Page 26 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: :-: lJlltrr-QJnlll'gintl' 11i1l) WI)l' Official newspaper of W;estern Maryland College, published on 'I'ueaday during IDqr ~vo11 19111I \ Nl'll1£ i\(lUliitistrnttnll the academic year by the sbudenta of Western Maryland College, Westminster, L- , Mnryland. Entered as seccnd-elaee matter at the Westminster Pcetcmee. "Humor is a ailhcuett.e cf truth, flit· Rnudulf-Mneen Oollege debate'l OltC· EDUCATIONAL AND VOOATIONAL Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. forJ on October 22. The question for GUIDANCE OF COLLEGE ting about on the hills of emotion against a baekground of perspeettve." diaeuaslcn was: "Resolve.l, That this STUDENTS UANAGING STAFF House favors the principle of pruhibl- Since the college sbudent-pcpulatdon Editor-in-Chief.. . .. George S. Baker, '27 Rave you over analysed young love, tion." Rnudclf-Maeon upheld the nf· is drawn from the rapidly Inereaalng Managing Editor. . . .Carroll A. Royer, '27 or are you so unfortunately and toot- firuurtdve, while Oxford defended the and correspondingly less wall-eeleeted negative side. Business Manager... . .. Arthur B. Cecil, '28 ishly entrapped in the meshes spread numbers of high school graduates, there by ita exacting eohorh that your bearl Asst. Business Managers.. . .... {Will. E. Hahn, '28 is already your intallect. Yonng love Work on the University of.Pitt-l:l is now a serious problem of "the Alvin Albright, '28 is hopeless, expensive, deceitful, il. smy burgh Cathedral of Learning began ehan,giHg 'college' populnttou." A generntion ago men went to college Circulation Manager.. . W. Edwin Warfield. '29 animal emotion substituting for action; Beptember 27, at 11.50, when the first to get II liberal eulturnl educat.ion, a an arfificlal nnurinhment. In man it is shovel was dug into the ground for the Asst, Circulation Managers. {fl. V. Scott, '30 term or wide sud varied meaning, de- .......... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 n weak anticipation; in woman, U foundation. The archtteeta expect the pending upon secieby and the graduate double antteipatton, and umconally an work to be completed within two lind school to make them into doctors, law- lmpORTORIAL S'l'AFF almost uneceseicus foresight,-hence a ahRlfyears. yers, mlnlatera, engineers, teachers. News Editors virtue. Whitt ie s, kiss without the W1Jat their life·work was to be gave IJ. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 embrace, an embrace without night'e At Bucknell during the year 1924·25 them Ht.tte concern while in college. protection. forty·fonr students were dropped from Associate Editors Will men, like moths, always return school on aeconnt of poor scholastic aions 'l'his is now changed. The profea- and including somt-profeasloua, 1\f arlen Cut-ling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 f(}f more burna, more punishment. Will records. During the year 1925·26 furty- business, are multiplying. Some of Virginia Wright, '27 ·Wilsoll K. Barnes, '28 they never find satisfaction in Nl etz- one students wer-e naked to withdraw. these may be entered direct from eel- Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 ~che's world of super.intellects and In Meh ease the student was given a lege without ()ther special education. automatic eonduet where girls (I could trial on probation for one semester. REPORTERS not eall them women) are more or less Parents, society, those who support the 1Iliram Royer, '27 !In'bert Job11son, '28 nihil. Some admirable man who was Pri!l(',eton enrolled 605 freshmen this collegcs expect that the increasing Dorothy Mellott, '28 J. H. Simms, '29 not fearful of telling the truth in the year which is the smnllest elass for Humber of college students learn some· and reo demands Katherine Johnston, '28 R.oy L. Robertson, '29 face of fl so·called beautiful woman's yeara. This small enrollment is due to thin.g of voeational counsel in the ahoice eeive intelligent Margaret Martignoni, '29 Rllth French, '28 scorn said the world was a bnttlefielcl the fact that tho nnmber of upper· the election of