Page 79 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 79
The Gold Bug, western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. . I l IUWW:\IXG-ll!rJ;\(; I'AU']'\" I Y.. u. C. A :\OTES - Attention W. M. Students B Last wednesday 1 evening the Y- j!. ,.. for a snappy. suit tailored in UP-I DR A J MORREl ill:r~rI:X ~1~'\~i:I:2",L~::~~~Y~'SO(;I;~;::I:c. A. met f?l' the last time wnf t,,"_e- to-date fashion-a-and from I~t- ,. 'M . I nd entertained Philo and Wel.J.stel'at present orncers at lIS head. Nest St. patrfek himself, woum h." I. . . 1~~~~;~rns;;ahs~~~bj~S t~rfc~: LIcentiate of State of ary a .. party in )l~r:'a~liel. Het!sPt.iOli . :~:~;~Srl;~'re~:~~ng.y:~c::d ~!J~rr:. . h I Westminster's Chil'opra~tlc Phvslcfan om Come m look t em over. been daltahted not at. the hum- matntle r of tIns year , WESTMINSTER TAILORING age paid ~o him, bnt at the so- Frank GI"i.ppin. the Jlre~idellt. ',_f COMPANY ~o~ -c-c-c- ~o- -I}-- -0- cia I succeas of (he affair. ~~:: ..v-, Ilea l~~~~::~lsePdeett~leU~~l;!:~ Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers S '"Cha,pe" Day and his dinner b~1l1student with a sntn that eoes on :J, 6'1 W. Main St. • Phone 225 F. A. Sharrer & on presided. Three novel get-toget~er vcvaxe, at each port 011 "'the waj Au~o Deh~ery games lessened greatly the feE'hu',; where it stops. it au-nors 0)" "ties Representative calhng each day HOME F RNISHINGS uf restraint and a.ppar-errtsnvuess sc up." It wams to be fastened. Like- 'L. K. Woodward, College Agent. U 'Ilre.VaJ':nt at the ecctai f,unctions on [Wise a atuden., lllust. tie uil with -0- _I}-- -0- -0-- -0-. the Hill; and by the trme severer thin',;H while :HCollege, why not 1st westminster, Maryland. no.hle votumeers hat! executed, to it be the Y. \\. C. A? The officers . We do all kinds of shoe everyone's amusement, various aeout to go out of cmce. tried to ;~~~~!~;d:atisfaction -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- :~~~~l~~O~~Sre()r:::sO~::f "~:l~::~;al\~~ ~~ot .\~: ··S~!~)l.'Ihr:u;:thael~oo'~t;::' When the late and good fellowshi'p. The group I will try it !lext year, we Illust be J. D. KATZ PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Ialollg. pceti~ lines-a few 1al!"llted hae)! of them and tie up with them in unusually Ibe prO"ed [(l wanted a good excelled may have success so thal they W. Main Street PHOTOGRAPH I es'pe~lallYin lhe, an of blank I.el"~e·l their attempl, that of tying up lnen he sent for Elhzabeth Bemiller gave a most lll- with Cud. Unless a mall LiE:S himself life I up with God, he is like a. ship with~ -0- -0- ~o- -0- -0- Sereck S. Wilson teresting ::tt!COU!)tot St. Patri~k's :\lariull UUt a l'udder. Then we must asS(lC- • Ireland; and his work in II IPPY ompany a B b I yon l! l' C -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Curhng sang ~en Snllhng aud -When late v.iiDh unl fellow mell and trade. effectlvel} thlU"ht:; :\Ilr expellen~es Ideas so that II Ish Eves are FLORSHEIM SHOES [THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~~~~~;\e;r a~?~:~~lC~e~d~)::s~~~~~~:~~~n~~eb:(~~ernefined r~r haHng OF ,VESTMINSTER lugs Come out on Wednesday night and. STETSON HATS Westmmster, Maryland Pepp. games, Irresistible mUSlu of vote for )our candIdate to pIlot the. International Made-to-Measure CapItal $125,000 I~a~~U
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