Page 85 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 85
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 22 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Apr. 20, 26 DEBATING SEASON CLOSES MR. ROGER J. WHITEFORO COMIC OPERETTAPRESENTED MILITARY DAY AT W. M: C. SPEAKS IN ASSEMBLY BY STUOENW a board of of Officers at from \\"a51\- ths Army Stafl' the who jmt them throu~lI a sxamtnatlon of the. subjects in the rusrrucuou. This em- Rifle- jtarjcsma netitp. Hygiene First Aid Ireat rueut of injuries, .\[lntuIT C'Ol1l'lf'SY, phvaica l Exerclae, nunl .. S111 + How- scounne (111d Pat ruling. The Auto- , 1'. !II have been arrle ntly aup- n1:ltlc TIifl • xrachtne. guu. )'la[1 )lak- ,-hU ',~ Prt r•. -or \,'ills who lias in". ~\lWl~I'Y Eng+neerfne; )'IQitlll'Y It v..1' fail fl In add a frj('n{]l~' Law, Internattonul Law as applied f adm .nit ion or advlr t-. uor til lend worrare. xuutarv HI~,tor)'. I'uru- IH'!jlill_ hand uflldaJ1y 01' nat Prlnclples antI Command and Learlershtp Arter the (i)PoreU,'ul oxnmtna- uons lI'e1'eh(.](\, the' entire Reserve cmcers 'frainliH, corns were nssemsrlcd all (he camnus for prne- tlcn l rlsmun stra ticus of the subjects htt h\ thell ~IHlnJl' murclrinz and r-onnt cr-murnhiua. (\))(1 the uvetr tunes lhe)' pla,\'(>a, It was nu illsj)\ring s!;-ht to i~ aee these "(IH~h" wllidl Llllll men In their vteorous young well-ftt,tln~ nul- to (\0'1 ~)~~~'~ji~~~I,I!\'~~:;;~i,:,\!l;c~:~:;gi~~I1S!l~:n~ 011 lli~ lnvr.stment. But onefOl'mutlOlllonn-othp.r, and all Income lire no test ct IUSIW,\J,L !.jJo~ASO:'llIl'W'iS the n rul control o[ of fl man, If lib is not SA'ITBIJ,\r 1111(1",1' .urectton thetr fellow stude.nts. roB 1,1. Bllknt!1. nuke \"ni\'el':;it,I", \\illiil~ 10 serl'(I Ot1l1'l'S as himself, Tlie work ~211de{1up hr a sha'll l)at~ RU1!::(r", alhl mallY nUll'l' ~!'hooll! or thell he is not wanted, Therefore, 24, tlG' In whidl (he latest type weapons will I mllke It my aim ill 1111' {aLm'!' , ' work Lo ~f'ITe 011)('1'8", were- \1sed, The Olemy wns l'eJ)Te- 1\,s[!rn '1:,1"1,,1111 WIlS rqITe"'f'nt- COlllpetltlon ia k{:(>uer noll' Lhan se!ltfd only, and tlil'1',' wag [Iuite-a I~,,:::,:,::~"'::::";;,:' tl~::~;:::';'::~:"::::':,~:~i':;~':::::Y:i:,:,~;:::::,~::':i: "d, ,II" '" Ilw ron" "i<" 'ho" 'l d 'Hll!i~ spa 'OU TIlt' \'nl- dtl'i\!n'll fI~I'I'ire Ig greater, ''Choose team IIi!! win the fil'Ht ..:ame of ihe ~it, or HLhmnnd upheld the rill' jll'ore~slon which hest enables fr()Ill el'ery lUI.I!ll, n",n'~l'nt ....d by B, Stf'll- "ou to serve', Next wee'k WE' pIa," GcoDrgetoW)l, co"er, went lhrougll , II, R Itd'man and n. 'White, Thl' Are:H{-HLIl'guty any Illllll 01' our '!Innunl l"Ival. tin' mnncul'll'1' fI!' If it WIUI fI refll f<~",r C;, ~, Wi!l~ !JffitiHII'"(L ~ronll of 11l~)lcun leave is good gOI'- ~O\11hilt. A 1101'('1fentu!'(_>.of this bat~ ernment. The peopll;' ot 'lhlS coun- The !)lost porml:\\' !!'POl'-tall lha hill tiel \\'[\91Ihe nse or Chemical Ile;enc- try nee(\ 10 realize that the eOllsl!tll- nt pl'e-aent, ~n t1le ll1iIlO)"SpOl't. l\ne, le-s, (ll1ring the. ndl'un('e whell open In:L'I'\ :o;W'I\ 1\\1'1',\ t!OIl of Ihe Fulled States Is the see-mR to be Golf, ~xceeding Intel'~ p,'rOUIIIlhRtltobt' (-rossell, a harragEll \',Ol"I'1';".;'\1' e:rt'alem insLrutll.E'nt of personal Iib- t>SIt has been Ulken ill thill lI\)orL by of smoke sllPlls w{'re throwil out !l.,!ta Si~Dla Kill)I)&'is very glud to erty that hus el'er existed. We nlUst \)01,h Stu-dC1lts nlJHI Ins'\nmtOTS, It is ahead, and on eXIlI'0(llng II thick. noum:" that Belen Elizabe-lh choose OCf'Up.atlOliSthnt wIll provide the CDnceusus of opinion that a tloud of white snwka ('o"erl'd the 'aln of the dR.!;S or Hi~i has 'boon for ourselves, fol' society, lind for cllam'lliona.llip round 'be plnnneu fo!' I entire ground to bEl'crossed, allow· f"hed Inlo full nte-mbersh!11 or the future l':'cnenltiolls good government the middle or MIlY, Come. out and ing the men to croos lhls ~rOllnd uu- b, (CQntlnued on last ,pCLge) test rour will-power and (enl'jlel', (CoutinUl"(l on llage 3)
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