Page 81 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 21 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Apr. 13, 26 TRACK MEN TRAINING IFRDSH DECLAREDCHAMPIONS· OR. WARD OUTLINES NEW I SENIOR INVESTITURE FOR MEETS '10<"" 'fl;~;,u"h 22. tho PLANS FOR COLLEGEI ruor. S""'"S ~ Fl'€shmen defeated the Juntors 7-6 DELIVERS AIIVHt:SS Every afternoon the track squad is ~\~:~r:ee~\neillofY~:;Ii~;IJg;;~ll~~:I~:~IS COlldlHllrJow '>res$lt.ed. W:I~~ei:.::~':~r;'I~:S;~:.~~~~r ~la:: j'JlII;rea;sing in nnmeera whjch proves The game was fast and excutug and Tuesday morning at Chapel Dr. gaqcer .Chapel. Alter the usual open- lhat there is 911 awakened tuterest was replete with thrills from 'begiu- Waq,u outlined .the new otens drawn ing service Professor Sanders in this minor eporr at \~. ::\1. C. III !ling to end. After some fast and up Illy the committee 011the ravtstou char-ged the seniors. Illite of the fact that illS r ecogntz- furious fighting in the Ill'st half the ot the curriculum. after which he "Today we are fol~o-wing a custom £...:1 nnlv as a minor sport is no rea- .ruutora were leadtug 4-0 M the mid. presented rue new athtettc director. that had Its beginnings mall}" centur- ~.,·h whatsoever why It can not he way p-oint. At the begunntng of the '\Ir. Barlowe, who appealed to the tes ago. Ecclesiastical jnvest.itu re " and should not be a major sport like second half the Freshmen started out students to help him. "put Wes'te~n by Iav prtnces dates at least from -the Io()tJ~all. basket ~ball a~d ba seball. ill a convincing manner. and it "'raryl~nd ccueze au tile map" In time of Charlemagne. In the early 1: tIm: rrack Will ~be III the fi:-Sl wasn't long until they had tied tnelr athletICS. church. erter a bishop had eeeu C'lI.SS, J, Blue Ridge and others. It was indeed a great victory fa!" til,} scholastrlc, soCia,1and athletic.. ring upon the fin'ger; 'and 'these and the other meet which is the larg- F'reshtuen, and it may be said here As scl!olal'ship is the primary pllr- badges of office I\'ere e'rr.lhlematiC- eq of all track meNS in the United that the .Juulors put up a very gal- pose of a college, it must not be sull- the one of spiritual care of sonl!!, J:,1atl'"S,the famous Penn Relays. at lant bnt losing Ihattle. To the vlc- ordinated to any other interest or the o-ther of the espousals, as i{ were, PhiiadehJhla. April 23 and 2-1. tors helong th~ spoils, COnsequently act!llity 'The Sotandards nt the col- hetlween the pastor anll his churCh Trials wilt b~ held this Wednesday the Fresll'men 'will he 'presented In lege hR-ve been l'lIised and better or mOnasteT~'. It \\"a~ many years or Thursday: thl' 'hest men qualify- the near f\ltm'e ,hv the Y. )1. C. A. a wOI'k Js eXIJected from HIe students. after this that the cu!!:tom was op- i!1~ "il! I!;O to the Naval Academy lOIl- e~Led in the grant.' Thel'e[ore iu- an,1 freshmen will include tion .. t'1' {ht· tRIl and are IIIlll)erin~ Ill} the Freshlnf'n. J.ineuj)· snphom()re ("olle-ge sulliects. some iug -some rl'e~hll1en .!twio!'