Page 83 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 83
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page 3. DON'T FORGET MOTHER THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING PHILO xorss !)J{, wrnn OI"I'('IHS :HW "I,,\.'.S AND SHOE STORE Philo has chosen as her contest- .'ON COLLt:la: MAY 9TH. Jacob M. Ephraim, Prop. Westminster Mt. Airy A special Mother's Day Box Brunswick Taneytown Sykesville Littlestown. of Whitman's is just the thing, See Us First and Save. Get details at CHIROPRACTOR 110 E. Main St. ).11'. uortowe was gtln1116 wel~'J'llin'! cvaucn ,IJr the studcnt!! and the tao, uhy. In a snort talk he stressed COLLEGE SPORT SHOP !~::'~'in~h : ~ g;o~~a~ s:h,:I~~~l~tret~~l:~~ stuuv. '"and deter- coouerauou. and the on eouraae fi<:ld. about it's "You fine ,,],1 to want gootl athletlcs. whnr aru! it;uuI talk once are you willing to pay tor it ?' Good spcrtamausaup is one reqUll!IH SPALDING ATHLETlC EQUIPMENT of a eood uthletic to record. ahcut Ther-e 1, tho much nef'd lH)1 won}, reams. they will have that (jU!l.lit), S9 West Main Street I Sportsrnanship i.s [ust as necessnrv be n" arudents. The-r-e shnuhl »ne in rU'l.?ill~ or enhe r offlctul s or plaver-s ; res-pH!t should ~)e snoe-n to all orn. ctala: uo one should ridlcule a Ten per cent discount to college students. Jllay~,J' visit in!{ lll(' tea T1l~ coach sholl~d "bawled be whom has no! out": cons+dercd our opj-cnents nt- our ena rlc.s- they ,In' our ~ll ~'S nut onrfrreuds. Cr epernttcu is :11 A"l-{',h,c(] weauoe. The .~tudell.J.~ were asked to cooper- xxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(XXXXXXXX~ ute \\,'t!l tue rcat-h ill iH'!plll::" th~ uth!~t(!s to pro!!r{~" III th' I,' I;' lldl(',"" J::::I~c:::IJ::Ic:::Ic::rClc:lJ::lc::rJ::lc:lJ:::::::(J:I:c:::ICI and Cood to kec'jl their 1'«' Ira:nin 'ds ~ l'nl·:i. .'111 pl;1\' s('holas[ii- 1111jlot"lallt part in tlthletil's Th- farulty will g;hHlly I(",.)lerat' If th studpn\~ do their ,pan 1))' r~~lll 'I' at- da·~~·s ~ Westminster's Cut Rate Store ~ ttcndailr."t! In the. fll ,'I;'l.iI~r~'U1S. and efti,'i~llt work 59 W. Main 51. Klee Apartments D to It s:'r1l)) nlon!;: u~·I't'~>!al'Y N [ur tlnel' a I·J,,-~''r he nJuy y('[lr~ for two D The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. D beron' he do g:ains rC~'fJi:"llition. '('his aud h~ D wHhout should ~omjllaiJ1in~ IIli1lJis, in\'eutin~ ;\l"€ pssolli:1i D,t(l'mjWlti'}]1 uthlell~ null COlll"IH?,e (III 1\1" D GET OUR PRICES 0 Ii,!'] In ~tudpl1\!,; Int I·, fl\r',)\", (] Ilr'.:;c:\ \'~l"- '·lll··lll!
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