Page 47 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. I'age 3. -X9x~i"]X;X(XDX;X(XDX;Xcx~i"]X;X(XDX;XCXDX]XOX~XDX;X(XDX;XCXDX;XOX~XDX;X(X[]XXX~[]X~XCXDX]XOX(X[]X~X~-:=:"~GnADt:S" ~ (Contiuued from page ronr.j 'Vestminster's Cut Rate Store I ate n-amed Ialee ,.,talements qnesuou in some to the of to whlr.l.l regard the problems In t ruru approximation", 01' R part or the trnth , hut anI), one is correct. of which 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments 1 n.~ lhe exam IIUS cnfy TIle pet-son tak- to i'ldl~,ttl! 'o'.hlch0111'he thinka corvect. By such The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. exannnaucns is ellmlnuted as of well long aa the wrilil1~ answers I the personal equation which is S() RtJ.: when professors GET OUR PRICES til unewei-s affe~l Not hing is I€'ft Iliscua~ioll marking ques- 011'1\ to lheir to oplntcn. (or t+ons. I ~I~~:~s:o~>~~r:;~'~tor the pl'ecl~e re- Face Powders Creams Such an examtnatton tuo Stndent 1l(~!Je~."will record the IHO~l'l'''S t.r Talcum Powder Toilet Articles students ill the same wnu nve r- lJ~t ~om]lal'isOI1 ages thrOlI"hont uie Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets the cmuurv, 11 ghastly apor ltgttt, reacnar hlil ,;lId 1,,- on teachlug tuctdenrattv WE' elimtuute from the Phi nete a ;;nll-:'" of nn ru e s uf men Sodas Cigars tu!iolOarterfluukin;outinanothE'r." lie)' at C;}~ »isu- tltl' ~.Jlde!1 'I'h~' nts-um-t ~r,t.f'm. Cigarettes l3e pk. or 2 for 25e. erstem nngle of the a grading ot Ancther pr-eaeut ed in arttctes is 011 State t'ntverstues s~l'ies JIl The CALL IN. Crunmuuwent. syst2-rn nnrt that must have ueen iUI·ente.j b,. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnx:::x:::z:::n::xnx:n some vet Itarhle genius of de~lloera~y. j\~col'{lillg: to this svet em·1l ctass norm. 011'11 "~P!)I'OX' For a GOOD HAIR CUT I I';I~G FOO'I'UAI,I, nu-utsues half it!! the ela~!;.must be giren Im;llely "JOHN" Stop AT F'ootball is 1l1'1St in the hearts. of au anmge gl"(I(l~. l!5U:lllr III 01" C, ('ollege men in the estimaliOll or 1'1"0- a('conli1l'':; to nOlllell,latl!1"~: OUf'- Ever ready H. W. D. S M I 'r H' S W. J. "ewlln of Amh"l'st. nc- r(1unh II ahol:~ a\·era~e. nsual!)' Very courteous FARBER SHOP to hill Spel'dl ·befol'~ lh.' into 1 Rn{l II 0,' ,\. Rnd E l'l'ol'less attention A~sotiation of Colle!!;e I'ro- B: nUll cn~-rOUl'!ll hel 'W, :lls) \lilll'll- Right style 24 W. Aiain St. [eSSOl'S, meelin;:- at Chicago. )'lalitc- h suh-!lhided. Thus no muttel' h011" the class. -0- H ail' cutting i -0- -0- 1'1 ,\I,l'U'\~ -0- I~",\n.] -0- .llj'_ l11'utkSis u poor second. -mathe- Ill'(' POOl' Fllll'<' of b£!in.~ at l<'a;;[ thl'ee-f::Jlll'tha n-o builds InEVI'.-\ "F'ootball stadiums And Also . ])l.'-It:!. II,\LI. .\'11 EVI'EII- maUcs mlll'l ,>I'en build 11 l't>siderH'p matter how [al' Slall~al'd at R azol'S honed '1'AI .... SEJII ....I'I'ES hall," he ~aid. "Colle~es han' taken scholnrship declines from }'t':lr to Tonics With the consent of '\1Iss Hoblusotl on ull the a]lpurtenances of counU'Yreal'. thi~ will never ,be ~eV;il\~Il~':Il;~:!;l~'~I ~1:1~1:~i1(~~:~~~.(>rrs~~:.~l:~:.l:t.1:~Ill;I~ :t:I~;:~~dStl~: S~~~r\~~.Shpi:.~:;~::sl't~~:(~~ sharps, leather goods; fm- ('xQnienCER. The special gll<,st~ of has developed the hahit of f,1t'E'llill~ com)llish th~ fcal by 11Il\'in~ ;111 ,\l'1(\t--3 Ihe Helli]11l: wue 01'. and .\11'&. In hi!! wHe's ui~ht!l;o\\,ll poste(l. prlule·tl 01' dl$trihl\t~d ,by est Quality, complete selec- of tl:~'(~'~llli\\'~ll~;:~'\\'it;1111:1he~I~~ -0- -oRE~~THEo- -0- to -~ ~~~;· n~~t' tion, Men's wrist watches, I Ce[llil'JTI of DI', and \lr~. 1~ldel'(lice. lu;;tl~ honol';; of an\' kind to Jll! ()fl't'r~,l'? Pu,-,:c the ~rfl{les: If obJer- all makes, ladies' wri~t IWestminster I G,\JD\,\ HE'I'}~'UU News ::~:I~~lll~l;\:\e~~ll~,.~:,~~~~l'l~:'::;e~~~~ watches, new des:gns, Come '1'0 [·:~HOW.\lE~T JII'~II stealj elf kllliwlnl;:e, th~ (lu,;\\,er il:! 9.1- (;unlln~ B<'ta ('hi Fraternity gave DAILY wa)'s rellllr lhol It i~ lh~ oull' way in and make a selection a nllnl Hid to lhe EndOll'mel1t fund in \\'hi~h he ["an he It'd tel II'ork at all. IN THE "l';ltul'ajpll ill ~Jlile of hi"lsel(" is the In,I1<'1 whil'h Ill(' nniH'I'sitv llliilks Reduction of ten per cent Hanover Evening Sun lillitahll' f(}\' lt~ ~l'atllllHes. Xo w·JiI(l",l' will be given to college tIWt the \lOOI' fltudt'l1t ~U]lJlOSE-8 thl~ campnign a Sll~·CeSS. gl'!l.(les anll scholarship to I)", i-lpn_ students and professors, Mrs. Paul Wimerl tkat. HI' has little OP1JOrtllllity to J I Sh . t llle youn; , Westmms er ewe ry op I,'",," '""""te t.hat the de"" "I U" old- local correspondent !!;limpAf: lli(> ~eniRI d('li!!.htl' [II' le.!ll·l\+ people Remarked er gellet·atioll. InlL ns things are lng. th(> pleasU1'es of re~eal'l'h, tile HOUSE OF QUALITY I ing noll' the old ones are finding; 62 Penn:,;ylvania Ave, joys of free l1isl'ussioll. Sd)(lbu'shf,]) hanl lo kee-jl lrp with the Is a llusinE'SS tranSactIon hE'tll'E'en AND SERVICE crowd. Phone 9S-R. him Rnd !lIe j)l'OfeSSOI· ...
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