Page 18 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN Wehler & King :-: :-: PRIZES OFFERED BY "THE WORLD TOMORROW" GRADUATE PHARMACISTS Official newepnpcr of western Maryland College, published on 'I'ueaday during The Rexall Store the academic year by the atudenta of Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, "The \Vorld Tomorrow," 52 Vunder- Maryland. Entered as eeeccd-ctaes matter at the Westminster Postofficn. Westminster, Md. bilt Avenue, New York City, is offering Subscription Price, $2.00 a Yea.r. This column is devoted to a passion five hundred dollars in prizes for the for reality. eight most significnnt artieles by yonng MATTHEWS & MYERS MANAGING STAFF we are far from being as well in- people nbcut present-day world pro Editor-in.Chief . .George S. Baker, '27 formed as you might hope us to be, but blema. The general subject is '''What Wa.ll Paper and Window Shades Managing Editor.. . .Carroll A. Royer, '27 we ahall offer no apotogies for our be Youth is Thinking." War, industrial Decorators for the College autocracy, race prejudice, crilne, Igncr- Business Manager _.' Arthur B. Cecil, '28 llefs (We have the liberty to chnage nnce, the attitude of youth toward t.llC cur miuda) oIl_certain matters which Asst. Business Managers.. {Will. E. Huiln, '28 eon eeru W. M. C. and its Ilitizens. older generation-in short, whatever .. Alvin ...s.lbi-ight, '28 Byron was banished into eyile for tho. younger gOlll)ration thinks may be RUN TO Circulation Manager.. . .. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 thinking, but that did not stop him the g-eatest contribution to hUlllanit.y, MITTEN'S This ua subjects. Asst. Circulation Managers. {H. V. Scott, '30 from thinkiug. have been sugg~sted list, but merely au for is not an arbitrary .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 ai[l to aeleetiou. The widest range and Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. It is (1.11 very Well to show your man- freedom of eholee are permitted. The Specials for Parties. R.EPOR'rORIAL ST.A.l!"'-F hood and school spirit by yelling ill News Editors Smith Hall, both at "pep" meetings rules lind conditions of the contest are L. K. Wood ward, '27 Bleucbe Ford, '27 and Thursday recitul ctasscs, but one as follows: Westminster Hardware Co. Class One: open to any peraou under can better season his matnrity and Associate Editors spirit ,~ith less jeering and room eater- 2[J years of age. Marian Om-ling, '27 ,T. Palll Lambertson, '28 wtlulings, nnd 1I10ro saving of energy Pirst Prize-$100 Jobbers and Retail Dealers in Virginia Wright, '27 \Vilson K. Bal'nes,'28 for attendnnce and cheering on the Second Prizll-$75 General Hardware Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 gridirO'I. Third Prize--$50 Paurbh Prizc-$25 REPORTERS Class Two: open to any person from Miram Royer, '27 Hubert Johnson, '28 "It is lucky Borne men quit school at ~5 t0335 yeara of age, Heating and Plumbing Systems Dorothy Mellott, '28 J. H. Binnna, '29 the eighth grade or there would be no I Installed Katherine Johnston, '28 Roy L. Robertson, '29 one to hire the college gradnates." First Prize--$lOl Ilit. Margaret Martignoni, '29 Ruth French, '28 Second Prize-$7.' (Estimates Furnished) ~ Sara Freeman, '29 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 The Student Government has proved Third Prize--$50 '.f!ilmQTe-Lippy, '27 1\1ercia R<1~'me,'27 n distinct ;luocess on the Hill this year. Fourth Prize-$!l5 Charll"$ Sunmlers, '28 Curvin LIT.Seitz, '20 Ru1es of the Oontest Wllyf Beenuse, in evcry actiou it has WITEN laknu, it has been heartily supported 1. Mn.nnscripta must be typewritten ulisficd curio;lity makes thelll intoler· by the studpnt body; the faculty, al· Oil sheets nppro"imat~ly 8¥.lx11 incites, DOWN EDITORIAL ant." A yOllng man wonld likcly gi\'6 tllOugll giving VC1'y freo advice, hns :lui! must be left "nSlgned. The name, auswer informing that, "n might tlll'ough its willing agent manifested aildress, nnd age of writer, ~1Il(t name 'rOWN be all for a froshlllnn girl to ap· "RAT" RULES pcartlma, but for a selliorora ,jnnior- that its policy of giving a "free rein" of IllnnUBCl'iptsnbmittcd should be en S'roP AT closcd ill a sealed llnvelope. (U.'5 sng· w('1l, it is :lbsur(l." BoUI sid~;I, how· to the stndent government offillinls will Freshmen girls will rea(] with delight ever, have lost sight of OIWI·et·.