col· Sara l!'reeman, '29 Dorothy Gi1ligan, '28 for continual strife between the sexes. elnumen has incrensed. There were of liia work und in prepare the lege conrees which best Gilmore Lippy, '27 Mel'cia R.nyuw. '27 Girls ure only a ncaessity because they 2000 freshmen enrolled nt Princ('t()n in indil'idllal st11l1entto do that work. Charles SUlllIDers, '28 Curvin 1If. Seitz, '29 /l're a counter·irritant to lUan's better 1922. natnre. Man seeing the folly of their Vocational information is given in furnishes a larger number of high art.ifiCiality, frivolity, and lack of Girls at William and Mary College regular l\Ourses and in special lecturllS. E.DITORIAL sehool teaahers than any other institu' brnlns is stirrer! on to higher and bctte..r who have mnde less than eighty in their Many of the \Veduesaay .Assombly Lee· tures arc planned to give essential in· tion in the State; more than three· R,ctivity. It is our belief, then, that stllilieE, may Hot hl\vc- "dates" ani! formation about the more importa.nt fourths of reeent graduates have ne· "Until a female has passel] her thirty· other socilll llrivileges nnder n ruling PEP professions or vocations. College facul- cepte(l high school teaehing positions. fifth yCllr,$ho is neither to beeollsider· by the eollege 3uthorit,iea, which threw The Boord of Education of Carroll ~r!, lovoo, 01' admired." If there b.e t.Ee eampus into a swirl of excitement. ties lUe proficient in the seleetion of Got Some';' If Not, Gat Some! the coursos which best prepare for n County has very kindly extended to the any two or more of the opposit.e and The tllrmoil was augmented by reports col1l)ge ~he privilege of conducting its we~ker sex who challenge tbia truth, the same fuling might be e.'ttCllded to givon \'ocatiou, bnt whcn the student Some real enthusiasm on the 'Part of with his individual personality traits the student body will g(} a long wlty program of observation and teaeJling we will gladly, in an attempt to en· apply to the boys. is eonsidered the problem counseling towards helping our team to win this in tlu! county high schools. lightcn t.heir stolid features, eo·operate It. was prediuted that if the boys becomes very complex. 8eniol'-Il in edueation will do well to Saturday. We know, of courso, tllat all ilear in miud the following suggostions: in picking the bOlles ont of Truth's were ineluded 11 majority of the pupils In eoIlcgo "the fundamental problem nypt if nceossar.Y' itself, signs point to a victory for W. }.r. C., (.Apply II. woula be uctomnticnlly "caillpused" is to get the right stndent and the right but recent developments show that the 1. 'fry to leave in every school A K. R. ,)., cia Gold Bug. for a mouth or more. '£ha order was courses together." This of course in· gRll\e is not going to be any walk· flworable impression of West.ern Mary issued with a. vicw to improving sehol· "olves a study of the student as weH as away. Last Saturday ·Washington Col· lall'l College. Implied Ooherence aetie stanrlards. a knowledge of eonrses and vocations. le,gemade the best showing it has made 2. ~'acilitate the admiuistrat'ion of Col!ege teaahillg presu.ppoaes a certain this year in holding Mount 'St. Mary'S the observation and practice.teaching Ash Wedneaday must be near, Maryland University at Colloge Park mastery of aourses, bnt to get the right program by following the direetions of Ash Cans are falling; to :l 6·0 seore. Our tenm will meet a the Department of Edueation willingly W. K. has lost his beer, has selected the President of the Senior student and the right courses together worthy foe at Chestertown, so let's put clas~ to represent the school at the necessitates al~o a knowledge tif the some real life ill every pep meoting tl.lld faithfully. Can't you hear him ealling. ~j!eond aanual meeting of tIle National <~t....-!Cln."l-"Ao·i"'·W'l.""~ wh~DE~r ~os· _~.~ 3.~Sh~w_app~~tion_ ........._..b:crn..1I0'1l'._Ar ..... L!!!,..t.hA. foRam lw._ sible to the Connty a.nd Loeal Adminis· ~ . _ btnilentii"PCaerlltwn Of AmerT~ifto'"be going to devote to the learning of his that 70U are with them. traUons for the privilege of experi. "\Vom~n are all alike in this: they heM at the University of Jo.