Page 19 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three Western Maryland Swamps Swarthmore 34-7 CROSS ON SATURDAY TIPS Terrors Make It Three Straight Wins TERRORS PLAY HOLY ON THE TERRORS By Defeating The Garnet Saturday After winniug three consecutive "Greasy" Neal shines cut as the ing a fine offensive game, he is a real games in foreign territory, western beaming ligJil: of the Western Maryland defense man. "ChnrJie" is to be ecm- PLAY BY PLAY ACCOUNT OF made a head-long dive for a touch- W. M.-SWARTKMORE GAME down. Long place-kicked extra point. Maryland faces the toughest battle of squad tbis season. "Greasy" has gain- mended for his spit'it u ud pep displayed Bccre 28·D. the year, this Saturday, at Woreeater, ed more ground thnu any other member since his appearance at western Mar y- First Quarter Machamer kicked off to Garber. Mass. Holy Cross has defeated every of the "Terror" team, as well as being laud. opponent a Tbey fine punter and met eo far this season. man. defensive Western Maryland won tile toss and Swarthmore again opened an aerial at- swamped the supposedly strong St. "Greasy" played a bn ng-up game at McRobie and Weisbeck at guard elected to kick. Machamer kicked off tack and completed three passes out of Jolin's eleven 45-0; dnfented Harvard Swurthmcre, and his entrance into the have been 'breaking through ecnaia- to Castle, who was downed on Swarth- six for the one Swarthmore touchdown. 16-1·! and easily placed Rutgers on the Hne·up at Dickinson in the last quarter, tently. MeRobie especially has shown more's 3D-yard line, thus starting the Castle drop-kicked for extra point. shelf Saturday 21-0. will long he remembered by ioeer raus. his ability at brcaking up punts and ball to rolling. weateru Maryland line Score W. M., 28; Swarthmore, 7. Holy Cross is noted for its aerial at attempted rnabea. weiabeck comes in proved impregnable on the two rushes "Mose" Mnehamer kicked again and tack and the fighting spirit of the play· "Pete" Gomsak, who 'replaced Sillin forl'is share efworl<,frequently throw- lind after au exchange of punts, it WU-E Swarthmore immediately started an- ees. Every minute is fought and every in the line·up on Saturday, displayed ing the opposing bucks for Ioesee. 'V. }.L's bull on their own 20-yard line. ether attack, only: to be stopped when mnn fights as if all he had depended the keenest rUllning ability throughout. Both are good men. "Greasy" Neal ,"arded the ban far Gomaak intercepted It pass and return- on it. "Pete" toes all the time, Western Maryland on their initial of· ed to mid-field. Long made 7 yards Wcsteru Maryland will probably be was on his o 'Lear, Machamer, lind Jnnowaki passes, makiug tackles on feuse play through guard for 5 yards. throngh tackle. Sillin made 2 at guar(} nut-classed according to predictions in kick-offs and playing a heads-up game are the taeklea of the squad. Machamer Gomaak made the 1st first down. Me- and Gomsn.k made a dive over center the newspapers, but a real Terror never all the. time. Gomsnk would be a valu- besides being a tower of strength on Uains llIado 5 around end and Neal for first down. Long nod Gomsak made gives up. A fighting team will give able man to any team in the East. defense docs the place kicking and made tnc eeccud first down. McMninll, another first-down. Long mllde 6 more than an account of itself at Holy kicks off. O'Lear looked like a million Challl~rs, ana Gomsak hit the line for around end. At this point the referee Cross. McMains is due a heap of credit in bucks in the Swn.rthmore game. He another first, down. On the next play must have gotten npcplexy because he rueeut victories. "Mae" haa called tore in conaietentty and thre,v the Neal madc a wouder.fu.l 4D-Yllrd run gave the ball to Swarthmore on the FROSH LOSE TO MT. ST. MARY'S signals in eyei'y game and run his team backs for tosses. Janowski (leveloped through entire Swarthmore ,tellm for second down, 4 yards to go. exceptionally well. He is also a very into a ACOringace in the Gettysburg the first score of the game, Chambers Western Maryland immediately turn- In a game marked by the uneven clever performer in