Page 80 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 80
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (.'OLI,ua: DII'uO\'E.,n;!S'I'S I ~e .must lea:'u to UPh.Old. OUT' RUBBER GOODS I l . l Hardwar" CO. Prom time immemorial. eu ch geu- law s. 1ll the third place. The. per- of all kinds IWes mlnser II er:\I.10I\. seeing the nuuta'kea made b~' S111 who .sIIPS" througb a~r avnilable I THE NE\V IDEA CLOTHING J b d tis oreuecessore.ha~ nttempt ed to \\l, c~~le~eI:,,"S. :~ not gOHtS" A:KD SHOF. STORE ob ers an Retail Dealers :~~ti~:~h:~1"~:el~i~;!'~n'l~~lee~~~.e:.e~l~ ~~untr/ ~:-~:)~~l~;ot c~~~)~.I~\.~fO~II: 97 E. Main St. Westminster in General Hardware Iaw, but regardless. stuce it is la\\".I-o- -0- -0- -0- -(}--- muke great jllllll'ovements, but to we must a ulde !by It umtt h is re- A HAPPY EASTER Heating & Plumbing Systems ouva haa been given the greatest (1)- and Installed. llonunity stuee hi~tory began to moved from the statutes. We do 110! a to ~;l euake the worlrl aietter- [01" cur uav- uuhold ~\\l" laws ou.r8el\·e;;. 1101' (\0 Joyful Spring Vacation ~~~ln~~:~r1~r3~el'ewew;Qi\~:i~~g 1)::~S~:~ :; "M (Estimates Furnished) leaving onr work ul\comllleted'? SOli would dectde that for taws of the I other Royer I -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- one he wonld keel) all the Our job is not to So ont and re- two f1turlent government coneutn- -0- -0----- -0- -0- -0- ANNOUNCING 111ode,1 the worl(\! Our iou is to re- lions. what kind of a "Hill" do YO\I A big reduction for model ou-rselves l OUI" Job Is to nn- suppose we would have? HAVE YOU SEEN OUR prove ourselves. 0111' a'ttttudes ',0' College students only, in musical lines. Special bargains; $2,50 ukela- lies $1-79; Tenor ban- joes $6.00; m 0 u t h organs, 50c to $2.00; DOWN TOWN STOP AT "Pop" Shipley's taco over- hi~ opponent. much less -O;-un-;~~I';;~~N-;:~o- AT THE FORKS -0- -0- -0- ;1~:,,(1~::rI~lf:.~lf-;~:~~'~a:.:,er~ll:.l\ te~~:~ ('n)II'LI.\IE~'I'S '1'0 IU:', AlB -0- -0-- 55-R Telephone mat os : mev arc tryllll!;" to hefp us '1'1";,\I.:III-:R [Pj1\ out coupon and mnill to teuvn i() OVe"l't'O\llC the foes which ~llss !"'clia llito:. teucher of Ilifl- Col1e-~e. CHAS. KROOP \\"{)uloJ crush one!' \\"p vent.ure out tOl')" at 1110: I3el Air ITi~h S~hooL has Golt! Flug, W"stern :\Iary\and 1nlo the worl(\. Our victor,,' is Ollr rl'eci\'el1 a l"l'fluest [rom The [.item!"" Wrstminster. :\trl Leading Shoe Repair Shop joy. We Illn,. he lillie to Dil\eSt for n ("C)J!Yof her examinntinn Enclosed liI!!1 ~1.00 for snhscrill- 25 E. Main St. \";]nt~ldl\;~II::,:\7t'ao~:::I:mn~~~t;\~1:1:1tl\~~~ All' H:~h ~~~~o;/ ~~l::dE(~~orl1~~ I ~~~lnOO~or~~o~~1 Btl:!: for l"t'mainder of Westminster, Maryland '!w,t'k (dl his laurels and nlll] TIH.' J)\1!:f'Sl Ill<'m ~o hj~hly llUhli~h them as fill (:\"ame\ Send your ,;hoes to Charles nil Iflrlli~llI'd ,dtll punr sill). anr) decE'jltion'~ Le liS carry l'XfUl1ll\f' o[ what t"xamlnalloil ll\\l'~- Kroop by Parcel Post, they will (HI I' g:ood ('\l'llil I!jlortsman'!lhi;l tloll~ I!hnuld 1)\'. '\1is~ Hlte lw.s oc("u- (Street) be repaired the same day at a thl"l'll~h OUl" dully dllsse~, exnlll~, ]1\1
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