!';. jnnior and senior high s~holil sub- I'esled. a~ II dOll. l\ \)al\l1er. a hl'Uo!:h ~_aHl r~ar \\"{'Hel'n :\Iarylalld har! "~. Dellinger kno'II'ledge and ora tree, 'or SOllIe other oJ)j<;,tt ac- • '1"<[1"1. feRm whirh nUlde a ~l'e{ilt- F' ;\orl"is to the ('USLOlllof the fier.' Ie showin..; l·onslcl..rin~ all (If thp C. Tn,hman of a swonl l'eprese\lted a 11 dn~ di~adranta!l:e~ .l. D. John- G Gailler a Halldard a 11l'0liuce, the 11l1l"jloSeis to the ..word and scelHre, effi- - 1,:: ;'~f~!H/I:I()t~lil:S!11~·::~;·l~al\:.at11d;~lf~I ~~fel":I~~ennY YOlIllg fol' the iJenefit of the student lll\tl th.:! blellllltic respectil'elr of sen'iee and .. ..,t"tand It !>honld lIot he allowed LipI») to college whelhel' lile M\ldent I~ good rniliw\'Y (·omnHlnd anci or judicial wIth Quinn. Johnson -it- Out. "lL II Pp[(,r;;on. rt'pr{'sented (he GI"{'en college material. 1Ii1c\ whether ile 15 Iprerogatil'e, became the usual em- 11\ Golt! at rhe Pf'nn Relay in 192.~ Till'ee l'heers fOI" the new "y" capa'ble of undel":akin g graduatei b1elll or the ill\'e!ltiture of la)lllen. ,{I with tWO of thf'se veterans in President! Don't yon know who It wOl-k. A .greater \\estpl'n :'Ilar~talltl "Dnl"illg: this time the clergy l)egan 1"1I1ni1l:;anll other Ill'W IllMerial, Is? Sure alHI I thought you did. meallS lllgher sUinda)"{i!;.more iHlen-I to wear a distlucti'"e g."l"h.and when 'lhitH!, lp~s than n mediocre (Iuanet Well sluce that election we hal'" slve work, smsller classes. and more the nnjl'ersities arose the teachers f qnarter nl!lers "hould be sent to gr'eat llopes for the coming year. To ('ontel'ence 1I"0l'k-al1 DC which will WPI',Ctmostly cJCl'its. However at all fllr Wf'stl'rn \I01r~'lanrl at the Rf'- our' 0\\"11gratification HannOld w,,"s contrihute to n real college edllc,'I-1 oue time d\l·ring lhe \llddle Ages. all Jay;;_ the \lWU who got the jo\) '1'he uwn tloll. students wore go\\"ns and 'hoods to \\11)" 1I0t come out for track? (t on the "HilI"' who could do the work WhHe speaking of tile ~ocial IHe Ill"ote(;l them from the cold or the _ a 1!:00d"'Ilort. as well as Hallnoltl are feW. in fact on the lUll, Dr. Ward referre{\ ·to the met\!el·al ~chool illnildlng:S. Later he Is ihe O!ltslandin~ "Y" mall all organization of clubs ,in college. He the w,c'aring of a ca'p anti gown h)' au lil(' campus. \\"(' arp expe{'t1Il~ great persollull.l· has 110 I)h,jl'ction to tlt1~, unciergrndunle "ellresentect tile at- r. n. t. \, U:W (,.\lU'.:'I' thing~ frOm him. hut we m1!~t gin' hut ,staled thut.1t \s the ,~enel"al con- Ullllllleril -of a t'~l"tnill de-~-ree or 011 the- el'el1ill~ of Wednesda:;. him great ihing-s with which to w01"k. l"eu.\lUS Is no place for [l·atel"ll\tles. I knowledge. Of o,pilllon lh.a.t a smull t:IlI- A'rfl sen.nth. the Y. \Y. C. A. new His conllection with athletics nn(l\lege He "With wh,lt has thjs eollege clothed dnt't ()fH:-iallr lOok UI) its respoll- his Cht,istl"n ,Ideals are the reQul- fUNller slated thnt the BO(lIl"{\ of yOll? Willi what ,posse~slons has it &e':.~ti:;~~p:~I~a~:ld t~~~~t~~tol~:;~~ll:~~ 8i~es a ''Y'' presldellt ought 10 have. :t'~~;::ISel':\s :\~~JI:~~~~!1~oOllr~';!~I~:::\l~;::'~;'I:s~~C~"I~::l~lllit~~·t~OIl~~:~:e(:n~~~::~ dllties tn the- ne-w memhers. T1H' With Banl1ol~ as pilot aud Elliot, are advantages and disactva'nlnges at pie from I·arion~ sl>('[iol1s, your con- nit-I> "as H'ry IIrelty. \\"it1\all the ,,"~o(lell. 811(1 SIll In as mates the old the estalhIlS!\1llellt of Slich organlza- lacts hal'eht'ell increased. Those .ftit:ers Ilres>
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