the open field and game. IIcscoopedup a fumble and ran ,place-kicked for .odra-point-score W. ed the table on Swarthmore by recover, division of the "breaKS" the Western ean pass with the best of them. fer the lone touchdown of tho game. M., 7; Swarthmore, D. ing a fumble. Long passed to:McMaillij lIfaryland Fr(lsh lost to the Mt. St. He hne been right in there ou the de- "\Yestern Maryland kicked to McGuire for 15 yards. Long made 3 through Ma.ry'a Preps on SatuTd~y by a seore A lot of people Mk why Cha.mbera fense all the time. and the ball was put in play on Swarth- center anrl on the next lllay McMains of 12-0. The Frosh lost an almost sllre alld SilI;n don't carry the ball. These more's 3D-yard line. SWflrtlllnore rushes passeJ ove.r tho goal line only ,to have sc.ore in I,he first l1alf when time was two backs have one of the hardest jobs The e.nd positions are oceupied by hilcd and Garber punted to ncllfnins it grounded. 'Swartll!llore's bal! on 20· callc(l with first down on Mt. St. Oil the whole sqnad to perform, that of Clark, Pelton, "Hool" Cbambers and who was downed on W. M. 30-yard line. yard linc. 'Mnry's 3-ya.rd linc. The Preps scored running thc interference, Sillin Qnd NOTl"is. Each of these men hus had GllIllsnck made fiI'e at b.eklc. On next Swarthmore complet~d II- long paBa, with u long run ill the 3rd quarter and Chlunbers both are noted for this nbi!· :\ chance to show 11ia stuff !J.ud eaeh hlelllaills made a beautiful rull Garber to Castle llnd plaeed t.he ball in on an intercepted pass in the last hnlf· ity lind 'both Ih'e up to their reputation onc showed promise of a good I'erform- yards around right end. Neal, mid-liuid. "Pete" Gomsak intercept· minute of play. Both tries-for-point oy malling it possible for the rccent lOr. Ciurk stll.rTcd in the Gettysburg GOUlsakfind Chambers Oll three rushes ed a pass and Neal came back in the failed. long rnns of the ball carriers. game. He was responsibJe for mllny made two first downs. McMains made game. NOllI punted to Castle and West- JJall(lino, Oravetz,. and Lally played of the losses forced upon opp~g another nicll run for 12 yards. GomSllk ern :Maryland ends made taekle on :l good game for the Frosh. The line- "Shorty" Long didn't get much of temns. Pelton is [\.very fast r):UIh and fumbled and Best, big tackle, recovel'ed Swarthmore-'ll 4-0-yard line. After M.e· up for t.heFrosh was: il- chanec to display his goods until the covers pnnts readily. N'ilrris and for Swartbmore on his own 2D-yard Robie ancl Weisbeck 11ad I,hrown Cecil R.E. Swarthmore game. The fact that he Chu,mbeu lOOKed very good in the line. Swarthmore bacKa for big losses, Gar- Whitecra..ft R.T. made a seventy·yard run-back off a Swa.rthmore gnme. Cha.mbeu capec Swarthmore's running attack failed ber punted to Long. "Shorty" caught Lall~' R.G. punt; 65-yard rnn through the line, and ially made some fine tackles nnder and with the ball on Swarthmore's 23- the ball all his own 25-yard lino and by To\':rie C. numerous 2Dand 3D·yard jannts speaks punts and Norris showed hia ability ynnl line the. quarter ended. 7 yards to llae of that pigeon-toed shuffle of his, Utz' L.G. well for bis reputation. at stopping freqnent end runs on his go and 3rd down. Score first quarter- out-paced the entire Swarthmore team .Brn-lll L. T. side. w. M., '7; Swarthmore, D. for 75 yards and a toucbdown. He Bay L.E. MiJler and Ellis are new men ani! Last, bnt not least come {hose superb made a beantiful run. Try for point __ ..J•._-,Se!"~ond~Q!!!u!,,""'~ ---"filljl,,,a--"'T'b.ivl.!~ '!.M...... ~J\,,-,,! 'V. Oravetz Q.B. look very promiSing. 