Page 24 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page FQtI,r The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md.. Alumni NtlU5 Class, Club, and Society Doings I I GlLMORE LIPrY-'MA1er Cha.pel Ohoir, for the new members. ~~',:~~:~,.n~::~"i;~o~eoc;~~ir:::~iv~;:~:; ____.s~:;;~~;~ _ _SAM_COHEN__ together were ~~.. guests of Mis~ Dorst DEBATE HELD AT WEBSTER theg{].1l aJready set for as. With more witl.J Miss Miilllr{ lind Deno chnncea for ",lection of eourses will go Easton, FLORIST PHONE 21-J. TAILOR at a most dehghtful pienie o~ Tramp In Ilrt'puration ror the Anna..l Inter· mord ~ouct:ntnl for tho exelu utl>s t.o tIle making of a renl (;ollcge. I wanted a good in an.'" of the sciences nre urged. to be sion of the Japanese should remain in think now PI'e said eneugh to fiU your present :1.t a in the Chemistry PHOTOGRAPH CHIROPRACTOR Lecture Room jn Lewis lInll, W~dnes foree." The affirmllti,'e wn!>upheld by colu11lu." and Law· \V. he sent for day eVi!uing at. 7.30. This meeting is to Burnt's, lhe K., Covington, T..nmbertson, willi And the ilea" leaned b:l"); ;1> ),is chajr by negative, 'J'hat was prob· n ~igh of relief. rence; Sereck S. Wilson llO E. Main St. Phone 175. be held for the purpose of organir-ing a Grant, and Brown. The affirmative WOll 1,ut ll111ateur illterl'iewers, I am told, :(Oly the logical time for rue to leave, :"~ience Club, which will be an e."(ten- ihetlf'eision. Wehler & King 8ion and expansion of the former hllve quite 11 persistent. wuy of remain· U. W. MILLER Biolugy Club. Smith's ingtill the interviewer'B'Patience is ex· Cleaners and Dyers GRADUATE PHA'Rr.IACISTS hnusted. Ail signs of relief, however, were dis· Work done by the Prosperty Method The Rexall Store BELT&BELT The College Barber Shop pelled when I objeeted- Oents' ~uit~ elt'ullec\ and pre~sed $1.00 "Oh nol You haven't said anything (lenta' Suits I!tUflme(l11tlll llre~sed ,3,; 'Westminster, Md. Opf>B We are small, but give us a calL nbout tbe definite plnns of the Adminia chemicallyelel\ned mill pressed 1.2.) tralion." Safety Ulifh mlstOnll.'TS npp((rc/ i._ 0111' Smith & Reifsnider Westminster's The delln smiled olle (If hie famous first. l:()n~i(1el'lJtian. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr "short·stop" smiles. By tlie time I hlJ.d mannged to get the corners of my A.UBEUlf "ABE" TOZZI, The Newest and Best Clothing Cut Rate Store mouth inelined upwnrds, however, he College llcprll!lCntati1)e and Furnishings. LUMBER AND GOAL lInd resumed an almost formidably ser- Goods for Young Men. 59 W. Main Street :ious mein, and in this fashion eontinued WEST.i.\I1NSTEU, MARYLAND 10 Pcr Nmt off to CollfJge Stlu7ents Klee Apartments rnther t.houghtfully: we have n pretty good bunch "Well, EAT"'A-PlATE"'A-DAV SUBSOR[PTION BLll'K of frt:shman boys up here this year. Phones-227 and 207 (Fill out Coupon an(l Mail) 'rhe prospect of the present Freshman NEUM~141 Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wrong Side Of The Street Class is really vcry encouraging." much The Right Store Oil The "But how about the rast of us," Westminster, Mnrylnnd. had lmven't "Although I Enclosed find $2.00 for subscription ICE CREAM Hail! Hail! to Gold Bug for the college year 1926- chance to learn to know the other three cl~sses, it is elcurly evident tlmt there 1927. is tI fme student bouy on the TIill. Of ~THI! CRUII.nII THf. MORElS"TASU~ course, thc thing we 11.11 aeed to do is The Gang's All Here (Name) GET OUR PRICES LO buckle down nnd study. The presi 1)1ans nrc, dent's I believe, to give a comprehensive ex::unination at the end Zile-Neuman Co. Bonsack's Tea Shoppe (Street) Face Powders, of the sophomore yenr aJld to tlc\"ote the Inst two years to intemuI'e study. is now en the (City and State) Talcum Powders~ right "The track. Administrntion we ha,·c improved When Westminster, Md. In A Student Atmosphere -WIM._ Patented Remedies, the property here--by that I mean car PE!\"'NANTS, CLt;B PILLOW TOPS, ried ont the building pl:lUs--cnlarged our f:leulty, and e.reated the real eollege BANNERS, TABLE RUNNERS, ETC. Creams, atmosphere; when we have grown up, I Show Your College Spirit T. W. MATHER & SONS The New Star Representatives Toilet Articles, firmly believe that Western Maryland College will be able to take her place 'Ff>_niglrt_ GEORGE S. BAKER, IlUlongthe best Liberal Arts Colleges in Westminster's Leading Store "Conf(>ssions of II. Queen" MTSS LOUISE HUGHLETTE. Pills, Tablets -W.M.- the EMt." H"e!7l1t>.SdfljJan(1 Tlllirsduy- HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES "~fore Pay Less Work"-Kyne Story We do all kinds of shoe Satisfaction repairing. The Authorized Shoes for the F-riflay m!d Sntl(rday- PEOPLE'S STORE Sodas Cigars guaranteed. Rebe, DaniEls in "1'he Palm Beneh 73E. ~fAlN ST. Cigarettes 13c pk. or 2 for 25c W.M.C. Girl" Also Stationery, Gifts, Novelties, J. D. KATZ R. O. T. C. KEITH TIM'E VAUDEVILLE Victrolas, Victor Records CALL IN W. Main Street
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