Page 29 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOt \lei TERRORS PLAY LOYOLA FOOTBALL RECORD Points SATURDAY IN OPPONENTS 30 BALTIMORE STADIUM GR,EEN TERRORS 133 Vol. 4, No. S WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Noy. 9, 1926 Terrors Score At Will In Fall Military Game With Washington Inspection Conducted College At Cnestertown By War Department Shoremen Unable To Stop Second And Colonel Deems Reviews R. O. T. C. Unit On Hoffa In Race For Touchdowns Field Thursday GOMSAK AND LONG COLLEGE EVENTS APPARENTLY GOOD RUN WILD NEW CLUE·MEN SHOWING Tuesda.y Browmng and Philo Soci,)l Clubs meet at 7.30 P.M. Gamma Beta. Chi western Murylan!l completely awnl- Last Thursday afternoon, November 101'1'('.(1II]) Washiugtcn College last Sat- Wednesda.y Societies Announce Im- Speicher )fil1er 4, the annual fall Jnspechion of the R. ur dav, winning by a very I:Hge score 1'. 1lr. C. A. and Y. w. C. A. meet at Dooley ve» Buren 60 to O. The attacks of the second aud P. ilL; Delta Pi Alpha meets portant Change of Policy Willard, D. Bruhl O. T. O. was conducted on Roffa. Field by Colonel Deems of the War Depart. third squad were not to he withstood a t !I.30 P. 11.; Poets' Club mneta Dorsey Ma thius ment. nnd Washington was held on deteuse at 7.00 P. M. Cooper Grant Alter the regular formation on the entirely. The Terrors ware never held Friday Intensive Debate Program to ncrth-stdu of.,Lewis Hall, the two corn- up nt all, ana str:.\ight lil!!l ptavs, with Dual Debnlc between I, L. S. nud be Launched Bachelor's pontes composing the local lInit match- au eccesionnt forwm·J ]lIlSS, wore nil Blue Ridge Club. at 7.30 P. :M:. GOlllsak St evenaon ed down the main driveway through that WASueeessury .• Committees Named Havens Ellis Ward Memorial Arch to Hoffa Field, in~~t:~Cl~::11'f~: s~~~~;:~:~l!l~~tV~fb~~,t~ W. U. plays s~~~~~~\y in Bnltimore Pelton wctebeek where ench eourpany split into two see- De Haven tiona fOI· platoon drill. Alter snappy rrgu!3r 15 minute periods were used. Stadium at 2.30 P.)1. lll~'~!el':l:Yt1:~O~;~';:;h~'f~Jil:"~~rll~~sL~::I~~ platoon mauoenvera, a score or more of squads were i1l(lepe!ld~lllly put ,Ulrough ~;:ort:~~11~ll~!~:~~o(:: :1~1s8n:ei~~I~~::':: Browning: :I1Hl~~I~i~:YS()ei('ties meet ar_vSocieties. At the buaiueas meettugs Blnck and White their paces by the corporals in charge. thn t the team could catch the ferry at :lI v.30 P. )f.; nnd webster behl lit hcth BI·owning nud Philo lnst Spocrlein St udeut and faculty observers from impot"rnnl ':========== Tolchesler. Societies meet. lit P.1I[. ?lfoudny evening, it was voted that de· wnodeu Bowers, L. the hill overlocking Lhe athletic field tlHl SOcieties. of "i'i'"llshington wus 1l1Hlble to gain a l.mtillg become one of the Sevel'lll soon s~'" the scattered squads merging lIetidtics thing through the Western 1furylnlld W1'YSof varying the debating progrllills C I D Add into platoons, which formed on the :::~:llST~:~Yp~::::,~~:;l~~dg:! ~:~~I:r~l~' Seniors CompleteFirst :~J:\;:t.vs~'::,~:~:'I~ts~~()~;J~~I~ \\"~l:~~:: o. eems resses south side of the field fncillg the grand stand. ""'pt., "' eomplel,a. Week of Observation ill"';"" """ debol" '" b,th w'tghty Student Body in the )Iennw},ile the R. O. T. C. band put 'br~~~~t'co~~::r~!~tl~~'cd~:~~~ ~~l:~a~l~:~n~ and Practice Teaching ~;:'~:~~::da:~ ~:~~;~i~~lt5ie~u;:~iO~~SO\::~~: Wednesday Assembly t ~:r!pdt::~:'!~ln~C ]or:,!:: ~~:r~~~;i~II:~ -- nnit sllsrnining interest in ilebnting. . colors, the entire nit stood ~~rQiIr~ri '11Id wUeii'lllllScompose(l liol] of ;\liss Smith of the DepartmenL lime presenterl in costume will £urllish uual debate with tbe Current Evellt~ !lll\l 'Reed ("Buck.\""); ?\cgati,'c, Ster- of thnt will muke" worthy record of Spe-eeh, :l.ll(l the progrllm of old· u highly varied program of entertain· and English Club of Blue Ri!Jge Col· ling, Shri,'er, Nnttal, una :Ueyls. fOI' "\'i'"Ciltel"ll 'MQrylan!1 College. ftl.Shioll<.'dsongs in costume to he pre· ment, which is expected fG attract a lege for }'ri(lny e,"alling, :November J9, OHlr n fcw outsiders ure to be admit· sented by the Powder Puffs under thc large audien!lo both fram the student at i.30 P. M., iu rnring lIall. ted to thc de-bMe, anll these by special 'I'he committees ap])Oilli"ed b.1' tho dir(·~tiQn ef lI[is~ Dorst of tho Depart· botly /Iud £1'0111the Westminster com· 1'he. question rhosen for the debate, iUl'itntion. Several members of the pl"e~iden!.~of tho societirs to !leeidc the llIent of Mnsic, hlll'e been geheduled munity at large. "Resolved, Thut capitnl punishment facult;.r may be "pres.ent. neCeSS!H~' ]"('gUI:otiOllS!Iud to Rd the d~finitl!)Y for 'l'hanksgiviug e\'euiuJ";, The Depllrtment of SpeeCh this year be rc\.nined us the penalty for premedi. 1\fter the contest Friany night, the llebating stnrted were for Philo, }'lisseR Nonmber 25, in Alumni Rail. is planning a larger number of presen· mur,ler," is the same on!! that senjormemhersofhvingwillsclect the Rril\muth, Brown, _\I ills, Rowe, aud Rehearsals arc 'being pushed vigor- tations than ever before, Ole illter-I!oeiety contro- tenm t.hat is to Ojlpose Webne. in l~cad; for Browning, Mis~e-s Bemiller, ollsly ill preparatioll for the e\rent, and one-aetplays, ana the naxt month. Deeember. Richmon(], V., and Smith. the pl~yers are showing ~teady im~
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