Page 22 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, 'Md. :-: :-: lIntrr-(J1011egiatr 11111it~mIle OJfieinl newspaper of weateru Maryland College, published on Tuesday during NrlUn Allutinintration the academic year by the atudeut a of Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as seeoud-elaaa matter at the Westminster Postoffice. There are 900 colleges, univeraitdea, Partly because of n f!leting of ep- Subscription Price, ~2.00 a Year. "These Here Olubs" preciation for the hearty cooperation Bachelors: Varsity training "elub," and profes~ional schools in this eountry, and helpful advice of President Ward, situated in. Alumni Hall, and over- and their total enrollment is 700,000 MANAGING STAFF looking Union Street. Claims to students, 450,000 men and 250,000 and partly because of the knowledge of Editor-in-Chief. .... George S. Baker, '27 Illite and JJ.ighly sophistica.ted. Com 'be n growing need for an official inenns of Managing Editor .. .. Carroll A. Royer, '27 posed of heroes and hern-wcrahippers. getting nuthentie news concerning the of the administration of the activities op- On Monday, October 4, the lint Business Manager ... ... Artlmr B. Cecil, '28 Gamma :Beta Cbi: A. hard working tional chapel service was held at Vale eollege before UIB student body, the wm. E. ITahn, '28 group of studious young men sitna.ted Gold Bug stuff win devote a eolumn of Asst. Business Managers. near "Bonnie's." Social butterflies. University. Harvard abolished compul- . . . . .. {Alvin .A.lbright, '28 sory chapel shortly after the Great each issue to offici:ll administrative Too close to the movies for their own news. Circulation Manager., . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 good. War . The purpose of the editor of this col- Asst. Circulation Managers ... IT. v. Scott, '30 Black and 'White: Have nearly per- umn will be to present the activities of .... { W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 suaded the student body that they are Stanford University will no longer the administration in their true setting; "the. inte1l'lgensia." ".By their fruits have active football captains. Here- an{] in their proper Too, perspoet.lve. REPORTORIAL STAFF we do knew them." after the position will be honorary anI! often, pnrt or Imlf truths concerning- News Editors Delta Sigma Kappa: Pompous and only awarded at the end of the eeaaou. the actioua Or poJici~s of the adminis- An active field eeptaiu will be appoint- L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 phlegmatic group situated in McDan- edior each game by the coaches. tration are eirculated among the stu- iel Hall. Acknowledged by themselves dent body; misunderstandings are a Associate Editors to be the best on the campus. perpetual sourceor friction. 1\1ariun Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 W. 'IV'.: Hearty gronp of obscure On Friday evening of this week Bos- The Administration Editor ",rill un- Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 girls-until stu~ent government etee- ton College will meet Cambridge Uni~ dertake to preseut the faeta to rcadeta in an international debate on. Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 tiona last year, thereby regaining amined by employers, in· ery famous aetor of tragedy from the ,\foral: Go thou and do likewise. stitutions of higher learning, and many time it was published bas atte1l.lplecl to Wholesale and Retail Hardware, other rwraona alld organizations, it be- illt.erJlT~tthis greAt charaett"l'. Probably First Historica.l Account of Female Building Materials, Cutlery, hooves us, one and nil, to gua.r(l againat the first was Riehl1rdBnrbnge of Sh.~kes Smoking The Hat Shop Ammunition, Paints, Oils, careless nee:I1mnlation of "F'a." IJCllre's own company. Then eallle Thom- Genesis: 2"'·64. "And Rebecca lifted Stoves, Ranges, Furna.ces, as Betterton of t.he R-cstor:dion period. 11]) her eyes and when she saw Isaae, pomTS The next great aetor was DiWid Garrick SllC lighted oft' the camel." Iron and Steel Products. The point of points is now being im- of whom it was said, "In Lear, Gar· 14 West .7{Cain Street (Established 1868) pr!lS!l(!