Page 28 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page F01~r The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md Class, Club, and Society Doings I I Nrm6 GILMORE LIPPY-MARGARET M.ARTIGNONI l\u{l l1l1IqatNot Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN Y. W. O. A. RECOGNITION SER- and nutritious luneh. The "rats" "LOYOLA MIX-UP" VICES TO BE HELD IN gained a decil1ed advantage over thei~ Any news teems concemrng W. M. Among the alumni visiting the Hill BAKER OHAI'EL opponenh by desperately munching the According to last week 'a "Gold Alumni will be gratefully received. this past week were "Dick" Hurley, goodies while the sophs "marched Bug" the "Terrors" were aeheduled to '26, Ch~rlie Bish, '25, "Chape" Day, On Wedueaday, November third, at through the long isles of hungry stu- play Loyola. This, however is atto- Renry Gilligan, 1901, who haa fOT '26, Rose Ooncway, '26, "Ez" Wil- 6.30 P. M., the v. W. O. A. will hold ilents." gather wrong. The schedules pr-inted many years been active in sehccl mat- liams. '26, "Lil" Hollins, '24,"Chief" ita aervtee in Baker Chapel. At tho gentle searching of the Dean '8 by Ioent eompauy hod the ters in Washington, was appointed a Bender, '25. The ae-vicee will be liturgieal in form bell tha aophe-e-every last one of them, WMhington College ,game and Loyola member of the Board of Education on "And tI,e prince had a gaod nnd will inelude seleettcua by the "Y" eagerly left their feaetlug for the scene game in reverse order. July 1, 1926 by the Judgc of the Bup- SUCil Quartette, and the candle lighting aer- of strife whieh was on the south side Western Maryland plays Washington reme Court of tho Distr-ict of Colnmbia. time that he stuek his napkin in hie viee whieh will be very impressive. of the "gym." College this Saturday, November 6, and collar and embellished his ears and 'l'he presence of both nBWand old girls The Freshmeu were just as brave as Loyola the followiug week November Miss Aana Hauck, '25 taught. school, other parts of l1ia physiogomy with is requested and all are asked to wear the "Sophs," and those "blue and 13. last year, in Oamden, N. J. This year parsley-c-" So "Tommy" Massey, '26 white. The faeulty and friends are gold" ulbars seemed to raacinate the she started as a substitute in a New- told us last week. "Tommy" apeut the cordially invited to be with us Wednes· "rats" to such a degree that every ark school, and made auch a success week-end of October 24 at West Point day evenin-,-g._~ _ time they gal a glimpse of euler they W. M. <1. that she was given a permanent peat- where shn Illet Princess Deana and simply "saw red" and never stopped HAn.. tion. Prince Nicholas at the "hop." SOPHS. VS. FRESHMEN IN COLOR fighting until their mtsaicu had been We're. a peppy crowd of rooters RUSH ncuomplished, which was te get those Standing by that Terror Team, Rev. John W. Link, '25 was elected Louise Thomas, '25 was badly eut in "SOpll" colors. this summer as president of the Baltt- all automobile ncciden t at Berlin, Md. Last Wednesday the Sophs, "serew \Vhile they're fighting, we are eheer ing more Distriet Union of Yeung People's "Tom" is out of the b oepttnl now, ed their courage to the sticking point" Till we win the victory. Work of the Methodist Protestant howevCf, and ia teaehing at Berlin and with the friendly aid of the fresh- W. W. or.tra GIVES LUNOHEON Fur we'll fight on, unto the finish Church. where she is a very popular member of men they staged an interesting and And we never will give in the faculty. Till the whistle has blown, and tho' the color rush. At the noon hour, Miss Fnith Millard, honorary member 'Mrs. Helen King Bcoponi, 1902 .flying their colors, the sopha paraded of the W. 'iV. Club, was the guest of day is our own quond~m, spent the past summer travel- More Marriages blto the dining room where they gave honor at a luneheon given in the Col- Still shent Hail w. M. C. ing in England, Franee, Spain, anu lsabt'lle Copes) '22-Brooks Barnes. their inereasing moral on6 last desper- lege Tea Room Monday, Oetober the (Words and or1ginal music to a new !tal.V, lUaking an e.xtended stay in Winifred Noek, Ex'28--W. LYlln '\Vot- ate _sho"6 by partn.king of a deliciom eighteenth, by the club girls. college song written by one of the stu· Juvanollo, Italy, her former home, She too dent.sofW.M. C., '27.) now lives at 362,1 Conneeticut Avenue, John Fenb.", '23 prep.-Beatriee HERE AND THERE WITH THE MISS EMMART SPENDS SUMMER Wllshin.gton, D. C. Wright. ; BUGS ABROAD IN RESEARCH WORK SOIENCE CLUB Franklin Murray Benson, '22, now a In Memoriam Events We Always Enjoy (CQntinurrl from Page J) rising htwyer iu Baltimcre, will be. Mrs. Loutsa Cunniughfllll FUlldenbllrg, '8'1. Getting a letter from home. ,\n invitation is extended to all mem- married to Miss Miriam Evelyn Seeple Paul n. Frllntz, '23. Getting ILhuge eheek from home. ing, hOSllitable, mentally stimulating b().r.s of the stuaeu't body who are on November 13,1926. Keeping the Dean awake all night ,\llI1 not nt a.11narrowly conventional. lllHjoring in Biology, Chemistry, Phy· Track meets (Sunday). "They completely imbend when you sics, Pre·)'Iedieine, or Mathematics Taking the reom-mate's girl to parlor. I,"ow them" WIIR hel' sta~ement. The e.o\lrs~s to the newly·formed ellief between Americans differences Locking the janitor in an em,pty room. Science Club held its first meet· 'raking pnrt in "bull sessions." Jlnd Englishmen arc that tll\~ English ing the past ,\Vedneadny night. Sleoping through chnpe1. are entirely interesteu in thecultuIul The eleetiou of offieers will be held Cutting Speech dus. and not the practical side of life in lit the meetiug this week 011Wednes· their educational system, and that Eng· da;'i' at 7.30 P .. M. in the Chemistry Fair One: I support that was your lish life is more highly colored with Leeture Room in Smith Hall. friend you~, d at your house last nighH age·old traditions and eustoms. }'Iall~' interesting nncl instrueth,c College 'lde: No, just my room- The EII.glish seem to t.urn the day talks on scientific subjcets will be given mate.
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