Page 46 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 46
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG JU"IOIt CIVil, SEln'lCE Quality Cleaning, Dyeing, Official newspaper o.f Western :\Iar)'land College, published on 'ruesuar EXA)Tl:\'ER Pressing, R-epairing-fine during the academic year by the students 011' western 11al'yland' College, Receipt of appllcations for junior Tailoring-if you are look- WeS'tmiIl!iter, :\~d. Entered as secon.o, e.ass matter at the wasimmster post cil'il service examiner will close ing for a snappy suit made Office. ,February 27. 'rue date for assemb- ling of competitors will be stilted 011 to your individual form Subscription price, $2.()O per year. the admission cards sent WESTMINSTER TAILORS EDITORIAL STAFF after t.he close of receipt ~tlitli:rN~Cjl?ki,.o~.... '6illi~m~. ~easey :~~ Ca~~~\xamjnat'O]l is to fill vacau- CLEANERS & DYERS 61 W. Main St. NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. B~'k'e'l:;27,a~d M~,~gPag~ T~~~~~ '26 ~:~:,under the CiVi~~~'.~l:~ ~l~nm~l~~ Phone 225 Asccclate Editors Itrance salary of a year. After ~~~~t~~n~~~~~son '26 Alberb~;~f1e £~~1~~::~~I~~~u~~:~~~~~~~~s:lfv,s:: ~~n:::~ :'o~ ~~~o~~ A.:.ent~ rules, advancement in pa~ may be 0-- made without Reportorial Staff E. M. Hannold I up to $l,S60 change in assignment When you get up too run late for breakfast, Blanche Ford '27 '28 a year. Promottcn to to Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '261 higher grades may be made in ac- '26 Ira M. Dlnkle corrlance rutas with the civil service Rosalie Smith '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 as vacancies occur. MOT HER ROY E R' S Gladys Beane '27 Hubert Johnson '28 The duties consist of the nreoara- for a plate of eggs. Anna Swann '28 Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 --0-- -0-- -0- -0- Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 January Specials-Sale Athletic Reporters in 'full swing. Dry James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 tug vacauctee In the Field 01' menat service o-f the United Goods, Notions, and Business Staff Government, and conferring with BUSINESS MANAGER... Lewis K woodward '27 heads of departmellts or Hosiery. ASST. BUSINESS ~IAKAGER . . . '" Carroll Royer ?8 mental agencies concerning ~k~~~tilbml'ft~JGti~NAG'ER' Ri{beEt ~nger ,~~ and the requirements for sa.tisraC- BELT & BELT ~::..::,~:....",.,:..,,=====~====~=' . rown tO~~~I~~~i:~ ~~:/~:I:):alllil\ed in not 1 -0-- --0-- --0-- -0-- -0- CHEEn}TLXESS happy Let's do it! Attar all, the more than two of the following ou- Westminster H'rdw're Co Are "OU alfJicte(l with that pre- troubles of life are Insignificant in ttcnat subjects: Chemistry, ecouomles. 0 0 • vateut - malady. the January Blues? themselves. Csuall,,: the great SOl'- g'reuch. geology, German. Alre you allowing [he dull gray days rows do noi. cloud over the suusntue. scctotogv. and Spanish and Retail Dealers to get all your nerves and make you 'pnoae whose lot ~t bas been to en- (questions in General Hal dware Iooe for home and moiuer" If you dure great suffel"lng are often the are, snap out of it! most cheerful of souls, fOI" In the to test competitor's general d'~~':"::~"::'~;:"~":;~';"'"~'~::'';~~;::"::~:n~:'"::"'::':"':~~'::'d"::: ;~'o":';:;,:'~~,"01::'~';'::~·';'":O::'"I. Heating &I:~::;~~(~gSystem. ~:~,:;:~ ~:. b~~ ;.;t~·u~la~~~tl~~ll~,\~:~ ~';~~~~It~l\~:~~. ~~~~i~~1h:oPl~:~~~s.p~~:~; ,beI<~~·:t~;~o~'~l~;!~nex:~~nauoll room (Estimates FUl'llished) ~~Si~;;:;~~u~~l1~i~)\~\\~~iC~f1I,::I~SOOI:ll~li~~';~e:~~l::"]]~Il~en:I:I~SiS~et~~:la(~I~i~,O:;a~~~: ~I::~:~ ~::}~e:eCi~,;~a~~~'ice com~;~~~ slou. Washington. D. Co.or the sec\'e~ SLliH', for 11. chetTful fliend is like a seem hard, and hOlne lal" away. tar)' of the board of U. S. cil'!l-sen'!ce B'b I -0- 2 L' -0- C -0- -0- -0- If YOUhave that I'ery Il'1'evalent and 0 yon IDDY omDan~ sunlw.'ul \\"hi~h sheds brightness t·· dis€>:lSe, tile January examiners al the post office 01'custom 1l :::;~~ :i:::\O .~~ ~~e:~;l:~. ~~:~:al~~~ ~~:;e:~I~;~~iU comnleseiltg. immedi- hous~. nny elly. I there are so Ulany other people In arely! .Tt;RnOn. C,\GEUS OPt::\, liMit; FLOR~aIEIM SHOES the world who are "joy killers," who Lt:l"l'llHt:S S-EASON 'l'I]t:SIlA l' STETSON HATS take the joy out of ]jl'illg for others as well as ror themselves. Lire may Made·to-Measure be and oug!'_! to be bright. Interesting and happy and it Is your duty to make it so. Have ~'ou e\'er thought of th:n?
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