Page 27 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 27
?,;heGold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three New York Press Reports of the Holy W. M.Booters Score Decis- TIPS ON THE TERRORS Cross - Western Maryland Game ive Victory Over F. and M. "A Tl1I!nl Thai. JrI)Jl't BI1 Beaten, Call" Be BeatCII." A Green whirlwind, blowing up from in addition it wae his fine offensive TERROR OFFENSIVE FAST The whole "Terror" squad attended "Di(lk" Harlow had the boys scrim- the South across Fitton field, yesterday interfering which paved the way for AND CLEVER. the Navy-Miebigan game on Saturday. lllaging practically every day last week. aeternecu, suddenly transformed itself eaeh of the short Green jpaaaea over the Open dates come in very handy, acme- An open date is something made nee of from Ii mere zephyr to a. devastating line. Starting off'with a whirlwind offensll" times, for other reasons besides recup- to the fullest extent by the ecaeh. second half cyclone, which swept u~ The game was fast and hard played. that lasted thronghont the -gnme, the erating and a week of scrimmaging. Some new faces may be appearing in the field for two touchdowns in a It W/IS a fierccly fought struggle into Western Maryland Varsity Soccer team The boya seemed to think that All- the next Hue-up, :1S "Dick" liked the spirited attempt to eateh the . Holy wblch both teams threw more first ereee booted its wny to the first victory of AmeriCan men, as were F'riedruan and looks of a. few subs in the recent scrim· Cross Crusaders. football than was apparent to the the season last Fri(lay afternoon on the Dosterbauu, were jnst ordinary players mages. The Purple, with three touchdowns average onlooker. AJid while the taek- old athletic field. Two field goals and and showed nothing to merit the great in the opening half, came out of this ling was hard and vicious it was .for one successful penalty kick put the publicity given them recently. atsusues published by a New York Ilercely waged football battle a 20 to the most part low and clean. There Terrors out in front at 3·0, when the paper, showed that western Maryland ]4 winner over Western Maryland's was some piliIlg, but almost always it game with the Frnnkltn and Marshall The bloodpcteoning in Clark's loot is earned 16 first downs to Holy Crose.' moleskin warriors-as stout hearted a was due to the referee's laxity with Vnrstf-y Soccer eleven from Lancaater practically cleared np. He should be 15; completed more passes and gained little band as ever trod a ecflege grid the whistle rather than any deliberate ended. in good shape for the next game. more ground, yet we lost. That's what Coach "Rutry·Up" calla just Yost iron. attempt on either side to rough it. Keeping the ba.lI in the vieinity of With tllo opening of the second half It was a football game among foot- the viaitors goal, the Terror booters football. the little Westminster zephyr grew to ball games. A glorious Purple vietory ~eored first in the middle of the open· Individual Scoring of the "Terrors" become a swirling storm of trouble for over a team that was both smart and ing period as a ruaul t of a beautiful I-Neal 18 "Charlie" Havons, cento-, and the Crusaders. The same body- weary powerful-a hard loss for Western pnas from Beauchamp to Funk. Z--Gomsak 12 "Bill" Pelton are the only men still Southerners, who had found it quite Maryland, but one over which they eau There was no scoring in the second 3-Chllmbers 10 under the weather. Haveu ts knee is difficult to drag themselves to their hold their he:tds high. quarter, although the Western Mary- 4-Long bothering him, while Pelton has a bad dressing quarters after the battering land fcrwrtrds made numerous close 5-MeMains thigh. 'Tbeae two players have not of the first half, carne back a seeming WHAT HAPPENED APTER THE shots. 