Page 88 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 88
The Gold Hug, western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. nu.t liEU Y '\'EHI cors TO »u. Iw(a:1I ,I, WIII'n:t'l)IlIJ r-exx IU:J.A\'SAI'IIII. :!:j ":'ill :!I·:,\1\S 1:'1 \\'EIJ:'I~:SIl\Y F. A.. Sharrer & Son MATTHEWS 6 MYERS ·ASSD1U!.Y HOME FLR1\'ISHl:\GS Wall Paper and Window Shades Westminster, :'IIal'yland, Decorators for the College, ---0- -0- -0- --(I- -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- ---{)- RUN TO When ex- MIT'I'I';X'S PRESIDENT TAFT luw prnre sstnn noes wanted a good for wc r )'lanblHl comuete.t in is n ju-tesr in Lhe PHOTOGRAPH Hot Bread. Rolls and Cakes, ctnss It la~1 ycar auains t ROHiOli Th~ I,HII' i~ a huunlll'ul muster to Specials for parties. L'uiv. (;e'Jr~\! \\'a~hil\~WI\ l'lIi\' .. hiru 11'110I'l'alizell us he sent for L'alhnliv rntv .. SI. .lohns College, O~l:;1 Sereck S. Wilson -0- -c-o-e- --0-- -0- -0- HIIIl(ioll;;h ,llar'on Cnll ejre ! ad- FLORP,HEDI SHOES Westminster. l\ld. ill cta ss 13 ar-e na fO)'l11f{la'\)l£las ever, m-ess whh an eloquent trtuute to tli!'rdore \\', ,\1. C, wjll have to nlHl Law. In the nvsc uersou he spoke STETSOX HATS -0- -o~ -0- -0--- -0- rOlli' mel] I\ho cun, lH''ioti[lle the. of it somewlHll aH [Ql1o\l'~' l\lade-lo-1\leasure WHEN Illl.Hler ill 54 ~,'['Ol\dH or lJetter if wc "I am tho;>\\'orld'~ r nm fntemationaJ eXlle('llOIIIII lilt 1"Ol'ld's l'onfillalll: lhe DOWN 1I'('lrld'~ 11l1ho1l11l1c«\ ,fl!:'eIlL 1 ll(,n'fol'\ll Suits TOWN m)' trust \lell nllel no '\){I11t! is askc!1 Top·!\oteh Basket Shoes, from me, r nm [anlilill1' lI'ith the Ball STOP AT Fillnls will 1JE'! fun .(lIT ThnrHday h('aeons of \\,:tll rOllHll\Ce, -O-'-o~ -0- -0-- --(}_ ~lr~~~n~~~, ll'i~'h~'i':~~~~o:::~ ~:;~11'l;:~I,; ~~~\::~~')'~\'Oal~~~of tliI' DeId:~:~I~~n tl~~ Attention 'V, M, Students "POp" Shipley's Speir !·'I'\dI'~ 111HIlUI \'1' hf'(,11 ti\\lpd III ,,2 ~r~nll(l~ 111' hell ('1', lind ~l'Ol'es 25 E, Main St. of fJthel' \1'!lI'k 1m.] fl('ld ~Iarll or With,lhe- We~tminster, :\IaJ'~'land Johbel'" ;'tnt! Ret:jl Iiealers h:1H' b~ell Jll'O!l1i 11\' II~'e, Send your :;hoes \0 Charles Hal til\" ri> down tn IHJ1'k, The' first in Genera] galll(> ,,-ill 11(' OJ! Satlll'IlU), or lhi~ Kroop by Pm'eel Po~t, the:. 'will tr'al11. if ,1'11\\I'an't mal,to 111(0teal1l k be repairer! the Mme day at a Healing & Plulnbill~' ~·"tems will <,otHlilioll Y[]II [0\' Ill(" other vel'l' low cost. Foolhalli!; ('nmill'J. '<11{)1l\!; . Gh'e us: a lrial. Ilh;tallecl ::\l~iii ;~~)1(~,~l;lt~l;le~ ~\II\~('~~:ll';IS' I;:~= -0- -o~ -0- -(}---- -O~ (E:-:tilllate~ FlIl'lli:-:hed) Jt':'IlHns 10:\'1'1':.11'1',\1\ \'1' r. w, lo\\"'~ Laclil's m'e heill':t Illrt with THE FIRST N,\TIONAL BANK -0- -11- --(}_ -0- -0- II('nrty flllPl'Ovll.l ,In ihe" gl'il!-tnell, OF \\'ESTMINS'l'ER Th. ,lllniol' "!I'l~ h'I'\ ,'ltnl'C:f' of tlw Hl'rillllllHL?\'!!willIJl'ol">lhlyhc' A"NOUNCING f\1'\1::!:l'n\l1 at lilt' y, \\' l11(','lill~ or \\'e"tmin"tel', lI[arrland, A big reduction for fO\ll'tpelllh, '1'111-11'tilf'Ill" \\'a>1 Capital ,$125,000 College i"tudents Qnly, SUl'plu,; & Profits ,$138,000 in mll,,;icallines. Special J~\cob J, \\'e,wet', Jr .. ~2.50 ukela- f'1f'l1.1' amI l1lll1111N llll' W(lll- Chai1'man of Board. bal'gain~; L. K, Woodward, President. lies 81.79; Tenor ban- ~~;'tr(I,:1111:1~~\~~ln ll!ljl~'~I~~,~\:':::~1 ~I~'():~:=\\'110m.~I\~;:-I~~I~'l~I',IOa(1 .ioe" $6,00; mouth Ilil'jr\twl and (:od .\1i 1111i.' \\'<11'1"'11 111~aMIllt George R. Gehr, organ:<-. 5f)c to S2,OO; !,tlk"il Oil "\<'(1 it It In \1:11\", I t>llillO:' flI' Who llInl(~'S of ,lilt Vice-President, Ca:,:hier. complete \'iolin outfits til" hl'of\lIliflll 11'\IE,1 tll:1( ('xiMs 11e- blosf:.Ollling road _O __ Q__ O__ O__ O_ fall ::"s:ort- tw~t\l toi,d "f Ill< llMl",,,,I,,u-< ~l!)'!JI\, 1" Il' fit,. I hili re~l\lt 1'1'(1)1 >;U(-]1 n Rr-'II t'(l'lHll'il)" lIe'\'('r LI~kH SUBSCRIPTION BLA:KK ments of strings, all it ('!\111IOl 1-e-llllll, THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING , , he n friend fQH'I'er, Sl10kl;' n. f('1I' wOl'lIs to the- ~ll'b; 111 _ (;';amel AND SHOE ST1)RE 11'111('\1~hl' Ihanked them for Ihell' 'reacher: "Use tile right verb ill Jacob M. Ephraim, Prop, ruill1 ill her. The y, ,y, ('xpe('~s the this senlenCe:" "The to'astwas (\rank Westmin!':ter Mt, Airy Ill'\\' .tel·11\ [0 he n 11l'O~j1el'ollS one, in silence," (Street) Brunswick Taneytown wilh all ml'mht'rs working (o~ethel' Pupil "The 10Bst WII~ all' in sil- Svkes\'i\le Littlestown, See U::; First and Sa\'e, , lnfaith ('nre," (Cltr antI State)
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