\, Ile strictly adhered to; the only signifi- ~~~:~t:!l:~t :~:~n:~nt;:~:~I:I~'03t~~~ f~; "POp" Shipley's the notice of' the lifti"S' of tlicir "rat" re:1SUllfor perpetnHtillg .r. G. C. cant Iimit-ation, somewllereseeretlyeoll- rulcs. editorial proposes to reveal that point.. cealed by Hill traditions, attached to trflllSnUSSion,neopy of his UWllnSc.lipt.) Light Lunches and Soft Drinks But will tIley be aware of the absentlO :Many a young Ill(ln has been deceived the peroglltive of this self·governing The mallmrcri))t will be retnrned ~nly AT THE FORKS of (I. .,jmiklf notke for the othcr ltal~ via cosmetics. With this iu mind, we (lOuneil is the power of wide interpr03' wheu retnrn po~tago is enclosed, of\.heirclass' say that J. G. C. is bellefil'i~J, tation of stndcnt's "doings" enjoyed 2. Articles must be between 1,100 by certuin decrepit shadows behind this for it gi"eB III us, the tIlale~, (Iud 3,000 worrls in Icngth. t:ul'~;,~;!;~S...$:n::r:~:~:lt;;l ~l~:l~~~~d~~~ Olle good, lasting impression of the fair institution. These ~haaows (1 hn'e no 3. The editorinl staff reserves the D. S. GEHR next week e."plaining why it ltl.keJ long ones as they reBUy th>]! h, (IS they bett('f name for thom) happily speak rigltt to rednce the Icngth of any article. 011 the Hi]], who, er to extract the greenncss onl of a (He minus the et.c. To thee, throngh their ]llinions fear losing their 4. The right ill reserved to purchase Vholesale and Retail Hardware, becnus~ either bo~' tlmll out of I~ girl. J. G. C., we milke obeisnnee for uur one silentl), l'efuse assert their own IIny article for pnblication in a fnturo chanco to obsen'e the .young ladies ill issuc. Building Materials, Cutlery, their natural complexion, be it good, nnd belich, Of unfortullately do 5. lIh:nnscripts \\lust rcacit the office Ammunition, Paints, Oils, THE 1927 FO~ SCHE\ULE barl, Or indiITel'ent,-and gOO!lllesSIlclp not poSsess /lny. The Student Govern· of "T.he \Vorld Tomorrow" by Novem· !~:v:~:!a;;::,:1':.:' those whoS1ti~">I. \;"'''''' ...c'!..h<;.t ;h" t ...."u',\.}', ",,.. ill t'utl bllr 10. -'.l'll'" .~,,-dg~" v;,U~fl:bd~ ~r\la~ gr,llltof n to be lueking. Why not h:1vC:'1 $pee' Lllter in the evening more who wish- Suits play to be given b~' 11 first·c.ll\sS troup~ ial rla~c for the pnl'killg of ears' ed to eelebmte gathered :It the salllc of profe!ll!ional actors would be Bure of As a suzgntion, imllleaiHtel~' in 8pOt lllld.reSllmeil the cheering. Much an enth\lsinlltj~ wol(·o111('.Although we lrout of the entranee 10 Smith Hllll to their a1lJuzement the "cops"did not are awure thnt the singe of Alumni there is all OVlll \'lith a little grass ill budge. They hnd by that time probahly 'l'elephone 55-R Hall was 110! intended prulHlrily fo]' the center, generally us~d as a illaee realized tha.t when Western l\[arylau(l "JOHN" CHAS. KROOP plur~ nnd sinecrely hop!! that, when the for driv<'rS to turn n.rounil. Why not continues to will·football gnmes the plans for the "Greater Westeru 1I1ar~'· extend lhe present drive·way, by student body must broft[kast it to the E vel' ready Leading Shoe Repair Shop Very meRllS of spreading either pebbles or world, or at Ie.ut Westmillster, lind E l'rOl'less COllrteous 25 E. Main St, attention fillely erushed stone to meet the brim \'hllt there is no lise in attempting to Right st,yle Westminster, Maryland. of the hill sloping toward "}i'aculty stop silch an irrcsisUblo for~.e. Avellur," placing 8IIl1l11 white posta, Hail' clltting Send yOlll' sllOes to Chudes Also through wbi,'h a chain is. tUll, along Razors honed Kroop by Pal'cel Post, they will the crest of the hill, enillosing a Tonics hI) l'cpaired the same day at a rcetaugular spalle. The cars eonld be EAT-A- PLATE- A- DAY very low cost. pn.rked perpen(lillular to the preseut The Only Barber and Bobber at Give us a Trial. drive, not hindllring the pasage, and ::It the Forks the same time WOIl!(l be elns.' to the NEUM~Nl main buildings. This spot offers a handy parking pl:lec anll would tend THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Our Fountain Service to do away with the more or leu se~t ICE CREAM OF WESTMINSTER tered pa·rking of nutomobiles, }'ords, '\Vestminster, Maryland. -There nre thOUSlUldsof fonntains aud what·not. ill operntion erery doy bnt there ill '·liIfCllu.Hwmt1HEMDR~SHTASTE- Capital $125,000 n great difi't"Tt"lIeein the way fOUlI' Surplm; and Profits. . .$150,000 tnius (lre opernted. Those who de· \Vhen ex- PRESIDENT TAFT Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., sire the best, 1' cosh "'all ted a good Chairman of Board. no more have learne[l that Koonh PHOTOGRAPH Zite-Neuman Co. L. K. W(Iod"'al'd, President. "of rour,;c" is the proper plllCe for he sent for them. Sereek S. Wilson Westminster, Md. George R. Gehr, Cashier. Vice-Presi~ent,
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