6-Janowski missed but few days down on the field Iy fresh ani! inspired group of fighting In the third period, Captain Nichols 7-Machamer and they will be available more than souls. The Western Maryland team of GAME hooked a Iong-distauce shot past the F. Western Maryland College. ..73 likely for the Washington game if the aeeond half was three Western There was great rejoicing in the Holy and M. goalkeeper, making the score Opponents ..... 30 needed. Maryland teams of the first period. Cross dreseiug quarters a.fter the game, 2·0. The final score resulted from a Starting on their own 26·yard line. restetday. Players sla.pped one au· pllnlllty kick by Bcauchamp. TERRORS PLAY WASH- GREEN TERRORS REST MEN AT following the kick·off, the Southerners other on the back and compliments flew The visitors were unable to break NAVY-MICHIGAN TILT fought their way 84 yarl:1.1>to fI, score thick ani! fast. And there werll anxi· throngh the Terror defense for more INGTON COLLEGE with IL series of deceptive plays staged ous inquiries aplenty as to the condi. than five or six shots at the goal. THIS SATURDAY Western Maryland rested on their behind a sturdy forward wall whieh tion of Lowery, M. Connors, Mikelski Hnrt and R-eed at full· back, Nichols mns this week due to an open date in Slliftei! here find shifted there and and McCoy, who left the gamll hecause and Sullivan at l"a.If.back, and Beau· Tho "Green Terrors" will journey to tho schedule. Apparently, this was whieh amost always caught tho Purple of injuries. Doe Ebling, the Purple champ on the lino, stood ont for West· the Eastern Shore, on Saturday, and supposed to be a home game, bllt did linemen o.ff their balance. It was the trainer, was a bnsy man after tlle eon· efll:Maryland .. play their aHllllal rivals, "\Vashington not materialiZe. The schedule planned same double reverse line shift which test, but he expeets to have all the College, at Chestertown. After n by the preceding coach left vacant two Coaell Diek Harlow had employed to The Line-up: dates for home games. One was made give Colgate univenity an unbeaten squai! in good shape again far next W.:M. F. andM. week's rest the "'.Cerrors" allould all use of just before the Swarthmore game be in excellent eondition :Ind iust feel· week. eleven last ycar. It wns well timed Over in the Western Maryland dress· Umbarger G. lVhitmer ing likc another good battle. for extra eonditioning and this week's aud puzzling and it aeeomplished IL ing room there -was another scene being Reed R.F.B. Pearson The "Shoremen" llave shown noth· lay·off' allowed Coach Harlow to scrim- purpose against the heavier Purple for· enacted. The weary !Southerners filed Hart L.F.B. Apl)le mage his squatl every day. Some few ward wall. Sullivan RH.£. Wolpert ing startling this year at all. They men are still on tho injured list after Nichols C.H.B. Romallie got off to a very bad sgainst O;~i~:~~:1 I\!~~a!::,~:l~~ :~l~~n~;:l~ ~~:: e~~~ra i~::t::s t!:. silence. There :McCauley L.H.B. Grammer Maryland and fell before tIle onslaught the Holy Cross tilt, but arc fast getting But Coaeh Dick Harlow was evident· Covington C,P. Walton of pradically all opposition. The lnst into shape. 'l'here was, however, no :::;~D!f~:c:~ee s::~~o::s w~:::I:~~;~ly satisfied with the play of his team. Barnes loR-P. Hark game against Mt. St. Mary's was a correspondeuce with Geneva coneernin~ Beauchamp O.R.F. Levy very evenly contested game, but prov a game here this week. ~ ~hes:o;:' t1;e!