Page 51 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 51
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. xx XX X X X X X X X X X XX X X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X XXX X X XXXI XX X X X I XX I J()IYr.mi!~~~'t~~;nt:~~~~ XTestmt'nster's Cut Rate Store IWI;~~~7\'~:'I:'::;~::::::::,',:',:~;~':~';;; ;f }!Jsses at jotnt those Rlld Small. .rones, RobInson, meeting" Hayman. set- tled down to hear Prof. ··H:l.PPY·' 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments Easton's dtsr-nssfon of the courer-. enee. Pro!. Easton WI1Sone ot the ' The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. torumate onea unte [0 nueuu the [ iuto;l'dellomlllfltiOllal cnnfevence fit Chrfst- Evanston, holfdnya. 11111lOi5, during he the gaYea$ Although mas GET OUR PRICES his Easton by taw "Brother ver-y netaneo U-l\COUl\t be Brlef." Prof.. a gave of uic orobresna bercre and speaker';; at ure eonrereuce. Face Powders Creams TIle conference was marte 11)1 of 1111 colors and denomtnatlons. the Talcum Powder Toilet Articles '}'outh or a's America. whet h'ar The 01' nueeuon nat was th .. ruIsed to church should detach itself from the Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets western ci-;"ilizatioll. The answer was that ce rtatntv cln-lst.lunltv sh{')uld I'~;free rrom the 1~;~~~iz8n!~:~I~'{')~~ll~illi~ Sodas Cigars Cigarettes l3e pk, or 2 for 25c. CALL IN. "JOHN" r With the aid HrI; H~WS un-ougu the church. \I,.. -ntsrortc" of the of the Baker Chapel Hymuals thought because. "The t'h1\r~h is. Ever ready I lowing tutcrmauou \\"1'IS outatued: ('ontrollPrl hy tile domtnnut clas s and \' ery courteous ! rene cis tt.s Interest, i!-" lu,;'i(.-d;1JL e n» E rrorless attention ~~\"jl~' ~.=~~a~t~~~ll~I~~tro~·O, !lay does nut know 111(' ftt"t ahOllt I~}{ll"·,. Right style : HUll" Dr, rrue cnndttton. and 1I11~ 11(1 nrucuca: H air cutting progrum U~ to tin> solution of 1.11- Also IlrQihlums. TIll' fl!l,TeJd Razors honed right. arougtu a took dog it ill out, with me r'huruh e~1~12~~I~:;~tl~ll;S~th!~' I~l;: SClellllst~ I tllllleu!;e I \\"[)~'1, seem li~htel' fot" \lal'gie . .-\1- onnluhOlt\ous and ltelleves !hnt even' Watelman's Fountain pens, IOU, :"utous qll~~llOn \\'f) hope l('{"l~~{l~\"~::l!~l.:llld]l!'esitlenl <11'il'- Reduction of ten per cent i:~i1tl~led:i:~l\~(~I~~;'I]:ll~s'~;~~:.i~~ value at $1.00. TIl~Y.W. and Y..\L extell(\-ed !n- will be given to college ~~~a:o.I~·!~e(~Ul~:l~~';~~~O~o~h~Il::tf;t~~ T. W. MATHER & SONS :I\~:_tt:~~li:]:~ i:l\~dstll::.~;;:S t!'~!l:I:la~hei: students and professors. Dean's team fiwas Sqlla~1lerl to a pall- Westminster's Leading Store ;:~ll;:lf'i:ll~,:~j;'r\'~"1I'luellhhers Illll)' well cake by the "Ra(llcals:' PriOl' to the Weslmin~ter Jewelr~ Shop ;;1~tn~IO~~tl~~\::I.:::~ll~;~:~nera:t::~1-7H~~;;-~;~E-;-~~.;oCOODoHM;-ct;- staged ill the "Bore s nest" in recent Stop AT HOUSE OF QUALITY ~;:~~s1:\;~: :JI~:ye~~:~i~~:ee~I~:: . .Ju~l~~ Fancy and Staple Groceries H. W. D, S 1\"1 I T H . S JuniOl'Smaintained the superiority Luncheons BARBER SHOP AND SERV]CE hr one point. ihe SCOl'C belm!; 10 1.0 9. Phone 214-J. Westminster 24 W. Main St.
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