Page 86 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, western Maryland College, westminster, Md_ 'f" ••.• ,. ~:~::r!O\.to aII~t!~~::~~el"~lln;l::\~Shor'rer Gorsu"h 2 Storl' THE GOLD BUG Official newspaper of Western :\1al'ylano College. puhll shed on ~~u ~ Ill l Iil , IJ tl u during the acarlem!e year by the students O'f western :\131,,.\3110 College, cleavag.e, b'et.ween educated children I WeStmlllster Yd Entered as second c ass ruat te t a the' Wc~,mmster Po~t ~IJHl,:bel), h'''I~ intellectual The ~(>\, est and Be t clnthiun OtnCI' lie ...0\ \\ 0 s ashamed of ram ~ "'::. 11\ S 19n01B.llCe has 8Hccuml1: .."d to Suuscctpucn pnce $200 per ) ear IhH;. danger He legal da the uuten: 11 and furnishings EDITORIAL STAFF ed as a common herrl and h\mself MA~AGING EDITOR \Villiam S. Veasey 'Zu ~a~~~m"be1~'Il~rr~'~~h~tl~~:::~~almellGoods for young men. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . . George M. Benner '"!.7I women will not let a liltle learnlng -0- -0- .~o- -0- -o~ NEWS EDITORS-Ceo. S. Bakel' '27, and Mary Page Turner '"!.ti,mat ..e uietn feel above the rest of Associate Editors. . ." ; ~l~:::~:::~. t~l\el\~ICYeoU;~'~~tel~l$eot~=li,: D. S. GEHR Dorothy Robinson '26 Alber t Steele Far vel 26 amt to sene numauttv. I , ' Ruth Jones '26 Cerald Richter '20 I Tilia th'h-d (lange]' of knowledge is \\~ol~sale a~d Re_tall H8I:dware. Reportorial Staff tile use of tcarntug as an excuse for Building Materials, Cutlery. Blanche Ford '27 Willa~ci ~~'N:\~kf,~~:~~~~~l\:~'~l~I~:lin~l:t::~C~,~S'theT::l~:~le~lu~~, I Ammunition. Paints, Oils, Dorothy Gilligan '28 Rosalie Smith '27 :lt·haU~~'BD.iCnekcl"1 :~fi8;1t:"':~::~S~rl;~~.l,e OSI~:rit~~'~~ho~~tmall Stoves. Ranges, Furnaces, A "" z Gladys Beane '27 Hubert Johnson '28 Iron and Steel Products. Mercia Rayme '27 Paul Lambertson '28 oth,er. .J, mnn ~ intellectual eX.cuse (Establi:,;hed 1868) all iOl'lty does' Katherine Johnson '28 Westminster. Md, Margaret t.Iartigoni '29 Wade H, Insley '28 :~~~i:ls ~:x~Y;Yl'il:l~~~~~~sA~e~\.'I~~:~],~I Athletic Reporters and gambler of the worst SOT'!. )13'1." ~o-~o--o--o--o- Jame" Owens '27; Caither )IcD, Garrett '26; H, Paul Stewart '27 stlltlents of hi\l'h academiC stallcl1n;; For Radio & Radio Supplies- Business Staff· profane themselves wllil Westinghouse Lamps, *~~}~~t~I~~~Sl\gI~~AG'ER' '.'. Lewis ~' Wllotval'd :~~ ~:;\h~lI~~o~~~PI:f ~~~~\~e\eal'nin~ in- Electric Vacuum Sweepers, CIRCULATION :\IANAGER "." .. ,' ..... R~~~~t U~~:!: '27 S1~1l~ or ll d lIll C~~'ll'~~~\~,l~ Cleans Hardwood floors too_ Frigidaire, ASST. CIRCULATION ThIANAGER . .. K. E. Brown '28 ~t:a/~~~gl~~:', an (The electric refrigerator) Delco Ligh t Products, ,\HE \:or _\ P.lR_\~ITE! Are you a parasiLe? "That is Western )lsl';'land, to pro:res~, an end in itself, and everything electrical. du:r:b'" YfJll say '0111)-an animal O\' must rid herself of parasites, Let's for "uHlIre and for the ~ake of The Electric Shop a Illanl can be a pal's,;ite," But tbere all examine onrseh'es. and mere! knowle(]!l'e is a selflsll moth'e ill lire you are \\rO]l~. ro]' a glance in Ihe le~sly l!ilI all llarasitic lns!incts. Leal'lling is 3,j)owe11fnl th'lng if put Liberty Sf.. Westminster, Md dktjonalr wm show you that human to use pl'O]H'rly, and !.t sholl]!1 not -0--0--0--0--0- oeiu<,:s also ~al\ be Jl.a]'a~ites, l'n- HI~1I01' nl'(:HES SI't;'\KS IX be {'ollsitlel'ed ~R s{lmetlling; to be a~- del' the beading "l'al'ilsite" we read' ,\L[)IXI 11.-\1.1, qni]'!;'ll and then kept inactive, Bishop Edwal'll H, liughes. a Illl'lll- .--\.braluun Lincoln Illllde his illtellect- "A ban~er-on. toady, sFophalH", EAT- ... · PL"'TE-A-DAY Wh,- '11~ rh"l ha,; n"Thln~ to (to \)'1" of tile "lethodist "Ejllscojlul unl 1lf)1"t'n< Ill<" meall'S to n ,hig end. dlllr,:h, llut known nuti n~uetLi;'d ilY 11-0 ~()il;:Jilh,1 ;li~ h "I't illlJ l,c, :l'.,a,: P"rba,-. w':h ut J.;nfJw·u_ i!,you are all dHlOnlination~, FP!lke' to th~ In llPl'I'\n" hllllllllllty, Tll(' (>(lu~a\ HEU"'~Nl e...,~, do'. (I ~- ur ~.'ho,I,lr lloIinl!; studentll lind f3('UJ.ty In Alulllni Hall ed Iler~onll of lhp l"nit.e(1 Stu1es (1\\'1.' the. _,II' <'If Ine "'ho Jll.Y" 1111011our 0\1 the evenill'l of April ~ixte(,lIth il to th('lr wlIlltr;' to \'ot~, to ll~a ICE CREAM sl'h ,.II ,.