Page 84 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 84
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. A In~l'ljy '1'0 ·'l'IHII'l'I.SVnr SI::XIOII I.\\'J::S'ITITIIE ,\'I'l't;;o;llt\:\'CE" {Cout.tuu ed nom first page) in your Issue of ylarch 23nl, under coneze has fadled If it nus uot stltr- DOWN TOWN STOP AT "Pop" Shipley's Is no 'place for, tuoae who hav e courage and endur- in General Hardware no time to waste .on young lance .. nen who work hard and eccn- FLORSHELU SHOES ~:.~,I~l\~~ll;o:;::l\S;'~:~i~sillt~rl~:t~(:;~:Sll!_~~:;:::e C~~~~I~ot~l\~:~~\~t:;(~i:'l~;ll~h!; STETSON HATS IHeating & Plumbing Systems in anv «eatgunted course, there should ron that t.hefr SOliSmay trottc. Intematlonal Made-to-Measure Installed. »ecessornv nre some more nteaaant I And 11'0 sane man cau show mem 9. Ul~1I {)th('''S-I1~('e",,,al'''', hnw(l,·er. il1 sound reason f"" such all ar-rnnge- Suit-. (Esthnates Furnished) the final cotnplotlou of me course. or meur." 't'uore is sHU no road the to geomefrv : and he who hiS 'Pop-Notch Basket Ball Shoes. -0- -0- -0- ---0- -0- mental the Latin noorty ill '~chool will ANNOUNCING kind of ctasse s yon nave if in the rlaya to come. per-torm -0- ----0- -0- -0- -o- there were e!i'-\hl 01' tun aubiccts us- aame way III nie Ill!~ine!Or~ world. We do all kinds of shoe A big reduction for Sl'-'lI~d, nutl then this note InCk('
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