~I~:: !::l:~g t::r~~e:~ M~~;~~s~ ~ ,;;:n;~~:: S:;d~ou, mighty Fnnk r.L.F. Sipple ed to oc another disaster for Washing' th:r~e~t~~~~Chai~anth;a~~U a;~tenTd:i~ liUle backa to evcr show in the Fitton proud of you. You all played great. Willis O.L.F. Gosin ton, losing 6·0. The best that can be alfordcd the "Terrors"· eir first op· said is this. Washington is a gooi! team field stadium. They eall him "Greasy" ~:~~ba~e£::~ i~o:n~o:: ;~:i~in~~ t~:~ Substitutions-Howard ior Umbarg· on defense, displaying a fino defensive portunity to see the game from tt...h-_ip.l<."-'('--_,..,,"'" 'i!..-vm~i!, ..J\-...',. ~"",'.s')l'rl.-i"'U""~·''''''''''''''' haa a very a(lellrate toe in this respect.. BELT IX BELT McMains started the long drive with down fight_i"_g._" _ and Beauehamp. a 23·yard dash (Iff his 1eft tackle. Ho (2) Goal :from penalty: BeauellROlp. :rhey lost half the team when Keenan Opp,u;le the Con",m (350 lba.) left. was screened by a wall of Green inter· SOME STATISTIOS OF THE W. M.· Refere_Flater. Western Maryland is planning on Weare small, but give us a call. ferers WllO smothcred the end and HOLY OROSS GAME Time of Quarter-20 minutcs. allowing tlle second and third string secondary defense mcn in fanltless W. M. C. -1 0 1 1-{l mon to play the major part of the fashion. Holy CroSliwas then penali~. First downs 1 2 3 4 F. and M. -0 0 0 0--0 game. This however, will depen-d tlpen MATTHEWS & MYERS ed on two successive plays for being Holy (lross 7 1 3 4-15 the showing they ean make, and the off·sides, the Purplc forwards being Western Maryland 1 5 6 4-16 conilitiOllS of the game throughout. baftled by the pelluliar line shift of the Pena.lties GIRLS' VARSITY BASKET- For information to any of those de· Wall Paper and Window Shades visitors. Here Me}.[ains, Sillin and Holy Cross, three, 15 yards, off side. BALL PRACTICE STARTS siring to attend the game, riding by Decorators for the College Neal fought their way off the tackles Western Mafylan(1, two, 20 yards, off eourtesy or "bumming" is possib1e, if for two sueeessive first downs, with ,.iileanil rongllin,git. The girls' varsity basketball team you go by the way of Baltimore to We do all kinds of shoe Afelfains finally skirting un end for ~ Fumbles has rpromise for a successful sea'6on. In Ell,tOll to Chestcrtown. Other m'ethods repairing. Satisfa.ction nine·yard run to the score. C. Cham Holy Cross, four, two recovered, two previous ycars the girls have had all are hy taking 11 bus to Baltimore to guaranteed hers kicked Ute extra point from vlace· lost. out·door as well as o.n indoor schedule, Pier 16, Light. Street, hence by ferry J. D. KATZ mont. Western Maryland, none. but due to efforts of the eoaeh and to Tolchester and the remaining 5 or Kittredge wasted the opportunity to Passes team to raise the standard of Western 6 miles by bus. A large rooting seetioll W. Main Street s!:-oreby fumbling the ball on the next 110ly CI'OSS, comploted three, gain 41 Maryland's athletic aetivities anll to of the representatives of the Eastern play and Holy Cro~s assumed the de· yarile. Four others incompleted. compcte with schools of an equal ath· Shore is \'e,'Y apparent, since a good Quality Plus Quantity' fensive as the alert Weisbaek covered Western Maryland, completed six, letic standing, the out·door aell.edul(l nad a week·elld visit at home is it for t.he visitors. gain 53 yards. Three incomplete. Two has been eliminated this year. ~ppCalillg. Let's see the "sand· Equals Just as the third qunrter closed the ,ntercepted, one for touchdown. ThE; prospective varsity tenm memo tnrnollt. Green whirlwind ga.thered up mo:e bers have been out for practice and speed and power lind stllrled on another have given Bornefavorable and cneour -When e.,,_ of those long su~tained drives for n BABY TERRORS TO PLAY ,\gin~ exhibitions. Jylost of laat years PRESIDENT TAFT touchdown. 