(lnponlllefncultybytheimprov- rick's ,'ery ~tick acted." lie Cllrdc!1 Poetic License 1,Vestmin.ster,1Iid. eu performances of not a few (Ill witll tho handsome Irish attQr, Tho )ove-1!ick pine, seniors, who nrc staging dl'spernte come· Sprllngl'r "Barry, I' famous ri"Hlry whil!h The hungry Iline, lm<:ksafter two .,·ears of dawdling. hecHllle the talk of fHshionl!l,le Londoll. The t.iretl recline, Attention W.M.Students flow Ulany pellitNlt$ will experience .It was SlIid of their int\'rpretalion tlmt The bright oncs shine, ncademie sah'aiion nt til" t'Je'l'enth honr Burry was "e"ery inch a king," Gar- The weather's fine, -for those who don't know we throngb u(lministrlltivl' merey remaius rick "cven' iuch King Lear." Oll,cr L\llil so's your old ill:ln. Special for W. M. Students are. in our new location for t.o be seen; lll!! nIl who give lI\ridenceof alitors ha.,·c been Edmuud Keau, ~al\lIll'1 hOliest lIml s(!riou~ application to Phelp8, Henry TrI'ing, and in Americ:1 ;'.F.lverything comcs to lhose who Men's Sport Wrist Watches Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, stuilies ihroughout the yellr ure pTl!~' Edwin }~orreBt, and Edl·.rin Booth. III I,'nit,·' C\'CIl le~ther st,akeBI (steaks) $3 50. $6.50 and $9.00 Repair and Tailoring t,icully lIsaured of graduation lUany countries, "King Lear" hail I/een DOllbtle~s there Ilill be Hometr~gedie6 !lcted with technique and artistry in Found: The "MiHsing Lin'k." Tlie~c wntehes forma.lly ~old at $5.00, Finest Grade of Work. in the final showdown; it is equally cer' true a]Jpreciation of its greatness. Ramle't'e Parental Ghost: "It I and $13.00. WESTMINSTER TAILOR tain thut there will be much "nriety Thus when WI' disco"er wnat:ln inler- ,,"ould I conld a tail unloldl" .$9.00 86 E. Main Street and nwn)' franjie last·minnte gestures esting bll.ckgrou!ld the Lear story has, Call C. &: P. Tel. 226 Auto Service at nluay on jhe p1lr~ of thos8 who bor- what It ~"(lpe for ch" p(jdTayal it Tho Cynic Spc3ks: Ben Hurwitz deronfailure. offers, and what nn o:8scntially great" "The l'.1lsentiuls of love are: Weak 34 W. MAIN ST. As long as it is taken for granted yet pO]_lu1nr,dram/! it is, then indeed mind~, tender hearts, and strong that nn oc(:nsionnl nnd e.1$unl reference we realize what n pril'ilege it will be to pocketbooks." Babylon & Lippy Company to points is sufficient stilllulus for nil ilear Mr. Southwick ren,lcr it in his us· Westminster Hardware Co. stndents, these unfortunate (!onditiolls un! for(:efnl mnnnrr next Friday e\'en· Woman: Vain, capricious, light. I'i'illpremil. mg. M,lU: Conceitcd, avariciolls, mater- .Jobbers and Retail Dealers in The fncuIt.y should keep the faets i~listie. FLORSHEIM SHOES II-bout J/oints C:O!lst~ntlyaiid nvidly be Result: Sentiment. General Ha.rdware STETSON HATS f.are the entire stUdent body. :Bl1GBITES Profeasor BCl1r(l (Speaking of how "Are we virtuous with paSl!ion, or A CONTES'l'~WlN IT he found the chemistry labor:ttory): passionate with virtuel" Heating and Plumbing Systems International Made-to-Measure "Tbe Gold Bug" stands jn need of a "And so I followed my nose and fonnd Installed motto which will express clem-Iy nnd itontllefolIrthftoor." "\vhlln sinners entice thee, consent Suits weU the purpose aud the poliey of ihlli thou uot-but take the name and ad- (Estimates Furnished) puper. '1'0 secnre sueh a motto, it lms Gossip has it that there is a myBter· dreHsforluturereferllnce." been {]et'med 1)<.'51 to hl)ye 11 contest, the ions Miss Appleblossom 011 the roll of Telepbone 55-R winner of whkh will haV;ethe privilege one of Dr. Stephens' -sophomore Bible Some one suid, "Most men wonld WHEN of h~ying "'The Gold Bug" sent for scetions. Everyone is eurious aa to rather discnss women in their own CHAS. KROOP oue year, free-ofclwrge, to any person who handed in the name of tllis young roems than go to Pllrlor and be dis· DOWN Leading Shoe Repair Shop whom hI' may designnte. The rail'S gov- bdy atOll/{with !lw other elnss slips. gMted by them." erning the evntest are os follows: Thus ende-th tlie ro.lding of the leij· TOWN 25 E. Main St. 1. Only stud ...uh are eligible. Reeently one of the faculty referred STOP AT Westminster, 'Maryland. 2. Ko student may suhmit more than to his college dsys when as many as onClllotto. tweh'e yonng Dlen students would call The Smith Hall pe>pmeetings are get- "POp" Shipley's Send your shoes to Charles 3. All mottoes must be given to M.iss on Il. young lady of the town in one af· ting to be dangerous. One never can Kroop by Parcel Post, they will be repaired the same day at )liriam Dl'yden, faculty advisor 1-.0 tornoon. The feminine town students tell when the benches lire going to fold Light Lunches and Soft Drinks very low cost. 8 "The Gold Bug," before or on of W. M. C. are wondering bow sbe did up, eansing &Omefair lady to fall un- Tuesday, Novernbtlr 2. it, gracefully to the floor. AT THE FORKS Give us a Trial, i
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