Page 75 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 75
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. Torus rnn S1'UOEYrs SURE ENUF! DR. A. J. MORRELL . (Continned from page 21 I.odging tltl"(illghOut occostous ou :I!eals save rev Deck chairs and l'1Jgs at a unprogrammed days when it 'I'he Tea Shoppe at Bonsack's Licentiate of State of Maryland. slig'ht rental. would be a nulsance if cue had A good dance orchestra. to ce:r~)~:~~:s,eXjl;~~~~t;!l'~!nl~!t ~~I ~~~~_::;_o~:~~:~THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~~:i1~~ln:i;)i~~:at~~l~'o~ft~i:u:!)~~;nr~~ ~~:!~l~~~~;le:;le~'ndWil~th:ar~n:~i~~ OF 'VESTMINSTER will be invested ill the work of the dual; but eV(:l'YOlleis n(lvised te We do all kinds of shoe repairing. Satisfaction Westminster, Maryland. 11(:;~ese=;~:~les which make the ~:cI~eOJ:lf1~_j~~aS~il;~lG~;~tl~:v~le~~ guaranteed. Capital , .. ' ... ,',' $125,000 Itours Yaluable, make them iuex p en._1 checks, Il is to be Iborne in sive. T!l~ stu!lent organizations are min(! thaL the touTS average al- J. D. KATZ Surplus & Profits , .,. $138,000 a.. hIe beC.aUSe of official stan!llng to most three months, TO lISSl1l'e a place in one of tte redUCtiOns all along the line, W. Main Street Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., secure ralll\,ay fares to Iheau'e tiCk- pantes, 10% of the price of the tOllr Chairman of Board, [rom etS; I.hey allow theil' American must be paid at til ... thle of re,!!.'istra- -0--0--0--0--0- L. K, Woodward, President. guests the full ,henetlt. lion, The balallte Is due not lolter George R, Gehr, The Babylon 6 Li~~yCom~any Vice-President, Cashier. ~:':;:n~e (:O&t figures ure based 011 than _\!ay 1;;111. The Bureau of r;~~_s ~~Ple::il:~J~;e, UI~~~'~~'~~~~~:'i~t~l~d~:,~~e::~l'~:a~~~ln:t~!l\ :~; -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- able .changes ,before sailing, P1'ites l'egil;ll'allon whi-ch does \lot compiy FLORSHEIM SHOES may Ilal'e to he altered a~coJ'(lil1S;iy, with these requirement", ST~TSON HATS I SAM COHEN ~\~:~rehaeS~~or~\;~I~'~,:,~;~~~'oa:~::~I::;ii~:~!Oncanct'llat:~~II~I1':::'~~l'to June 1st 1II'IIH)ilt: :?I·.T, 'I',\ILQI( I'e~llons[hle fOl' lhe costs, the amounl received by The GilI'll d International Made-to-i\leaSUl'e. The "Pres~y~e~~::s~:dl in Town l>rk~~eiI1C:'~:~~\(l trip !>tealllship ::;e l~~lln:J:n:~,[1\~~~l~\e~l~~~:~t~~ Suit" Suits Cleaned & Pressed, passage plus the ~overnmen-l special adjust::uern, The parttes are ~ Special Prices To College tax of $5,1)0thereon, l.Jein!l kept down to the mInimum tor Top-Notch Basket Ball Shoes, Students. Transportation abroad. which l'edut'tiolls tan be seCUI'ed; 8 ~=~ __ ~ __ ~=== __ ~=====~~===~~=~=== last minute ,acaney may lUcan some changes in tosts for the I\'hole !IUl'ty J::IJ:2: c:::I:c::::I c::Ic::::I c:::Ic::I:c::Ic::I:c::::I J::::I:c::::I'CIJ::I:c::::I "hl'h " I, ""'y fole. ,h"o" b. f, DO ,XTestmt·nster'sCut Rate Store DO :~;:'~~'~~"~:::'''~:'::::::':':l::::: Tnll'eland The Open Road reserve 59 W M . · am S Kl ee A partments 0 be"""lie' be'"" ""I;" p,.",;~:: corresponding rights of cancel- the and alteration, A tOllr ration O The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. 0 ;:~::~~::~i:~C~~£:~~;~;I:~:I::,;:':~:: t. o full rernnd is made, Because of the O GET OUR PRICES 0 ",' h., will be refunded, ("OUdllet. thllt hi, .,wy. 10 I,." OC I. for improper drc;lped which hill amount O Face Pow ders Creams 0 0 I to 8aI'e on the expenses the mllna~emenl withdrawal enables of til", party. of the The Chairman A(jl'isorr O Talcum Powder Toilet Articles Comm",,, ,,,d ,,," .Ih" 00",11,,,, to be a\ipolllte(( 1)1 of the committee Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets O 0 I whi~h ma.y arIse beLween !I1~ Hll1't'a'U him '''y adiodi,,,, "",,,,,, "ill add Tral'el Student of Amel'l('an O S odas Ct'gars 0 ~:eet~~~~'v~::d~;::o,::~mbel'sQf o Cigarettes 13e pk. or 2 for 2Se. 0 ::,,~':~'~:~:~":~"'~:':;b;:,:~,;,::~h' pendill~, Reductions are .....s l!OOU o 0 J·w!;cMx~rs o CALL IN. . 0 -c:.' ~t::;~":,o-"'~~_ J::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::IJ::::Ic::IJ::::Ic:::IJ::::IJ:I 150 E. Main St.
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