{jehiglln. studonts some of the time and effort menting in their schools. are all dIfferent, ana most of them arc '1'he pnrpose of the meeting is to dis' whieh he has expended upon their CIISS problems whith confront students 4. Remember tha.t there are over different every hour." teacllin,g and this in the belief that CHEATING IN MONTHLY TESTS iu their da.ily eollege nctivity and to their teaching will be lUuch more ef· fifty other people in the elass who ae· adopt, a form of organization for the serve just as nl\leh aonsideration as "The guinea is a showy l:!ird, but· it {edive. II\. most eases, the best way to make National Students Federation. The an evil beeome worse is to raut against yourself. bkcs a stork to deliver the goods." followillg points under the gellerul dis· it. Espeeially is tbis true with respeat cussion will he emphasized: to minor evils, in whieh the person who COLONEL DEEMS TO MAKE FALL "You aannot do away with woman (a) To appraise the value of eollege aommits the aet hurts himself more INSPECTION OF THE R. O. T. O. by pasting [l label on h~r back reading, pducntion as !It prlljlent eondueted. The Hat Shop than he hurb others; for most of us "Tbis is only a fIIg, a bone, alld a hanl< (b) To integrate the various pro· agree with the doctrine whieh tellehes of llair." tests against 9uperfieiality /lnd stan· that when a man eomes to eollege he 'Vednesday and Tbllrsuav of this (lardiz"tion of eollege life. is 0](1 enough to realize Wlllit he is week the R. O. T. C. is to h~ve its fall Prof. Sanders says of Baltimore, (e) To consider the steps taken by Sheet aoing and that, when he does some· inspedion. The corps has improved II "The Jews own It, the Irhh .run it, aifferent institutions thrQughont the 14 ~ajn great alld makes deal in its drilling thing whieh wor.lIs ehiefly to his cwn und the niggers onjoy it." country in mee.ting these problCJns. detriment, he deserves, not :public cen· quite a snappy eutfit ill the JleW low (cl) To ndopt a permaneut form of Westminster. sure, bllt private sympathy and advice. tut uniforms. org-.'tnizution for the Nlltioll~! Student But when, in studying eoll~e life, we ColoneJ Deema, one of the most; bril. "Aecnrding to tlle MOMie aec(}\mt., }'edel'atio.n. di8eovcr certain practices which are liant, artillery officers in the serviae to· woman was ~ sort of side iijsue. be in ('.hllrge of the inspec· harmful to the intcrllsh of everyone, day, will The whole corps is on its mettle The Y. 1II. C. A. fit the University of tion. thon we say that society has It right to make a fiue showing. Pretty face, :\Larylnud is tnl,TK only look tilat way. Suits (Pill out Coupon and Mail) The owl is a sort of college profes· The Depnrtment of Edceation is this Gold Bng, ·Western :Maryland College, sor." 'l'elepholle 55-R week launching its program of obser· W'estminster, Maryland. vation and Jlraetiee·teaehing in the "Life is one darn thing After au· CHAS. KROOP lligh sehools of Oarroll County. Enclosed find $2.00 for subseriptioll olher. LO\'e is two (lnin fools after Leading Shoe Repair Shop This annOllu(.....ment is especially 10 G(}ld.Bng for the eollege year 1926· ~nch other." significont in view of the faet that 1927. 25 E. Main St. pra.ctically every member of the present "Spinsterhood is an aehievement, The humlln body is nothing more Westminster, Maryland. senior elnss is seeking a certificate for (Name) than a delicate piece of mechanism Send your shoes to Charles high school teaclling from the State not a disgrace." wbich is endowed with that vital some· Kroop by Parcel Post, they will Department of Education of Maryland, (Street) thing, called LIFE. Life'a the wonderful be l'epaired thc same day at a transmitted is by force nerves. which requires twenty hours of obser· Keep them sonnd. Dr. Morrell's spinnl very low cost. vatiou and ten hours of praetiee·teaah. adjlJl!tments restore Healtn find Vigor. ing. Western MarylanCl College now (Cit,. and State) Phone 175. Give us a Trial. JI
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