Program Announced ABell who is Ol1eof the most promineot guests that there were three artieles, the Student Government, Dr. Wuru has and best know'I! men in England. Dr. Alll>u and Dr. Sexton ~re specialists in of the ~11 r~:~'r:o~~i~~::, f:n~~r: ;:~:Y;o br~~~:~ Audience Captivated by Inim- appointed three whom members representives he- Variety of Offerings will Mark geneties, nnd genetics is the field in two u]),y, with to him. The penny wns found by lIiss itable Impersonations. from thQ :Men's Studont Oonnoil aud Recital by Department which :Min Emmart is most interested. \\"entz, who W(lS, therefore, to become two from tho "'''omen's Stndent Council of U\1usic. Miss Emmart aud a Ph. D. from Har- very wealtby; the thimble wns found Mr. lIenry Lawrellce' Southwiuk of will meot, whose duty it slla.ll bc to vard were the (lnly two Americans at formulate the plans for the condueting The Sclmbe"t Progr.nm, pl'lllned by the Laboratory, tho others being Rus· __ ~l!~la\~:el~:lor~:;d~'at~leeo::~~~~~~':=:ll~,:e~;~p:! ~:~~o:~'t~~:tO~I; .9I.!\>"" ........ :.wu.;".. .._~..1."3-i""'~ t".sbo.~.uJ"-_.M.~~...~~t..J" beg;\UlD ~,. t.h,,_"~.Dd.o-nl~ frians, Jilpanese, Iliudns, 1lnd English- not found. those who heara him read King LelJr ing lhe <"nsuing year. of t.he vaelll and piano department!! of mcn. aMy work ;;;;~ ai"lpiy-t'IUI\lj~ Th08e dell.iring apples conld "bob" at A1HmuiHall I!!.Bt.Friday night. !lis This Rono. Oommittee's greatest mnsic, ",ill take plaoe in Smith Hall, ing, lind I enjoyed my summer im- for them at tubs plaoed along the wnlls, interpretation or the ton most impor- problem is to decide npon a method of "\\'edncsdlly, November at 4 Q'cloek. mensely" was the way :Miss Emmllrt and thj) seekers into the futuro eoulil tant scenes from the play was superbly procee!.lure ill the eonduding of class· The progralll in detail $umtlHldup her trip. have thair fortunes to\(1 by a artistic. Mr. Southwick's Lear was room tests and "quizzes." Nothing Vocal Selections "France and En.gland have a mag- gypsy. "every inch a king," and his fool was offieial 01" final has been done nbout "My Peaee Thou Art" J.liSl!Essig notism whieh ~eelllSto draw me back," her explaiued. Emmart Miss Sillee A gronp of freshmen soldiers display- every inch a. fool; the entire ra.nge of but it might be interesting to note "A"e :Maria" 1\[;ss SehlJllke ed t.heir laek of knowledge of the jlllper~on:llion was masterfully presont· a Q.]linio1l9lllat have been ex· "Mnrgarot nt t.he Spinning \V1Jeel" eonceptions of a summor dsvoted to mannal of arms and furnished amnse' ed, every character possessing nlarked pressed by members of the HOllor Com- Miss Furd int.eusivo work in a little town in Eug- ment for the crowd. individl\lliity. mittee. "}'aith in Spriug" lanil did not hold the promise of much pleasure or gaiety, she spent her first Despite the absonce of the majority Mr. Sonthwick e;riched every pas· Oue point of view is that the matter ten days abroad at Paris. But hor of fhe cast., who had gone to Baltimore sage of Shakespeare's grent master· is Ihe concern of the students :Iud "The Past" premonitions were unfounded, for Ply_ and dill not return, tbe next member piece. 'fhe wealth of eharaeter, pas· should be doalt with through lhe Stn "The Wnnderer Mr. NichoiB mouth rpro"e'l to be II most interesting Oll the programme was very good. lb. sion, poetry, and l)l'ofouml pllilosophy dent Oouncil. 111 opposition to this Quartet little town and mixed in witb the work in this eolossal drama yi~lded to his ",Tnp" "\Veisbac.k played "Collegiate" genius aud hecame the imaginative idea 1llwtht'r lllomber of the faculty W(lS a great deal of pleasure. as one would expect to hear it in pOSllession>;lfhisaudienee. ijaid that IL persoll caught cheating on "The Lord is My Shepherd" Plym01.ltll is a quaint and charming J.Iiss Ford Egypt, Spain, Husaia, Ohina, and grand Thcre. a simplie.ity Ilbout. 