Page 50 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG '.'Ut:SHJL\N GIUL'S nn'U'ESSItHiS 1 Quality Cleaning, Dyeing, dmi~:~i:; :~:~:n~~Cery::r'~~.Stt~: s~~a::~~:d o1Co~~egs:~~~ll~I~~.~::·a~~'~:~~:::: I The Wl"i?!' ~;!R~'J'm~~~:~~'of the I Pressing, Repairing-fine Westminster, :I\:d. Entered as second' e.aas matter at the Westminster Poet .ramous class of '29. On Tuesday, Tailoring-if you are look- omce. I January 19, she with all the rest of ing for a snappy suit made her green sisters enjoyed the here- to your individual form Subscription price, $2.1}0 per year. liorore unexperienced thrill of being EDITORIAL STAFF out in wastmtnster at night. WESTMINSTER TAILORS MANAGING EDITOR .. William S. Veasey '~6 The reason f~r such a rash and CLEANERS & DYERS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF George M. Benner "2..7 u rshearrl of [lrlvllege was the Ill'sl 61 W. Main St. NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '~61:~~)~1~ts~k::n~;i~~e~a:~t~\:~:s~I:~~:.:~ Phone 225 Associate Editors Iof 1J£.IIl~ cut aner dark. awed Iha L. K. Woodward, College Agent. ~~~ht~~n~~~~6son '26 Alberb~;~f~e l~ht:~:~~1~~el~e~~t~lea'\J;:e~~!et:llbe~';;Jdflr:t;~~ -0- -e-o-c- -0- -0- -0- Ii,:':":;~:"""1,," resorted to wrtt- Westminster Hardware Co. Reportcrlal Staff Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 Staid little wesuntnster looked ~:Z[reYS~in.~~~7'28 Willa\~'a]\r.Dil~~r: ::~ ~:e ~~~;:e:tg~~ml~~I~.te~t\'OI~=~~~ Jobbers and Retail Dealers Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 around it: even the close presence in General Hardware Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 of the chap-er.onescou]d not Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 ersnen The ill'rightly lighted sho)l Heating & Plumbing Systems Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 windows and tne crowds of happy students made the llttle freshie seem Installed. Athletic Reporters quite worldly. James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 The armor" was another pleasant (Estimates Furnished) Business Staff revelat.lou, and III the rtuster ~f get- _ _ _ _ . d d '27 -lIng ttcketa and thechattenng of 0 0- -0 -0---0- 1¥~J.~~t~I~~~SA~li~AG"ER"·.· LeWIS ~. :V~loRval" . '28 the crowd the green one felt a glow Babylon l! L' C CIRCULATION MANAGER : R~b~~t U~~:~'27 ~~I!~~\i:il~:;X~~:~\:~~hol:t~I~~oc:1:k:r U IDPY ompan~ eyes the various I ~~~~ ~~GE~.~~E~ :~~:t:~o:'~hea~~Cit~:e:I~!~I';heS~I~~:;:~: FLORSHEIM SHOES ,\~ OL. n -'IA:'I TO ,\ HOY To hear his voice once more. noticed with wistful STF.TSON TQ. "Twas manv veara ago, my lad. I How willingly I would nave then "strikes" seated in Irer vtctnnr. = HA ..., AI~~hlenW~:e~Stgl~a:.\~:i~: :':I:o~~ack, \V~~:\~~~~daId:'\i:; hO:~~·~~~' lad, :~n~~~~lethl~:~ s~:n~:~ ~j~~il;lI:e~~:~ International Made-to-Measure And recr+e called me "Jack." Rude wonts to have IUISal(l. the carters. others were nutte S it 1 weu t to school like you, my lad, That was the last of schO(l.! my lad, The ~a-me t111."illed. and U S But 10\'ed to l'omp and play; FOl" father's wealth was ~lllall, were qUIte. forgotten 1!l the Heavy Wool Sweaters An:h~I~\'::n~:S~ a:o~~~~ you [n'~:~I~Il~~hll~~)1::I:l~i~lll~ ~l~~ts, ~~atCI~\~~{c~;:~lng~'he almost -0- -0- -0- -0- Ala~. I hat,;! s::hool, my lad, So I was put to work ftlonce, 'r:S~ll::il~~a~~I;I;(~leiI:~I~,!a~I~:'::~~\"~1!'