'This time the march start· GETTYSBURG FRESHMEN varsit.y material is out with renewe!l "JOHN 'Hll1ted 8 good ed on t.he Southerner's 23·yanl line. vigor. Ginna 'i\Tilson, '27, gives cvid· PHOTOGRAPH Neal opcned it by twisting and tnrning The Western Maryland Freshmen cnre of the samc endurnnee and aeeur· he sent for his way ofT rigllt tackle. for 15 yards. footbllll team will play the Gettysburg aey which in previons .I·rurs put her in Sillin (lIId Chambers followed with a Fl'eshuH'll eleven on 1l0ITa }'icltl,-Prida.\·, the list. of the state's best forwards. Sereck S. Wilson first down in two shoh at the Gntplayed ,\"overnber 5, at 4.00 P. M. Margarct Smith (Smitty) '27, ana Purple forwards. Holy Croas took a This is the last horne game of the Charlie Wheeler, '2!l, form a.· "OUR YELL:" penalty for off·side play and again Sil- seasonrortheirosh. able gllllrding aggregation Witll Wil· lin smashed the line for n fi.rst down. linger, '28, pushing them for a position Walk·Over, Rah! Walk-Over Rah! Rah! • Rere MeMains flipped a short pass PRELIMINARY BASKETBALL Anne l~all!ler i~ ready to hold down her Shoes, Shoes, Shoes over the line of scrimmsge to the free PRACTICE old position at center with as much Neal who moved on for a. 12·yar< d~p!!ndability as formerly; and if prae· All Prices This same short pass, employed often The fir~t call for candidates for the tiee tells she will have Iln exeellent ANDERS SHOE STORE by the visitors, always found the reo ll:wketball squad will be mll(le Ihis partner in Toddie, '28 or Maude Browu, eeiver uuguarded, so deeeptive was its week. Practice will be ill charge of '27, who are making elose bids for th~ exeeution. Another of these short Captain Broil and some members of tha side·eenter position. Toddie has the passes to Neal and another smash at Co:tcllillg Class. speed and adaptibility which make an the line cut Hyards off thc fast i:limin· It is hoped that all a\'ailable matcr· iudis'pensable player, while Maude hll.8 islling distance to the goal. Then Neal, ial not engaged in other sports will an· accuracy amI experience in the game. LUNCH our SODA FOUNTAIN the greased lightning speed merchant, ~wer this call. A smooth·mnning quin- Gladie lIIiles, '29, of elass team fame' caught another pass over the center of tet should be formed by the end of 18 doing somc favorable guardin.g. the line alid, speeding behind fille inter· football seRson. Besides the old girls we have some If , there is a delightful treat in store for ference, movc(l over the line for the promising new material ill Eliza Hus· second """estern Maryland score. Agsin sell, guard, and Evelyn Pritchard, for· You will like our Light Lunches. They C. Chambers kicked t.he poiut from The Gold Bug takes thiElopportunity, wllrd. A litt.le staunch practice will are appetizing and delicious and you have a placement. in behalf of the "Terror" football make varsity material of both of them. Charlie Havens, tile visitors' alert squad, to thank Mr. Robert Gill for the At present no definite schedule has fine variety to choose from. Hot and cold center, limped ba(Uy a~ he came on the tickets 1-0 the Navy·lljllhigan game, been arranged, but it is hoped that drinks, too-just the kind you like. field with his right knee swathed in whillh he was responsible for getting. Gettysburg, Maryland, State Normal bandages and atra ps to protect a bad Most-of the boya refer to Mr. Gill aij School (Towson), ?brjorie \Vebster wren ell. But the injured leg didn't just "Bob," and let it he known that Sehool, George -Washington University, KOONTZ seem to hamper him once the ball was here is a man looking out for the team Dillkinson, and Blue Ridge will soon He proved a wonder at diag- and a man back of it on every step answer our request for games. The MAIN Purple playa and was almost they take, and one hundred percent for indoor season will probably open in at the bottom of the pil{l, And Western Maryland. December.
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