1Ifr. Il monthly test had boon reported to the Mias Sehlinke little town situateil in Devonshire,Eng· opera, while Mr. Chambers read the Southwick's )s w()rk, which ronders his Men's Student beon Conneil, bllt thllt the no Miss Smllll Innd. Out in the harbor, which, u Ilction had beeause taken clever verses doscribing each. Tbose j)o"'er nnd magnetism all the more Miss Roberts )fiss Emnml"l saW, "is beautiful-not who hllve seen thi~ aet before said remarkable. teacher Wf!s in the class-romn at the at all like our harbor$-," is Drake timo. that danees accompanied eaeh varin- Mr. Southwiek was enlhusiastienlly Other points of ..iew were aB f01· Piano SolOS IIII(lIld assocint"d hi~torieally with Sir tion of the popular Bong. r~cci\"ecd roolUS in eostuJUe circled the gym sevenl times, Lhe basement of .MeUalliel rTall, that offending persona grades. then prepnred for busineu. The peo.ple -I. The offender should be allowed to while the judges sought the most orig· n'IWlin ~o mystarinnsl.,' quiet an Imt two (hop the e(H1racin which be hArl ehe:J.t· or Plymouth still spend part of their inal and attraetive costumes. The weeks during the yeAr, wcre ou ,d. LIBRARY FAClLlTIES IMPROVED lime on "tIle beautiful streteh of green winners wore Miss Ruth Gleiehman, Wednesday, October J!I, wheu three So w(' see thni there we,'e many opin· l'arpet" kno~n as Bowling Grecn. piorrotte, and Mr. Thomas Eaton, 'Seuior Home Economies girls had their io"s <'XJlr~M~ea~s th('re wt're persous to More. Ht!C'lual.~sliell'illg for rc1erenN' The Laboratory of Plymouth is built Dutch boy. Each received a small toy first ilinner in the "praetiee hOllse." express them. hooks lind II new I;h~lf for high school upon a Iligh bluff overlooking Plymouth ns a ,prize. Here for two weeks these girls hnve The lIonor Comitee hopes to l,ave a tl'"t·l>ook~ 10 bl' used by spee.inl moth Harbor. Nearby are the moon where one can go at 3.IIy time and really be ods t\uss('s in cduc:jtion havc reeently During the grnnd mareh the faonlty cooked,served,eleaned, iI.inedan(} en- ,,-orked out aud JlI'eseuted to the been insWIJetl in the Wcstern.Marylaiu1 said the that Miss Emma.rt was sflrved re.freshment..'! on the bal· tcrtained, with thcir i(lenl that of mak- body i)1 the lIenr future. ('"lll'ge LibrHry. alonc. of the purple hCAther, bra.eken sight a8 mue.h like. a. home eony. The eJu.sses were requested to ing the "house" The girls, :Uisses Esthcl' A number of 111'11' j(}lIrnala h~ve been fern, and yellow thyme against the set as possible. line up, aecordillg to rank, alld to fila [.a1l"(10r,.Mildred '~,lgin, ,mtl Dorothy ,!!irls aUllonneed "eheHlcntly, "Oh, yes, .,diled to thesu!Jseription list of the1i- ting SHn was inspiratiOllal. The shore past a door where thoy were served Nygren live an budgets and are allott.ed indeed, ;Icicty. Miss Emmart said that the English werc the Miss611Gladys Bean, Virginia kin pie, Messrs. Watkins and Warner Wilson, lind )furgaret Smitb. The "A ·B.~okfel1ow's Anthology" people are entirely different from what winning by two gulpB. table was decor"teil belllltilully in (1926) is being o"iferedby tbe Poets' Prnfes~or: 1 nsed to take my girl she had ex.peeted. We generally think "There is an end to n.ll things," so Halloween eolora and two Junior Jlnme riding in a buggy every afternoon. of the English as cold, dull, indifferent, as tbe hour approached "light& out" Economies girls faultlessly served the Club for tho bost Western Maryland Bright Student: But you haven't and eonventional people; but according the elasses gave their ye.lls, thanked si:l:·!'.{)ursedinner. College song produced during the told us the important part of the story. to Miss Emmart they are just the op· t.he Sophs for a good lime, and ca.lled When asked if t.hey expected to yea.r. Professor: Oh, abe's up at the house posite. She found them moat interest- "good night." "come out" even on their budget the (Continued on Pago 4) Il
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