Page 52 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 52
Page 4.. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. )111.~'I'UIDI.\\ SI'E,\li:-;l HAU1C,\LI.r~DI I READ THE I Telephone 55-R D'l:IIAL'EL How [<1.1's~:~;;be ramcar' WESTl\1I~A~r:R NEWSI CHAS. KROOP n\~:~:d to a~~~~~l]'i~:\~:,~~~'~era;'~ Under n~~;lef~:~:)~el~SI~~\h~fY. ~~~I~.O~~ HANOVE~NE~~~ING SUN Leading Shoe Repair Shop me students in the Wednesday as- question was taken llil as a Mrs. Paul Wimert I 25 E. Main St. :\:~l~~\~'ll~i(:I::I~I:~,fh~~I~k~o~11~~~I~I~=~~~~l~~~l~"rO~~vhit~~:t~';~I'eJlla~P:\i\ll:~I! local correspondent Westminster. Maryland 23, ates mnv lin!! th elr life work. The P .. \"1. Saturday, raised and discussed 1_ 62 Pennsylvania Ave. I Send your shoes to Charles 1926), first Lull; Or the sartes was iletivered The questions ~lOne 98-R. _ Kroop by Parcel Post, they will ~t:~\(I~~::::le;t~~'eo~'}~/~~~d'~i.~~~lId~na~,W:l:\,~~a:o:~O\~':~icaliSm? . ;::re-;:u t::-:n~hos:- be repaired the same day at a the mauacers of tile Baltimore offite 2. Can radtcanem me ennscructtve I I very low cost. of tl;e :- Oil lll~ He tctd them 4 To what degree shall we be Oheese & OlIve OR A J MORRELL jhat. uiere were many rndical upon the College Campus' down at "Bonnies ?" If not do ..• la John I \~~~~e;~e\~le~<~o~~touIL;l1:t l::IW:SI~v}e\:d~::;~~?L Luther and SO I Licentiate of State of Maryland. lire iilSI:i~~U;e~IlI~~o:~:\~;r,t~~te~:c:I(~a~~pr:~l:illfi~~ll:~:s~i qt~~estf~I~:P\I~!emen BON SAC K I westmmstei s Chll0PIRCUC Phyaictan ill''; hi~ presentation of the nature 1. 'That there were two types 1-0- -0- -0-· -0---- -0- and stope 0.( this profession, it rndtcallem. One which ta the Next To Star Theatre. I RUN TO WO\llclnot ue mconcetvaute Lhat many of tne axtr emiat who merely -0- -0- -0- -0---- -0- 1\11 'r '1\ E ~. !I S might think more serloualy of it in revolt against .\II~~ l"HAI!L01"I't: t'UAZEU SPEAKS .... ...... rx uAKt:n (']I,\J>EL for l'Iell)hl!,\' 'I'he io'o':rd:mel' In '\1Il,el'ic;H1- I Finger Rolls, Mince and Pump- advocates abolishing. -rue other i1.utioll-SlIl.ljecl Oi ner 'l'nlk.. kin Pies, and Fruit Cakes. the vleWI~~~!~~1of \,~~~ JlI::\:'~~:~:: I Ca~l~ii~~t~~a\~~:)~er~I~:~:r~: t:: I : A~~~~~ -0- S~:_L~~~P~~~. -0- the old for tile \lew 'be- en's Christian Temperance Union ;;\lrance, just he . , lhe n~1V is based the speaker in Baker SAM COHEN out it." :VIr. Stell(lmRll 111'Csenled sound pnnclples lind IS ~~~~n;U~~~~Y\\:~:·h~;\se~e~nUl~:~. many PJl()\}; 21-,1. '('Alton phaseg of life inSlll'alite-wIHlt experiences ill this department. Cl-1is.sThe "Pressingest" Man in Town insuranCe is; what lifE! insuranCe progressi\'e pl'ol'iding It is FrazeI!' herself I:>a naturalizecl Cithen, Suits pressed 35e does: life insurance as a vocation sound reasoning. basiC 1being of Stotlish origin. Suits Cleaned & Pressed $1.00 Todfll' life insUrance as!t I'otatioll baokedby people w110 )\iss Fl'!lzerspoke of her lirst trip C. R. WILSON-College Agent orfer; a tlHIllce to men and women the United Slates, alld of lIer sur- -0- -0- --0--- -0- -0- alil,e. prise and disgust at being 1;Ialled a Life insuranCc was defliled as a complete lUi'll about of lhin!!,'s foreigner and a "greenhorn:' She huge (:orporutloll wOI'ldug in coopenl- 3. Raditalism, III spetial forms. I became interested in fOl"eignerS an<'l EAT A PLATE-A DAY ti(ln with l!Hliv'idunls,Tlle enUre ~8- can be entirely destructive. Thi;; I theIr point of \'iew at this time. She I ~:~iRnu~~1~~esa~~Rt:;~ar~eod ~;h:l:r:~~ ;~~~~ ~~H,raa~:~~~~~~\L\~Olll~~e~~re~~ I :~t::e~~~~f:I:~~~o ~1~erl~~~I!~'al;I~!~~l~~ NEUM~N'1 stitlltion in the United States example of 11I1s. He believes in I study tonditions, alHI became a Is as carefully gUlS m",.tg~g~~, ~'I'OVEn t:\'I'.:II'I'.\I\ forth ).n,~~ Frazer, In :-<~WYwk . hOllds, utility !\(·tUl ..L~, Cit;-' lllfl(litTel'elll 1;\ll'411'\'~~l!I\Vholesale aiid Retail Hardware, tl'UHt.S. ~t;'(,l\rities, ,'t~ The aflcl'lIO'ln, .Ju U1Hlry 21, RlId Ii:j diffrnllt tliJlel'ls UJ'(, Sjlo\i.'>l\ Building Matedals, Cutlery. qUPR\lOll 11a" ilcen asl(ed. "\\'h~t docs Dean or Womel\ llll
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