Page 76 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 76
-Pag'e 4. The Gold Bug, western Maryland Colleg'e, Westminster, Md. , IIIGUEIl Iml'CAl'ION 1 1 PHILO ~Ol'~:S I "JOHN" \ Telephone 55-R from [Jage 1) 1 Philo held her first meeting at the 1 I CHAS. KROOP of 0111' euuceuo» tile war De- IIIlW huur Oil .\Iouday, xtercti S, at E vel' ready pm-tmeut shO)ul[[ control our svstem 6.30 P.).1. The rn-ogram was \\\ cha-rge Very courteous Leading Shoe Repair Shop 'of mer-e ndvnuced learnlng when of Ihe gcmor-s, A Charm.lllg pantO- E rrorless attention I nnlivtrluals tmnose tnen- dews entitled "And the Lamp Went Right style 25 E, Main St. g)'OUI'S, when orgl1l1i1.alionS was pres euted. "Jll\ll~'" Pitt- H air cutting Westminster, Maryland 'their initiations \lPOII the 111>\11 wa.a indeed a "Shere" enough be-I 1 A Iso is time to ~IOP Ihis mad ruce to cause the exciting combat Razor", honed Send your shoes to Charles "kuowledg e nnrt see if there isn't . the ,two" Rohln- Tonics 1 Kroop by Parcel Post, they will mother more sane .courue to the Slime goal. son, 111 her role or devot.ed sdu~:~I~:s °t: The Only Barber and Bobber at b ' air d th ame dav at a re Iaeultle s will ,~:~(~ b:~:~ :;~~:~: fSe':~llt ~1;eal;')~lI~:;e the Forks v:r~eiow ~ost, e s } students must. 'We I k.nn,," how to make a thermome~el" 1-0- -0- -0-- -0- -0-1 Give us a trial. ':'I~~~()~Y lying' SU~::I('~;eOCI~I\~~rr~~~~l~ ::~SI~~S~O;;\eto fl~~I~e e~~O,ol~s~eat~:: ~~~l~ xsw SPRING STYLES 1- - 0 -0- -0- -0- -0- :~ldH~~:~~g"ill~veth'~lU:tel~l:~:e aP:~::;~~~::1(::::tsll~~l'ekl~n,:::;'ed~eliclous refresh- For Ladies in Wehler & King sta nd >Igai\l~t that group or wretches Next ~Iondar (at 6'::0) the COATS GRADUATE PHARMACISTS wno lauah at the ri;hll! of numnn- will have charge O[ the DRESSES lly. B;I'el')'body come cut. MILLINERY The Rexal1 Store .\ ST. l'A'I'III('li'S lmU;TI:\(; I 'I'm; In:MW:\S \ SHOES Westminster, :\Id, 1. Why n \'i~UHI' FI'UI1I the I'ountrv T W MATHER 6 SONS -0- ---{)- . -0- -0---------0- 1,1., I' . The 1.0)1 0' rue morning to each of Yd I t'nll'j SI.e~11 III HII' tHy :I~~!l Why W"stmlnst"r Hardw'r" Co heo", .I "",','" ..,'''''' "" )In), 51. l'alric\, .deten(1 ye- l'nn't ~Iee[l f.ll the \Vestminster, Md, (j (j U (j • Sure ~harl\l r~~' .~\~~:ll,r~~~~i\::,and tile Aulolllobile l~~'!~',:~r~ll night-\)ull-!--o_ -0- -6--- -0-- --0- Jobbers and Retail Dealers 'Tis 111), he\llliliar (·llIIl1ot,,·tinll; to find III(' il,O(lI[ oi "Od"I~', ·llU\ nen')' for':::"'! \kll'~ ~111t" ti";Lllt'(l. ~ll1)1(1 one thaI oj' 1[1<' !I\I,1i('u:'P \\'n~ 6l-;,4, boll! In AI'(' YOII hi!!; ~tl()tl~h tr.l, Takl' thl! wonh; "1'0 lllllH' 011-11 >It'll' ~tt'al1\NL (lnd l)e~:;l~'i;:,,:,i\\I'(:~';1~f"~:~'II:~e,~n~iv~\I~P~,:~ '~~I" !\"\,:O('':I~~ \~:~~ '~~~6~~;lIi~(~:Jl~\~rr~:.:~,>n,:l)li'\'~I:!I'thi;-nl~'~:~'W~:;\\"l'~:: \\'" Inne no\hll)!.( to sl'll hut'ser- 1'.'1111011 lind l'IIIt'l"\,lllll''] ,.pil'lIdidl) I~' trill' I,) hill1~c-l( 1I1HI ,In, t'1 God, \"l,'Ulzel\hn 1", :n·sl' .All ,1"(1\1 linn ,\l.BEHT ",\.\;1':' TOZZI. IlIP 1"~1 \'om l:lr~ll::::::.\.h:~\~:"('~':~'\J(hl~'I~~I~~:1~11,~I:~;)I:~'I\:~~I:~"Y:'(B~~\\~:~c:~ ,1:1~'llr::I';:' ;1!:'r·:\:):~(:I·()l'1d. 1\k:L1~l:);:::::'I'\~:();:~; ~:~ II er~h ,~~ ~~l~;\~Pl1ti1l~'{::tn~~·II!1~~I:~";id. )""u niu" down j"o(\1'$l'IL (\l1L1 )"1'1 lon, FII\I'(>IH'\' ;\i~hlinu;ah' 01' !\O~H' Sl'I\,'!l\lI,'t\' TlII\' 11(,1'1' flild ---0- 1l\'I'('t' ,ll·t·epl it. lIeH'l' try it. su(·h {lth!'r. Y(JU ('-.-\;\ do it. if YOU -0- -0- -0- -0-- l'hl'nlhr'l' "t SII"IJII"hntlll:i SiLOII' )"0\11' al111 SUI" If ~'O1l wjJI I\(,(''''llt lhe :;'~:I1::1I;~'~n ~,I~~.\~~.U\lUtllri~;- :~ll;II~~~;I~l:, WHEN port fo]" our 1('11111:>. wlli(;h Iry to IiI'", 1l\1 III till' idenl!l aNI,)\!, ill )"Ollr life It~('\r DO\VN iJll\',::;'~ il\\('11\1011 to 8el"tIIun- ltOlh' 111011 thy hOlll' nlld 1l1"n~' thy lhe Varsity lzp 0\1 )"onr dllT.'" 1(1 nne\' 11m tr~' tll pn\yer. Light Lunches and Soft Drinks IJa~k('t-l)all l('fllIl will Ihl' Baltl~ 1'l'IIl~ml\wr th!lt {10Ll i~ rhp ~()\I1'('f' f'f And du.lm IlU crown llli", !lOPII not AT THE FORKS more Y. \1. H, A, all ~OO(II\~HS, wlthunL wholll IlIl'r(' I~ gh'~'
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