1>fi1lerplayed a ~~:~~or,~;~~ ~:sc.ttc~;:;rl~nWth~U!is~:r"'" l\'ond'Crful game a.t J)fekinson. Ellis R. R. JAtn(lTno To start tbe socond quarter, after "?If., 3-1; Swa.rthmore, 7. €hocklex L. H. was only in tl!e SwaTthmore game for the institution has been formulated by each team visited the water-wagon, Fourth Quarter Cook F.B. a short time, but showed that he is these two men. A greater tribnte can Garlit'r punted to M....Mains and Swartb- Mnchamer kicked-off to Garber and capable. Both meD should be llellr(] be given no coaell th:\n that he lIas more ends downed him on tho 4D'Y3rd ho illlllllldiately puoted back to Long, BOXING TO BE INAUGURATED AS from luter ill the season. tho respect and backing of every mall line. Neal made 5 yards offtackle. after failing on passes aud rushes. MINOR SPORT on the field and in the stndent body, aB Gomsack ran 8yards,maJ.,-ing first down. Neal punted to Castle and "Hoot" The eenter position 11('s been heIrl well as being square, himself, with ev· "Greasy" Neal maile a nice run for Cbambers, who replaced Pelton nt end, "Dick" Harlow has mentioned that down by "Charlie" Havens. "Charlie" "ryone. A man that shows he is will- 14 yards and MeMains, on a criss·cross downed him in hia tracks. Swarth. hc intends to conduct a eiaes ill boxing is the only man on the "Terror" tea'D ing and will try hard, will not be play, skirted aronnd end to Swarth· more rushes failed, and p:\ssea faileil. tbis winter. Tllis is entirely a new to every minute of all the games slighted by either of these conches. more's 20-yard line. Gomsak plunged Garber punted out of bounds on "\V. M. sport on the Rill, and fistie aspirants year. His work as "snapper- 'l'hat is the spirit that is wiuning for S yards and on the next play the 7-yard line. A dandy punt. Neal are probably unaware of thcir ability, ba~k" has hacn superb. Besides pby- games. same "Pete" Gomsal" dashed over the p~nted from behind Ihe goal line, and except in a "free-for-all." "Dick" goal line for the seeond touchdown. Clarl, !lnd Chambers nailed Gn-rber at co~clled boxing at Penn Statc and Col -W.M.- Chambers place-kicked for extra point. the same time. O'Lear smashed gate, and has been very suecesaful in PEOPLE'S STORE PE~'"NA.!~TS,CLUB PILLOW 1l'0PS, Score "\V. }'L, 14; Swarthmore, D. through and threw Dutton for a loas. his Ilndertllkings, turning out a few 73 E. MAIN ST. BANNBRS, TABLE RUN~,;rEHS,ETC. Machamer kieklld off to Pnl111erand Garber punt"d and Illc bnll hit somaone inter·coUegiate boxi,,:; champions. Show Your College Spirit Gomsak tackle,l Castle on the 3D-yara In the line, thus making it l~nybody'a Stationery, Gifts, Novelties, Representatives line. SWllrtllmore at this ~oiut opened ball. SWMthmore recovered on W. M. WESTERN MARYLAND RATED AS Victrolas, Victor Records GEORGE t.. :- \ Jq'R, IIp an aerial attack. The first one was ~D-yar<1line. OUTSTANDING TEAM IN THE MLSS L01l1SE llUGULETTE. completed Garber to Petricken for 12 A short pass was completed for .j_ STATE -W.M.- )'ards, the first 1st down for Swarth yards. Two passes failed and "\V. M. The Baltimore American stated, "As ROYER'S more. O'LeaT, who replaced Janowski, retaiued t~e ball on ~owns. Neal made SAM COHEN broke through on the next play and l~ yards Olrer tackle for "\Y. M.'a 19th tho football season progresaea it be· IS TJ1E BEST PLACE threw Castle for a 7·yard Joss, making: first-down. GOlllsak made 8 yards comes quite elenr that there are two PHONE 21-J. TAILOR it neceuary for Gl:nber to punt. throngh eenter. Neal plunged for first pretty strong teams in Maryland this TO i'lLL UP A SPACE Tbe "Pressingest" l\lllll in 'fown Garber punted to lleMaina and down. Long rau 3 Y:lrtla through cen· year. Thoy nre Navy and Western CARROLL A. ROYER, RepresentatIve Swarthmore ends made the tacitle on ter. Kenl fi\'e'yarda around end. Neal Maryland. Just now the two coaches Suits Cleaned and Pressed W. 1rf.'.a 30-yard line. Neal made five lJUntcd for 5D yards to Swartllm,ore, 20 Bill Ingram, nt Annapolis and Dick Dr. A. J. Morrell Speciru Prices to College Stndents yards aronnd end. GOlllsak plunged the yard line. H:,rJow, at 'Westminster, are holdiug necessary distance to makc another first Swnrthmore tried three passes, com. "the lienter of the stage." CHIROPRACTOR Smith's down. "Slippery" Neal slipped off pleting one for 10 yards. Unehamer "West-ern ],[~rylalHl is getting better tackle for .~notller one of his speetac· intercepted a pass in mid.field. Gom- anll better nll the time. By handing 110 E. Main St. Phone 175. The College Barber Shop "lIlar runs for 40 yards. GOlllSIlCI<,Mc· snk dashed off-bcl<]a for a dnndy rnn ant Ja
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