~:Wehler & King o/:!nC:I~J~i~~ ta~~~I::eatU~:okS, w~~r~ ~~I:c:t~I~~~SOo\~~~I'~I~~r:;ylad ::~~~eOfh~I~~ b:~::~:lt~:lrs~.fe:tnl~:~;; I GRADUATE PHARMACISTS T saw as ne'er before. tile beholder had nel'e)"I And seized on each excuse was different:. The Rexall Store To keep from studying, my lad, I Bul a few years lIad pas~ed, my lad. before seen It lighted. Thus wasting preclolls yeats. El'e m(lthel', too, was gone; Safely ,back In h'er 1'00111 she Westminster. Md. For whltb I often since have shed And. In this great, wide, Cl""uel""orld. ·breaHled 10 her roommate while -0- -{}-- -0- -0---- -0- Ele::;~:I~gahc:~S;~~:::~rs, The blUerest or tears. I was left all alone. examining he!" features In lhe mirror'l For Radi.o & Radio Supplies Parents I had like YOllrs, my lad, FeTWg:te~: :1~~r~hl~~C~~.a~~~~n,my la:], I;~:va:~~ I:\':!~ll"t;~~:re A~lds;:~:;·t :~~ An~~o:~eVdeda:: ;re~~e~ k ::; day in School days for 'me were passed ill- can go out at night anytime?"' Cleans Hardwood floors too. e hope I Ne'e~e~:, return agaiu -oGEO~ R.°GRU~N~O-I Fri~idaire~ That J, theJi' cblld, might grow . (The electnc refrigerator) To educatlon's lIigh estate. And that's the reason why. lUYlad, Fresh Meats, Grocenes and Delco Light Products, A::~~c:! t~~:dhaaydI'b;:I~e~~n~l~d'lad, Y:l~ ~:~~;e~a::inSgO p~c~~~tS hours, General Merchandise and everything electrical. ~lr mother sat and cried. Which soon frO:ll rou wlll flee. Penns,PAhvOen,e&2SM2a'.nSr, I The Electric 5hop Take warning 'by my w(lrds, my lad, 1 :1:=ddilltn~:r;~~~1 :~l~:i:~~ lad, And study while YOll can: -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Liberty St., 'Vestminster, Md~ !If}' sainted mother's loviug heart- That in the futul'e you lIlay be WHEN -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- T hOlle r ou will 'uelie\'e. A good and useful man. You can find them here now! But. nnt until It was too late, -By Thomas O. Cla1·k. DOWN TOWN I RUBBER' GOODS Did I resoh'e to learll. of all kinds Ah. Ihen fhe chance had come. my lad. A IIIn'JSIW l'IUYt:U THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING For lIle ne'er to return. felll t'IIt:SIl)Jf;~ Stop at AND SHOE STORE "POp" Shipley' s O~"~:y llleasl~tthi~1h:~\~O~~ :~;:o~~d, '~:~:;'eI ;a:~~:\~;\~~t~~l I~::~, ~o~ ~a~~ s~o_ ~~~~~ And I was "ery glad lleeause If I should dte 'hefore I wake. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A ~:~:;n;:~I:a:l: ~~~\n~O~~d, Thauk Heavens, I've )10 i€S~~rl~al~~:' Light Lunches & Soft Drinks I OF WESTMINSTER To tealCher whispe-red low. --- AT THE FORKS I Westminster, Maryland .• T~;~y t;:~~e~o~f~~:11 s;:~y t;o~e; VI~·~~:~..!l1e a senteuce with the wO)'d -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-1 Capital .$125,000 ] knew tlot what to thluk, my lad, "He threw a tomato at me aud Let us do your shoe rebuilding. Sm-plus & Profits. .$138,000 that's viaduct." All Work Guaranteed. Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., But felt a strange alarm. J. D KAT Z Chairman of Board. Freedom (\"Om sc·hool, Indeed. bad .......,sowdoln Bear Skin. Il.Qme. L. K. Woodward, President~ Yet held for me no charm. "ThIs is tIle hest smoker I've ever 96 W, Main St. George R Gehr, I hurried home at once, PI)' lad, attended," said the fire chief, as he -0- -0--- -0-- -0- -0-- Vice-President. Cashier. A man who pn"Ssed me said \vatclied the burning ~~~~/;~~~~~~. For TAXI Service -0- -0- -0- -0- The words that nearly broke my -0-- heart: Day & Night J. I. MYERS "Your father, Jack, Is dead." Our Idea of a go-getter Is one who Call Then was Dl)' tather's lov:e, my lad, sells a ga.rage to a person who bas COPPERSMITH WATCH MAKER More prectous than. betore. hought a chance on an automobile. 150 E. Main Street Ob, what would I th~n not have done -Columbia Jester. Phone 33
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