-, -it!Y,- to 11 lHI~hel' or 31lY stU- EH'nthing: in the 1I'0rl\1 hilS a s.ide the )lowers of :-;othill~, d<.ut-c 'Hlllmelli official. in 01'<1<1' to of Silfe'lr tlnd a si"le of (\all'l,"('l', Per- not c-vell, is of ally use win fan)r? Hare you ne",er done it sOlllll heatHy c'nn lead lo unhallPi- for its own suk('; it must be \1~\'(1 ~s :~~;~~~:.lld(;~'~~~~~~\;;O~l~~'l~;~~~ldtO,,~:~~ a ,~;~::~s,r~~~:',lIl'(lsome ur, ('I](\., Zile-Neuman CO. ;:::~!";~f~~\,~:::: i~:.I~:;I~~:~'::,h~n~:l(~ In2. Ha\~ll't YOU often ~een drls 01' al'O: I'er), henefll'ial ~nd lle~e~sUl'y 10 whIch B1Sh()ll ontllllrd In 111~ boy;: a'J,,<2nt Ihe:ns",h'es froUl t;lall; manr wilo do not do Ihelr own work, dall~e]' cun he avoided oub' IJY get- relation to kno\\'l~dg(' and -0-- ~o- -0-- -0- -0- but pr"y UI~on otllt,r,;, ('heal and Llnl:' the riS(!J.i relation 10 things, u(')toe destroye(l l)y it. COpy, sud do many other 10atilS-OUle Adam and EI'e ha.d the false rela- Y, J[. t.'. A_ "JOHN" thin;s. Tl1es(> peo)lle are parasites; Uon to the tree of knowledge, .nnll ,~_lleld tht"- are-- 'IIn2.lnz to III ,,!rt1n~, alH1 a~ ;\ result ~l1~01IlHl'l'€{1 the dan~el'- Ille'>'till'.!;, E vel' ready loopairin-, fUl'llIer ,-,:rO\\'tll Ollssideotil, A !;"rllO?l'al di~"II~Hioll II'f1H held \ ery conrteous Enorle&.:::'aUention rt would !lot be quite, so had if Bishop HH~hes dl\'lded hi~ til..]]].. thl-" !'ara"ites "'He ~incere. and into fOUl' parts, the foul' most com- Pl'ohll.'Jll!l for Ih~ ('omin" Right !'tyle ad!]],IHd thd]' intelllioll of prl',-ing mOil nltfalis Ihat illfest the pfllh of brOllghL up in all H air cutting u-pon and uf toadying 10, ollle,rs. (hp learuell person. w(]rkll.blf' solutlollS, A lRo But thf'y that they arB trying Tbe fll'~t dllngel' ill the self-con- \'i~e were !!.In'll hy Razor:" honed to do what is rlg-ht. !.Iut that. Illey seious criticism that le!1.ds Olle IntO l'hf> "yo. is tr.l"i11~ill mal,€, nf>xt ye:1I' Tonies want good marks and a good re('ol'lI hesitation aud into llllcerLalllly, a fh€' hilt~t'~1 ~'ellr of itB t'xiSlellee nnd The Only Barbel' ami Bohber at They really are tUllneling benellth sort of sophomore stn~.e in learuing, ill ordel' 10 do Ihis \\'P n~","_lthe co- the Forks and undermln!ng the wJJOle St1'\lC- The person has just euo\l"h knowJ- op~'rfltit)]l of all tur~, ~'J thaI it Illly fall. Tllell will ed\\e to kllol\' how a thlu:;;: Ollglll LO -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -(}----0- -0- tb ...y ~klp out from their tial'k hur- be done and 'to judge himself lll- l'. W, _'llI.I.t;_H rows and escape injury ",Ve !!;Ot cRll;uble of doing it, COllseq\lemly Cleaner & Dyer XEW SPRING STYLES away with that. all right", be hesitates 10 act; and WMn lIe WOl'k done by Prosperity )'lelhod, For Ladies in Do yuu wsut to be this sort of does act, is we.alienedby affectation, Pl'ices: I persoll? Let everyone think cal'e- It Is. howe\'er, an Intellectual death Gent's Suits Steamed and Presse!!, COATS folly ot the ('ourse he Is pnrsning to think that one has done bls VHY 35c. Gent's Suits Is bel ping or re- horlzo)l, The man, 'however, who and One piece Dreeses Chemically :l!ILLlNERY tardin~ progress at WeSlern i\lary- smotheM his mind and who does not, cleaned and pressed $1,25, apparel I land. ~~~Te ~re many who are "A, lla\'e the confidence to give his best Safe!), with Cllstomer's Is SHOES p, 0, :-;S, "ho are holding 'back. to humanity Is a sinneT, and ha'S OUTfirst oonsideration always. T W. MATHER ~ SONS ::!r:~_~h~l:u~:~: :~ ~~m~~I~:t": :~~:~ Jnto the first dl1nger o'f knowl- ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI, I. toe l5u'cks the lUe--hlood of the oa,li, Tbe aecond danger Is the knowl- College Representative, Weshninster, )'1d, so mer are !ffi.pplng the vitality of edge tbat makes a man turn nsld" Hersh _"-venue, Westminster, 31d,
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