Page 23 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three Terrors Out-Scored By Holy Cross 20-14 Western Maryland Nets Two LOYOLA TO BE TIPS ON THE TERRORS Touchdowns In Second Half THE NEXT RIVAL Hopkins Crushed by Loyola! Losing "A T6am Tliat Won't Be Beaten, Cun.'t Be Beattm." Eleven is Dutcluased l Evergreen At· (Continued from Page I, Column 1) center. McMains went 23 yards to tack Smashes Homewood Defense to Clark's failure to get in the game Breaks seemed to he reeeired 1)y Hclv Holy Cross' 47·yard line. Holy Cross Saturday was due to !.he fact that he Cross. Recovered fumbles, intercepted BREAKS GO TO PURPLE was penalized 10 yards for two offside Smithereens! Backs are Classy! Tor contracted bloadpoisoning while gOillg passes, and blocked punts all fell to plays. Gillin made two yards for first rillc Interference Mows Down Blue Jay up to Mass. On the trnin. IDs oondition Holy Crnsa. Western Maryland reccv- Play by Play Forward Line- Score 33·01 ered two fumbles only. down. Neal made nine and one·half are the headlines in t.he Balti is Improving. Buch ball to the IS-yard line. Kittredge was yards. Sillill made four yards for first more pnpcee referring to Loyola's de- injured on the play but went back into down on the 22-yard line. O'Connel feat of Hopkins last Sll.turday. It is Western Mar)'l,md has a powerful With 1 chances for a touchdown on the game. Daly made it 1st down on went back at center, replacing Phelan. quite evident that the Loyola-Western running attack this yenr. No team to the five yard line, Western Mnrylaud the Id-yard line. Kittredge made four Neal made threa yards through center. Maryland game in the Baltimore Stadi- date has been able to stop them when held Holy Cross for downs and retained yards and went to the 10-yard line. Sil in went through eenter for threg um will he a eorker. they get going. This was quite evident possession of the ball. 'I'lrc line proved Shanahan failed to gain. more yards. Neal made two yards and Loyola has defeated Bchuykill, Wash- against Gettysburg, Dtcldnaon, nnd capable of repelling the b[, tou!'hdOlYn. yards through rcnter on the next play, c repelled all attncks. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK " JOHN" Xittr<'dge Runs 95 yards Three line plunges made the fiut The taclding an,] heads-up playing of OF WESTMINSTER Everread'y A pass, McMains to Keal, gaincd six down and p'aced the ball (In 'iV. 11.'s Ol'avetz, and the punting unci running "\Vestminster, Maryland. Very com'teous yards . .Another PllSSW:1Sknooked down one-yard line, with four chances to of Cook were the bright lighb of the Capital. . .. $]25,000 Errorless attention by Daly. Holy CrOS8took the bldl on plug for 11yard. Each rush thereufter game, T07.zie and Utz were the out· Rigllt st.yle Utz, weighing Htnnding line players. their Own 25·yard line. Wise punted J'esulte,l in a two or three·yard 10slIfoT Snrplns and Profits, ... $150,000 H air cutting on the first play aad McMains was lIoly Cross and Western :Maryland re- exactly 256, got down nnder punts and Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., Also downed in his traeks on the 4(l-yard tllincd the ball on downs, on lIef own kick·offs. and consistently mnde the Chairman of Board. Razors honed line. On tIle first piny Sillin broke '·yard line. The gnme ended, the first tll.ckles. "Bill" Fiege WIl.Sthe only Tallies throngh right tackle 1111(1Cluried the defcat for the Marylander's and Uoly threat for the visitors. His individnal L. K. W(lodwaI'd, President. playing wall first class, bnt lack of team ball to the 30-yard line. Two plunges Cross' fifth consecutive victory. work kept him more or less under a .George R. Gehr, The Only Barber and Bobber at netted only a yard. Finn was injured Line-up Vice-President, Cashier. the Forks on the play lind Norton repluced him hllndieap. at right tackle. W.M. Holy Cross Line-up Neal went off right tltollklefor s first Norris L.B. Healy W. M. Freshmen Yard Club L.T. down on the 20-yard line. MuMai11B Weiustock L.G. Mahoney Eny L.E. Shaeffer Have You Ever Taken Weisbeek Oervini lost a yard. Th!'!nNeal lost three more. Havens C. O'Connell Ut, L.T. Cavano A pass, McMains to Neal, netted 12 Lally L.G. W. Miller LUNCH at our SODA FOUNTAIN yards ~nd brought the ball to the 12· lIIcRobie R.G. C. Ryan Tozzie C. W.right, Capt. yard line. J. Miller went in tor Daly. Machamer R.T. Finn Goodhand R.G, T. Miller There Kittredge !'In-ed the situation Pellon R.E. Lynch Wl!iternft RT. Hott If not, there is a delightful treat in store for ~fc!l[ains Wise for the PUTPIe as \V. :\1". threatened iNeal Q.B. Lowery Cecil R.E. Barton the goal line. Intercepting a pass on R.H. Oravetz Q.B. Fiege you. You will like our Light Lunches. They the five·Yllrd line, he thrende(l his way Gomsa.k L.H. Sh!lnahan Shockley L.R. Ruth are appetizing and delicious and you have a through the Maryland t<'nm Illld aided C.Chambers F.B. Daley Stack R.IL Rnrtzell by perfeet iuterference, ran 95 yards Score by Periods Cook F.n. nuchtell fine variety to choose from. Hot and cold for the third Holy Cross touehdo,,:::o.. H. C. l-! 6 0 0-20 Su'bstitutions-W. >\f.-DeHavcns for drinks, too-just the kind you like. Wise failed in gicking the goal. Holy 'N.ll. 0 0 1 1-14 Stack; Quinn for Shockleyj Hershman Cross led, 20 to O. W. M. Substitutions-Janowski for for Goodhandj Wathom for Goodhandj Third Period Weinstork; Roach for Waisbeek; Baumgartner for Lally. KOONTZ Morris Conners replaced Shanahan. O'Lear for 1[nehamer; Silliu for Gom Touchdowns-Cook snd Oravetz. Phelan kieked off to Nenl, who carried sak. Touchdownll-Kittredge (3); Me· Reieree---Byham. MAIN OPPOSITE BOND STREET it from tha five·yard line to the 27-yard mains; Keal. Points for H. O.---'Wisil Umpire---Perry. line. SiUin msde thre! yards .thro11gh (2); W. M.-Chamben (2). Rend Linesman-Weigle.
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